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Posts posted by danboy

  1. I appreciate the reply. Yeah, I go back and forth on the whole thing and ultimately just walk away at that point and let it be. It just hit me recently about the whole selling of large notes when the rumor is they are trying to get them out of circulation. This, specifically, was not answered. Could you shed some light on how those two are possible simultaneously?


  2. Ok so I know there has been a lot of stuff going on as of late and I have a question that just doesn't add up in my head.

    The general consensus is that the LOP means they are slowly getting rid of the large notes from circulation. If that is the case, why is it that currency dealers like DT continue to buy more large notes to sell to us. It seems counter productive. I thought that maybe they would run out and that would be it but they just keep putting more into circulation.

    I have heard that they are really just trying to get rid of the large notes from within Iraq herself. Perhaps that is the case. Just curious if someone wanted to shed some light on how that logically makes sense.

    AGAIN, NOT A LOP QUESTION. Looking for insight into the dichotomy between selling large notes and at the same time, trying to get them out of circulation.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I find it comical at this point that with all the rumors about RV dates, most all people were certain that IT WILL happen before the new year. Not just the 'gurus', but all the people they duped with their 'logic'. Everyone wrong, no one admitting it, how funny and sad. We will continue to see this investment drag on and anyone with their dates based on their logic should probably realize by now that they are pretty clueless.

    So what is my point? Am i just being negative? Well, a little as i am frustrated too. But i am tired of all this and i have only been invested for about 4 months. How you long timers have been able to make it through years of people predicting, " it will happen before whatever date' is beyond me. Our logic is obviously flawed. They don't have to RV at all. God is NOT blessing us with this (logic means He than was all for over 40,000 Iraqis dying so Americans could get richer). Removing 3 zeros is a good way to turn 27 trillion into 27 billion currency in circulation. I have seen alk the stuff about how no way and there is some sound logic but conclusions are made with incomplete data. So much of this investment is about people making conclusions with very incomplete data and logically, they are going to be very flawed.

    Bottom line, it is the new year and i propose this, obviously you can all do what you want,i am done watching tbe pot boil. I am signed up for the email from DD, anyone paying 9$ a month for his txt service is definitely being duped. Since the email will tell me RV, I dont need to sit and watch. I need to get away and live my life. I propose the same for anyone else feeling the same as me. I know people will bash me for this post but i dont care, have fun and vent on me if you need to. I wont be back.

    Have a good year to all, stay grounded, and live your life.

    Danboy out.

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  4. Trimark, I really appreciate your response. It is nice to see some good constructive discussion. Your points are valid as are Drox. I am no expert and have little to provide but by paying attention to discussion like this, I am able to learn and can start to look in different directions that will continue to add to my point of view.

    Again, thank you both for such good discussion. We need a lot more of this in this forum.

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  5. Interesting read. It is a little funny reading through all the posts on this topic about how it is gonna happen before the end of Oct. Now it is gonna happen before the end of the year. I have read other posts that said the exact same thing from 09. This thing is definitely a rollercoaster and I haven't been in it nearly as long as a lot of you. I would say I feel your pain, but I am too new to do so and won't insult your longevity in this investment. It does make me take a step back though when I read through such professing confidence when it has not come to pass. Gotta just stay positive. I hope your buddy over there is right. I have heard some different info from one of my buddies. Who knows.

  6. Alright Danboy, I know you were just contributing to the forum and once again I do oppologize, it was not my intent to offend . When you have read as much as we all have some people go one way some go the other and some keep an objective point of view, no matter what they have read. It just seems to me at this stage in the process, with everything that has occurred in the last 5 days that it makes no other sence other than to RV. There is way too much riding on this puppy!! Do you really believe that the powers to be around the world would be showing this much interest in the rebuilding of this war ridden, exterrorist breading, exdictatorship country if they didn't get anything out of it? come on man!! You sould like an intelligent man from your posts so just keep the faith because it's coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am with you brotha, I m very hopeful, just want to stay grounded too. Otherwise I know myself and I could get carried away by this thing. My wife would not be happy about that.

