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Posts posted by kmagina

  1. Some things to ponder: quit for yourself first and all those who love you will benefit!!! It is hard but everyday you don't smoke is a step in the right direction!!! Just one puff is like having to start over again, but when.. I fell better after 6 days of 0 nicotine!!! I don't want to go through the first 2-3 days of withdrawal again. That is what's stops me from lighting up!! The crabby/touchiness gets better to.. Find some projects to help distract you and change up your daily routine. It does help and sooner than later you will begin to feel better.. This is one of the Things I found on the why quit website that kinda hit me between the eyes on my day 1.

    With this puff I enslave myself

    to a lifetime of addiction.

    While I can’t promise to always love you,

    I do promise to obey every craving and

    support my addiction to you

    no matter how expensive you become.

    I will let no husband or wife,

    no family member or friend,

    no doctor or any other health professional,

    no employer or government policy,

    no burns or no stench,

    no cough or raspy voice,

    no cancer or emphysema,

    no heart attack or stroke,

    no threat of loss of life or limbs,

    come between us.

    I will smoke you forever

    from this day forth,

    for better or worse,

    whether richer or poorer,

    in sickness and in health,

    till death do us part!

    “You may now light the cigarette.”

    “I now pronounce you a full-fledged smoker.”

    Postscript: While 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce, the addiction to smoking will last a lifetime—albeit a shorter lifetime.  Once a smoker, annulment of the addiction is impossible.  One puff can result in a permanent relapse.  Don’t take the chance of relapsing to this marriage of inconvenience.



    © Joel Spitzer 1994, 2000

    Page last updated by Joel Spitzer on August 23, 2003

    Good luck you can do it!!!!!


    • Upvote 1
  2. Good for you!!! I also just quit smoking on 12/4/11. The first 3 days were the worst but it has gotten better ( not great but better ) I quit cold turkey!!!! This is my 4th time... I pray it will be my last. I found a wonderful web site that has gotten me through my rough moments it called why quit?? Best of luck each and everyday is better!!!!

    • Upvote 3
  3. My husband & I ran to town to buy a wedding gift for our son' godparents while shopping when heard on the stores radio system that the WTC 1 tower was hit by a plane we went next door to the local tavern and watch with disbeilf and tears as our country was attacked by terrorists. I wrote down everything on a piece of paper and the time it happened to make sure my children would always remember. For days following the attack I documented as much as I could a collected and saved the news papers. My family has a long military history and my brother was overseas at this time. My son who was 6 on 9-11 see the time 9:11 on the clock and says I will never forget that day as long as I live!! This morning my family watch the 102 minutes of 9/11 on the history channel and it was like it was live....... As long as I live I will always be thankful for the men and woman in this country that leave there families to keep our great nation free!!!!! For all the soilders keeping us safe may the good lord keep you and your safe!!! God bless you!!!

  4. Thank you for the infotmatoin & the links. We do have a fideltyy account but do not invest until now very thankful for the input . Not looking how to avoid paying taxes just wanting to learn how to invest without losing our savings and then.

    some. Thank you for The input

  5. I have been a member since 10/10, and invested do to my mother's advice. My husband is 67 and I'm wondering if opening a Roth IRA and purchashing 1 mil dinar wouldbe tax free any advise would be greatly appreciated. Not trying to avoid uncle sam all together but try to figure out how to invest safely for our future.

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