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Posts posted by DumNDumer


    Article by Dave Hodges



    The Air Force Is Preparing to Steal the Land of Millions of Americans


    Dave Hodges

    December 10, 2013

    The Common Sense Show


    The F-35 and trickle down tyranny.

    The title of the article is not hyperbole. The Air Force is indeed preparing to steal as many homes as needed to fulfill two objectives: (1) To ensure the profitability of the military industrial complex (2) To use the mission of the Air Force to drive down home values, in the adjacent areas to a planned CANAMEX highway and to force as many people as possible off of their land in the process in furtherance of the North American Union (SPP).

    We estimate that anywhere from 15 million Americans to 20 million Americans will be impacted by the Air Force’s shenanigans and will suffer greatly reduced property values or be forced off of their land entirely WITHOUT COMPENSATION.

    How is the Air Force going to do it? Is your property safe if you don’t live in the immediate area adjacent to an Air Force base? How has the Air Force become the prostitute of the globalists? These questions, and many more will be answered in this article.

    The Air Force Has Indeed Become the Prostitute of the Globalists

    All across this country, in more than a dozen cases and growing, the Air Force is busy forcing people off of their land in order to preserve the profits of Lockheed Martin and other military industrial complex organizations. The newer breed of Air Force aircraft (e.g. F-22, F-35) is far too noisy to be compatible with nearby metropolitan areas. The Air Force has become excessively underhanded in dealing with the public on this matter.

    The F-16, the backbone of the Air Force for decades, is loud, very loud. Cities in proximity to Air Force bases have barely been able to coexist and in some cases they have not. The F-22 and the F-35 are several times louder than the F-16. In fact, the two planes are 4-12 times louder than the F-16 depending on the type of maneuvers being executed by the planes. The Air Force is lying and they will tell you there is no difference in sound, but I have the original sound test studies performed at Eglin Air Force Base by sound engineer, Bob Webb, who makes these claims as part of an Air Force study that he headed. The scientific studies demonstrate that the decibel levels of these planes are consistent with an increase in strokes, heart attacks, hearing loss, generalized anxiety disorder and a whole host of other ailments. So, not only are the property rights of millions of Americans at risk, so is their health.

    The Air Force has been quick to enforce draconian rules which render a property valueless and useless. However, in most cases, the Air Force further restricts personal property rights through obtaining support from local politicians, who in turn are coerced into passing laws which ultimately force people off of their land. The Air Force accomplishes controlling local politicians by telling them that they can arrange Federal projects to be awarded to their area, resulting in a temporary economic boom. This results in obtaining their unwilling cooperation. In exchange, the local leaders only need to screw the rights of a minority of the people in their community. All Air Force bases work off of the same playbook and consistently tell the local leaders that if they do not cooperate, that the base will close resulting in a loss of billions of dollars in revenue in their local area. As an aside, when a base closes the profitability of the area goes up dramatically (e.g. Lowry AFB and Fitzsimmons bases in Denver). The nearby Community Initiatives Team of each base then threatens to ruin the political career of any uncooperative local leader by letting their constituents know that their actions resulted in economic harm to their area. Further, the Air Force organizes the retired military personnel in proximity in taking up the position of the base. These retired veterans serve as the de facto public relations team which is trained to shout down all opposition.  It is lobbying by proxy.  ”Luke Forward” is such a group in my area.

    The Air Force subsequently tells the local veterans that if they do not help the Air Force preserve and expand their mission, they will lose access to their military medical and shopping benefits because the base will close. The veterans, mayors and city councils all form a team created by the Air Force’s intimidation to force people off of their land in order to make way for these new planes that are significantly louder and incompatible with local developments.

    The Veterans groups then become the unified swat team which goes after uncooperative local leaders. This is exactly what happened in El Mirage, Arizona. The city presented the Pentagon with a $400 million dollar bill for restricted property rights resulting in the loss of local revenue. The forces of the media, the Air Force and the retired military veterans sprang into action and forced a complete change in the government of the city. And when the residents of the city begin feeling the effects of the F-35, little will they realize that their properties will be restricted resulting in financial ruination and their health will be in jeopardy as well. Today, the city government of El Mirage is made up of people who have a financial stake in the viability of nearby Luke Air Force Base.

    What I have described here is going to repeat across this country 50-60 times in the next few years. Some of us who have already been through this fight are here to tell the rest of the nation that you are about to be invaded by the US Air Force.

    How The Air Force Steals Your Land

    The Air Force does not have to outright legal authority seize your property, without compensation. If they did so, they would have been guilty of committing an act of eminent domain which would require that full compensation be paid to the homeowner. If the Air Force restricts your land, or does harm to your land resulting in a lowering of property values, under the law, they are required to pay the owner full value for their property. This process is called inverse condemnation from which the courts and most State Constitutions have determined is the same as eminent domain. The Air Force has learned how to get around this legal hurdle through the political intimidation process described in the above paragraphs in which they turn retired veterans groups and local leaders into their personal lobbyists.

