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Posts posted by disciple7

  1. Hey peeps this morning I got a call from a very good friend of fact I was the one who got him involved in this about 7 years ago an we stay in touch quite frequently...any way.. he calls me this morning an asked if I was sitting down..I thought it had Rvvvvvvvvvd..turns out his daughter just got hired on at Wells Fargo

    in Seattle Wa. an last week , she was going thru traininig on the DeLa Rue currency machines how to handle currency exchanges. She says she discovered that

    that was the main reason they hired her on, because they are expecting a major influx of people coming in to do exchanges. This is the real kicker ...she said that she was told .. if she had any iraqi dinar that they would not have hired her. They did not say the Iraqi dinar was revaluing the math. Now I have heard many a rumor about banks an training an gearing up for an rv, an with all the pumping going on out there..who knows what to believe...but this was first hand an I really wanted to tell you peeps this one.


    Im not saying this isnt true but why would her boss tell her that if she owned dinar she wouldnt of gotten hired? 1 second after hearing that she should of known theres something big to happen which should of sparked something in her to buy dinar! <_< hope its true but i analyze things

    • Upvote 1
  2. This is the reason I stepped away from this particular forum the Iraqi Government Formation is not about the RV. It is who will control the future, who will walk away with the bigger piece of PIE. This war was never about terrorism or bogymen it’s about Oil.

    It’s about who ever dies with the most toys wins they care about no one outside their immediate family it’s not even about tribes anymore. Iraq does not and never did care about you or your family. I sit night after night at my desk and read all of your rants and raves folk they are senseless all you are doing is making the situation worse.

    I have taken this stance from this point on when it comes to the investment of the Iraqi Dinar.

    1. Get in

    2. Sit Down

    3. Shut Up

    4. Hang on

    If you all can’t hunt with the big dogs don’t come on my porch just lie there in the dirt and wallow in your own sorrows’.

    This is were I figure I will lose what little credibility and respect I have enjoyed here but screw it I am tired of the whining.

    I'm diggin it finally real talk.

    Madman OUT

  3. What charges would we bring! First of all how about Neglect of sworn duty to uphold the Constitution of the USA, How about several violations of oath of office. How about unlawful distribution of tax payers moneys that he gave to Kenya to support a muslim politician under the table which was in violation of Federal law. How about treason for not sending help to our troops who are dieing in Afganistan. In my opinion he is not qualified to be president in any way. He surrounds himself with criminals and socialist. Where is real proof that he is even an American citizen and don't tell me thats been proven because it has NOT. I assure you what little bit I put here is just the tip of an iceburg of negatives he has. Who would bow to a King but his followers, what an embarrassment that was. At any rate I respect your point and I don't mean to rant but he will destroy us if WE don't stand up for America and stop the dismantelment of OUR CONSTITUTION and deleting of our rights that obummer has in motion. obummer said THE UNITED STATES IS NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN NATION and BY GOD WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION SO FOUNDED BY OUR FORE FATHERS! If he wants to promote and spread islam let him go back to kenya and do it cause IT AIN"T GOING TO HAPPEN HERE IN THE USA.

    Nice Viper Nice!!! im in full agreement 120%. We need action in november. A massive amount of action!!

  4. Here is an idea that I came up with after recently completing "Sensitivity Training"

    Ideas of Tolerance

    I am appalled that so many of my friends are against the mosque near

    Ground Zero. We should allow it in order to promote tolerance.

    I also propose that a *** nightclub be opened next door to the mosque to

    promote tolerance in the mosque. We could call it "The Turban Cowboy" or

    "You Mecca Me Hot".

    Next door could be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and

    across the street a very daring lingerie store called "Victoria Keeps

    Nothing Secret”.


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