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Posts posted by coldwarvet

  1. I've heard Tex Marrs speak in person. Unfortunately, the information he provides is not verifiable via independent sources outside of what I call the "Alex Jones crowd." A common chracteristic of groups such as these is that they continually refer to each other as so-called experts, but are unable to provide evidence outside of their 'tribe' that corroborates what they say. Another characteristic is that, if you don't agree with them, you're aiding and abetting the conspriacy. As a 20 year military veteran sworn to uphold the Constitution of the US, and one who has devoted much of his recent professional life to promoting true health care reform, I find that accusation deeply offensive and patently false.

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  2. I agree. Tell NO ONE, not even your children. If you must say something to someone you'd like to help, say that you have some investments that have paid off. Otherwise, be private and frugal about your new found wealth. If cars, boats, etc. suddenly appear, people will start to ask. I plan to keep the status quo for quite a while, and gradually phase in the changes that people can see.

    • Upvote 3
  3. It appears that the underlying assumption of carlos' post is that both Maliki and Iran can act with impunity and without consequence to themselves if they continue to oppose the global financial powers-that-be. I respectfully disagree. All one has to do look at the history of our own country, at the fate of presidents (Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy) who dared to oppose the banking cartel to know that, when the time suits them, both Maliki and the current regime in Iran will meet a similar fate.

  4. The challenge they are facing right now is twofold: one, they have to somehow put more purchasing power into the average Iraqi's hands without fueling inflation, so their economy can grow; two, they have to do it in a way that requires minimum preparation to execute.

    My personal opinion is that the Iraqi politicians are resistant to an RD because they realize (correctly, I think) that the average Iraqi will not see the benefit, and it will be much harder to execute than the CBI economists realize. It is much simpler if they RV at 1:1 and then declare to their people that, on such-and-such a date, the IQD equals one US dollar.

    I certainly haven't crawled inside Shabibi's or Saleh's brains to find out what they really think, but it's looking more and more like the direction they're going is to sweep up as much IQD from the streets as they can, and then RV while issuing the lower denoms to their people. Obviously, there are other factors in play, such as passing the HCL and the 2012 budget, plus exit from chapter 7, but it seems to me that their massive IQD purchases over the last month or so are not just a manifestation of business as usual.

  5. Having been raised in a broadcast media family, I learned early on that the producers of the news are the ones who call the shots about what is covered, and how it's covered. Let's keep in mind that the Iraqi media is no different and, in fact, may be even more inclined to act that way, due to the tribal influences that permeate their culture. When you contemplate the fact that the news we are reading is, first, designed to elicit a response from the public that furthers the news producer's ideological agenda and, second, comes to us through the filter of a translator that is highly suspect with regard to its accuracy, then how can ANYONE, Lopster or not, place unqualified reliance on what we read from the Iraqi media? :lol:

    • Upvote 2
  6. I grew up in a broadcast media family. The news producers have complete control over how any taped content is used. Doesn't matter what the reporter tells you, the final decision is made in the producer's office. Also, these days if the story is actually broadcast it also ends up as an archive on the TV station web site, and will remain there for anyone who wants to look for it.

    Bottom line: stay away from ALL media. They have their own agenda and, believe me, it isn't ours! If you don't want a massive assault on your privacy when the IQD RVs, keep a VERY low profile.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Another possibility is that this was aired to deflect any ongoing plots that the Saudis and/or the Baathists were involved with. By putting it out in the open, the plotters fade back into the shadows. It could also be Maliki letting the Saudis know he's onto them, so they'll have to stop what they're doing. Nothing like the light of day in cases like this to make the cowards involved flee.

  8. As a former military/airline pilot with over 36 years in the aivation industry, I SO resonate with this analogy. And I agree: we're at landing gear down, extending the flaps for a smooth landing. The only thing left to do is check in with the "control tower" for landing clearance, which will occur when Gov. Shabibi announces the RV. Runway is in sight!

    BTW, EagleEye, I really like your icon. Did you fly the D model? I have several hundred hours in it, along with a bunch more in the G and H models.

    • Upvote 1
  9. As a ten year natural health professional, I have come to appreciate the critical importance of the state of one's mental outlook and emotions on one's state of health. This is especially true of those who are dealing with chronic diseases, including cancer. In fact, over the past ten years, Dr. Ryke-Geerd Hamer, MD, a German surgeon, has examined over 20,000 patients with a medical diagnosis of cancer, and has found a 100% correlation between specific negative emotional states and specific types of cancer.

    How does that correlate with the original intent of this post? Those who persist in taking a consistently negative view of the world, i.e., those who look at the world consistently with a "glass half empty" perspective, usually under the guise of "realism" or "facing reality," tend to find themselves at significantly increased risk of chronic and degenerative diseases as they age. The point being, the old adage of "you are what you eat" has an important partner: "you are what you think." The common denominator with this type of attitude is usually an underlying fear, typically one which is consciously unacknowledged and frequently vehemently denied, but one that nevertheless permeates the overall emotional state.

