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Posts posted by Waco69

  1. Cool discussion and something I am very interested in. I am not a quantum physics mathematician or anything but I have an open mind and love to ponder the mysteries of life. It's funny because I just watched "Through The Wormhole" last night and they talked about this very subject, dark matter pushing the universe apart at a growing rate. I like the string theory idea too because I do believe that all of us are tied together and have affects on each others lives. i was first introduced to this idea from a James Peterson novel "From The Corner Of His Eye". In it a preacher wrote a sermon where he described life as an instrument and we are all strings on it. When we give movement, our vibrations cause others around us to also vibrate and together we make beautiful music or life. He also spoke about ending a life too early (killing someone) and breaking a string. This affects all of the strings around it and ruins the music of life. By not living life and remaining still, you also affect the other strings around you by not vibrating and therefore not stimulating others.

    For a fictional work, it really had an affect on me. I love this idea and when I started to hear how physics was also using this idea to try and explain our universe, it all made sense to me.

    Thanks for the thought provoking thread, it sure beats of all the tireless bashing ones regarding gurus, newbies and Dinar. :blink:

  2. I wanna be a millionaire soooooooooo freak'n bad!

    Buy all of those things I never had....

    Come on RV, oh I swear (what he means)

    At this moment, you mean everything!!!

    GO RV!!!!!!!

    • Upvote 1
  3. Banks exchanging Dinars and any other currencies do so as a service to foreign travelers who wish to exchange a quantity of U.S. notes for those of the country they are traveling to. They provide this service for a fee, generally about 20% over face value. They don't "sell" Dinars as an investment vehicle, and bear no responsibility for what we believe might occur with their value. Some exchange centers even require that you provide dates of travel to the particular country you're traveling to prior to making the exchange. Many banks have now stopped exchanging Dinars, purportedly because they are aware of the hype involving the IQD and want no part of it. Others continue to exchange it "for a profit." It's as simple as that. Unless the bank would assure you that the IQD is going to RV, there is no civil liability.

    Just to add my 2 cents to this - I personally went to my local 5th/3rd bank to inquire about the Dinar and why they stopped selling it. The teller told me they stopped selling it because they were only selling it as a service to travelers and many people were buying it as an investment and they did want want to be associated with it so they stopped. Sounded plausible until you consider this, my brother in law paid $1,030 for a million Dinar at 5th/3rd when the exchange rate was at .00057. They told him today that they are no longer allowed to "discuss the Dinar". He asked them why not, that they sold him his Dinar and it was still in the safe deposit box that came with his purchase. The teller seemed surprised and simply stated that they can not discuss it and if he wanted to sell it back, that they would only pay him the current rate which is .00067 or $670 dollars. Obviously, he was upset because if they did not sell it to him as an investment, then why did they charge him $460 dollars more than the current exchange rate was when he purchased it?

    Sounds like 5th/3rd was caught with their pants down. Of course the person who he actually purchased his Dinar with has been "transfered" to another branch!

    Sounds suspicious to me.....

  4. Dusty, Millionaire, Okie, Pokie, Smokie, Pooh, Eyre, Sponge Bob, Squidward, Delta, Vick, Dr. Shabibi, Santa, Rudolph, ETC....

    It's all done, Rate $4.40

    By the 30th

    Great week ahead

    Banks all know - IQD and Dong rates missing on computers

    IQD $200 for $47 IQD

    Quit your jobs

    Buy the new house

    Buy the new Porche

    Buy the new Ferrari

    Buy the Yacht

    We are rich

    Iraq is the richest country in the world

    We are there

    God bless........

    Well, I will wait and see if tomorrow if I can quit my job!

  5. also to answer your question you posed. It is an ILLOGICAL question because people don't know exactly when it will RV so since one still must live they can not give all they own. It is not the same scenario as believing in the LOP because that is an easy way out but just filled with more regret if it does RV... well especially for our guy who said he sold back 2/3rds of his stash based on the articles he saw the last two weeks. Not only that you are lying to yourself if you think you are protected from disappointment just because you say oh yeah I knew the LOP would happen. The fact is your still in the same boat as the rest of us hoping to get to shore except your in the ship saying we are going to drown while the rest are just trying to whether the storm. Also I have to say if there ever was a time for misdirection it is now when speculation is so high.


