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Posts posted by safe1

  1. Ashtray:

    You shouldn't trust Democrats ANYTIME. They are the ones that amassed all this debt. Granted they had help from some Republicans, but they are the instigators. All this "help" they think they have to give to illegal aliens etc. The robbing of the Social Security fund (from the initial grab for space travel right on up to Obamanations attempted grab by threatening none payment of August checks) is a prime example of this. It also proves that these "so called representatives of the PEOPLE" think they are elite and above the law and all of us - they get their salary for life as a retirement and do NOT participate in Social Security as do NOT some other government employees. The crowning elitism was when they revealed that part of the debt ceiling deal (cuts included) was to "make an effort to collect UNPAID taxes of $1B from GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. Now THAT FOLKS is the ultimate end - BUT WAIT (behind door #2) there is the issue of tax money paying for "UNION activities" for government employees. FAR PAST TIME to get rid of them - donate to the Republican candidates that are for no debt, WE THE PEOPLE, returning to the basic principles of this Great Nation (those principles established by out Fore Fathers). reinstatement of States Rights and willing to NOT take their salary for life, NOT take lifetime medical care, Recall for not following constituents wishes/creating debt, Not paying back Social Security with interest and prosecuting those that took that money in the first place, and finally for conduct unbecoming.

    I basically will not vote for anyone who does not follow these basic tenets, although I could add a few more. I WILL give a substantial contribution to candidates who will restore America to the Great Country we once were. Who will join me? Thanks for your time for reading this - time is money and your time is valuable to me too.

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  2. Yet another stall. Washington again. What do you say? About time to throw the bums out and start over?

    Time to make it hot for these politicians. THEY do not run a thing unless we allow it. Time to start the 2012 election campaign early and show them that we mean business about proper representation and what the TAXPAYER wants done with any WINDFALL monies. Who appointed them custodian of the funds? WE DID, hmmmm I don't remember voting on that issue. Further, look what they did to OUR MANDATORY Social Security Fund. THEY don't care - they get their salary for life. Did any of you VOTE on that retirement Fund? I don't recall we were ASKED, Do You. ACT NOW - contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them this: WE THE PEOPLE demand that we have a say in the spending of the Dinar Monies. WE want the debt erased and Social Security money put back with interest. WE also want them off the dole and on Social Security by the 2012 elections or they get a vote of no confidence -- you know those running DO NOT GET ELECTED AGAIN. WE also want a Term LIMIT of 8 years TOTAL for their Federal Service and NO RETIREMENT (other than Social Security). They have made enough off us over the years to catch up on what they should have paid into the fund plus interest. Last they told us we were important to them (remember when they ran for office). Why are we not so important now? ASK THEM.

    Also tell them the RV needs to happen and we ( the dollar) are waiting on them (the dime) which is UNACCEPTABLE. JMHO

    Thank you.

  3. Great!

    Not to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery, BUT - He does not know our President and Congress. So far they have performed a PERFECT STALL. If we were on an airplane we would have already crashed!!

    Time to make it hot for these politicians. THEY do not run a thing unless we allow it. Time to start the 2012 election campaign early and show them that we mean business about proper representation and what the TAXPAYER wants done with any WINDFALL monies. Who appointed them custodian of the funds? WE DID, hmmmm I don't remember voting on that issue. Further, look what they did to OUR MANDATORY Social Security Fund. THEY don't care - they get their salary for life. Did any of you VOTE on that retirement Fund? I don't recall we were ASKED, Do You. ACT NOW - contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them this: WE THE PEOPLE demand that we have a say in the spending of the Dinar Monies. WE want the debt erased and Social Security money put back with interest. WE also want them off the dole and on Social Security by the 2012 elections or they get a vote of no confidence -- you know those running DO NOT GET ELECTED AGAIN. WE also want a Term LIMIT of 8 years TOTAL for their Federal Service and NO RETIREMENT (other than Social Security). They have made enough off us over the years to catch up on what they should have paid into the fund plus interest. Last they told us we were important to them (remember when they ran for office). Why are we not so important now? ASK THEM.

    Also tell them the RV needs to happen and we ( the dollar) are waiting on them (the dime) which is UNACCEPTABLE. JMHO

    Thank you.

    • Upvote 4
  4. Regardless of when this blessing occurs WE THE PEOPLE need to rid our highest office of this greedy, self serving individual. VOTE for a chimpanzee in 2012 if no other option is presented. I personally am giving 5% of my blessing to who ever runs against this gangster. Who will join me? Down with self serving politicians - UP with those that PROVE they represent the PEOPLE like they were elected to do.

