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Posts posted by matthewd

  1. I Agree with Richguy. Respect please !

    Amen to that! Aparrently some people are so qualified on this investment they know what is good info and what is BS!! Here's an idea , let everyone on here read what they read and make their own choices. If we took all the negative , bashing posts off here you would find a wealth of info rather quickly. I feel sorry for any newbies coming on here for the first time, they have to sort through an episode of Jerry Springer just to get any info! If your worn out by this investment then stop reading all the so called " mis-leading " posts for a while , just watch forex and the CBI . The rate on the CBI website is all I care about anyway! Concerning the RV , can someone give the GOI and Shabibi an EASY button!!laugh.gif

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  2. Seeing the range in rates everyone thinks on here is funny! we have .50 to $7! Why don't we just wait and see , and everyone doubting Okie , he has contacts the rest of the guru's dream of having! Okie , by the way has never said $7 , that is someones interpretation of his info! I've never heard Okie give a rate. I have heard him say we will be very happy , and that we need to give it a few days to play out!! The Gov. will have some laws to pass and changes to their constitution to allow the power sharing! ( Okie's contacts by the way are senators , very high ranking US gov officials , almost as high as you can get , and oil execs. ) So I put Okie in the category with Scooter , Viper , Adam , Frank26 , and maybe 1 or 2 others. When they type , rest your fingers , put your egos aside and listen , you may just learn something! I can guarantee you NO ONE has been 100% correct on this investment , NO ONE! Not Scooter , Adam , Frank26 , Viper , or Okie! After all this is Iraq , they like this game! GO RV!!!!!!

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  3. Link please.... Regarding Scooter stating Feb or March 2011 for RV. Thank you.

    My mistake , it was a post from January this year that some one responded to today! I didn't look at the date he posted it , let the beating begin!!! I'll take it like a man!!!

    Here's the link anyway!

    Hey Mathew. The Scooter article you referenced was actually from earlier this year and resurfaced today...just FYI.


    Just realized that , my mistake Neo.

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  4. I agree! People are quick to type without even thinking it through thoroughly about what they are posting..thus causing mass hysteria when they, themselves don't have a clue about what is going on. And please, please, please people stop feeding into will save you stress among other things. How many times have we gone through this where one post, kills the momentum? Breathe...biggrin.gif

    Okay, I'm done venting...

    You guys are brutal! If AC is that full of crap don't read the post!! A post like this will only destabalize investors if they are depending on the guru's for info!! Educate yourself people! Sites like this were meant to share info and intel not bash the hell out of each other!! I think its pathetic hrdbwl had to start the post "don't shoot me guys"!!!! I saw a post earlier today from "Scooter" stating Feb or March 2011 for RV , is he next to be lynched? OK now I'm done venting!!!

  5. This is actually very good news. In order for Maliki to assume his role as Prime Minister after the holiday (which ends on the 20th), he would need to name his cabinet and be voted in officially by parliament before the 20th. Voting him in is the final leg to "seating the GOI."

    Let's hope we're near the end of the RV rollercoaster!

    I do hope we are near the end! This has taken its toll on every investor and you can tell by the responses you get for posting info!!

  6. Here is some info! Kinda confusing though! We are in our 11th month but Iraq is in there 12th month!

    Eid ul-Adha, the ‘Festival of the Sacrifice,’ begins on the tenth day and ends on the 13th. This is the holiday that starts on Tues. 11/16! So 4 days from then , the 20th which falls on Sat. so he will assume PM role Sun. 11/21! But again this is Iraq!

  7. Correct me if I am wrong, But I believe Edinar first started posting this gentleman and pretty much everything he has said or predicted seems to be in line with everything happening. I believe this man knows someone high up.

    I agree! He also stated on a CC yesterday $5.28 !!!!!!! That would be SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then again this is IRAQ we are dealing with!!!! Go RV!!!

  8. Jump on out there !!!


    I ain't scared! I don't rely on other people for all info reguarding this investment either! Just posting what the media puppets are just finding out and by the way , this was on a conference call I listened to 11/09 , that's two days ago! Some people knew this then , but because of all the bashing lately they don't post , wonder why! The engineers of this plan would not allow the media they own to report such a story if it wasn't the right time!! There is alot of info out about this , just LOOK! Do you know where some of our senators are right now , do you know where Shabibi ( he's the pres. of the CBI by the way ) was this week? Things are progressing , quickly , but because of all the bashing and date & rate prophets , people are not very receptive of info like this anymore. I'll just listen , gather info , and wait for the rate!

  9. i would like to know how much less the pm position is now. If people want to invest in Iraq, it needs to be without a madman at the wheel.

    He's not really @ the wheel! The Iraqi constitution will have to be amended because they will all share power! No clear cut leader , just 4 egos being stroked to get the plan accomplished! Not my intel , this came from a call I listened to 11/9 with Okie , his intel!!

  10. Has anyone confirmed that the U.S. holds IQD? Is there a link?

    This is the closest I could find , I'm looking about 5 or 6 lines down ( other national central banks ) ! This is only an assumption since it does not plainly say IQD , but the IMF and BIS ( Bank for International Settlements ) may be a way to disguise the IQD since it is not internationally recognized . No expert here , just came across this doing my own research , thought it was interesting. IF the U.S actually has this much IQD ( it is in USD amounts ) it would be enough to pay of the national debt , making someone look like a hero , or savior as some see him!

  11. I listened to a conference call Tuesday from another site and someone called" Delta" said this video was about 6 months old, and none of the people interviewed were politicians , bankers etc. , just ordinary citizens being asked there opinion IF they were to LOP! "Delta" had a middle eastern accent and said he did not need a translator because he speaks Arabic! He also stated there are three different videos being talked about , so no wonder there is much confusion. Typical Iraq , mis-information and propoganda , almost like they are trying to hide something!!! I will be happy to provide a link for recording of call if anyone wants to hear it!

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  12. Not to sound too ignorant, but I'm looking at opening a Warka account but I don't have a passport and would like some clarification on Government ID! If a Drivers Liscence doesn't qualify I'll have to try to get a passport! The possibilities of getting a passport , opening a Warka Acct. , and funding it before RV are probabbly slim to none but I want to diversify my dinar investments so i figure its worth a shot!! I just joined Dinar Vets and I'm learning alot fast , just hope its not too late!

  13. I couldn't agree with this more!! Every time we turn around we are getting hit with another tax!! I've read about a Carbon Tax that Obama and his puppeteers want to implement! Scary! I hope everyone is investigating what taxes we'll have to pay when th RV happens! I want to keep as much as possible!!!! I have a CPA friend who is invested in Dinar and he is really doing his homework. I'll pass along any info he shares with me.

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