    Good retort and I respect your demeanor. It is always good to have honest and open debate. There will always be two sides to every situation, it's what makes the world go around. True I am in the boat with you but I am not yelling we are sinking but I do realize that it is a possibility is all and I am open about it. I am on this ride until the end and I am right next to you rowing and hoping that we make it the other side. I will admit though that I just might not be as optimistic as you are! It's always good to have a friend beside you to keep you upbeat and optimistic during adversity. Thanks again - friend! LOL

    Oh and by the way, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst is a good thing. I hope I don't loose my job but I will prepare for it in case I do by investing some of my money. Not a bad thing in my opinion!

  6. I would really like to know how many of you out there are still holding dinar? If you believe that an RD will only yeild the same money you put in then why are you waiting for the RD to happen? IF you believe so strongly that a LOP will be the final outcome of this venture then get off the ride NOW. I challenge your belief that you are right so stand up for what you believe in and get your money back now. OH you say you want to hold on to it? just in case? Well that's what the rest of us are doing so stop beating us down with your negativity. We don't need to hear it... we are well aware of it. We would rather just have HOPE that for some of us this venture will change our lives for ever. SO please just let us have hope and stop with the ridiculousness, because if your still holding on to your dinar you are also hoping just as much and that makes you more delusional than you say WE are because your doing something that goes against what you believe.


    Since you asked I will reply. As a matter of fact I just posted an article in the LOP thread (where this thread should actually be placed) explaining why we believe in the possibility of a LOP. No one wants it but we are realists that believe it is a possibility. This thing that we're doing is called an investment and every investment has risks. Understanding those risks makes one a better investor. People who do not want to know the risk or are blind to it will loose all of their $$. Your statement that we should just sell and get out does not make sense. Would you also tell everyone invested in the stock market to sell all of their stocks since they believe they could loose their money? Then no one would invest and companies would go broke and the economy would collapse.

    Yes, I have Dinar, yes I am riding the roller coaster, yes I hope there isn't a LOP and we all become rich but yes, I also realize that their is a risk it could happen. It's called being grounded.

    Let me pose you with a question, If all of you LOP haters do not believe in a LOP and truly believe that the Dinar is going to revalue, then have you gotten a second mortgage, taken out loans, maxed out your credit cards and borrowed all the money you can from friends and family to invest in this 100% money back get rich investment? If not, then why haven't you? According to what you believe, you can't loose.

    • Upvote 4
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  7. First, it should be noted that the dreaded re-denomination (lop) is not wanted by anyone in Dinar World. However, the word in this particular possible scenario has an entirely different meaning/purpose than has been seen in the cases of countries experiencing hyperinflation. This particular re-denomination would have an entirely different purpose and end result. A big complaint with the Iraqi currency has always been the difficulty in "counting" it, due to the huge numbers involved. Once they pass a figure of one million Dinars (even less for some of their people) or the equivalent of roughly $850 U.S. Dollars, counting becomes a nightmare. Large purchases are difficult, and business owners, banks, etc. have problems with accounting. Even average calculators are unwieldy after reaching one million.

    They wanted to bring their currency more on a par with the U.S. Dollar, "without" a huge change in overall value, and this was easily accomplished by removal of the "three zeros."

    Obviously, by removing the three zeros from a 25,000 Dinar note and increasing the value of the Dinar by less than 20%, they achieve instant parity with the Dollar, making it 1:1. The same is true of the 10,000 Dinar note. In the long run, they would have to issue a new currency with smaller denominations. Issuing the 100,000 note as described in Drox's "Plan B" solves the immediate problem of making large purchases until the major changes can be made. It's a logical "possibility." Nobody knows what the actual plan is, but this one does make sense.

