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Trac y S

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Posts posted by Trac y S

  1. I do agree that this is a mental health issue, but I also have questions:

    Mental Health:

    1) When someone in the house has a diagnosed mental health issue or goes on MAOI's/psychoactive drugs in the household, I think the right to possess firearms should be lifted. This restriction could be lifted based on completion of treatment, etc., and with the coordination of law enforcement and the medical community. Frankly, if that person moved out/was removed from the home, then gun possession should be again authorized. I have a lot of people I know that are on anti-depressants, and I don't think any of them should have access to guns;

    2) Even if Adam's mother's guns were in a gun safe/under lock, he could have coerced her to provide the combination or found another way into the safe to get the guns;

    3) I understand that this woman was well taken care of with base alimony of $300,000 per year and she collected guns. I don't know of many women who are interested in collecting guns -- especially not primary school educators that are female -- this doesn't add up to me in light of the fact that she was collecting some pretty aggressive hand guns -- semi auto's -- and a bushmaster, for crying out loud? I don't have many women I know that do have guns/shoot for recreation/protection and possess a Bushmaster. Strange for a woman teacher.

    4) I know that the integration of medical records is happening due to the socialization of our medical system; Microsoft developed the platform for the US Govt to manage ObamaCare. With that in mind, access to medical records, even with HIPPA, will now be nationalized and under govt control. That means that when you go to apply for a gun license / background check, for gun ownership, these records could be available for review prior to okaying the background check -- maybe public safety benefits 'cause I'd sure rather catch someone with mental health issues at this stage than not now.

    5) This same data should be checked when a person goes to buy ammo for their handgun -- if you don't own the gun, you don't get to buy the ammo -- period.

    6) Gun safety required for all approved gun owners -- and recertification every so many years -- for God's sake, we do this with a driver's license / as the driver gets older even more frequently. Why should we do any less for a gun owner -- both can become weapons in the wrong hands and it would also be a way to recertify through another background check that an individual hasn't gone "off the tracks" or is not monitored on some regular interval. Just this year in WA state where I live, I now have to license my cats each year -- revenue for the county. Maybe this is a way to help our deficit issues and reinforce the responsibilities of gun ownership.

    7) Our history in the US is violent. The Old West wasn't settled by nice families/settlers; it was settled by mostly adventurers, opportunists, people of ill repute. The idea of a teacher carrying concealed weapons isn't new. In Virginia City, NV.. back in the 1860's, the male school teacher who presided over the only school wore six guns as he taught class each day -- what does that tell you about our world even back then?

    Just some thoughts I have had. I do believe we are being marched to a drum of gaining more and more control over the populace here in the States especially, and I don't like it, but I still believe that the above ideas have value, should be considered / discussed, and we won't prevent all tragedies in the future, but we can certainly be more diligent in the face of "firearms gone wild" and unmonitored.

    • Upvote 2
  2. You're right -- so anyone not understanding what has been talked about and its signficance, go here to see the Market Price -- CBI market price has been pegged at 1170 for the last three years and as of the 16th of this month, it dropped to 1166. We'll see -- if this is true, then we should begin to see incremental drops in the market rate as it closes on value to USD. And, yes, that'd be real and would ROCK!! Oh, make it so!! Thanks for the clarification.

    Oops!! Here is the link:

  3. A fluctuation that is so slight has been seen before -- in the last 5 months, I have seen the Dinar's value against the USD fluctuate to 1140, but come back up to 1170 again -- go check the value of the USD against other currencies as the Dinar will fluctuate as the USD fluctuates against world currencies. It's important to keep a level head, watch the world scene and local progress within Iraq against actions of the UN and other global controlling resources in evaluating any rate fluctuations. I trust this site, Going Global and some who post to another site -- otherwise, it's all speculation and pumping. Nuf said today.

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  4. Holy God!! This is incredible -- the diligence, focus and work on behalf of us all is very much appreciated.

    I have a question / scenario that I'd like to run by someone with a tax background as this may very well also affect many of us.

    Scenario: I own 500,000 Dinar outright. Half of the Dinar has been in my possession for three or more years now. I also have a pending Reserve Order for 10M Dinar, with a 30-day window to complete my payment of the 90% balance. On day 22 of the 30-day window, the RV occurs. I take the 250,000 Dinar in my possession, convert the currency to USD and pay off my reserve order. I know own 10,250,000 Dinar that is less than a year old. However, I didn't take physical possession of the 10M Dinar until post RV.

    My tax question is: when does the tax event occur to appropriately assess either income tax/capital gains tax -- is the tax not assessed until the tax payer has physical custody of the taxable item? Is the tax, then, based on the value of the item at the time of acquisition? How is this different from my placing on offer and good fait deposit on a house -- in this case, my 10% down payment on my reserve order -- and the loan getting funded at the close of escrow. Taxes do not accrue to the buyer until legal possession of the property has occurred.

    As you can see, I had an epiphany a while ago (I sure hope so!!) and I am glad that you posted this messsage so I could ask this question. Hoping you might have some insight.

    Regards, TracyS

  5. Adam, forgive me if this is not true, but a statement came out yesterday by Frank, contributor on the DD site, stating that several were leaving the Dinar intel/tracking world, and you were on the list. I'm a VIP member, and I do check a variety of sites on a daily basis, but this really alarmed me. What worries me -- this news coming on the heals of what happened to Ali/DT is very disconcerting about folks possible link to his activities and further stimulates speculation.

    I recommend you check out that site if you are not aware of this already and clarify your intent as this is somewhat salacious, I believe, and not good to leave the wrong impression anywhere. I searched your site and didn't see anything but definitely thought you should be aware if no one else had brought this to your attention yet. Thanks!

  6. As unbelievable to all of us as it may seem, I have conjectured that maybe the US/IMF/World Powers don't want the RV to happen right now -- Iraq to be salvaged form the brink. Are they then interested in taking their profits later and if so, when? What if the plan is to allow the world economy to flatten like a pancake and somehow take these profits on the way back out of that? Then there's so much in the news about wanting a global currency standard -- what will that do to long-term retention of an rv'd IQD? Do we cash out quickly or wait? And if a new world currency is defined, will that be based on the petro dollar/oil reserves or another form of collateral?

    If the GOI is propped up by the US Govt, and they fail to RV this week, then I can only assume that the US wanted it to go down this way for other reasons. Otherwise, the mountains would be removed and we'd be counting our change. I can't imagine the good that would come out of allowing Iraq to implode unless it's to get the US military more instantiated because they would be needed longer term to stabilize and regain control. Hmmm. What are they all up to now? Only a few days left to reclaim Iraq from the brink of new violence, and I am getting more skeptical as the hours go by. What a shame we just can't have forward movement so peace and prosperity has a chance to prevail for the Iraqi's. They have got to be so frustrated and tired. Sorry if this goes down this way for all concerned.

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