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Posts posted by bluesky

  1. Lets take this from the top... Right now the U.S. is 17trillion in the hole, our credit has been downgraded by Standard and Poors (this is the first time in over 150 years) and is teetering on being downgraded again soon, the dollar is losing value and is on a steady course to crash.  Currently, the U.S. holds a distinct privilege of its Dollar being the "Reserve Currency" for the whole world, which is why we are printing paper money 24-7.  Fast forward to what is about to happen.  Other countries will cease exchanging their money for American Dollars to do international trade.  There are countries now that are making side deals to exchange their currency for the country they want to trade with.  If this continues in this path the American Dollar will become worthless and their will be a hyperinflation problem because we have too much money floating around the globe that is not being used.  This has all taken place under our fearless leader Obama and our less than weak Congress!  Not only should Obama be impeached he should be thrown out of office for abusing the authority of the president of the U.S. Whether one is a Democrat or Republican we are all still Americans and the plain truth is this administration is intentionally deep sixing the Republic.  Finally, Obamacare is the tipping point because it will kill jobs, too costly and a complete imposition on ALL Americans.  Shame on Obama and Congress for imposing on hard working tax payers!

    • Upvote 3
  2. my opinion on the rate is they need to come out with a rate that is at least at Par with the USD. Think about it, say you are an Iraqi citizen and use the USd on a daily basis. We have heard from the CBI is that the USD is flooding the markets. Now tell me this, why would the CBI come out at lets say .10 if the usd is still in strong use in Iraq. Wouldnt you want to use the USD still because it has more value than your own currency and purchasing power. This is why i think they need to get their citizens to start using their own currency and deplete the use of the USD because lets face it its going down the tube anyhow but the people of Iraq will not use it if it has less value than the USD it makes no sense to me. So, the conclusion here is raise the dinar to at least the value of the USD that way you get confidence back into the dinar and it starts to be used in the economy.

    This is a reasonable assumption and one of the best ideas of why the RV should be on a par 1 to 1 basis. After all of the reports coming out of Iraq that they are a soverign nation, starting to work with the international community, inviting foreign companies into Iraq to help rebuild their infrastructure. This comment and assumption makes the most sense at the current time. After all the U.S. Dollar right now is what all other currencies are pegged to.

  3. Where are these people getting these numbers? 9% of 10,000 = 900.00 bucks that is 75.00 a month! This would be some Socialist propagandist coming up with these fool numbers. Also, NBC is funded by these same leftist!

    So, don't try to cloud up the picture. It is perfectly clear!

    We have way too much government now! Here is an idea for you...cut this government in HALF; this would be the biggest TAX INCREASE in the history of the world and it would send all of those do nothing, live off the government slackers to the private sector and will have to EARN a living just like real people do!

    • Upvote 3
  4. i still don't understand what deleting/raising the zero's fellas do they just want to get our bills out of circulation? or does our dinar 25k bills only worth $25 if the three zeros drop?

    Thanks for any clear clarification...thank you


    The way I understand the deletion of the three zero's is; if you have a $25,000 IQD once the 000's are deleted your not would be worth $25.00 USD. I also understand that the RV would begin and lets say it gets to $3.68 as everyone is saying. IMO that would make your note worth $92.00 USD. I could be mistaken and am open to this opinion from someone else

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