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Tom 777

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Posts posted by Tom 777

  1. I didn't say I believe the Guru's every Friday as you put it, but I can decide for myself I don't need to hear your BS as well. I said at least the Guru's are trying to offer info, all you offer is BITCHING. All in all I would rather listen to them. You offer NOTHING.

    You have that right to listen to them but what right do you have to tell others to JUST SHUT UP? It appears to me that you are new to this and haven't been reading any of the past post in this fourm and if you would have done some checking you might would have seen why so many people down the so called guru's. If you think that these guru's have something to give then read away but please keep your sarcastic feelings to yourself. This is what gives all of the newbie's a hard time people like you telling some of the old timers to JUST SHUT UP. I have a feeling that you to will one day down the guru's and hopefully you won't get some newbie to be sarcastic toward you.

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  2. As this is so very important I am asking right here and now:

    BigJake said:

    “Iraq will never RV the big bills. At best, we might get a bounty but it will be a pittance compared to the value of the small notes. You want verifiable evidence? Try buying the small notes. The price is already sky high compared to the big notes because the supply is being “managed”. Whether my conspiracy theory is worth any more than the proclamations of the multitude of gurus will only be borne out by time. It sure makes as much sense as many of the can’t-miss proclamations.”


    I fear that BigJake right.

    Sad to say disappointment is major after being sold on getting say a mil in dinars in 25,000 note, onlys to read here they may be worthless so even a 200 to 500 % markup in now voided!!??

    So with a mil dinars we have invested $1100.00 USD, and if these large bills become worthless we lose all of that.

    It has been suggested that at best we can hope for a 200 to 500% return on our investment: So

    A 200 to 500% return on $1100.00 USD is $220,000.00 to $550,000.00, a very nice return but not the $3.2 mil USD to 5.25 Mil in USD we were sold on.

    (Sad to say, with some 4 to 5 "Other sites" to this one, it seem more real by numbers...)

    And again if the big bills become worthless we don't even make that...

    Major ouch.

    This had become a rich man's always.


    Here we go another newbie with all of the facts and all of the answers. If you really feel that the larger demons aren't going to be worth anything then maybe you should get out it will be for the best, for all of us.

  3. Hola Fellow Dinar Veters .... Has anyone read this post from the DD site? I've never read anything from this poster before and hope I never do again! WARNIG: Don't read the below post if you're having a bad day, it surely won't make your evening any better!

    huh.gif blink.gifmellow.gifunsure.gifThoughts or input anyone???????


    Nowadays the most popular spectator sport among ALL dinar followers is trying to figure out why the gurus do what they do – relative to the incessant proclamations of untouchable contacts, amazing intel and unverifiable so-called facts! Are they pumpers, working hard to “Madoff” all of us….legally? Are they well meaning optimists hoping for the golden ring? Are they ego monsters intent on just being right once, hopefully first? Or are they as stupid, inconsiderate and irresponsible as they appear? It would make an entertaining book after all this is over because the most likely truth is that each of them is a combination of some of these motivations, and probably more.

    The most truthful, accurate answer as to when the RV will happen was given by none other than yourself during your 6/16 another site Chat session. The simple truth is that “supply and demand” is an absolute, immutable, unchangeable and irrevocable law of the business world…..kind of like death and taxes. You said the supply would dry up at the banks AND the dealers shortly before any revaluation. Any, and I should say ALL, economists would agree with you 100%. No businessman (i.e. country, dealer, banker) in their right mind would sell any asset for a tiny fraction of a penny and then buy it back days later for thousands of times more. CBI might do this just for security reasons for a day or two, but dealers would never, ever, ever do this and I don’t care what their charter or advertising or the federal requirements say. Most of the smaller dealers will be “gone in the night” with every single dinar they can physically lay their hands on. The bigger ones might stay around as they also handle metals…but I personally doubt it. The banks know their employees will no longer be employees so they made their minds up weeks ago to protect their operations capabilities by eliminating sales. They don’t care about you and me and the small revenue they were making on the dinar sales. They are scared witless about losing all of their trained employees.

    Once supply dries up, then the price would skyrocket all on its’ own. The RV would almost be anticlimactic as the “buy back” price at dealers would skyrocket almost over night. Speaking of which, do you want to know the single biggest demand-related indicator? Your buddies at The Currency Vault will immediately discontinue any and all incentives that involve giving away dinars of ANY denomination. As long as incentives like that are in place there is no RV in our immediate future. You know this is the truth. I know this is the truth. The dealers absolutely know this is the truth. Any one with half a brain and any knowledge of economics knows this is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The real question is whether you can handle posting the truth. By the way – this is the good news.