    The cost of the last redesign of the Iraqi Dinar was a mere 150 million Dollars, INCLUDING the incredible costs of transportation and security. Think for a minute about how miniscule that seeming large amount is in comparison to the cost of a straight up RV in view of the fact that they currently have more than 24-26 TRILLION Dinars in circulation. Even WITHOUT looking at the Billions upon Billions of Dinars held in the U.S., the numbers in Iraq itself are huge. I have to laugh every time I see people say that they can't possibly issue a new currency, because it would simply be WAY too expensive. Even those who have difficulty with simple math can see that 150 million is pennies in comparison to the 24 - 60 TRILLION Dollar cost of a straight revaluation of $1-$5 Dollars which we've seen described all over these forums.

    I sincerely hope it doesn't happen this way, but a re-denomination, followed by a revaluation to $1 - $3.60 or so simply makes a lot more sense when viewed realistically. Their currency would immediately have a value comparable to that of the U.S. and/or Kuwait. We as investors would either come close to breaking even (if our cost was no more than $1,000 per million) or would triple our investment if the RV to over $3.00 - not what we had hoped for, but certainly an excellent return, and MUCH better than average. We can only wait to see the ultimate result, but in any case, it would seem that given the current circumstances in Iraq, they really aren't ready for a major change. BUT, as the infamous Ennorste is so fond of saying: "I could be wrong." :unsure:

    Good post Legolas. Thanks for being grounded and understanding the situation before us.

  8. After a nice long sleep, the first thought that hit me this morning was, "if people don't believe a LOP is possible and almost everyone believes the Dinar is going to revalue, then why is it considered a "high risk" investment?" Now I am not a math wiz or a financial guru but I do have some brains and I have been taught by my EJ adviser that there are conservative investments that are low risk, low return. There are moderate investments that are considered medium risk, medium return and then there are aggressive investments that have high risk, high returns. In all 3 you can loose money but the chances go up the more aggressive you become. But even my adviser will not guaranty a return even on a conservative investment. There are some guarantied investments such as a savings account or CD or IRA but these today are only paying 1-2%.

    According to my time on this and other sites, you would be led to believe that this is a for sure thing with no risk and a 100% return. If that is the case then why isn't everyone of the so called professional investors recommending the Dinar as a sound investment? I mean if this is the case then everyone should be running to the bank and getting loans and buying as much Dinar as they can possibly get. Screw the idea that you should only "buy as much as you can afford", this things a for sure thing!

    If, like me, you have half a brain and put some thought into it then you realize the risk involved with this investment are with the following:

    1. It will NEVER RV

    2. or it will but with a LOP

    I think this is why we have a lot of people defending the LOP idea. They also realize that this is a risky investment and a LOP is reality. Do they want a LOP? I would say no but they are grounded individuals who are not caught up in the hype of becoming millionaires. Would they like to become millionaires? Of course, who wouldn't? But I personally believe they also see the other side of the coin and know they could loose there money, hence the risk involved with this investment.

    I challenge any LOP hater or person who thinks this is a guaranty to go and find any third party, non bias financial adviser who would recommend the Dinar as an investment. If you find one, please post their information so I can follow up with them. I would also be curious to know how much money you have invested in this as you feel certain it is a for sure thing.

    Now before all the haters start bashing me let me say, YES I am invested in the Dinar. I currently hold 1,000,000 and have just ordered another million. YES I believe there is some potential return with the Dinar investment. YES I would love to become a millionaire over night as all of you would. But I also know and see and understand that this is a risky investment and I could stand to loose all of my money I have invested. What I am not doing is putting all of my faith into this thing and believe what all of the so called GURUs are touting.

    Hopefully this will help some of you understand why some of us defend or believe there could be a LOP. Do we want it, no. Do we believe it is a possibility, yes.

    • Upvote 3
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  9. I think you just wanted to start another LOp or no Lop argument. Do your own research and quit asking everybody to work for you. Find your own friggin links!!! LOPSTER!!!