    The most popular way that the Air Force steals your land has to do with the permitting process. The Air Force Community Initiatives team from your local base will coerce local governments to pass unconstitutional property rights restrictions which ultimately forces people off of their property. For example, in my community, we once had a permitting exclusion placed upon rebuilding if our properties were in need of repair because we would be denied a permit (e.g. rebuilding for damage caused by fire, weather). If our homes would have been damaged, we would have been forced to walk away and suffer financial ruination courtesy of the Air Force and their criminal local government partners.

    By the way, the act of lobbying by a military body is expressly forbidden under the Military Code of Justice. However, we are playing in a game with no rules. When I confronted Rusty Mitchell, the director of the Community Initiatives team at Luke Air Force Base, a man who never met a lie he would not tell, he said we are only telling the politicians what we need to complete our mission. It is lobbying and the Air Force is breaking its own laws.

    The Air Force Controls the Local Media

    The Air Force also controls the media, who becomes their ally in the subjugation of untold numbers of properties. For example, at Luke Air Force Base in the Phoenix area, the Arizona Republic vilifies any individual or group who stands in opposition to draconian policies of the base and its local leaders.

    My community formed a group called the Arizona Coalition to Protect Personal Property Rights (ACPPR). I was the spokesperson and was in charge of dealing with the media. Subsequently, my wife and I met with the editorial board of the Arizona Republic, the largest daily in Arizona. We presented to them an air tight case of how the Air Force and local politicians were violating the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution as well prior case law in restricting our properties. The director of the board, Vaneta Hawthorne James, a throwback to the demeanor of Angela Davis, leaned across the table and said “I understand about your rights Mr. Hodges, but for the greater good, you need to get off your land”. I asked her if she meant without compensation and she said, “Yes”!

    The Arizona Republic is owned by Gannet Broadcasting. Gannet is owned by Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin manufactures the F-35. Need I say more? From community to community, the corporate names change a bit, but the same nefarious chain of corporate custody remains the same.

    The Hodges Family and the Air Force

    Eleven years ago, my family purchased a 1.5 acre home in rural Arizona. There are no streetlights, the nearest grocery store is 14 miles away, the nearest gas station is 10 miles away and we believed that we had found paradise. There are 4 basic housing developments spread out over thousands of square miles. We live in unincorporated Maricopa County, the home of the famous Sheriff Joe, the toughest sheriff in nation.

    Our home was to be our retirement home, but we also thought it would be a great place to raise a family because it was away from the gangs and the graffiti of our former neighborhood. What we thought was our paradise, became our nightmare.

    A few months after we moved in, the permitting restrictions commenced. This led to a seven year battle with local politicians. There were a few politicians who stood up for us. None of them are in office today as a result of the Luke Air Force Base public relations swat teams. But remember, the Air Force does not lobby. Our military likes to go into other countries even when it is not warranted, why shouldn’t they do the same to American homeowners when it fits their purpose?

    As the spokesperson for ACPPR, I attracted a lot of media attention and I was frequently misquoted and made me look like I was anti-Air Force, anti-war effort and anti-American. I suffered great loss to my professional reputation. However, there was one man that liked what I was doing and the was the late Pete Peterson, who at that time, owned KBSZ radio. He gave me a local show from which I used to enter the media profession. Those of you who have wondered where I came and have suspected me of being a disinfo agent because I magically appeared upon the scene, owe me an apology. This is how I became engaged in my fight against the New World Order. As I soon discovered that this fight was not just about the profitability of Lockheed Martin and the advancement of military careers, I learned as much and communicated as much as I could on the topic of the NWO.

    This fight is not just my fight, this fight belongs to millions of Americans.


    An Awakening: A Globalist Conspiracy

    One late night, I was going over my notes and discovered that there were four areas impacted by the Air Force in Arizona in terms of going after individual property rights. The four areas consisted of my area north of Surprise, parts of Tucson, Gila Bend and Yuma. Adjacent to my notes, was a news release telling Arizona how wonderful the CANAMEX Highway would be for travel and corporate profit when the construction was complete. I discovered at that moment that the four areas under fire from the Air Force identically matched the four planned CANAMEX routes into Arizona.

    The CANAMEX is the transportation corridor of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). CAFTA represents a free trade agreement which has resulted in the loss of protective tariffs and the flight of manufacturing and jobs to foreign markets in search of cheap labor. Subsequently, another goal of the Air Force is to use its mission to drive out homeowners in the vicinity of a CANAMEX corridor in order to suppress property values. The land needed by the globalists for their highway is funded 50% by the state and local government and 50% by the Federal Highway Transportation Administration. Their goal is to make that land acquisition as cheap as possible. The Air Force’s mission, of ensuring the profitability of Lockheed Martin, is also being used to make land acquisition costs along these planned CANAMEX Highways as cheap as possible. I ran the odds of these four coincidences being due to mere luck (I used to teach statistics at the undergraduate level), and the odds were calculated at 65 million to one! There can be little doubt, that this is a conspiracy involving the bankers and the Air Force. By the way, who do you think is behind the CANAMEX and CAFTA? It is some of the same bankers that own the military industrial complex. These people are unquestionably brilliant.