    The other inconvenient truth that not one single guru (including you) has focused on is that the RV has already occurred….but not in the manner everyone is hoping and planning for. The true secret lies in the release of the lower denominations. This new currency is part of the redenomination plan that will pay Iraqi citizens as well as the companies and countries invested in the “electronic” dinar – particularly the good old U.S.A. – but will cut out the general non-Iraqi population AND all the criminals. Yes, the sad truth is we are being victimized by our own success at sniffing out intel and developing contacts. The news of the original plan was never intended for public consumption and once it got out to the criminal-public the plan had to be modified. Now do you see why CBI continues to supply all the big notes the dealers (and criminals) want? They don’t care how many big bills are outstanding. Every country in the world is glad to see the criminal currency being diverted to Iraq…never to be useful again to the criminal element. Iraq will never RV the big bills. At best, we might get a bounty but it will be a pittance compared to the value of the small notes. You want verifiable evidence? Try buying the small notes. The price is already sky high compared to the big notes because the supply is being “managed”. Whether my conspiracy theory is worth any more than the proclamations of the multitude of gurus will only be borne out by time. It sure makes as much sense as many of the can’t-miss proclamations.

    The laws of supply and demand can never be changed and we will NEVER see an RV as long as dealers have as much supply as they can possibly sell.

    You want one more bit of undeniable truth? Time is our enemy. The longer this goes on the more big bills are distributed to the buyers around the world. Imagine if this goes another year or two. At $150M/week which equals 200 billion dinars per week (roughly) that is another 7-15 Trillion dinars in circulation. There is absolutely no way that the oil in the ground can support revaluation of another 7-15 Trillion dinars. Supply and demand rules again!

    I hope you post this dose of reality for the consuming public. Thanks for listening.

    Hopeful But Not Expectant,

    Big Jake

    I noticed that Big J has changed his beliefs since the last time I read something from him. It wasn't that long ago that he felt the dinar was going to RV and that the larger demons would be no problem cashing in. Big J maybe if you were the one to leave with all of your daily changing BS and we could get Scooter to stay. At least he was straight forward on a daily basis.

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  4. Suck it up Scooter and don't let these people cause you to leave, that only shows they may be right in what they are saying about you. Don't wear your feelings on the cuff, stand up and be proud of the information that you give out. If they don't like it then who cares the rest of your followers do.

    Newbie, I like to tell you what to close and it's not this thread but I might get censored by the Mods.

  5. Gibbs, to try and blame this on the guru's and pumper's is 100% wrong and you must relieze that no one was behind the wheel but the person who is in the hospital (even if this is true). If someone thinks that this is so important to go out and break the law then maybe they got what they were really asking for all along. I don't like those that put out false information as much as the next guy but I can't see blaming them for something like what you are stating. Many of us have been in this investment since the beginning and you are the first one to write that going after dinars may have been responsible for this guys accident.

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  6. First let me say that i have never met George and never heard of him until he was on that interview. Now many of you have been hashing and rehashing his conversation of his mentioning a date that the lord told him that the dinar was going to RV on certain dates and according to the posts and replys on here those dates have come and gone. Some have resorted to their usually way of name calling if what they heard didn't come to pass.

    When he gave out his date and rate, i don't remember him stating that this is the rate for any one country. We can assume that there is some kind of new rate being used in country to buy and sell goods coming into country but what is it, I think it has more value than 1170. It has been stated that the budget has the rate and the budget was just passed not to long ago and there again what is it.

    How does anyone know for a fact that a new rate was not established from the budget and is being used as a trial value in country to see if it would hold down inflation and still get what the country needs before it becomes internationally known. How does anyone know that they are using this time to make trial runs in country to see if adjustments are needed. Bare in mind that if a new rate was thrown out internationally, running wideopen and all of a sudden it was not substainable then the country of iraq would have committed the biggest mistake of all time with world wide consequences.

    They would be broke, we would have to wait another 8 to 10 years to cash in. I'm just being realistic here. I will not place judgment on George because maybe the Lord has given him knowledge and it did come true and is being used, we just can't see it yet. All of us would do well to remember that this for them first and the rest of the world second. Whether or not a man hear's God speak or answer a prayer is not for me to say and i will not convict myself by saying otherwise. Remember this:::Out of thy own mouth comes self conviction in the eyes of the Lord. Many of God's children has no problem at all with passing judgement upon another because they don't understand its true meaning. This statement is true for me and you and everyone living breathing human being on this earth including George Robinson.

    I will not say that George is right or wrong in his message, because i truthfully was not there. How and when a man speaks and recieves God's wisdom is only for him to say. As i study the fact about using some kind of new rate in country first as a prototype it kinda does make sense rather than become a fool before the whole world. I just hope that our time comes soon it would be nice...JMO

    George is a fake prophet and the only thing that he hears is himself.

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    SLUM DAME if you believe Blaino then you are just as sick as he is, everything he spouts is coming out of his backside. Now he is trying the four day BS instead of giving us just his one day BULL.

  8. There are no guru's in this investment that can tell you when things will happen. All I have seen since I came to this fourm is a bunch of people who want you to think that they know what is really happening over there and even those that are over there in Iraq don't know. whether you call it pumping or anything else it's all just pure BS and if you are wearing hip boots you better get waders for before it's over it will get a lot deeper.

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