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Posts posted by ToothyGrins4U

  1. I sent them off to Xchangeofamerica and I will get $620, according to their web site. They are licensed and certified so I felt safer taking the loss knowing that they will wire me the funds inside of a week. They will have the Dinar by Friday (us priority mail) and then I have about 3-4 days. It will help me tremendously! Thank you for the advice, I do appreciate that greatly. :-)

  2. Every time I try to call one of these places, I get a machine. wants way too much personal information on their "customer" form. I have $950,000 I need to sell. Im a single dad that is facing eviction. This is urgent, I know I will lose some money but if I get 5-600 I will be happy cause I can pay my bills. I work full time but I was hospitalized and lost time from work. My parents are retired. I HAVE NO OPTIONS and I just want sell what I have. They are 25k notes and they are circulated


  3. I have $950,000 in Dinar that I need to sell. I am a single Dad and I had some health issues recently which took me out of work for a weeks. I am struggling to pay my rent and I must sell these to make ends meet. My son is going into his 2nd year and he is a good student. I am desperately trying to prevent from having to move. My family lives 50 miles from me and that means I would have to pull him from his school (very good school in LA) which is what I am trying to avoid. If someone can tell me how to cash them in or where I can sell them, I understand I will lose part of my original investment but I am okay with that. This is much more important clearly.

    Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can provide me.


    You can e-mail me at

  4. There is darkness and evil in this world, always has been, always will be. Usually these beings are driven by greed, etc.. and this is nothing new. This has been the way things are for centuries except that now we live in the information age. Big game changer. Unfortunately, the populous has yet to realize their strength in numbers and instead pray that these insidious, evil people will not focus their attention on them. Self preservation through some form of denial. You might wish these people dead or focus your energy on what you can do to shine a light in these dark places.


    There will always be evil people to follow those that are and were. Pray for the good. Spread information to expose what wrong and stick to what you believe in. Evil will always be there if not only to contrast all the good in the world.

  5. It seems that there are some frustrations surfacing over this whole fiasco in Iraq. Squabbling over our personal opinions does not serve any purpose other than to rub salt in an already sore and puss filled wound. Here is what I think about this whole mess:

    We are in an age of social unrest on a global scale, an information age where people are suddenly opening their eyes to the incredible injustices that have been imposed upon them. Here in America, we are no better. The fact is that there are more forces at work here than anyone of us could possibly fathom. I have been researching a theory that deals with one world government and a global currency. What I have uncovered are decades of secretive and insidious actions being played out by the world's most powerful people and institutions, with the Vatican and the Jesuit order at the head of most of it. We have all heard of Bilderberg, Freemason's, Illuminati etc etc but how many of you realize that there is a labyrynth of deceit that traces back to these groups, which it seems may also be connected to each other, for over a century at least.

    There are bigger powers at work here and all we as people are getting is spoon fed "boots on the ground" information that is diluted and manipulated before it is released. I do not know to what end these conspiracies are true and what the outcome is but the signs and information is out least for the moment. So do not attack one another because certainly, this is expected and the contempt it breeds makes us no better that the same people we are blaming in Iraq. I firmly believe the game is afoot but to what end, who knows. I will admit that while I remain hopeful that this investment will ultimately pay off, I grow more suspect with each passing month.

    Good luck to everyone out here and let's not forget who we are as people just because our hopes might be fading over this investment. At some point, we may find we will need each other more than anyone could ever imagine.

  6. YEPPERS!!!! This is freakin awesome news.......keep knockin that plan down and they will have to come up with another way to raise the value.....

    Starting to head in the right direction....this should be pinned because this is a pivital part in our investment......just need to see more denial of Shabs plan from the govt as well!!!