    I further discovered that CAFTA and NAFTA were about destroying American sovereignty through the creation of the over-arching Security, Prosperity Partnership (SPP). This is the North American Union. I learned very quickly that the stories being told by alternative media writers and talk show hosts about how a small group of men were attempting to control world finance and  wanted to eventually create a world government, were indeed true!! I subsequently became engaged in this fight and have not looked back.

    The CANAMEX and the NAFTA Superhighway  will encompass 80 current highway corridors in America. The millions of Americans along these planned routes will have trouble with the military, not realizing the real goal is the expansion of the North American Union. These free trade agreements spell the death of America because of the loss of jobs and the continued influx of millions of unskilled workers into America which serves to break the backs of our infrastructure and is destroying the wages of the American middle class.

    And how did our fight turn out? My community is the only community who stood up to the Air Force and made them back down. Through a series of backroom deals, I got a public interest law firm to represent us and we got as far as the courthouse steps and the other side blinked, at least temporarily. I am not naive enough to believe that Rusty Mitchell and his Luke AFB Community Initiatives Team are done with us. They will return. And millions of you are going to be facing the same challenges as we have.


    If you think this article is a personal narrative, you are incorrect and have missed the point of this article. I have fought the Air Force and have won a temporary battle. They will be back. My warning to the American people is two-fold. First, your property is at risk if you live in proximity to an interstate highway as they will all be converted to international corridor status under these free trade agreements. This will lessen the value of your land. Second, if you live near a planned CANAMEX or NAFTA highway, you are in serious jeopardy with regard to your property rights and financial future. Third, there are communities in Vermont, Virginia Beach, Valparaiso, FL., Yuma, AZ., Gila Bend, AZ., Northwest Maricopa County, AZ., Georgia and many more who are communicating because we know what is at stake. This threat is widespread and real.

    My group was guilty of spinning its wheels in the early days of this fight. The key to winning this fight for our property rights is to control our local politicians. Without the local politicians, the Air Force is dead in the water.

    In conclusion, if you live near an interstate or planned CANAMEX/NAFTA highway, you are at risk. And if you live in America, you are at risk. These free trade agreements spell the economic death of America.

    I have enjoyed my time away from this fight, but after a conversation I had with the Tucson leadership last night, I know that I am about to become engaged again. I propose, my fellow Americans, that you do your homework and if you discover you are at potential risk, please contact me and will lock arms and meet the globalists at the gates of hell.


    I couldn't have said any of it better!!!!!

    Thanks for posting the article.

    Jan Brewer is all for the Luke planes.

    They talked about moving the base that will never happen.

    Down the road east and south of you.

    Our daughter lives in Surprise

    I remember when all the west side was cotton fields and orchards.

    Most all avenues were called laterals.


  2. This quote is a part of an email I received from Kim Clement. I am in no way saying it is true, but just found it interesting.

    "I will also show you a prophetic statement that I spoke recently about the Dow at 20,000 points. All of this connects to a massive breakthrough with regard to the DINAR.

    Yes Ohio he did-- wasn't that about 2 weeks ago? Perry Stone also made a comment about dinar and atms-and he was backed by a person commenting about  atms in USA---

    don't have time but will try to get them for you later

    leave me a message on my profile page

    God Bless you and yours for this awesome Thanksgiving


    Kim Clement recieved a prophetic message about the dow at 20000 and he claims it all ties in with the dinar. Maybe just a little far out there. Maybe Slyvia Brown for a second opinion what do you think???

    Slvia Brown is dead about a week now

    Unfortunately Sylvia Browne is in the Heavens now with God.

    Should have thought of this sooner....we could have just asked for date and rate.

    WITH GOD???????

  3. Hey guys i will be where there is no net for a week so here is my story for this week, hope you enjoy and everyone have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.


              What we didn't know when we planned our special trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house that year was that it would be our last Thanksgiving in that old rambling house. My youngert brother and I were in our teens and although we knew Grandpa was in his eighties, his health was failing and he had been under doctor's care for a while, we are never prepared for the things in life that we know God has control of, and with only exciting thoughts running through our minds for the holiday we couldn't ever imagine Grandpa not being there . We started out in Dad's old Studebaker for the house in the country where they lived and everyone was just beaming with excitement.


              The trip was a good three hours drive from the city where we lived and it was the house Dad had grown up in. My Grandfather had been the editor of his small town newspaper as well as a school teacher all his life. Grandma had been busy raising a large family and although most of her family was now scattered in various directions across several states, they all were coming for this Thanksgiving. The upstairs bedrooms were for the adults and girls, while some of the guys slept in sleeping bags in the livng room by the warm fire, and some stayed with the next door neighbor who was close as a family member.