  7. Lumpsum, sure I get that. I have been a silent member of this forum for over a month now and have enjoyed reading all the intel and info. But lately, I have noticed that anyone that posts something other than what points towards an RV seems to get torn apart. Whatever. I grew up surrounding myself with people who share a very different perspective than me and it benefited me a lot. I share one thing on this site and deal with this. If people on this site want to just hear all the good news than so be it. I am over it. I will go back to being a silent member and sit on the sidelines cause DAMN if you say anything that isn't -- RV impending; GO RV; God bless America and this investment (my favorite by the way); or keep up the good work; I am soooooo excited:);


    Can't we be open to debate.

  8. meatmen4dinar,

    I appreciate and accept your apology. Please understand, I am excited about the RV. I think it is very possible and likely. I do not know when, how much or if other circumstances are going to come into play that we have not foreseen.Do you? I am just providing information, that is all. I put it in the rumor section, not the news section. I have done an absolute ton of research and have heard a myriad of different perspectives. Many don't hold water but some do.

    I will always question everything and I pray I never lose that. Questioning what I read and hear and study forces me to do more research and not just take what I hear as gospel. I have done it my whole life and is why I am able to be confident in what I know about many things. No I am not claiming to know everything, but in regards to what I put my mind to, I want all the facts, opinions and intel I can get. Whether I like it or not is irrelevant. Whether there is truth to it or not is what matters. I read a lot of books I disagree with, watch multiple news networks that I struggle to listen to, all so that I have a well rounded perspective and not just one side of the fence or the other.

    Sorry this has gotten so philosophical, that was not my intent when I just posted some thoughts from my friend in Iraq.

    Danboy-When next you talk to your friend over there, tell him thanks from all of us for standing a post over there. B)

    Thanks, absolutely will.

  9. Sorry but you are clueless! Also sounds to me like you started this thread to pick an argument!!!


    He gets mortared on a regular basis in the Green Zone, and mentioned what I have read, they have little power or water, less than 4 hours a day access. Is this worthless too? Should I just keep it to myself? I really was just trying to provide an inside perspective. That is all. This is so rediculous that I have to defend myself from this crap. Say what you want, I am done.

  10. while i may not agree w/ danboys point of view, he does bring up a good point. people are very quick to jump on others that post less than supportive statements about the RV. we all want it to happen, and we want it to happen soon, but info is info, and this IS the rumor section.

    Thank you. I certainly don't need people to agree with what I posted. I am not even saying I agree, again, it came from a friend I have over there and thought it might interest a few people, that was all. Instead of healthy debate and discussion, it has provoked more negativity. I have been on this site many times over the last month and it is disturbing how minimal amount of debate is going on. I see people saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say than don't say anything at all". I disagree with this, respectfully, because I think this is a great thing to talk about and debate differing points of view. None of us really knows when or how much in regards to the RV, we have our "intel" but even the guys with the top contacts admit that we need to be patient and just let it happen, ie, relax cause nobody really knows, we just speculate. So why not allow us plebes to have our speculation as well and not treat us like we are some influx of negativity but rather, a different point of view.

    I welcome open debate, it is how I learn best. I always want to hear opinion that differs from mine so I can do more research to gather more info. Why can't this site be more about that rather than bash anything other then, "THE RV IS IMMINENT!!!

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  11. I am sure if we all ask ten people what they think of this investment 8 will say we are crazy, one will be on the fence, and one will agree and state "Is there still time for me to get in on it?" Leave it at that and don't post someones opinion unless they have a PHD in Foreign Economics.

    SO all the other people that post their opinions on this site have Foreign Economics phD's? Or are those the only one's YOU listen to? Cause I doubt that is the case. But I get it, I won't post any opinions on this site any more cause apparently, unless it is all positive and happy, then it is unwanted. That is pathetic.

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  12. Well (Danboy) I am Sorry if I hurt your feelings/ But when you come on here and make a negative statment as you just did expect to get them hurt///

    We are getting fedup with rumer's with no substance or facts ( And negative statments with no substance or facts // just that someone said if you know what I mean.)

