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Posts posted by Shawna

  1. I know there are few that realise that America was founded a Christian nation, by white people, for white people. The US Constitution proves that, and any lawyer, judge, politician, or layman stating it was not is a liar. Read the US Constitution, and you will see that all were white men who signed that document, and they stated this: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posteritydo ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. What does posterity means? Definition of POSTERITY

    1: the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation

    2: all future generations

    Definition of PROGENITOR

    1a : an ancestor in the direct line : forefather

    b : a biologically ancestral form

    That shoots their theory down about America, and they know they are liars, thieves, and murderers like Christ stated they were.

    It was a fact that all presidents were to be honest, faithful, christian men. When I say christian men, I do not mean the mordern type who profess to be christians, but are hypocrites. Fat is the decendents of these people who founded america allowed evil to take it over, an din the end of days they will be punished for allowing that, and the destroyers of America will soon be removed from the earth for destruction, and eternal damnation.

    That was a little too, wearing a cardboard sign "sinners be doomed- end of the world for me " :blink:

    • Upvote 3
  2. Hi everyone,

    I have been "invested" in the dinar for about 7 yrs now. I purchased mine while on deployment just as something to bring home with me. I also followed this site for a while, and got really sucked into this whole RV happening soon thing. So I took a break from the whole thing. I knew if when/if it did happen I wouldn't miss it. Im sure it would be top story on every station and in every paper. This is my first time back in about 6 months and just wanted to say I'm glad to see so many still believe that this will happen soon. I know it will happen... the when is un clear hopefully soon. Trying to pay for nursing school is hard with a part time job at k-mart. :unsure: I guess what im trying to say is if you get to caught up in this it can drive you crazy, take a break from checking on it, and waiting every day for the RV to happen. Trust me when it does happen you and everyone will know about it. Then when you feel like seeing what is going on come back online and you will see same old news about the RV will still be here. :)

    Hope everyone has had a great summer. Best of luck in what you do. and ofcourse ......GO RV!

    ps i read all the bank rumors not trying to put down or call anyones rumors a lie but i always get the same answer when i ask... "huh?" lol from BoA

    back to playing WoW have a great day :)

    • Upvote 11
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  3. This isn't a simple currency exchange in anyway what so ever. Many places may require p.o.p. because of the afore mentioned illegal sources of some IQD that have existed. You must remember Iraq was previously a dictatorship with a great many ties to terrorist activities, so , this is a unique situation in all types of history, including financial history .

    As for the taxes due , everyones opinions vary , but yes you will have to pay tax because this is an investment not a simple " I had currency left over after travelling " situation. Any currency exchange where a profit of more than $200 ( I believe) is taxed by our government. . So plan accordingly and have a financial plan ready to reduce ( not evade ) your tax burden.

    Either way, we are all about to be a lot more comfortable, whether we make a few thousand dollars or a few million ( my personal hope :lol: ) on this investment . So, sit back and enjoy your friends and family in this most excellent of Holiday Seasons !

    Happy Holidays to one and all , Especially ! to our men and women serving in the Armed Forces around the world !

    Uncle Barkie :)

    I hope the men and women who are and have served in the Armed Forces dont get the shaft in this investment. because we got our dinar in iraq ofcourse without proof of purchase. i still believe that it will be a currency exchange regardless. or atleast i hope.

    • Upvote 1
  4. i dont understand where this whole proof of purchase has come from.... its currency exchange i dont understand why you would have to provide a source when exchanging any currency and i have never heard of it done before jmo

    • Upvote 4
  5. I bought mine in iraq, while on deployment in 2004 so I hope not. But I honestly don't see that as being the case. You don't need proof of purchase to exhange other foriegn currencies. So I don't think this one will be any different. JMO

    • Upvote 3
  6. I am very thankful for this site and all the posts I have read.

    I purchased my dinar while I was serving a year in Iraq, bought it for no other reason then to have something from my experience there. I recently was looking to sell my dinar because I needed money. Stumbled upon this site while I was looking for some place to sell it. After following the posts I quickly decided that selling at this point would be something I would regret in a big way.

    So really wanted to thank this site and everyone who brings great info to it. You saved me from making a big mistake. I watch everyday and look forward to the RV.

    Thanks! :D

    • Upvote 4
  7. First of all just wanted to say congratulations to you and your family on winning the lottery. I have a small amount of dinar and I am praying for the RV soon!

    However, if you are indeed going to share your luck with a family in need. I do know a young family in the town I live in that could use a little luck passed their way. Jessica and Chris are a young couple who got pregnant with twins when she unfortunately went into labor at 24 weeks. 4 months premature. 10 days later one of the precious little babies passed away.. she spent 4 more months in the hospital praying for her other little girl to survive. Now two years later she has one beautiful little girl, who has gone through multiple hostpitalizations and heart surgerys. Chris unfortunatly got layed off from his job a year ago and has been struggling to find a new one in this economy. Jessica is now 8 months pregnant and working full time to try and support her family. They have been struggling for years since the birth of their twins to make it through every day. She will have to go on maternity leave very soon and will be trying to survive on Chris' unemployment. They are an amazingly kind family who anyone who knows them would agree that they could use a little luck shining down on them. If you find that this is the type of people you are wanting to help I know they would be greatly appreciate of it. If you find that its not then Im sure whoever you decide to help would be greatful.

    their address is

    po box 3098 Harbor, OR 97415

    Congrats to you and your family again. Godbless you on your decision to share your great fortune with someone else.

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