    Mods, PIN THIS!!!! If I can vouch for this being GREAT news then believe me this needs to be seen by everyone...... laugh.gif

    I'm no financial wizard and not an investment specialist. I came into this on a tip and ridden the coaster about a year now. I took to monitoring these sites daily and having dreams of sugar plums like so many of us. After a few very exciting periods..I learned to accept that this could go either way. With everything happening before the withdrawal of troops, all the political propaganda and now recently some things actually being effected- I am optimistically encouraged to think that this would be good news. Keep the bills you have now and just RV, no need to deal without all the complications of a LOP but rather make what you have worth more and get back into the game with a new perspective. Regardless of what anyone believes in, a common thread in any society is that you should have a way to create resources to help you achieve the lifestyle you desire. We all need something to trade with. Iraq should be ready to get back in the game and if no new currency then that sure sounds like an RV, perhaps if only temporary. My question is simply will they go big for $1.00 or more or start at .10? Either way, I will very happy to see us cross that threshold so I can get me some sugarplums. I have to admit this sounds very very good.

    GO RV

    • Upvote 1

    This took place in 2003 allegedly. It does raise a few questions: Why was the money handed over so quickly and neglegently? It would almost appear as if it might have been intended to fall into the wrong hands. But that is speculation at best. What is more important is how this just now becomes news and why? How is it the massive amount of money (in cash) was "missing" for almost nine years and someone just now realized it.

    How this effects us is an interesting question. Are we so close that this was lost in the now important details to an-nul thew Chapter 7 and someone just realized it?

    Or is this about something else? What is clear is that the US has a hand in Iraq's financial affairs that may be a crooked as the people selected to run the interim government in Iraq. Was this "hush" money to turn a blind eye to other activity? Either way, I felt this was an interesting article, especially the timing of it. I would love to hear any thoughts anyone has on this and how it might effect us, if at all.

    ToothyGrins4U -- GO RV

  8. It's easy... try this... the fit is about to hit the shan! There, that wasn't to hard now was it???laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

    Maybe the "smoke and mirrors" has backfired and fooled even the Iraqi's ... or maybe that is what the leadership wants to keep the people broke so the will keep going to work on Monday mornings!??? huh.gif

    "The defecation is increasingly near to impacting the rotary oscillator" - How's that for ya?

  9. Speculation is at the heart of this investment and these web sites. Even the news articles are subject to interpetation. Would Iraq or any other hidden political catalysts, purposely release negative news that indicate everything will take another year? Do they have anything to gain in this if some people dump their IQD? The short answer is yes. This is life and in life there are no guarantees except death. If you have invested wisely, you have used discretionary funds that do not take away from your ability live and maintain your lifestyle, you should wait, even if it does take another year. If you invested too much and can no longer afford to hold, then don't. Sell what you must but you might want to retain some, just in case.

    I refuse to let this control my life. I have minimized my visits to this site and still feel good about the investment. I might make a lot of money or I might not. I have invested $1000 USD and that will be it. If it does well, I will be quite happy. If it does not, then I will continue on because I can afford to lose what I have dedicated to this. The prospects of such a huge return has clearly become an obsession for some. I hope they will gain some clarity and stop living for the RV and rather take life one day at a time. I personally do not see much reason to panic over possible delays because, I am taking everything with plenty of salt and I am convinced that no one really knows anything for sure, that shares in these forums. The is however some intelligent speculation and plenty of unsubstantiated hype. Take your pick and stay thristy my friends!



  10. This appears to be something that may have no real effect on the RV. It does give them more time but I have a sense that they are preparing for something based on all the other activity. I agree that this may well be a good thing because the way I see it, once most major issues are resolved, as we see now, they will be free to make they move. This extension probably allows them the time to finish up they reparations with Kuwait, which has been said to be another 6 months of Iraq resolving those issues. This is probably just a formality that gives their government a little elbow room. I agree with those that think this has little effect on potential RV. The next few days should be interesting to watch.

  11. 'coldwarvet',

    Finally, people need to follow the money is a good analogy concerning banks- Banks behave like lightening in a Thunderstorm, they take the path of least resistance; so, Banks in Iraq will strike, because the new fledging democracy is a path to the least resistance due to their global influence and power!