              Early morning risers would get up and add wood to the fire and stir the embers to make it get going good. A few of the guys would join Grandpa down in the old cellar and shovel coal into the furnance. The woman and girls would help Grandma get the Thanksgiving dinner ready while they were cooking a hearty breakfast, and soon everyone would return to the table where Grandpa offered thanks to God for the bounty to eat. Pies were being baked and set outside on the porch to cool.


              IF we had time we would sneak off to the pond which was frozen solid and do some ice skating or just walk in the snow talking, little did we know we were making memories that would last a lifetime. The day before Thanksgiving and Thankgiving day always required a lot of time and energy as the preparations for a large group complete with the meal was always made into a fun and loving time. Grandma would always have a big pot of Chicken stew for dinner the day before and everyone ate their fill. The morning of Thanksgiving day was filled with hustle and bustle, but it was all worth it. As I look back I we never thought of it as a chore rather a fun time with laughter and getting to see my cousins, aunts and uncles and Grandma and Grandpa.


              After dinner my Grandpa got up from the table and annoucned that he had a surprize for all of us this year. You could see the joy in his eyes and face with all his family around him. When everyone finally got quiet we heard bel, yes bells. Grandpa told everyone to put on warm cloths and gather on the proch. When we got there he had borrowed a big sleigh and had four horses hooked up and said this family is going sleighing. It had snowed all night and there was plenty of it to ride the sleigh good.


              This scene was like something we would have ever seen in the city and here our own Grandpa has made it happen. Oh, he stood by the sleigh grinning from ear to ear and said, "Well just don't stand there get in time is a wasting. We all piled into the sleigh, yes the whole family and away we went singing and laughing while the light snow flew in our faces, Grandpa would look back while driving and you could tell he was having a ball. Grandma had thrown in some quilts to keep us warm. As the sleigh made its way along the gravel roads the bells on the horses really were in tune.


              I really don't remember the details of the Thanksgiving dinner as much as the sleigh ride, it was the greatest gift that Granpa could have ever given us. I think Grandpa knew this was going to be his last year to be together with his family on this special day and he made it a grand memory. He passed away the following spring, Grandma sold the old house we loved so much and moved in with sisiter in Florida.


              Of course all Thansgiving days are special in some way, yet when ever I see a Christmas Card with a sleigh on its cover, it brings back a vivid picture of that day with my Grandparents and loved ones. I'll always be grateful that God allowed Grandpa to share that one last ride that will be etched forever in my mind. Every Thanksgiving day when the day is done and light is just slipped into the darkness i look up and there is always a flickering starlight in the same spot. I just know he is up there looking down our family.


    Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving day, stay safe, enjoy what God has given you and be thankful.......In the name of sweet Jesus...



    Thank you for sharing a beautiful touching memory.

    God bless and keep you and all your family and friends for Thanksgiving.

    May the Spirit of our Christ Jesus bless each of you this  Christmas and through the coming years.

    Duke and Luci

    • Upvote 2
  4. Sorry DumNDumer... I didn't see that in your post above when I asked "Why"... Now I see your problem.


    I dunno... I have a hard time trusting people that flaunt their religion out in public. It's like they want you to believe they are more honest or a better person by doing that. I usually run from that type of person because they tend to be really dishonest... kind of like the dinar pumpers.


    Just my experience... that's all.


    Hi Maggie,

    It is certainly all well!


    • Upvote 1
  5.  Not ridiculous when those that swear they defend the US Constitution, go against it. The 1st Amendment is clear. And since the beginning of our great nation we have had a separation of church and state. 


    When those that call themselves christian try to make christianity the religion of the land and try to impose it on others 2 things come to mind.


    1. Treaty of Tripoli 1797,Started under our 1st President and Founding Father George Washington, ratified UNANIMOUSLY by the senate and signed made official by Founding Father and 2nd President John Adams.


    Article 11 in the treaty says clearly




    2. It also reminds me of the saying:




    • Upvote 1
  6. Our 6 year old Lab/Corgie, Abby, messed her back up while jumping off the 3 foot high retaining wall. She was always jumping off that thing. Last Monday I woke up and found she could not walk. At 330 AM We took her in to an Emergency Vet Hospital and after the Vet checked her out they thought it was a pinched nerve and said give her the meds and wait. After a week of carrying her outside to take care of business, and staying up with her all night (My daughter loved the dog so much she volunteered for that duty) we took her in today to see our regular Vet. We were hit with the trerrible news that she was paralized from the hips down. The doc said there was a10% chance of walking again. We had two choices: Build a contraption that would allow her to drag herself around. ( No control of #1 or #2) or put her down. The Vet said she was not in pain and from the hips up was a perfectly healthy dog. We felt it was not a life she would have enjoyed. We as a family made the second hardest decision we had ever made.( We already did this once with our fist dog we had for 11 years.) Both of these angels were rescue dogs and we feel they were sent by God to enter our lives and teach us something. I just did not think God was needing his watch dog back so soon. We still have little Ellie. We cal her El Diablo because she is a little fireball. She already misses Abby. She waits for me to put the second plate down with A's food. I have to tell her it OK to eat. She doesn't understand Big sister won't be eating with her. We miss her so much. It is going to be so hard not seeing her around the house. Sorry for the rambling but I needed to share this to help ease the pain. You all seem to have kind words and I (the family) could use some right now.

