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Posts posted by nick.powell52

  1. Easy, they dont convert any Iraqi Dinar that they hold, and just use Iraqi Dinar in transactions with Iraq, Via cheaper oil. actually... free oil.

    So then the U.S. Gov. is going to turn around and give all that free oil to refineries? Beyond the strategic reserve, what is the government going to do with crude?

    Free in the sense that u.s dollars won't be paying for the oil. Iraqi dinars will.

  2. We had no business over there to begin with. How is it that hundreds of platoons were in there and none of them did such an act? have you ever heard of someone joining the service just so they can justify killing people?

    well i have. My brother was one of them. And he got his chance in Nam. I was fortunate enough to go to Germany while he was in Nam. I can say that if i had to go I would have, but I'm glad I didn't. So now let me ask you.

    If China invaded the U.S. and then killed your families would you like it if their court system gave them 3 months for killing innocent people? They could well say. How did we know they were innocent. I think they all should

    get at least 5 years. Of course war is hell but haven't you ever heard of the Geneva convention? Go RV

    Yes I forgot only America is expected to follow the Geneva convention. I guess beheading dozens of Americans on national Iraqi tv is a ok. Do people read what they write? What about the hundred thousands of japenese civilians that got incinerated by nuclear bombs, regardless of what you think war is war, and sometimes human emotion gets in the way.

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  3. I just would like to remind everyone that people in all countrys kill eachother because of their beliefs, last year 5,000 gangbangers died in America as a result of gang violence. But no one describes America as in civil unrest. Iraq will eventually contain and eliminate these idiots, and casualties will be less and less, its just takes time. Time that they do have, with money comes better security.

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  4. From what I understand that is for people that have investments that are actually in foreign countries (ie. real-estate, foreign SX dividends, interest accrued on foreign bank accounts, etc) and not if they hold a foreign currency in their hands and make a profit on exchanging it due to a rate change.

    really now? so your telling me real estate, dividends, etc, are computed to only equal a networth of 200k? USD? IMO if it were referring to something other than currency speculation I.E BIG investors. the amount would be much, much, higher. would you agree?

  5. My apologies. Lost my cool when such ignorence was thrown my way, everyone who served in Iraq and Afghanistan know why we fought, and still fight, and it is not for oil. It's to protect our families and fellow americans back home. It's just unfortunate that someone could know nothing about the war, then try to argue with someone whose seen it first hand as to why they were there fighting. And the only thing they have are news articles made up by people just as mentally handicapped as themselves. I just hope someday reality will smack them in the face. Until then ...

  6. Ohh and neg me all you want, ban me. I DC. i fought in iraq with my brothers. Ive seen grown men cry because their best friends just got incinerated by IEDS or got picked off by a sniper, Ive seen HUMVV's come back the doors open and blood just poor out but nothing else. . I don't need to google articles to know why i fought their. Regardless of whether some jackass who sits at home and googles articles thinks, i know what we fought for. He knows nothing. And hes not gonna sit here and post bullshit links when i saw it with my own two eyes. I have no respect for people who think we invaded Iraq for oil., because those people who think that don't respect everyone who sacrificed their lives to make sure the iraqi people never get gassed again, and never have genocide brought upon them. People who say that Insult all the Americans who lost their lives on September 11th

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  7. dude you seriously need to get a grip. that kind of statement is uncalled for period! i appreciate your passion for what you believe in but man-o-man dude there should be some boundary to how you express it. you are doing nothing more but solidifying the point of your opponent by your militaristic style response.

    i disagree with your opinion but i am quite honestly a bit fretful to voice it because i certainly don't want a marine wishing dealth on my family after going through such hardships to protect them huh.gif

    Maybe it was over the top, But i don't really care. Its Americans like him who don't appreciate the thousands who have died to protect his freedom. But apparently all the death and suffering was due to economical gains to the US. As far as I'm concerned what he said is one million times worse than anything i said. He needs a reality check.

  8. Another Lie huh? You seem like a pretty tough guy. Get some more of your links and and find out that the north Vietnamese used thousands of children to kill Americans. Ranging from making new borns sit on mines crying and waiting for an American Soldier to pick them up so the mine went off, you need to go to a local VFW and stop googling ur bull **** articles. your seriously mislead.

  9. "I think its OK because the USA doesn't go around threatening other nations with nuclear weapons".........................That's right...cuz we are the only nation that has actually used a nuclear weapon in an act of war

    "Well now Iran is threatening to kill millions of Israelis"...You are probable reffering to media hyped quote that they would "wipe Israel off the map"...might want to investigate that POOR translation

    "Why do people get the impression that America is just some big bully who randomly picks on other countries"....................Because we do

    " fascist or dictator starts killing thousands of people just because of religious views or for no other good reason" don't really believe that do you?

    " All these idiots say "oh America invaded Iraq because of the chance to make money"...................Have you actually read any news about Iraqi oil development / infastructure?