    Thank you,


    I like this analogy because you add the other factors like the wind gusting (Occasional good verifiable intel), the rain (GOI chaos) the hail (Actual cryptic announcements by the CBI) and then the F5 Twister...the RV itself- which we all know can and will happen, the question is when and where- lol

    I am still going with my gut feeling for June 30th/July 1st seems almost like poetic justice and the news lately seems to support the fact that much is happening with this investment right now..


  12. I have to admit that each day closer to June 30 gets longer and l o n g e r... I have posted some opinons in the past about this month quite possibly having a lot of importance. I have taken to trying to see the forest through trees lately, and it seems the forest is getting larger every day. We know the GOI has been going back and forth quite a bit and suddenly the Kurds as of recent have also become more vocal. Doesn't mean much by itself but suddenly Wells Fargo buys a Foreign Currency Exchange Corporation...yet they would not have anything to do with Dinar? What gives? Then we have the other banks, first Chase stopped selling, then 5/3...even Capital One. So they suddenly realized people weren't traveling to Iraq and needed local currency? Then we have our government with all sides screaming budget and debt ceiling as the second quarter approaches...oddly enough, I do not sense any real panic for a great nation that could be ruined at the pace things are headed, very odd. Something else that is odd, no US media has touched on the Iraq economy, no stories, no speculation nothing...our propaganda, sensationalism driven media...not even a peep on 60 minutes. This bugs me, it doesn't sit well with me unless maybe, just maybe there is a reason or even some type of gag order in place... Okay, what does the media know anyway? The banks probably too busy issuing SBA's to boost the economy since we did bail them out...NOT! *I work in Commercial Debt Recovery and the small to moderate sized companies are getting pummeled, no funding and the banks are tighter than a Bulls Ass in Fly Season because the only companies getting a line of credit are those that don't need it. Iraq politics are ridiculous, why even follow that chaos...or are they? Perhaps they are smarter than we give them credit for and in light of the impending change in Iraq, they are actually struggling to get control of an incredibly rich country... Now greed and a struggle for power, too obvious, it can't be that... so what else? Oh yes, how could I forget!? The sanctions are going to lifted after decades of be "grounded", Iraq will be essentially free to enter the world trade market and flex it's muscle at the rest of the world! The way I see it, it is almost poetic that this would happen in Babylon. A place where there was suddenly mass confusion as a result of greed, pride and lack of faith... It is truly scary as I watch the news and it seems the world is changing in front of my eyes, super storms, war, pestilence, famine and more... I suspect there is a bigger event afoot, yes I think it will RV and I cannot help but wonder if it will be followed by seven years of peace or the forming of a global government... When I step back to see the forest throught the trees, it gives me chills because something in my soul in uneasy. Yes, I want the RV but I am being careful to insure that I do not lose sight of what's important. My Faith. My Family. My peace of mind. May your God bless you and let's hope the next page in history gets written at the end of the month, just keep your head and heart in the right place no matter what. GO RVVVVV

    • Upvote 4

    You are absolutely right, "when they are ready"- Now let's look at who "they" are. They are leaders of a previously (and still) oppressed and worn torn country that have a chance to secure a seat of power. Iraq has a potential to become one of the most wealthy places on earth and that I believe we can all agree on. Once "they" have done all they can do to secure their position and their supporters, there will be plenty of opportunities for greed and power ahead and they are well aware of it. This is probably the single most reason behind the delays seating the GOI. They know what is at steak and their lust for power and wealth has them all trying to push their way to the front like a clearance sale at Walmart. There is little concern for those around them as long as they are in the best possible position once the doors open. Well, I have a strong hunch that the lights just went on in the store and they are starting up the registers as we speak, because shortly there will be a feeding frenzy of both external and internal factors. It just seems logical and speaks to human nature and the desire to have it all. One thing is certain, we do not have long to go before we know whether or not this is the time.