    Ya, they all come crawling out of the cracks as soon as some dupe posts another "I don't understand" post.

    People. Do your own searches and make up your own mind how this will all go down!!!

    WOW - name calling and anger. Nice and intelligent response. If this type of talk bother YOU then please stay out of the Lop Talk thread and go abuse someone else. The thread is here to ask questions and learn. If you are only going to be critical and abuse people for asking questions, then go away. If you have something intelligent and insightful then please contribute. Maybe your a genius that has it all figured out (good for you) but there are some who are confused and want to learn.

    • Upvote 6
  10. This is not a discussion that can be put in 25 words or less and be able to make a so called informed decision. To be at peace with yourself you must choose which camp you are in. LOP or NO LOP. I am in the no lop camp mainly due to hope and a lot of reading of Scooter’s reports. They are the most researched, documented analysis in Dinar world to be so far found. Sorry for not really answering your question but this my best suggestion.GreginTexas

    Thanks for the input. I know this has been beat to death and the last thing I wanted to do was to waste anyone's time. I am one of those that plan for the worst but hope for the best. I hope for NO LOP but am planning on one!

    If anyone has links to Scooters posts regarding the LOP please post.


  11. Thats all we can hope for IF they decide to remove the zeros....its a classic redenomination....and the value of the dinar can easily go up after the redenomination......only problem is how we are going to exchange for the smaller bills if we are required to....

    Thanks for the response. I appreciate your input.

  12. Yes I have Dinar

    Yes I want to buy more

    and yes, I believe that knowledge is power. I am just trying to understand what other inversters feel will happen with a lop so that I can make an informed desicion on buying more. Que Sera, Sera is actually on my wife's family crest and I believe that. We will all have to wait and see what truely will happen but if I can gain some wisdome in the process then even better.

    • Upvote 1
  13. There is so much information going around about this subject that the more I read the more I am confused. To me, from everything that I have read, there are 3 different chains of thought regarding the "raising of the 3 zeros" or lopping:

    1. If you have 1,000,000 dinar that is valued at $.00086 that equals $860.00 US. If they lop the 3 zeros, they do it for both numbers leaving you with 1,000 Dinar @ a value of $.86 which still equals $860.00 US. No loss in value. The only problem with this that I see is if the Dinar RV's after this happens. If you have 1,000 Dinar and the RV goes to $3.00, then you will get a $3,000 return. Not a bad return for your money, definitely more than you would make in the stock market.

    2. If you have 1,000,000 Dinar in 25,000 notes and they raise the 3 zeros in an effort to remove the higher denoms from the street, then you will be given the same amount back in smaller bills. So if you cash in a 25,000 note you will get back 25,000 back in some form of smaller notes meaning you do not loose anything regardless of what happens to the RV. I am not sure I follow this logic as to me you are actually placing more notes into circulation. For example, if I have one US $100 dollar bill, that's one bill. If I cash it in for 100 $1 dollar bills, that means you have more currency on the street. One $100 dollar bill spends the same as 100 $1 dollar bill so I am unsure as to why they would want to remove the larger denoms. That is like the US wanting to get rid of all of the $1,000.00 bills. Sure not many people carry them but they are available.

    3. If you have 1,000,000 in Dinar and they lop or raise 3 zeros you are left with 1,000 Dinar. There is no change to compared to the US dollar so 1,000 still equals .00086. You have now lost money. In example one, the value did not change but in this example your 1,000 is still only worth $.86. Then if the Dinar RV's you multiply the RV amount X 1,000 as in the first example. Most people who believe in this theory also believe the Dinar will only RV at somewhere between .86 and $1.30. So no profit and you actually stand to loose money. (Also what a lot of the nay sayers are stating as to why the Dinar is not a good investment)

    I am just looking for answers as I am as confused as everyone else regarding this. I currently hold a cashiers check that I got to buy more Dinar with but I want to understand the lop before I purchase more. Can anyone explain it to me (us) in a way that is clear and understandable rather than bash and criticize me for asking an honest question?

