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Posts posted by GIVINGisGREAT

  1. It seems to me that I have seen articles here that explained how the formula works for the oil/Dinar...How they spend approximately $4 to produce a barrel of oil, and how when we cash in Dinar it is held in Banks and the United States get credit towards oil...I probably butchered that explanation but I'm sure I have seen something to that effect.

    Thanks Again.

  2. Good Afternoon Dinar Friends,

    I'm doing a class paper on Dinar and wanted to try to explain Fractionalized Banking...I know I have seen articles about it here but when I put that term in the SEARCH Box, it doesn't really take me to a section specialized for that term. Does anyone out there have access that can send me to a specific spot for that info? (Google doesn't help much either)

    Thank You,


  3. I know I should know what is meant when people talk about the Vegas Celebration but I don't...I know it's a post RV get-together but are there any other details (short of dates obviously) such as where it's being held? How many days? Any general info would be cool.

    It will be nice to go to an event and not have to stay at the local "MOTEL 6"!

  4. I have been told by bank personell that you can establish many accts [each with a different family members name attached to my name] within the same bank and each one would have the FDIC protection of $250, question is this...I have seen posts here where people have stated they should put anything over $250,000 into a Non Interest Bearing acct because it would still be the bank giving me bad information? I can't imagine not wanting to take advantage of collecting the interest! Please set me straight.



  5. Hello Everyone,

    I constantly have coincidences that have me feeling like Today is the Day, Today is the Day, Today is the Day.

    What happened today is by far the wierdest thing that has ever happened to me! This is not a lie and it by no means has any pumping intended! It' s just what happened to me today...I have my screen saver as a SHELBY MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, a toy I plan on purchasing when the RV occurs...well today after I finished playing golf, I got my phone out of the cart and somehow my screen saver is now a front and back view of what appears to be a 250 Dinar Note. I have no clue how it happened as I have never even seen those notes, I certainly don't have a picture in my phone of them and as most of you know, it takes a concious effort to change your screen saver! I was trying to take a picture with my digital camera but it doesn't seem to want to focus.

    Needless to say, when a strange picture of Dinar showed up on my phone, I was pretty excited!!! Hopefully it will turn into a more than coinicidental situation!

    Hope everyone has a Great Day/weekend!


    • Upvote 4
  6. Hello all...

    I know I have read this before but am having a hard time finding it today...I know there is a $13,000 per year limit on gifting, and I have done gift letters for my family...if I gift say 1 million Dinar, it's valued at $1260 today but RV'S at $1 and thus is then valued at $1 Million Dollars...what are the tax consequences. Thanks for the info.


  7. Good Morning everyone...

    Sitting here in the hospital, waiting on a heart diagnosis, (I'm sure they'll determine it to be DINARitis...LOL) when I saw on CNN that 11 Iraqi's were killed and that was according to the INTERIOR MINISTRY...I realize the important/sad part of the story is about those who died, but I will ask the question anyways...Isn't that one of the positions we are waiting on?

    Thank You and I hope everyone has a Great Day!

  8. Was a little bored at work yesterday when Michael Jackson's "Beat It" came on...decided to write a quickie about our DINAR it to the same beat..."BEAT IT"

    GOI, Can you please get it right?

    RV for the or tonight,

    it's taken way too much time, can you please expedite?

    Just Seat it, Just Seat it!

    Maliki, Mahdi, Allawi,

    Who really cares...

    this isn't some H.S. game of "Truth or Dare,"

    quit all the deception and please make it clear...

    Just Seat it, Just Seat it!

    President, Vice-President, Mr. PM,

    Please get it together and stop the mayhem,

    People of Iraq deserve better, do it for them...

    Just Seat it, Just Seat it!

    Some One-Hundred plus days

    since the elections were won,

    An honest politician, you know there are none...Give us some hope, and just GET-R-DONE...

    Just Seat it, Just Seat it!

    CBI, IMF, and the U.N.,

    if anyone can fix it, we know that you can...

    just pull the trigger

    and we'll all say AMEN,

    Tell them to Seat it, JUST SEAT IT!!!

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