    I'm so very sorry --we've been through that, leaves a vacancy in the heart and lots of tears--

    blessings and peace for each of you. Luci and Family

  7. Nelg i agree with you, let me offer my opinion:


    Jesus signed off on the gentiles free will of choice at the cross. Yes God know our every move, every though, every thing we will do in the future on top of what we do now. Does he intervene, yes and no and mostly if we want that, i mean sincerely want that, it can't just be talk or a spur of the moment thing, he knows the difference. Our destiny's is determined somewhat through this free will of choice and that's not to say he don't know at some point we will chance course or will stay the same until death. Free will of choice is one of his gifts to us to deside if we want his saving grace or the alterative.


    You would be surprised at how many people has given no thought to the after life because death is death, that's it it finished. They can't seem to realize that there is a life after death either in torment or heaven. People speak of Global Warming they haven't seen nothing yet.


    I will finish with this...the original question was Free will or predestination. Each one of us while in our bodies has a chance to change our utilmate destinations with free will of choice. Jesus will not push himself on no one who doesn't not want him in their lives, but accountability comes with that. At the end when you draw your last breath what ever choice you made at that moment will be your destination. He wants every one created to be with him in glory but many will not because of the deceiver. Your choice of your destination is yours while you breath then it becomes God's. It's simple destiny in glory or destiny in torment. JEsus said i am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father except by me.



    • Upvote 1
  8. [

    My daughter-in-law was told her deductible would be almost $14,000.00 per year. I haven't spent that much on healthcare my whole life much less in one year.. That sounds like affordable healthcare is for the insurance companies, not the people, to me.

    Forgot to add that a certain amount still comes out of his check /per month and the company pays some.

    Don't remember the exact amount at present but it comes to much over $2,500 a person per year with all.

    You are correct it is not for the people! Very sad

  9. You are wrong we do not intervention from God

    We The People need to get off our lazy butts ad intervene

    We need to quit pawning our problems on God and handle them ourselves



                              No Surrender No Retreat and No Compromise

    I do not disagree with you! It should have started already!

    We do need God to guide us in order to advance with clear minds and hearts, (wisdom knowledge and understanding) otherwise we fail and that is not what we intend to do!

    This is serious and could get worse as you know.

    Blessings to you and yours

    • Upvote 3
  10. I Personally do not know one person it hasn't affected, or those who are left in awe be they Reps or Dems.

    Our son-in-law works for a worldwide financial firm - they have already changed their Insurance and it now costs $5,000.00 deductible per year for the both of them.

    We have heard this type of med care would come for years and now it has, God's intervention is what we will need to change it.




    • Upvote 7
  11. Ravi’s Response to the Boston Tragedy

    Posted on May 3, 2013by Ravi Zacharias
    It has been a little over two weeks since the atrocity was committed in Boston by the murderous intent of two young men. University students supposedly on scholarships, family on welfare payments, and all the benefits of receiving, with no moral obligation. How sad it is to see the face of that little eight-year-old boy who had just come to have a fun day with his family only to become a part of the death list and a victim of a cold blooded and calculated act. What parent can ever get over that? What country can afford to not stop and ask “why” until we know the truth?


    How does one make judgments on such matters? How do we examine our own beliefs so as to deny such people with violent intent their murderous goals?


    I travel an awful lot. I visit countries that do not like Americans. With that prejudice in many a country, I am quizzed as to why I am there. In the Middle East on more than one occasion I have been asked to come and meet the Chief of Intelligence and quizzed. This is the way my last quizzing went in Syria about three years ago:


    “Mr. Zacharias, we know you are visiting here. We just want to caution you not to get engaged in any political activity or make any comments on politics.”


    I assured them I would honor that. Then he went on to say, “But you are very welcome here. We need people like you.”


    It was astounding to hear that. Why would he make such a comment when the prevailing religion there was not my faith, nor what I came to preach?  For one, he knew the Christians there posed no threat to the regime but were a peaceable minority. The rest of the conversation made it clear. But there was obviously more to why he said that. I asked, “Can you tell me what you think of the situation in this part of the world?”


    With beads in his hand as he compulsively scrolled through them out of sheer habit, he quietly said, “I don’t give this part of the world more than five years, and this whole place will blow up.” Rather taken aback by such a drastic pronouncement, I asked him what he meant. It was clear that they knew of rebellious forces working to topple the government and spread turmoil in that area. Ironically, when it all happened, including his own assassination, our media naively branded it “The Arab Spring.” Really? Is that what we are witnessing in Libya, in Egypt, in Iran after the Shah? Is that what spring looks like politically?


