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Posts posted by echo0marie

  1. There is a little boy who has discovered that when he plays with his goober white stuff comes out of it. well, he starts playing with it every chance he gets and his sister walks in on him and she freaks out.

    mama says to daddy, you've got to have a talk with your son, so the next day daddy sits son down and says listen here, you need to learn self control ever time you do that you're waisting a good banker or doctor or president or something like that. The son says ok daddy i understand.

    So the boy goes a few days and just can not stand it any longer so he goes out back and "rubs one out" he thinks to himself of shoot mama and daddy are gonna be mad, so he covers it up with a rock.

    a few more days go by and he just can't take it again so he goes back out again and does his thing. He grabs the same rock to cover up the new mess and out jumps a frog.. He catches it and says "you're an ugly bastard but I love you anyways"

    Ok same story ( I know it is one joke only but if you read the first one you gotta read the second) different ending...

    There is a little boy who has discovered that when he plays with his goober white stuff comes out of it. well, he starts playing with it every chance he gets and his sister walks in on him and she freaks out.

    mama says to daddy, you've got to have a talk with your son, so the next day daddy sits son down and says listen here, you need to learn self control ever time you do that you're waisting a good banker or doctor or president or something like that. The son says ok daddy i understand.

    So the boy goes a few days and just can not stand it any longer so he goes out back and "rubs one out" and catches the mess in his hand he says "i'll give you guys another chance" and swallows it.

    eww right?

    • Upvote 1
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  2. 1979 is irrelevant!!! It is just the year that the evidence act was issued... Lets not focus on silly things!!! This is great news as it would appear

    1979 is irrelevant!!! It is just the year that the evidence act was issued... Lets not focus on silly things!!! This is great news as it would appear

    • Upvote 2
  3. Quote

    It stopped at $6.02.

    End Quote

    $6.02? ........Just give me $0.60 and I'll be superduper happy.......Heck, give me even $0.6 and I'll still be happy.......Just do it

    Ummm.. aren't $0.60 and $0.6 the same thing... lmao...But ditto seriously!!!

  4. Give it up nointel....not happening today or wednesday or next week....a long ways to go still.

    No GOI....chapter 7 not completely lifted

    Kuwait issue still not completely resolved or paid off

    CBI system not ready yet

    Maliki/Alawi still not playing nice

    HCL not done yet

    and who knows how many other little things are out there waiting to hold this thing up? B) I certainly don't :P

    I am pretty sure that Ch7 and the kuwait issue you mentioned are the same. I really do not think we need all of these things for the RV to kick off, but we definitely need one of the three which include either or the GOI , the CH7/kuwait issue, or the HCL. But hey what do I know, I have only been following this sh*t for the last 3 years...some have been invested for nearly a decade. Besides it is all speculation anyhow... For all we know it COULD in fact RV tomorrow without any resolve, or they may wait 3 years after all 3 issues have been cleared... who really knows, that is what makes this investment so interesting.

    This was never a get rich overnight scam, this is a put it away and forget about it thing.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I dunno... we shall see though... there has been much talk of Iraq joining the WTO.... Funny how one news article can spark all of these rumors.... But I think in order for Iraq to be apart of the WTO they would need a valid currency... Tick Tock goes the clock

  6. See... Ok so I have not been on here for like a week, and it seems to me like Things are progressing nicely... You know how when you go to dinner and its crowded, and it seems like an forever, and your food is just NOT coming out (stay with me here) and then someone from your party gets up to use the bathroom and as soon as they get up, the food comes out?! We all need to take the day off and our "food" will come out.. LMAO

    • Upvote 2
  7. This was a great post, very positive. This is just an investment to most of us, but the real investment here is the Iraq people. They need this and their country in order for a good quality of life. Lets hope their demands are going to be met so that they can get basic services we take for granted.

  8. I really REALLY hope this goes well. But this is such a perfect opportunity for terrorists to take advatage of massive crowds or even the people protesting could become violent like you stated k98. Keeping a level head in arguments over opinions and belief has never been a strong point amongst the factions. What is the estimated number of people to turn out?

    It is a good time for terrorists, but I don't think there will be much terrorist activity. This is the time for the people to stand up against their government and say enough is enough

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