    Personally, I choose to look at the world, including this investment, from the positive point of view that most people on this forum tend to. Those who choose otherwise certainly have the right to their opinion, but they should also know that the so-called "realistic" point of view (whatever that means!) has definite and considerable costs, including negative changes to one's health, as time goes by. In the short term, especially when one is younger, there may be no overt manifestations of these effects, but that should not be construed to constitute lack of evidence. Forewarned is forearmed.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Assuming the IQD does RV, I hope those who have been so sure of their opinions that it won't, and therefore feel that they're entitled to disrespect, criticize and mock others (especially under the guise of "educating" us), will "man up" and issue a public apology to the rest of us. If they don't, it says infinitely more about them as people than it does about those they criticize.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Let's keep clearly in mind: ALL of Legolas' and Keep's posts, with all their obvious effort and research (and truly, kudos to them for that!), are based on the premise that the financial system's structure, yesterday and today, will be the same tomorrow. That is where I part ways with them, and I think that is where their philosophical framework has its greatest weakness. As long as the system stays the same, yes, their analyses make sense. But what if it doesn't stay the same? I contend it can't, and still survive. It's that transformation that makes an RV possible, a transformation that must come, unless the system itself is allowed to collapse. Does anyone honestly think the Powers-That-Be will permit to? I sure don't! Change is cmoing, and with it, all the current conventions and ways of thinking about money will be out the window.

    • Upvote 2
  12. Fellow Dinarians,

    I'm speaking to you as a 20 year Air Force veteran who flew B-52 nuclear bombers during over half that span of time. Let's be very clear: every US military combat arms specialty is trained to kill other people. In my case, I was trained to execute WW3, delivering two dozen nuclear weapons aginst our then-adversaries, the Soviet Union. Think about that for a moment: 24 nukes can wipe out 24 cities. While I'm very glad I didn't have to execute that mission, I understand thet thought process that others undergo when they have to pull the trigger. It's very easy to sit in front of your computer and pontificate about the immorality of killing, but keep clearly in mind that the reason you enjoy that freedom is because of people like Chris, and many who came before them, who pulled the trigger to protect YOU.

    • Upvote 3
  13. Thanks, 20million. A very insightful post. I happen to believe that the Powers-That-Be already know their fiat-based system is rapidly unraveling. They already recognize that, in order for them to maintain control, they have to restructure the system. It was no accident that Alan Greenspan himself went on Fox Business Network a while back and suggested the need for an asset-based system. And some of those so-called fantasy lawsuits pertaining to this situation do, in fact, exist.

    At this juncture, it's important to keep an open mind. We are now at a point in the development of our civilization where virtually every aspect of it is in play. Especially in the financial arena, nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm hanging on to my IQD. It will eventually pay off. B)

  14. A more readable format!

    Deputy of the Economic Commission warns of Iraq affected by the global recession .. And calls to find a solution to avoid

    31.12.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) Baghdad (news) warned a member of the Economic and MP / coalition in Iraq / Nora Salem from Iraq has been affected by the global recession that the economy unilaterally, citing the need to develop solutions to avoid them. The Salem a statement to the Agency (news) on Saturday: It is likely that the world is experiencing economic crisis, new and be stronger than the previous and Iraq will be affected by being a certified Baaradath annual oil only, noting that the global economic crisis resulting from the low price of oil in the oil markets, global and this is what will affect the Iraqi economy as a yield. She added that in the event of a global economic recession will impact directly on the Iraqi economy because Iraq is part of the world and when there is a global economic crisis, Iraq inevitably will be affected by the fact that this crisis are kept on the countries that produce oil, confirming that Iraq is supported entirely dependent on oil and had no other resource than oil, both (10%) from other sectors such as taxes and customs duties added to the budget. and called Salem, the federal government to develop appropriate solutions to avoid this crisis as a crisis of unexpected will strike America and Europe. The member of the Economic Commission representative to: The Central Bank of Iraq has large reserves of up to (60) billion dollars and is a stock of strategic reserves of Iraq in the event of unforeseen circumstances or economic disaster in the country, can be used in this reserve. and expected number of economists in the world to an international economic crisis New in the coming years which will lead to a major economic recession, and will be different from previous economic crises.

    Read more:http://www.sotaliraq...3#ixzz1i7cy62JP

  15. seetrader1, some questions, for which your fellow forum members deserve honest answers. Do you own any dinar? If not, why are you here? If so, then your opinion, or that of your freind, is worth no more or no less than anyone else's on this site. I've said it before, and will say it again, those who criticize, abuse and disrespect others under the cloak of anonymity say infinitely more about themselves and their opinions than they do about others. If the shoe fits . . .

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