    This ignorance or deliberately distorted way of thinking, supporting bloody and ruthless acts to supposedly topple dictators, is precisely what that part of the world is now experiencing. Suddenly, revolutions are the “in” thing and any establishment is at risk, as forces that destabilize are gleefully supported by the media elite, the intellectual elite, and the entertainment elite. We pontificate without the slightest understanding of history, religion, or of cultural distinctives. The average citizen is once again sacrificed at the altar of demagogic factions each seeking the power to enforce and dictate.


    This abysmal failure in the media elite, to understand history and worldview, now puts America facing possible extinction herself. Those are not overstated words.


    When one gets on to a plane, you hear, “Your safety is our first priority.” Evidently, in the journey of life itself, our power brokers don’t feel the same for their citizens. A visitor’s rights seem to be the first priority; those who seek our destruction are given greater privileges than our children who enjoy and love this land.


    Something is wrong. Dreadfully wrong. Our definitions are at an all-time confusion, our values at an all-time low, our fiscal policies at an all-time danger, our beliefs at an all-time peril, and yet we want to tell our young people that we are building for their future.


    Do our leaders ever sit down and read the primary sources to understand what lies beneath these worldviews to which we are pandering? We brand a religion “peaceful” or “great” without even reading its text. Only an uninformed person can make such sweeping statements. This does not assure us that our safety is a priority.


    There is so much one can say on what needs to be done to provide for our safety. I simply resist the temptation and will not go into all of that, but rather respond in two ways. First, we must ask our political representatives to convene a formal study on this particular worldview of millions who have explicitly or implicitly screamed for our destruction. Adolf Hitler told the world what he was planning to do. The naïve of that time did not take him seriously. It took one of the bloodiest and most senseless wars in history to stop that genocide orchestrated by him. What will it take for us to wake up to the avowed threat of our time?


    Second, I suggest that the rights we give our immigrants must be granted only by strict means of scrutiny. I went through that when I first moved to the west. My brother and I were quizzed thoroughly. I respected that. But that was over four decades ago. We are now politically correct and politically endangered at the same time. As I write this, I am about to depart for one particular country. I will be there for five days. To get a visa, I had to list all the countries I have visited in the last ten years. That was a task and a half. Did I object?  No. They are protecting their political system and they have a right to demand of me disclosure that they feel is necessary to keep their values intact. Anyone without subversive intent will not be afraid of such scrutiny.


    But in our homeland we have become so all-encompassing that the only thing we don’t have any more is “values.” Interestingly, that was a term coined by the nihilists and existentialists to replace absolutes. When absolutes went, values came. When counter values came, our own values went. When our own values went, we watch a little eight-year-old boy blown to bits and the ones doing it tweet to their friends “LOL.” Such subversives do not fear our legal system. They know the perverse way in which their defenders can use it.


    When hate can laugh, decency is crying and America stands at the crossroads of choosing the path of Right or else to bury what is right in the ever-shifting quicksand of so called “rights.”


    This is a sad day as we mourn the decimation in Boston. But sadder days are ahead unless we understand what we are dealing with here. What happened in Boston was a deadly atrocity. Our failure to stem the rot will be a suicidal tragedy. We have confused what is lawful with what is legal.


    Chesterton said it well: “For under the smooth legal surface of our society there are already moving very lawless things. We are always near the breaking-point when we care only for what is legal and nothing for what is lawful. Unless we have a moral principle about such delicate matters as marriage and murder, the whole world will become a welter of exceptions with no rules. There will be so many hard cases that everything will go soft.”


    This is America today. We do not know the essential difference between what is lawful and what is legal. Our moral reasoning is dying before our eyes. Nobody knows this better than the lawless





    • Upvote 4
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  12. I have to appologize, this was passed on to me with no link.  But I can vouch that the majority of this has been air through the media, you tube, Wikipedia, and Secretary of State website.  It's there, please do your own research and realize that we Christain's are under attack.  How many signs is God going to send us.  Come out of our cowardness in resisting and defend your religious liberty. 


    President Obama is not a Christian, he embrases the opposite of good.  His actions has proven himself to be an enemy of Christianity. 

    Obama Administration’s Attacks Aimed at People of Biblical Faith


    April 2008- With disdain for Christians, Obama says they “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them”


    February 2009- Announces plans to revoke that would protect healthcare workers who will not participate in medical activities that violate their consciences.


    April 2009- Obama speaks at Georgetown University, orders that a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered up when making his speech.


    May 2009- Obama refuses to host an official service in the White House for the federally established National Day of Prayer. Obama was the first president to refuse. 


    October 2009- Obama intentionally excludes the phrase “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence. 


