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Posts posted by vanommen

  1. Thanks Scooter - I have learned a lot from you about this "investment" that I whold not have learned in any other way. I am sorry that there are some who are finding fault with you. I hope that in some way you will continue to keep in touch with those of us who need your guiding hand. If you truley wish to be gone, I am sure that all who appreciate you will wish you success in the comming days. Thanks again - vanommen

  2. It's more like a rat hole. Not only do they lie to us from over there but many here lie to us as well. I honestly think that they should be alowed to blast each otheres brains out with out our interference. If they drag it over here, we can deal with it. We have enough oil in this country to last well past what they have. I say, let china and others have their day!

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  3. High Nasif ruled out the adoption of the budget before the amendments to it

    10/01/2011 ad-5: 40 | readers number: 7

    Leadership ruled out in the Iraqi list high Nassif, the federal budget for this year before the amendments to it. Nassif said in a press statement that: " All the political blocs have important observations on the budget, and that it was difficult to pass without amendments to them." She added: " That there are big problems with regard to social benefits للرئاسات, as well as the lack of final accounts, as well as the observations made by some, especially the Kurdish coalition, on oil revenues "


    " All the political blocs have important observations on the budget, and that it was difficult to pass without amendments to them."

    Does this mean that the budget is or is not passed?

  4. To the best of my knowledge, I have been mis-informed by those who put their personal gain before what is true. My lack of understanding of the culture and language of the Iraqi people have alowed this to happen, giving me confidence where there was no substance to the claims being made.

    I rest content in that my Heavenly Father is my strength and that just retrubulation will be made by Him. I am glad for His love for all mankind and that He oversees and protects His family. May those who have treated God's children with disrespect and in vain have mercy on their souls.

    I pray that the God of Heaven will forgive them for their misdeeds.

  5. Well - who of you have been in Iraq? Who of you have given factual information of the Iraqi culture and desires? Who has the understanding of the true involvement of the various government relationships with the Iraqi people? Most of what I have read on this forum is just addition to the smoke and mirror methods of the media. It seems to me that Okie is just trying to give us who are the little guy's a heads up as wt what is going on in the big picture. He has been more correct than most "GURUS" (sp) and in my opinion this makes him a threat to some who want to appear most important.

    My 2 cents worth!

  6. Viper51 - I am sorry for the loss of your brother. I have not had this experience and cannot totally understand your present experience. I have lost brothers in the spirit though and have understood a part of what you must face. I am sure the added responsibility of family changes will be well cared for by you and your other family members. If you need help of some kind that I may be able to give you, Please Ask! I will do what I am able for. Thank you for all your help in understanding the culture and the people of Iraq. I am glad that there is now a governing body to lead the people and one that will allow a great improvement in the conditions of all peoples in Iraq. May God's Will Be Done.

    Your Friend - Ken

  7. Does the US plan for a service industry lead the way for this employment documentation? With all the people out of work in the US, one would question why the US would be involved in another country when our leaders do not know how to keep our own people working and enjoying life with a minimum of tax burdon. The middle east countries already enjoy ownership of other people as a personal asset. How and who is the final benificiary this employment legistaltion?

  8. im very green to this dinar investment but can someone tell me what is the signifigance of these lower dominations dinar? is it good or bad??? someone please tell me and dont bash me cause im a total newbie

    The lower denom's will be used when the dinar revalues so the people using the currency will not have to buy a truck load of product to get their moneys worth.

  9. Please people, if you wish to believe Okie that's OK, but someone I converse that knows him says he works in a grocery store. Not bashing, but please stay grounded, I am sorry, but several yrs ago I called him out with numerous oil field questions, he always had to leave due to an Intel phone call coming in, by the way I have 30 yrs in oil and gas, he never once answered a question about oil and gas. I just would hate for some pinning there hopes on this fraud.

    Ok bash away, pp

    So - How is this heads up any different from the "friend wh works in a bank" or "friend of an iraqi business associate" intel that has most of us excited at different times in the past. IMO there are more dishonest posters on this site than those with actual intel. If this man does work in a grocery store, what better place to learn rumor than this? I know that I have been lead astray by those who thing they are in power more than by those who work for an honest living. IMHO

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