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  14. Excellent post and if I can add to that a little extra food for thought-

    June also marks the end of the second quarter in the US at a time when all the political parties are hopping onto their ponies for a ride down the campaign trail. Wall street is patiently waiting to see what happens with the National Debt and the state of affairs we are in and do not think for a minute they do not know about the RV. For them it is another investment opportunity like anything else, well perhaps more promising but they are waiting, we can be sure of that. This entire event is about global economics and one has only to watch the news for a while to learn that we (the world) are in dire need of an event such as this. And of course we have Wells Fargo, the naysayer that suddenly decided to purchase the Foreign Currency Exchange Corporation? When a conservative outfit like Wells Fargo buys a corporation, understand that they have done their homework and have made the move with huge profits in mind.

    Now the cherry for this Fudge Sunday

    It seems the that the Kurds (the most advanced community or political in Northern Iraq) have suddenly become more vocal. "A true wise man looks for every opportunity in which to say nothing"- Solomon book of proverbs

    They have been patiently sitting on the sidelines through much of the rhetoric, although they are as much a part of this as any of the other political influences in Iraq. Recent posts and news articles seem to indicate more involvement as they are becoming suddenly more vocal about this sad state of affairs with the GOI and adding pressure for the others to Gitter Done!

    Yes, I have felt very good about this month for a few weeks now. I will keep my job, love my family and pray for an RV - BTW Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads out there and you Moms that play both roles.


    • Upvote 4
  15. I do not have any sources or secret intel but I do know the rate and the date of when the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is going to occur 100% guaranteed.

    Date: 27/06/2011

    Rate: $3.86

    If that's the case will you buy my Dinar right now at $2.00 ? B)

    • Upvote 1
  16. God bless 'em. It's amazing how practical and smart these two men are, compared to the rest of the GOI. I'm glad to see Talibani stepping it up.

    With all the political positioning that has been going on in the last year alone between the Iraqi "politicians", I have noted that has been chaotic, argumentative, disorganized and extremely adversarial in nature. Now, at a time where so much has come together and it seems much is happening...we see these two stepping up their game and becoming more vocal. Are we in the eleventh hour of the RV? What comes to mind is a proverb from the book of Solomon:

    "A true wise man looks for every opportunity in which to say nothing"

    Perhaps because they understood better than we do, the nature of politics and/or political influence, in that part of the world, they have chosen to sit back and let the others expose themselves through their actions or lack of. It makes sense to me that if they knew this play out with so much indifference and opposition (as it has) that they might sit back, observe and take notes. Northern Iraq seems like a different country as they are not by any means in the same state of distress as the rest of their country. They have managed to maintain their communities and much more modern way of life throughout much of this debacle.

    It's like a couple of adults watching some children scrap and argue patiently. As adults, they know when enough is enough and are prepared to step in when the time is right. By being patient, they have a working knowledge of which children they should focus more of their attention on. It might be a lame metaphor but it would not surprise me if much of this chaos has been allowed to allow some of the problems to come to bare, making it easier to know who to deal with and how. Let's not forget what is at stake, too many countries and too much wealth...I feel certain we are close and the "adults" are about to put an end to this fiasco and in effect put the children to bed...some without their supper, I'm sure.


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  17. And once again the Swiss site is showing weird numbers for Iraq.

    interesting indeed- just checked the swiss site and 1 mil dinar (I believe, if my math is correct) is current worth $10,000 USD's my thought, if this is something we have been waiting for, it is a much lower yet still a decent return. What's even morte intriguing is the question that comes next...will it continue to climb. Of course, the swiss site did this once before, so who knows. Certainly many of us have military friends, family or contacts...this should be easy to debunk or confirm as to whether or not our people abroad have actually heard anything. Well, it does spark a small amount of waiting to hear the lottery numbers...knowing the odds are tough but maybe..just maybe


  18. Very nice post! When you factor all these items into the fact that the USA has to find a way out of the current deficit and the GOP isn't giving an inch, it all makes sense. Obama it seems is oddly enough, not to worried (or least outwardly) about our national debt. It is almost as if he is sitting on a trump card that he will play when the time is right. The theatrics behind the timing seem to be in sync with the fact that it is almost time to start the presidential campaign for another term. Well, he did handle Osama Bin Laden, next up RVVVVVVVV ! I just hope the RV isn't hiding somewhere in Pakistan ... lol