    November 2010- Obama uses revisionism with the National Motto, saying “E pluribus Unum” which means “Out of many, one” rather than “In God We trust” established by federal law.


    January 2011- Obama rejects the cross, Obama ignores a law passed by Congress and U.S. Supreme Court decision in refusing to cede a piece of land to the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization,  preventing the veterans from rebuilding a cross that was originally erected there in 1934 in memory of the fallen soldiers. 


    February 2011- It took Obama two years to fill the post of Religious Freedom Ambassador, who works to address religious freedom around the world.


    February 2011- Obama changes a administration rule that protected conscientious objection for medical activities that violate religious belief.


    April 2011- Obama supports passage of a non-discrimination law that would remove most all conscience protection in hiring in both the public and private work force.  Most damaging to religious organizations whose hiring frequently include selection of individuals whose lives are consistent with Christian principles and teachings.


    June 2011-  The Department of Veterans Affairs censors prayer during funeral services at Houston National Cemetery by banning the names “God and Jesus”


    August 2011- United States Air Force cancelled a nuclear missile training course at a base in California taught more than 20 years by military chaplains because the included Christian religion content.


    August 2011-  Obama promulgates new healthcare regulations, in particular relating to abortion and contraception.  Clearly violates the tenets of Christianity.


    September 2011- Air Chief of Staff issues memorandum titled “Maintaining Government Neutrality Regarding Religion”, state commanders cannot notify airmen of religious programs provided by Chaplains.


    September 2011- Commander at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center issued guidelines stating, “No religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading material, and or artifacts) allowed to be given away or used during a visit.

    Congressman Steve King denounced the guidelines on the House floor and guidelines were rescinded the next day.


    November 2011- Obama rejects to adding Franklin Roosevelt’s prominent D-Day prayer to the World War II Memorial.


    November 2011- In response to a complaint the Operation Christmas Child is run by a Christian organization and gifts handed out through the program contained religious messages, the Air Force withdrew it support.


    November 2011- In an opposite way, the Christian religion is being stopped,  the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado spent $80,000.00 to construct a “small Stonehenge-like circle of boulders” as an outdoor worship center for “earth-based” religions-pagans, wiccans, druids, and witches.


    December 2011- In a public release from the Secretary of State’s website, Obama administration stated that people’s deeply held religious beliefs in the United States and around the world are “obstacles standing in the way of protecting the human rights of those living abominable lifestyles.


    January 2012-  Obama administration contends that churches and synagogues receive no protection under the First Amendment to discriminate against those living contrary to Judeo-Christian Biblical principles when hiring pastors and rabbis. 


    February 2012- Obama announces a change to the existing student loan forgiveness program whereby student loans are forgiven in exchange for public service.  The new rule, students loans will no longer be forgiven in exchange for public service if that public service is related to religion.


    February 2012- Retired Three Star General and outspoken Christian, Lieutenant General William G. “Jeffy” Boykin withdraw from his speaking engagement at West Point Military Academy after the Academy received intense pressure to disinvite this highly decorated war hero because his Christian views. 


    February 2012- Air Force removes Latin phrase “Opus Dei” with means “Work of God” fro the patch of Rapid Capabilities Office.


    February 2012- The Army orders Catholic chaplains not to read a letter at Catholic masses that their Archbishop instructed them to read from the pulpit.   



    Patty Angel,

    Thanks for the awesome post, every word is absolutely true.

    God will have mercy on America if repentance is made for thier wicked ways.

    We as Christians need to be in warfare for our country.

    Blessings for you and yours.


    • Upvote 2
  13. I know I've asked for prayers on behalf of Mr KK before, but he is really have a time of it. He has to do a gastric study (digestion test) on 3/6 and cannot take his stomach meds nor narcotics for pain until after the test is done... he is in excruciating pain right now and there is little chance the pain will let up before then. Please pray he can withstand the pain and if possible it will be lessened so that he can get some rest.


    On 3/20 he will be having surgery on his prostate. It's not cancerous, just enlarged, and dr is going to go in and ream it out. It'll be an overnight stay for him and since my cast is on til 3/29 and I can't drive, I won't likely be able to be there with him unless I can arrange a ride. Please pray things will go well. His bladder is currently paralyzed, they don't know why, but are hoping with this surgery it will be able to wake up.


    My poor sweet husband is in dire straits and we really can use all the help we can get.


    Thanks so much, brothers and sisters...




    MADD for Heather



    We will pray for Mr KK.


    LOL thanks, Doc, will do! How about to calm the gastritis? The acid is absolutely excruciating. Np ordered some sort of drink to coat but the insurance won't cover it, $245!!! I've seen gallon bottles of aloe vera by the laxatives, I'll get him some on payday. He was eating Activia yogurt which is supposed to be full of probiotics, but the pain made him stop eating in general. He's lost about 30 pounds in 2 months. 


    I'll research the prolozone... betting the insurance won't cover it. Better get an rv quick so we can get my man fixed!