    Enough is enough. Why do we not seek information that would lead to this madman's political demise? Who has the hot evidence for impeachment? How about a crime? Someone somewhere can end this madness by a simple court proceeding. Or are the Lawyers chicken to delete one of their own?

    God Bless America - help us to VOTE THE BUMS OUT in 2012.

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  5. Obama wants something BIG? OKay. VOTE him OUT in 2012. With all the hubbub about his birthright, social security (his Connecticut number and HIS WANTING TO TAP OUR RETIREMENT once again (this seems an awful lot like theft does it not? Considering that only those peons like us pay into it; Gov't employees and politicians do not)) this really makes Obama look like one of those convicted felons who robbed their companies retirement funds for themselves. Looks like a DUCK, Walks like a DUCK, even Quacks like a DUCK. What do ya think? Is it a DUCK? Sure looks like one to me. Get out to the polls in 2012 and VOTE these robbers out.

    I think that would qualify for a BIG EVENT - WE THE PEOPLE: our power is our vote and even if Obama has a Billion Dollar (non taxable) war chest for re-election ALL the money in the world can not defeat a majority vote against him. JMO, but then again looking at the legality of it all it makes one wonder about what we can do to regain the "borrowed" money Congress has taken from our retirement fund (Social Security) and according to the way banks do business it would seem that A BUNCH of Interest is Due for the use of our asset. Hmmmmm, Congress is guilty also of this theft. Makes an interesting legal question does it not? Oh, I forgot, Congress and the President are ABOVE THE LAW (they make them) - or are they? Only solution to ensure our retirement is to VOTE them out and send the message to be a responsible representative of the people. Thanks for reading this rant - I get a little heated when people steal from me or attempt to do so.

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  6. I SUGGEST that we all contact our DC senators and representatives AND the President and tell them we are all waiting for our turn - they appear to have had theirs in tier 2 - if that is in fact what has occurred.

    Their wasting time bickering about how to divide up the spoils is not only discriminatory for us but also the entire world population -- remember other countries are waiting to revalue their currencies also.

    What we have here is a DOLLAR waiting on a Dime (and I say that tongue in cheek as I personally feel this President and Congress are NOT worth a plug nickel. It is time we voted them ALL out and started over.

    How about it WASHINGTON D C? You have forgotten why you are where you are? I was led to believe that you are there to REPRESENT the people -- Doesn't look like that to me, but what do I know - I only pay taxes to feed your greed. Time for a COMPLETE change in DC -- Top to Bottom. WE THE PEOPLE - isn't that how the Constitution starts? About time y'all started doing what is best for WE THE PEOPLE instead of yourselves. 2010 - a GOOD YEAR for a CLEAN SWEEP.

    The WORLD is PASSING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT BY. Get the message? YOU NO LONGER COUNT. Don't think so - read Dinar Recaps.

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  7. Their opening may be to assist we retired ( on social security) citizens while we cough up more of our retirement money we are mandated by Congress to pay (while they are exempt along with the President, government workers nationwide, and other "elite"). I believe I read that our President was pushing this recently. They already used "our" retirement fund to send a man to the moon with the promise to repay it -- where is the payment and interest after all these 40+ years? And the President wants to tap even more of "our" retirement fund to pay off the greed that the politicians have habitually used to further their own ends? Yep, better pay the IRS more money to "rob the poor" some more. Better make sure they get overtime too or they might be in violation of yet another law. Speaking of which - isn't "borrowing" money and never paying it back theft? Don't see them coughing up anything - even cutting back on expenses and whirlwind trips to Iraq (not to mention the Presidents many expensive trips, like one to England recently). Yep, open to IRS office and get some more from the people who paid taxes and the mandatory second tax against the peons (Social Security) - makes sense, or does it?

    Seems to me it would be easier to let the RV occur and collect their "spoils." Then they can pay off the national debt and repay the Social Security funds they pilfered all these many years. But, I guess that would be to logical for Washington, D. C. They might also use some of that "windfall money" to compensate the families of our fallen soldiers, sailors, and airmen - THEY gave a darn sight more than money to this country and "asked not what their country could do for them but what they could do for their country" - and gave it to "protect" this country from evil.

    God bless America and our Troops.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Chilli:

    Do Dorothy and her 3 companions (lion, tin man & scarecrow) REALLY walk on the yellow brick road? Do they REALLY have GEICO insurance? Has the Wicked Witch REALLY condemned them? Is "off with their heads" REALLY a lucid command? Stay tuned, this could get better! I figure your "RUMOR" said it all when I got to OZ part. Enjoy cleaning the brown off the yellow brick road - the Wicked Witch expects "cleanliness before Godliness." GO RV (without any rumors).

    Very entertaining theory - nice try.

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