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Posts posted by djiboutikid

  1. Wow... lots of negative nancy's on today. I thought we had another week before we start worrying (again) that the rv will never happen. I like Adam's take, that we're not going to see a lot of fanfare, and that this will come off more like a sleight of hand than a 4th of July show finale. Hang in there folks, God Bless us All, Americans, Iraqis and everyone in between, Peace be with you!

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  2. The fact that carello actually used the phrase "the success of Obamacare" proves that carello is unlikely to ever see the light. That is a 2 step process, pulling your head out of whatever (@**)hole it is in, and then wiping your eyes clean to see properly. My folks are one of the many people I know who lost their Great insurance that was meeting their needs and that they could afford (even with my mom undergoing chemo/radiation for cancer), and had to look for something else that doesn't cover as much and costs 40% more. carello, you can keep your 'success' for yourself. If you can't see where the teleprompter is taking the US, that is your own fault for willingly keeping your eyes and ears closed. Biden is impeachment insurance because Biden has no clue, and despite what the mainstream media would have you believe, is the utter idiot that the msm wanted you to believe was Sarah Palin. The only reason you can find more gaffe quotes by Palin is because the msm wants you to believe she is really dumb, when Biden has made as many, if not more gaffes since Palin ran for VP, not to mention the many other gaffes he made before she came to national awareness. I will pray for carello anyway, just as I pray for America to be able to escape from obama's destruction-from-within policies.

    The word sophomoric takes on a new meaning.

    yes, obama's sophomoric attempts to lead from behind are pretty sad.

    • Upvote 4
  3. In my opening line -I was just a wonderin' or maybe cuz I got up in a grumpy mood. Seems like these monkeys have been all over the map of late. One minute it looks positive, the next, depending on the article they're walking it back until you're not sure where they stand.


    Just pondering the duplicity of some of this . . . 12 years can feel like an awfully long time to wait, some days. 


    Peace be with you 10... things are getting tighter and tighter against my bottom line daily, and I have passed 10 years in this investment as well. I'm thinking these look like maybe 90 day bonds? That sounds good to me. From Adam's last chat the end of this month was brought up as a time-line. If you look at the over all scope of articles posted, they are the best news ever. Abadi in Erbil today? Can't just be to try the tea and bakhlava. Especially after the last few months reports of oil transferred and dinars returned... Peace be with all of us

    • Upvote 2
  4. I saw a story (sorry, other computer, no link) suggesting that the totus (teleprompter of the usa) was going to target offshore corporations with a 14% tax. Hypothetically, this could affect us folks with an IBC, no?

    Agreeing with G12LF, I'm thinking less picks (for Rogers) and a more entertaining game would have occurred last night had the cheeseheads been part of the Big Game. ??? :) Either way, thanks for everything!

  5. I believe the budget is done, the just waiting for other laws to get done.!

    Is all about timing.!!!

    Go Iraq

    Go Budget

    Go CBI

    Go dinar

    Go strong $1.13:1

    BIG changes on January 2015 ;)


    So budget it done. Glaringly obvious so what is it then? They must be waiting on some other key thing to RV and then release the budget. HCL going official? Maliki getting officially charged with crimes against humanity, embezzling, etc.? Or waiting for clear weather for Okie et al to land their ships so they don't inadvertently cause them to crash and die (what a shame that'd be eh?).

    I think you guys may have it correct...

    seize/charge Maliki, seize his assets to return to the pot what belongs to Iraq, then pass the budget and RV with him out of commission and broke

  6. Wow dontlop! Obamas purpose in immigration dealings is to make the white man the minority?! That's his sinister plan?! Wow. So what was the reasoning behind previous presidents not securing the border. Recall they, up until this point, were all white.

    And this is the very reason I stopped debating with emotionally radical people. Their sky is always pink regardless of empirical data.