    Thanks again



    MADD for Heather

    I drink Aloe Vera Gel straight for my stomach about 1/2 cup 2xday on empty stomach.


  14. ***///***///***///

    Looks like "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" for the commies after all.

    What now, PATRIOTS....?...what now.......

    How do we undo the gross incompetence of those who believe in this commie culture?

    (even if they're too stupid to know they allowed it to happen...?)

    We're surrounded by un-Patriotic, ignorant, weak, nanny-state-loving, Freedom-despising,

    kool-aid swilling, rainbow-painting unicorn jockeys hell-bent on destroying Our Republic...

    They've been brainwashed by the sneaky party, the deceitful, hateful political arm that

    enslaved their minds and got their support to undermine the greatest Counry that ever was....

    They handed over their minds, their votes --- AND THEIR FREEDOM,

    so no amount of our trying to convince them they've done great harm to US and the world and

    must reverse themselves now or DIE ENSLAVED will be heeded.

    It's too late for them -- enslaved TOOLS that they are.

    You've seen their commie-induced, brainwashed mantras repeated on these boards time and again.

    Will these ZOMBIES ever wake up and realise they need US Patriots to save their skins?...

    or will they recoil in fear, lay down and roll over like LIBOY and allow their COMRADES to walk on

    their backs ushering in a world of enslavement of the masses for the good of a few?


    Do not let the ZOMBIE MASTERS win.

    They do NOT deserve the Freedoms we fought and died for so only THEY could prosper.

    Ours was a Republic designed for ALL to prosper.

    Those that failed are bitter and want those of US who worked for it to hand it over to them!

    The weak who imagine themselves disenfranchised by the rest of US.

    They are SO weak and bitter that they are failures, they have resorted to aligning themselves

    with thieves and liars to gain what crumbs are thrown their way.

    It is THEIR VICTIM MENTALITY that is now costing so many FREE GOD-GIVEN WILL.

    Our Bill of Rights, Constitution, Freedoms & Liberties were meant to be a beacon of hope to all

    in a surpressed world over.

    We even FOUGHT and DIED for rights of people the world over.

    Looks like we have to start all over again right here at home.

    Now if we could only get the zombies to turn on their masters and stand beside US for FREEDOM.

    Anybody know how to undo the mind-set of a programmed zombie? dry.gif


    The only help we have is  PRAYER for reprobate minds 

  15. I know for a fact that we have members here at DV that are fighting this terrible disease and if this could help them one little bit I would be very happy!!


    My husband had one removed on his nose and one on each side to go.

    The one on left side could require cosmetic surgery, at present doctor has given him a type of

    chemotherapy cream to put on it.

    I much prefer natural remedies if possible.

    We will know in April the outcome,  in the meantime we are trusting God for a good report.

    Thanks Bumper



    • Upvote 3
  16. ***///***///***///

    Looks like "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" for the commies after all.

    What now, PATRIOTS....?...what now.......

    How do we undo the gross incompetence of those who believe in this commie culture?

    (even if they're too stupid to know they allowed it to happen...?)

    We're surrounded by un-Patriotic, ignorant, weak, nanny-state-loving, Freedom-despising,

    kool-aid swilling, rainbow-painting unicorn jockeys hell-bent on destroying Our Republic...

    They've been brainwashed by the sneaky party, the deceitful, hateful political arm that

    enslaved their minds and got their support to undermine the greatest Counry that ever was....

    They handed over their minds, their votes --- AND THEIR FREEDOM,

    so no amount of our trying to convince them they've done great harm to US and the world and

    must reverse themselves now or DIE ENSLAVED will be heeded.

    It's too late for them -- enslaved TOOLS that they are.

    You've seen their commie-induced, brainwashed mantras repeated on these boards time and again.

    Will these ZOMBIES ever wake up and realise they need US Patriots to save their skins?...

    or will they recoil in fear, lay down and roll over like LIBOY and allow their COMRADES to walk on

    their backs ushering in a world of enslavement of the masses for the good of a few?


    Do not let the ZOMBIE MASTERS win.

    They do NOT deserve the Freedoms we fought and died for so only THEY could prosper.

    Ours was a Republic designed for ALL to prosper.

    Those that failed are bitter and want those of US who worked for it to hand it over to them!

    The weak who imagine themselves disenfranchised by the rest of US.

    They are SO weak and bitter that they are failures, they have resorted to aligning themselves

    with thieves and liars to gain what crumbs are thrown their way.

    It is THEIR VICTIM MENTALITY that is now costing so many FREE GOD-GIVEN WILL.

    Our Bill of Rights, Constitution, Freedoms & Liberties were meant to be a beacon of hope to all

    in a surpressed world over.

    We even FOUGHT and DIED for rights of people the world over.

    Looks like we have to start all over again right here at home.

    Now if we could only get the zombies to turn on their masters and stand beside US for FREEDOM.

    Anybody know how to undo the mind-set of a programmed zombie? dry.gif




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