    Thanks for the perspective, nicely done. B)

  19. Really? It is extremely amusing to see how someone thinks that they can sway something of this magnitude that is clearly already encumbered in a multi-national and religiously political gridlock. If you had done your homework, you would know that the pressure is mounting and in 4 to 5 days or so, there will again be protesting in Iraq. That will get media attention but not the irate babble of some venture capitalist trying to effect sensitive decisions about one country's economy, which in this case happens to affect many other countries around the globe! If you did get any recognition, it might be during Jay Leno's monologue or maybe (if you're lucky) a bit on SNL. Apart from some small parody and maybe a few mentions around the Dinar sites, I think your vain attempts might be viewed as pure babble, assuming it was given any mention at all. My point is that if you are a serious investor, spend your spare time doing some legitimate research that might lend some insight to the direction that things are headed. Anyway, I'll be watching Leno closely to see if he picks up your your cause as it should prove to be quite amusing. GO RVVVVVV

    • Upvote 1
  20. Greetings all,

    This morning, during my drive in to work, I hear news about the US Debt Ceiling debate over raising it another 2.5 trillion and NATO bombing civilians in Afganistan but not much at all about Iraq. Matter of fact, the news about Iraq is so limited it has me wondering why? Well, after perusing through a number of posts and getting my daily dose the rollcoaster anxiety that accompanies it...there is that one thing that gnaws at me and it is why, when there is clearly so much news posted here about Iraq and it's chaotic government or lack thereof, is there so little being mentioned? Pulling troops out of Iraq or building military installations there or whatever, I would expect is important news for the this country. Yet, it seems that much of what is happening there is not being reported? Is this intentional? If so, why? One theory that I am growing fonder of is that we are extremely close to a big event, that is will maybe later go down in history as our politicians best kept secret. I have heard all the reasoning behind why this needs to happen and I simply not savvy enough to understand the reasoning as to why it wouldn't happen. If there are truly soooo many benefits behind the RV, how is it that it has not become more mainstream? We live in an information age where information of any worth spreads like wildfire and millions click on links to see someones cat do cute tricks. With the magnitude of what an RV could potentially mean, how has it escaped the attention of our media? The only plausible answer I can figure is that our media has been restricted from offering speculation and due to the volatility of the region, our government can only remain optimistic but dare not count on it. With so many other countries involved, surely there are strategies in place to insure we do not lose our shirt in this war. Certainly, there was a plan going into Iraq and to some extent, one has to believe that plan is still in place. Personally, I believe we are close to seeing this come to an end. I believe the lack of news is simply "Diversion" or "Strategic Denial" because the reality is that while this would benefit our economy, too many people rushing toward this investment at once could easily have adverse affects. Let's face it, it there was public support and news encouraging this investment, it could easily dismantle the entire process that has been in place since the BUSH years. So as I listen to the news broadcast our raising the debt ceiling and the GOP publicly denouncing it...I cannot help but wonder what else our government could do to offset the huge deficit that will come to bare in July? Well, if everything I have learned is true there is one solution...and with July approaching quickly, it would certainly result in pressure for Iraq to get their act together politically. Just imagine, the different powers in Iraq trying to jockey and posture themselves to control a country that is suddenly in the catbird seat...knowing that the time is near. Not too unlike what we do know is happening right now. I think much of the news we do dig up seems to support that theory... I am not a guru nor a financial wizard but I do play chess a little and I think the final moves will happen before the end of June and we will have the answer. I only hope it is along the lines of what many of us are anticipating and not a stalemate of sorts, that drags this entire fiasco out for another couple of years. I am hedging my bets that our economy as well as the global economy cannot hang on much longer and we will finally reach an end.

    Live well and GO RV

    • Upvote 3
  21. Your post is a plausible opinion but then you admit to getting your 125,000,000 figure from a forum somewhere...clearly however, you have invested, which is why you visit the forums. I have done a little research here and there and if you do the same you will find a plethora of information for both sides of the fence. So what I have chosen to do is based on instinct mostly and faith. I will share what I do know and where I get my reasoning from:

    Our government has reasons for invading Irag that go beyond any WMD's - So what was their reason?