    I personally believe that Option 1 makes the most sense and is the most likely to occur but I hope and pray that I am incorrect and option 2 is really what will happen!

    • Upvote 1

    Can you point me in the right direction? I have tried reading and understanding but I am still confused. Please forgive me but as my status indicates, i am a NEWB!!!!

  15. 'Valtar',

    I appreciate your opinion and thought process; however, the economy of Iraq (IMHO), which will grow faster than the economy of China (US Dept of State indicated), will be able to sustain an RV or RI of somewhere between $2 to $3.25 based upon a multitude of oil and gas related ventures just to name a couple. We all have seen the multitudes of companies willing to invest in this ever growing democracy. Does it still face challenges, yes, but I believe we will see an phenomenal transformation once the remaining sanctions have been lifted and all other necessary items are complete. IMHO!

    Thank you,


    what about the example of Venezuela? I found this in an article posted by Lee Thomas:

    Iraq’s oil alone will not cause the IQD to appreciate. It is its economy, government and infrastructure that will have to drastically improve before there is movement in its currency. While much of Iraq’s debts were forgiven, many of those same creditors will not reinvest in Iraq for a long, long time. It is like not loaning money to a person with a bad credit rating. To put things into perspective, there are other countries that are relatively more stable than Iraq, however, the value of their currency is unstable or have not appreciated much.

    If you are basing on the rise of the IQD on its oil resources, look no further than the Venezuelan Bolivares (VEB). Venezuela is one of the world’s top 5 oil producers which accounts for 80% of its exports. In January 1, 2000, the exchange rate for it was 647 VEB for 1 USD. Today, it is 2,147 VEB. This proves that there are many other factors than just oil to keep its currency stable.

  16. Guru Frank26 also mentions the speech and the lifting of 3 zeros. Is the wording confusing to anyone else? Lifting the 3 zeros is that the same talk as lopping 3 zeros? Also Guru (and I use those terms lightly) Delta references the speach but makes no mention of the "lifting" of 3 zeros. Both say the RV will be somewhere between $.86 and $1.30. I wish they would post a link to this "credible" news source......

  17. I don't know about you but my experience has shown that no banker I have talked to locally considers the Dinar a good investment so I can't see them investing as an institution. Most bankers are very conservative by nature and would not recommend a high risk investment like this.

    I would be curious to know how many members here actually work or have worked in the banking or financial industry.

  18. Good write up that explains a lot. Please excuse me for reposting this if it already has but can anyone rebute the following statement I found on another site's web site:

    Little know facts about currency revaluations:

    1. No country has ever revalued there currency by over 100% without:

    a. Issuing new currency and making the previous currency obsolete (and therefore worthless)

    b. Changing the face value of the larger bills (LOP). Think Turkish Lira, soon: Zimbabwe, Paraguay, Iran will too according to the news.

    2. Kuwait NEVER revalued their currency as some Dinar sites have suggested.

    a. When Saddam invaded Kuwait he collected as much of the Kuwait Dinar as he could and then distributed the Iraqi Saddam Dinar to use in country and made everyone else only use the Iraq Dinar. This made the Kuwait Dinar for the most part worthless in country. Street value was around 10 cents but for the most part it just wasn’t used. The official exchange rate DID NOT CHANGE. Because of this when Saddam was removed from Kuwait the Kuwait dinar value did not change except where accepted by street vendors. Yes if you went to Kuwait and was able to find any actual Kuwait Dinars you could have made big money but most of it was gone. They reissued new currency once Kuwait had been liberated. It is for this reason that you find VERY few stories of anyone making a bunch of money from the supposed revalue of the Kuwait Dinar.

    I have been told bu Gurus that the LOP only happens where hyper inflation exists. That’s true because in the past the only country that would LOP there currency (LOP=25,000 note is honored at 25 rate after currency revalue)is a country that has hyper inflation.

    Statistically the chances of a three zero currency to be still worth the pre-revalued rate is exactly zero. It has never been done. This does not mean it can’t be done. Anything is possible.