    Well first of all, this is the rumor section, I did say to take it with a grain of salt, twice, and I did also say it is from a buddy over there who is offering his opinion based on what he sees. The fact that it is not always sunshine and rainbows for you must be tough. How can you go through life only wanting to hear about all the best case scenarios. Quite frankly, I am sick of that. I would much rather gather all the thoughts, facts, and opinions of all those involved so I can make the best and most informed decision for me. Sycophants and best case scenario people are a waste of my time. If you are different, than do what I tell people who complain about a TV show they think is offensive, and turn the channel, some people might be interested and if you are not, than just walk away, move on. If you have a constructive point of view that differs, great, argue it and lets have a healthy argument that benefits everyone. But don't just attack the character of someone you don't know simply because you don't like what he has to say. That is just small minded.

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  13. Sounds to me you are babaling off on something you don't have a clue about// But thanks for your thought's

    Ahh, and it begins. AGAIN, TAKE WHAT IS POSTED WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. Your "babaling" remark is unneeded and unappreciated. I admit I have not been in on the "Dinar" world for as long as some but I spend most of my day reading posts and articles to be as well rounded on what I can know as possible. The blurb I posted was from someone who is in Iraq right now and as such, I give a little weight to his opinion because he is THERE and I am not. He sees with his eyes what is going on at least in the general public and what is going on with our military over there, I do not. So his thoughts, although he might not be a dinar expert, matter a bit. To come at me like I am babaling on is insulting.

    For all the articles I see on this and other dinar related sites talking about how the RV is imminent and life should hopefully get much better over there with all the impending investing, I have read a myriad of articles that say how bad it is over there with corruption and that the "investments" will benefit big companies but not so much the people. Also, there have been recent posts by people who posted chat sessions from "trusted" people who said the same thing last year that they are saying right now. I do not know what to make of it, I am very hopeful but I don't just turn a blind eye to opposing articles, I think that is just foolish. I want to know as much as I can, good or bad.

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  14. I have noticed that this forum can be a bit touchy at times with people posting anything other than "happy thoughts" so please, take what I am providing with a grain of salt. I make no claim that I am in on the intel or that the person that provided me with the following intel is connected like some others are but I wanted to provide what info I have so that we all can be as well rounded in our info as possible. This person is in the military and is currently serving in Baghdad.

    What's up *****. I hope you didn't invest too much. The dinar is pegged to the dollar, so if you plan on cashing in any time soon, you're outta luck. It's still going to be quite some time before the Dinar is going to appreciate since the economy here is still the shits. I heard of a few news stories where Japanese elderly were being targeted to buy dinar at the completely wrong exchange rates so these folks were spending $100k of yen for like $1000 worth of dinar.

    If it's any consolation, they should make some good souvenirs!

    Take care,


    Hope this helps in providing you all with a little more info.

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  15. I can confirm that earlier when I went to this site right after this thread was initially launched it worked fine with no "wait" message. But now, I am getting a constant wait message across the board. I do not know if that really means anything or if we are making more of it then what it really is. Fun to speculate though!!

    Just to troubleshoot, I tries USD to some other currencies and any currency I try I get the "wait" message. All the default currency conversions come up fine but adding any gives the wait message.

  16. Interesting article. I honestly hope, not for the sake of a payday of dinar, but much more so for the sake of the Iraqi people, who deserve a government who actually governs, that this is just one man's opinion and that it does not come to pass. I would love to see a prosperous and healthy Iraq. I do not think it realistic to get rid of political corruption, we have plenty of it ourselves, but you can still govern well so long as the infrastructure is set up to benefit the people and at the same time, put some money in the pockets of the bigwigs. Structurally speaking, we need to do the same with our banking in the US. I am digressing but I hope for a healthy Iraq.

  17. Thanks for the replies. I do find it interesting that I am "promoting" a site when all I am trying to do is cite my source. I thought that was just good practice.

    By the way, the article is newer than Nov 9th. At the bottom it says, "Posted by AC on November 12, 2010 8:17 PM". Not trying to be argumentative, just exact. Any other thoughts? I do think JugDawg has a point with RD vs RV. Not exactly sure all the differences between the 2. I would surmise that RD is the influx of the smaller denominations vs the RV, which refers the a no kidding revaluation. Not 100% on that though.

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