    Democracy is something that goes against the grain of what the Iraqi culture feels comfortable with, it's new and it's change, people ALL people are typically afraid of change

    Various Iraqi politicians are all trying to position themselves to establish future power and control? Why would they do that if the countries future prospects were bleak?

    The UN has taken a front seat in watching the political process unfold, yet they did not support our reason for entering Iraq initially. I suspect their motivation is to insure they get their cut/share of the resources.

    The US economy is failing and the 3rd quarter will be an integral part of what happens moving forward as the Wall St Moguls manipulate trade from their ivory towers...if they do not see a chance to may change as we know it

    Considering all the players on the Chess board, I have a hard time believing that a country like Iraq will be allowed to flounder about much longer when they are sitting on enough resources to ease economic pressure on a global scale

    As for a large number of people becoming rich overnight...exactly why would this be a bad thing? Really? The reality is the half or more will probably soon be seperated from ther wealth anyway...but how would a large group of people spending money all of a sudden, have a negative effect on our economy or all the other economies? Iraqi people have been relatively quiet when their neighbors are uprising and they have it too good or do they know something? No, but they might know some things we do not about where their future is headed and they are simply waiting.

    The irony for me is that the same place with so much history that is literally biblical has now been postured to again have an effect on the world that again could be considered biblical when you really consider the sheer magnitude and far reaching consequences it will have globally

    I could continue but I will simply say that too many things add up to an event that will rock the world, maybe I'm wrong but my gut and my instincts tell me I'm not. You see, I am hugely skeptical of prophets, as the good book tells me that I should beware of them but I can still have faith in myself. So I have faith that I have made a wise investment but I also know that when you have so many political factors that need to all merge and coordinate toward a common goal, greed can easily derail the best of plans. In essence, that is all we have at the moment...plans and numerous politicians all trying to insure their fair share. I think the delays we have seen are more about the unseen forces than they are about two puppets arguing over who is in charge of security. One thing that bothers me is Iran- they have always been at odds with Iraq and they certainly don't send us Christmas cards either but they have been relatively quiet in all this. Sure, there's an extremist squawking about the US presence but he is probably a diversion while they continue to focus on weapons development. If Iraq becomes rich and powerful, this does not bode well for them. Are they working on any contingent plans to deal with Iraq's potential power and global influence?

    My point is that this is much more complicated than some machine being tweaked to PING all the banks or some screen going GREEN or several leaders fussing over who will run the military and the interior police. Now add to that, the shrewd groups of people that have realized they could sell the dream and generate considerable sums of money RV or not...

    of course the dream is real and has tremendous potential, that is why it is a great venture for them...throw in some intel and ships at sea on the weekends and count it up next week.

    When you add these things together, it sums up to stress, anxiety, uncertainty and tremendous chaos...check any site today and you will see it jumping off the screen. The ONLY common thread is that no one knows for sure. It is a business and though I do not condone their tactics and strategy, I must remember buyer beware. When it is all said and done, I strongly suspect there will be a healthy profit to my modest investment and I will be better for the experience that came with it. Remember, never forget where you came from and where your going, treat others as you wish to be treated, love and protect your family and find something to believe in.

    GO RVVV and PLEASE take a moment to remember our veterans this weekend- for without them, none of this would be possible :D

  22. I don't think attendees at this meeting would EVER mention an RV in any context. It would drive massive speculation and sabotage the ultimate goal of an RV. It would also reflect poorly on the leaders of the G8, i.e., that they need an IQD RV to help bail them out of their own poorly managed situations. So I don't think you'll see any world leader mention an RV. Too embarassing to too many of them. JMO.

    I agree with that. The part that bugs me is no mention of Iraq in this entire announcement. They mention Russia entering WTO but not Iraq...I found this to be odd although I must agree that it could be a collective strategy to keep it low key. I sure hope that is the case- GO RV

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