    If you have data that shows the facts in parts 1 & 2 to be inaccurate please feel free to state “only those facts”. Please show where these facts can be found and verified. I state the above facts to help educate investors since Dinar sites only include pumpers and “Intel”. As for me I am keeping my Dinar investment and praying (literally praying) that this is the “biggest exchange of wealth the world has ever known” and an exception to every economic rule ever set.

    Bashing, say “Do your homework newbie”, or any other negative comment is really not necessary or helpful. Please just stick to the facts just once on a post. Let’s just leave emotion out of this post.

    After going to the 5th/3rd bank and being told the Dinar is not a good investment and after talking to a neighbor of mind who was doing some contracting work over in Iraq a few months ago who told me do not invest, it will never RV that they plan on changing their currency (told to him by friends he has in the State Department) I am getting a little discouraged. I realize this is an investment and investments have risk but is this really a "pie in the sky" opportunity or is there an actual chance of seeing an RV where we make money?

  19. Funny, I just left 5th/3rd bank after asking them a series of questions regarding the Dinar. My impression was they think it's a bad investment and do not think it will RV. If it does there will be a LOP or inflation will kill any gains (not sure I understand the whole inflation thing).

    They are still buying Dinar today with only a $15.00 processing fee but they could not confirm if they would continue to do this IF it does RV. They would also need to come up with a game plan as they can't have a run on the bank as they are only allowed to have so much $$ on hand at anyone point.

    I didn't get the impression that they were ready to deal with the Dinar......

  20. @ Psych

    Thanks for having the guts to ask your question. I asked relatively the same question on another thread but to date, no one has responded. To me, it seems that the only people making any money on the Dinar are those who are selling it and those like Adam who are supporting it with their web site and books. If this thing never RVs, we are out our money but they will have made plenty. Don't get me wrong, kudo to those who invested their time and money doing this, smart people with a business mind. It's what makes America great.

    I am conservative by nature and view myself as a realist. Am I invested in Dinar - yes. Do I believe it will pay off - hopeful. Do I want to sink more of my money into web sites and books - only if there is a return on my purchase. Working where I do, I have learned that you have to value everything on what will you get back for your investment whether it be your time or your money. No return - bad investment.

    That said, I am tempted to join the VIP as well but I would like to know is there anything there that my financial planner wouldn't be able to tell me for free? I have discussed my Dinar investment with her and she has already indicated that there are some things we can do to limit my tax burden and get the most return if this ever RVs.

    That's the biggest question, will it ever RV? Will they go to a new currency? Will they LOP zeros when they do? All things the "other" side say could happen. Yes, I read both sides of the story, not just the positive. Do I personally think it will RV? From what I have read so far, I believe it will but there's always a chance that it won't. Hence the risk. At how much? I believe like Adam, less than a dollar. But heck, if it RV'd today at $.01, I would make $10,000 (which the bank does not have to report) on a $1,000 purchase. Where else can you get that kind of return?

    Personally, I would like to know how many people who have invested really still believe in this versus those who have given up and lost hope? I am a newbie and I am finding it's a hard roller coaster to ride with all of the highs and lows. I can't imagine having been riding this for 5, 6 or even 7 years like some of the old timers on here. I see a lot of posts where people get very defensive and I wonder if they really believe in this or if they just don't want to admit it was a mistake. I realize it's kind of a rhetorical question as most of the people here will say they still believe (or they wouldn't be here) but there maybe some who will be honest enough to stand up and admit it.

    Last thought - it's very encouraging to see how many people are still psyched about this (no pun intended Psych) and gives me the assurance that this thing will happen. The other day when the FedEx driver was here to drop off my brother in laws Dinar and collect the check, she commented that there have been a lot of deliveries like this, especially to one individual. I have to believe that with this many people investing and some rather largely, we can't all be wrong. But then again there's that old voice in the back of my head telling me "A fool and his money are soon parted......)

    Off to the bank to get another cashiers check.........

    GO RV

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