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Posts posted by prescottcped

  1. I travel to Panama usually 1=3 times a year, and China has a firm grip on the Panamanian economy. They own the majority of all the small Grocery and Liquor stores in the country. China seems to have a large presence thru out the world. We need to watch them very carefully, I believe that they are looking for Global dominance.

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  2.   Ranger 173, We pray that your wife is healed soon, no matter what the IQD does, our health is most important. I believe that God has a plan, and all of us are in it. Keep your spirits up. Almost of us on this ride could benefit from this RV, we all pray that it happens soon (there's that word again) God Bless you and your family, and God Bless The United States of America

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  3.  After watching the post by Charlie Echo, I am beginning to think that some of this conspiracy theory could be true. I do not by any means want to believe it, but in my 69 years on this earth, I have seen and heard so much that it scares the hell out of me as to what our Government could be capable of doing. Please, somebody tell me this is just not true. God bless us and The United States off America.

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  4. The bleeding hearts of this country are going to be our downfall. Look at what is happening today in our society, and it makes me sick to my stomach! Mass shootings, Man of the year, woman of the year, When are we going to wake up and see that America as we have known it no longer exists. We had better become best friends with China, Russia, and North Korea, because if they wanted to defeat us, I am not sure that the younger population of this country would have the fortitude to stand up and help us older generation to defeat them. God help us from our self's!!

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  5. Living in Arizona, and having met Sherriff Joe in person, I am proud to say that I have a concealed weapons permit, and will stand up for my fellow Americans if the need ever arises. I pray that I am never put in that position, but will not hesitate to do what is necessary to protect myself, my family, or anybody else that is in harms way. If you choose not to carry, that is your right, but the bad guy is not going to wait for the Police to do whatever their intentions may be. A bad guy with a gun can do a lot of damage in the 3 to 10 minutes it takes Law Enforcement to come to you assistance. God Bless the USA, and may God keep us all safe from all of the evil in this world!  

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  6.    I live in Prescott Arizona, and this has hit our community very hard. This ISIS group needs to be dealt with NOW not later. Hopefully our next President will come up with a solution to end their barbaric activities. If the American people do not wake up soon, ISIS will be in all of our states and cities. History will show that the world stood by and did nothing, just as it did when Germany decided to exterminate the Jews. We all know how that turned out. There is a reason that the vast majority of Americans have guns, if our Government can not, or will not protect us, we will protect our self's!!! Sorry for the rant, but I for one am tired of our great nation not doing more to end these atrocities!!


    PS: The rest of the world had better wake up as well.

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  7.    Maybe it is time for us, the American people, to wake up and take our country back. When the Government no longer uses common since, and continues to take away our rights as citizens, then it is time to rise up and do as our forefathers did to secure freedom and laws for the people, by the people , and with the people. Peacefully if possible, but by whatever means is necessary to get our great nation back to what it was!!! I pray that this next election will bring our country back to greatness, but if not, God help the USA!! 

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