    "We fought in Iraq to improve peoples lives their."..............I thought it was because Saddam had WMD's....(not)

    Got a question for you.................................Do you actually work for CNN.....Fox.......Or one of the other propaganda machines?.....Just curious

    No ive worked for the USMC, ive seen people get shot in the head and die to make sure your relatives don't get killed in plane bombings. As far as Im concerned you should be hanging With Sadaam.

    Im not wasting my time on such an idiot anymore. I hope An Iranian terrorist kills your family. Then maybe you'll appreciate what your soldiers do for you. It is was not for ******* oil.

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  10. Not sure what the difference is.......Commerce disruption .....or "sanctions" of this sort are acts of war against another county...

    Why is it that Iran has to keep their "dirty hands out of Iraq"......but its okay for the USA to act with impunity?

    I think its OK because the USA doesn't go around threatening other nations with nuclear weapons. If Israel is our ally, and Iran wants to unleash nuclear bombs on them simply because they don't like there religion, or there views. Well now Iran is threatening to kill millions of Israelis. That right there is a threat that goes against the Geneva convention. If America is as bad as your making it out to be, then heck wed blow the crap out of any country we didn't like. Last time i checked we have the biggest weapon arsenal in the world. Why do people get the impression that America is just some big bully who randomly picks on other countries. Ive been around for 22 years now, and every "impunity" act that America has done has been because a fascist or dictator starts killing thousands of people just because of religious views or for no other good reason.. Not once have i seen America go into a country and kill combatants just for economical gains. All these idiots say "oh America invaded Iraq because of the chance to make money" well folks news flash, 10 years later and almost 7,000 Americans dead. I'm not seeing any of the gain that America went to war for, except making thousands of families suffer because of the loss of loved ones.

    We fought in Iraq to improve peoples lives their. Do you know how many times Ive seen an Iraqi child smiling in happiness, just because an American soldier picked him up, or talked to him. gave him something so SIMPLE AS A BALL TO PLAY WITH. But us going to Iraq was an impunity. Just like us trying to stop the extermination of Israelis is and impunity.

    Got a question for you Rich man, have you ever seen war? do you know why most Americans died in Vietnam. Because they could not pull the trigger. Its sad when a nation hates it soldiers, but a nation like south Korea and south Vietnam love them for saving their lives. What an impunity huh.

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  11. It seems that there are some frustrations surfacing over this whole fiasco in Iraq. Squabbling over our personal opinions does not serve any purpose other than to rub salt in an already sore and puss filled wound. Here is what I think about this whole mess:

    We are in an age of social unrest on a global scale, an information age where people are suddenly opening their eyes to the incredible injustices that have been imposed upon them. Here in America, we are no better. The fact is that there are more forces at work here than anyone of us could possibly fathom. I have been researching a theory that deals with one world government and a global currency. What I have uncovered are decades of secretive and insidious actions being played out by the world's most powerful people and institutions, with the Vatican and the Jesuit order at the head of most of it. We have all heard of Bilderberg, Freemason's, Illuminati etc etc but how many of you realize that there is a labyrynth of deceit that traces back to these groups, which it seems may also be connected to each other, for over a century at least.

    There are bigger powers at work here and all we as people are getting is spoon fed "boots on the ground" information that is diluted and manipulated before it is released. I do not know to what end these conspiracies are true and what the outcome is but the signs and information is out least for the moment. So do not attack one another because certainly, this is expected and the contempt it breeds makes us no better that the same people we are blaming in Iraq. I firmly believe the game is afoot but to what end, who knows. I will admit that while I remain hopeful that this investment will ultimately pay off, I grow more suspect with each passing month.

    Good luck to everyone out here and let's not forget who we are as people just because our hopes might be fading over this investment. At some point, we may find we will need each other more than anyone could ever imagine.

    Fooorr this investments defense, you have to admit that last year compared to this year the news coming out from the cbi is moreover actual news, rather than okie saying its gonna rv 5 minutes ago.

  12. Before Pearl Harbour, America began to starve Japan of oil with an oil embargo

    This imposed an enormous pressure on Japan which meant that, without huge territorial gains of oil-producing territory, Japan would run out of oil in one month. This embargo had been imposed in a large part in attempt to prevent the Japanese attacking oil-rich British territory in East Asia (what now includes Malaysia and Singapore) and also territories possessed by Britain’s ally Holland.

    DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR TO ANYONE??....Maybe ......maybe ....IRAN.. :rolleyes:

    Your right its does sound familiar, except its opposite. Were not cutting imports of oil to Iran, Were asking allied nations to Stop buying oil from Iran, which is just as devastating. IMO America is basically telling Iran if they don't keep their dirty hands of Iraq, than were gonna create very big problems for them.


    The USA is a Republic.......Democracy simply means that 51% can rule while 49% get the shaft...One step away from Socialism

    .A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the Constitution). A democracy is direct government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs (the public good)..