    Either it is or it isn't but ya can't pretend it is it it isn't

    Post it in the gazette

    Article 140

    The oil law

    People will assume they are law when they arent

    It's like the usa having immigration policy and obama ignoring the enforcement of illegals because he wants the white man to be a minority

    Wow Trinity, read much word for word?

    securing the border is NOT immigration policy, even though they do somewhat go together. The teleprompter, unlike W, had 6 years of complete and utter control of the 3 branches of government and all I got was division, purposeful Senate gridlock, and an immigration policy that ignores the constitutional laws of our country. what color is the sky on your planet? Oh wait, the market is high enough to crash from it's pedestal and some of your friends are back to work full time. You must be emotionally sound, look at your clear grasp of what dontlop actually said. Please label me emotionally radical. Please!

    • Upvote 1
  7. Hey Vietnam 1969. djiboutikid here had it rough didn't he! Airconditioned tent, plastic forks, paper plates and a portapottie! Please enlighten him of your conditions in Nam! Thank you for your service!

     Yes Vietnam 1969, Thank You for your service. I have no qualms admitting that I had it good, albeit halfway across the world from my family, while contracting for centcom. I also am a veteran from the Clinton era, a chairborne ranger, no overseas experience until I got out and got into contracting. We did have a dining facility for the last year and a half that was an actual air-conditioned building and cable tv, so it got less rough as time went on... :) except for the missing my family thing.

  8. this guy sure is a bright ray of sunshine. He is one to talk about gov't waste when he lived well off of the government teat. I was a gov't contractor in a different area of centcom and knew many people who fought and worked in Iraq. It was no fun living in an airconditioned tent, eating off paper plates and with plasticware and using porta potties for three years, but the pay didn't hurt. I don't see the problem with selling off our 'lightly used' arsenal to the Iraqi Military until, of course, it ends up in the hands of ISIS etc.. I say we need to sell it with ultra secret tracking devices so that when it gets, er, lost, we can send a drone or Warthog to ummmm repo it, or make it unuseable, and hopefully take some of the bastards with them. Of Course, that would mean not telling CNN or any of the traitorous lame stream media about these types of advances.

    I love how this "gentleman" is so anti-war profiteering yet doesn't blame obama for any of the last 6 years' activity which has lead to this point. He was certain, however, to point out Halliburton as the bad guys, yet he says buy into General Dynamics? His angle stinks, whatever it is. Thanks K98nights for sharing, it was an interesting OPINION piece about government fraud/waste/abuse er war-profiteering/sales policies.

    • Upvote 2
  9. If religion is so bad, why isn't the world (full of many religions) just an overflowing cesspool? Probably because religion is not the problem! As EagleEye implied, men who walk with God usually choose NOT to do wrong. Men who (regardless of what they claim publicly,) don't walk with God, tend to be lost within the issues of this world. While I would rather see a larger outcry from 'moderate muslims', I can't blame them for their claims that what ISIS/Daash is doing is not in line with Islam. I have never been convinced that harming anybody will bring you favor with any person or deity. 

  10. I'm just waiting for Kerry to flip flop... the lying b.... speaks out of both sides of his mouth as o's ******. He was so wrong about becoming president that he learned FRENCH on the campaign trail. Like he was ever gonna get cozy with Sarkozy.

    Oh yeah, go Iraq, fight Your fight! Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines will tell you where they are hiding, and help smoke them out. They might even chase them out with some pork lead salad, er A10 Warthog Gatling cannon-fire. :) Israel can be proud of their Air Force all they want, they have nothing on ours! God Bless Iraq, God Bless America!

  11. kind of like how o chooses to support Muslim causes and ignore as many Christian causes as possible. This half-assed attempt to pretend to go after ISIS, whom he won't refer to by name because he is too weak to admit he has no acceptable foreign policy. Anybody who claims that 'everybody' supported W has no clue of what has been going on in the U.S. for the last 13 years. W was made fun of from the start, it just wasn't publicly noted until 2002. The current president has regularly proven that he is not worth the office and that he does not have America's best interests at heart. I would say the same about v.p. biteme if he had been in charge, so don't neg me for being racist. If we had more truthers instead of partisan players in America, o would have never been elected.

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