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Posts posted by relo

  1. Investment people don't promote things like this because of many reasons. One is that this is a longshot and you don't keep clients with longshots. You keep clients with investments that have sound fundamentals and have a track record. The underlying fundamental for the dinar is Iraq itself which is far from unified, secure and stable. Second, this is a currency trade that's not tradable on the international market which is where you make your profit. Third, no investor who makes their living by investing and is looking for a return in a reasonable amount of time is going to tie up their money in this. This is like buying a penny stock (you buy it knowing that it's a gamble which may or may not work out and with money you don't need). Professional and institutional investors don't buy penny stocks.

  2. Currently, one US dollar buys about $1170 dinars. The less dinars you can buy with a dollar means that it is moving in the right direction. Consider getting Adam's book and possibly VIP membership if you can afford it. VIP members will receive notice when the rv happens. Also, depending on where you bought your dinars, companies such as Dinartrade will e-mail you when it happens.

    As for the minute to minute update, you'll drive yourself nuts. This is a long term investment (I've had my dinar for about 5 yrs, others have had theirs longer) and it may or may not pay off to the extent that we may want. Also, don't get caught up in all the hype and purchase more than you can really afford. This is putting money away that you don't need to spend now or plan to spend in the future. Remember, no one on any of the sites really knows when it will occur. The rumor section is called that because that's what the information that's posted there is --rumors.

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  3. I trade currencies and one of the reasons you're seeing flucuations is due to the oil crsis. As oil rises, the dollar weakens and investors no longer think it's a safe haven because of the many problems that we have, especially the debt load and , the posibility of the ME crisis expanding puts pressure on the dollar also.. Today, as an example, the Swiss franc neared a record high against the dollar because of investors feeling more secure with it instead of the dollar. The same applied to the EURO.

  4. "Treasury has nearly a dozen staff in Baghdad – one of our largest teams anywhere in the world – providing technical assistance to help Iraq create a stable macroeconomic environment and build a solid foundation for economic growth" Hope, for the Iraqis sake, that this isn't the same team that's been working on our economic growth..

    • Upvote 5
  5. The nice thing about this country is that people like Okie can say what they want and the other nice thing is that others can either accept it, bash it or ignore it. PLUS, this is the rumor section and Okie never disappoints, he's always got one. That fact that someone keeps posting rumors that never materialize should tell us something--stop reading them.

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  6. My golfing buddy is a VP of Bof A and got me into this on a "flyer" over 4 years ago. Some banks will exchange and some won't. Until the dinar becomes an active trading currency, you are going to run into various opinions and various bank policies on how they will or will not handle it. Keep in mind that this, like any investment, may or may not produce the results that you want. Hopefully, it will all pan out in our favor but, I trade currencies, so just keep in mind that no one really knows when and how much except those that are responsible for it.

  7. I trade currencies and I agree - - use babypips. Also, you can open a free 30 day practice trading account at They have training on Forex trading and the self directed course is $99 and an online plus intereactive classroom for $299. A good book to read is "Currency Trading for Dummies".

  8. SMOKEDEM: I trade currencies and also, through a referral program, raise investment capital for small but established oil developers. Traditionally, if a country replaces its currency with another (Mexico did this years ago because of hyper-inflation) there is a period of time to make the exchange. As Frank61 pointed out, Iraq is oil laden and some are prediciting that oil could go as high as $200 a barrel within the next year or 2. This alone has a bearing on the true worth of the dinar.

    Like you, I've had my dinar for over 4 years and bought it when a buddy of mine (he's a VP at BoA and has bought more than me) told me to take a flyer and buy some. The dinar is an investment. Some pay off big, some pay off small and some just don't pay. My money is on the first 2.

  9. I bank at BofA (my branch manager is a golfing buddy), have done numerous wire transfers and have had documents notarized.. I have never had any document read. They simply verify your signature. As for wire transfers, they take the pertinent information, verify who you are even if they know you. initiate the transfer and give you a receipt for your transaction, all of which is done in private or semi-private at a desk. I also called him re: the memo. He hasn't seen any.

  10. I'm not bashing your post but the exception that I take to it is that I trade currencies. Banks trade at the wholesale level which is known as the interbank market. They mainly trade either directly, through EBS (electronic brokering service) or Thomson Reuters Dealing 3000 extra (Both are trading platforms and connect well over a 1000 banks). Currency exchange is for facilitating trade and businesss and the average daily trading in foreign currencies is about 4 trillion dollars a day. No bank is going to threaten to stop trading with another because they deal in a particular They just won't trade that currency.

    • Upvote 4
  11. Some good analysis but some wrong info. I trade currencies and the USD vs BHD is 0.3770, which means that every BHD is currently worth $2.64 US. If I recall correctly and I could be wrong, Adam mentioned some time ago that the range would probably be within .10 to .86 cents per IQD, which is still a hell of a return if that happens. Also keep in mine that the Iraqi's themselves have talked about the IQD initially being on par the the USD. If that is the case, then a rate of .86 is more realistic. But all that's said and done, we won't know for sure until they pull the trigger.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Unforetunately, this is inevitable. Unlike the war in Viet Nam (which I am a veteran of) and was based on idealogy, we are in a "religious" conflictt. A conflict between our values (Christian Based) and the attempt to implement extreme Islamic values in all walks of life, which includes the annihilation of us and our allies. For those of us who are Christian and believe in bible prophecy, the events that are unfolding are predictable. For those of us don't believe, it should at least be a realization that the world that we know is changing. A change that may not be in our favor.

  13. IRS Publication 525 (Taxable and Non Taxable Income-2010) pg 33 applies to FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS.

    Foreign currency transactions.

    If you have a gain on a personal foreign currency transaction because of changes in exchange rates, you do not have to include that gain in your income unless it is more than $200. If the gain is more than $200, report it as a capital gain.

    Even though the above is in publication, always check with a qualified CPA.

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