    Im sorry I'm not understanding the part of my post where i said America is a full blown democratic nation? i posted that America tried to instill in Iraq a DEMOCRATIC approach to a government

    h.o lemme go find a link... oh wait a minute i already know what a democracy is

    uhhhhhh oh yeah ; Democracy in its most ideal form would be a society in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.

    HMM LAST TIME I CHECKED, THAT HAPPENS HERE IN THE OLD United States of America. We are a republic, you are totally correct. But we have a democratic approach to government.

    Stop trying to debunk and over-analyze everything i say. and actually read what I'm writing. Thanks.

  14. December 8, 1941 was the date of the US declaration of war, but in fact the US was at war on December 7, 1941 at about 7:55 AM when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

    This war, while not unexpected, was not the war the US wanted to be in because it was felt that Germany was the greater threat. Hitler didn't declare war against the US until December 11, 1941, in support of his Axis agreements with Japan.

    Before The Declaration

    US warships were involved in fighting prior to December 7, 1941. The USS Niblack attacked a German U Boat on April 10, 1941. The USS Niblack was involved in the US occupation of Iceland. And US warships provided escort to convoys to England prior to the declaration, under the Lend-Lease Act.

    Before the actual attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, of which the Americans stated they had no foreknowledge, the US Navy attacked and sank a midget submarine trying to enter Pearl Harbor. The AVG, comprised of US pilots and P-40 aircraft, was set up April 15, 1941 by Roosevelt to provide support to China against the Japanese who invaded beginning in 1937.

    In June, 1941, the US (with about 3000 soldiers) occupied Iceland. Iceland had been invaded by Britain in May 1940. The Iceland government protested the British Invasion. Britain handed over the control of Iceland to the USA in June 1941.


    Im not exactly sure whose side of the argument your going with but for the sake of common knowledge... here it goes

    WW2 was nothing more than a strategic chess game played by the USA. Germany had an outstanding attack force and by waiting so long to enter WW2 the US had gained strategic control of the war. Germany made the fatal mistake of engaging in to many "war fronts" and spreading their supply lines, as well as communication lines sparsely. In doing so battle plans for D DAY were made, a very risky war plan which in the end gave control to the Allies. America knew that if they entered the war to early, Trekking hundreds of thousand of troops across Germany would put them in just as bad a predicament as Hitler did with his army. So and amphibious assault proved to be the best way to cripple multiple German strong holds at once. Paratroopers were dropped behind Normandy into France to neutralize retreating German forces and thus cripple communications furthermore. The lack of Supplies and Comm. support were leading factors in the Allied victory.

    America did not intend to stay out of the war, Our military leaders were the best at the time, and remain the best. By waiting so long to enter WW2 the U.S ultimately won the war. All they were doing was waiting for the Germans to spread their forces out to much, then we overcame them with overwhelming force. i.e D DAY.

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  15. I agree with Carrello we could have stayed longer and things may not have changed at all, these people have been fighting since the beginning of time(Bible days) and will continue to fight until Jesus comes back. We can only hope and pray that they can come to some sort of mutual peace if only for a while, in order to get their business and their country going in the right direction.

    This is true, we could of stayed longer. And spent billions of taxpayers money to police a country, but i do believe America got their point across, that a democratic way of life is ideal in any situation presented by the world these days.I mean look at all the uprisings in the middle east, Libya, Egypt, etc. I think eventually it will stick, and that's the best shot we have at improving these peoples lives. To influence the young that will be leaders someday and get through to them that; hey democracy may not be the best way to do things, but in this day and age it is.

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  16. I'm speechless..

    “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God."--- Thomas Jefferson

    I dont want to sound like a jerk, really. But i just cant understand how anyone can believe that the U.S. entered WW2 because of an attack from Japan. Especially after they surrendered 3 years after the initial attack. The links your posting are backing up my argument to you. Articles that state " Americas EARLY INVOLVEMENT in WW2 was due to Japan." key words being Early Involvement. Do a little more research. Find out that all it took to contain Japan was an Island Hopping Campaign that only involved the Marine Corps. and no other branch of the military. I don't need links because i know these facts to be true. I don't need to Google it. Im not making up history here, its archived.. When America Used such a small faction of the military to contain a WHOLE COUNTRY but then used almost all of our military sources to stop Germany, how can you argue that Japan was the reason we went to war. Its ilogical

  17. PPG, there's gonna be alot of Texans in the Penthouse suit Carrello set up for us in on Garth.... I mean PPG

    Added a little Texas slang in there and Wayne's World, could you tell???.... ;):lol:

    Haha! i think ill be proud to be a Texan to, Especially because they have one of the best economies in the U.S right now. And there is nothing I love more than the Southern Hospitality (not referring to Ludacris hit single) you receive. I hold doors open for people up here in CT and don't receive a thank you or even a smile. Its baffling how you can go from the North to South and all Mannerisms change.

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