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Posts posted by Nova

  1. If you go to the latest post by VIZIOIRAQ you will find the reply that Pheonix made in that thread...... I copyed it here because I was struck with how Pheonix and Vipers info are so different at the moment....... Not setting the guys against each other just for discussion!


    Nova,I don't know where you got the post from Pheonix but I've been reading his posts for a long time now and that sure doesn't sound like the way he writes.Maliki is as crooked as a snake and twice as dangerous.There is no way he could be good for anything except for himself.

    Semper Fi !!!

  2. Viper 51..... thanks for your updates..... below is what Phoenix had to say a little while ago in another thread......... I quess its just more of the usual back and forth and back and forth...... :angry: but thanks again for the updates.. :D

    100% correct.

    Maliki was selected as the canidate for PM weeks ago.

    We have just been waiting on the Kurds to publicly come on board as they now have.

    Also...all of the talk about the Iraqi list (Allawi's group) backing Mahdi is true but what people fail to understand that they are willing to back him as President...not PM for the PM position will go to Maliki.

    Now Allawi himself...he will be in a special position that has been created just for him...this new position will be announced sometime after the Parliment resumes sessions and then after the voting for President.

    Maliki is well like in Iraq and is very popular.

    All of the talk of crimes and wrong doing is nothing but falsehoods spread by the opposition party...nothing but false mud slinging at it's best.

    Yes..everyone knows Allawi's party won more seats in the election but what few know is that between Maliki and Allawi themselves it was Maliki who gained more votes over Allawi.

    In fact Maliki recived over 300,000 more votes in the election than Allawi did and this can be found in the news section of this forum with a link.

    So if in fact you go with the will of the Iraqi people...then it is Maliki who they want.

    Facts are facts...and these forums have been filled non stop with bull crap and lies for months.

    I have been calling people on the BS and presenting the facts with links for months and people STILL do not get it!

    But tht is soon as the Parliment is seated and Maliki is elected by Parliment as the PM...everything will become crystal clear.

    Best of luck to all!~



    Look for the big meeting on Wendsday and announcment of the start of Parliment right after.

    Looking very, very good!


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  3. I like this article..... You will note that Maliki..... NA is buying time....... but you will notice near the end of the article that the LIST Allawis party is saying we will come out with our news on wed...... I am convinced they are going to come out with Madhi as pm and the necessary votes to be legitimate.,..... even the Kurds when interviewd for this peice are buying time.....they are saying well there are a few things that need to be worked out yet..... but could it be that they are closing the deal with Mahdi???? Just thinking out loud

  4. As we have read before in other articles from the CBI this has been under study for years and one of the last things we had from the CBI on this was that the decision was made and that they were waiting on the seating of the GOI before moving forward.

    So this has been settled for quite sometime and we have all been waiting on the seating of the CBI.

    I put forward in my last update the speculation that the delay was done by design to allow the US government and other governments time to put in place laws and or other reforms that would be needed to help control the proceeds and taxes forth coming from this "event'.



    Thanks for the response.......

  5. Pheonix...... I was under the impression that the technical decisions of the RV were all taken care of...... This article would almost make it sound as if there was a make it or break it vote that went on here to decide how to proceed?

    Is this really where we are at? I thought I had gathered from you and others that we were basically waiting for the political scene in Iraq to straighten up so the rv could be rolled out??

    Your thoughts would be appreciated and..... Thanks for all you do :)

  6. Thank You..... Viper 51! Good to hear from you again...... What part do you see Allawi playing...... is he and the List coming on board with some kind of power sharing agreement or are you not hearing that??

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