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Posts posted by elcarim

  1. I find it interesting that people who do not understand what happens inside their own body and do not investigate the whole process of introducing foreign substances into their bodies always know better, through listening to those mavericks promoting the benefits about whatever they are selling, through misinformation distributed by them. These mavericks also have only one purpose and that is to align their pockets with money through the corrupt governmental and medical departments and to promote their very much flawed scientific research, by not wanting to be aware of the negative vibratory influences on living organisms that need positive energy to live to their fullest potential. 

    There are none as blind, as those who can not see. 

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  2. I have used Glutathione in the past for 2 years running and although it did help to some extent, it is not what is made out to be. I swithched over to Humic and Fulvic Acid, which is much more potent and gets results much faster than anything else I have experienced in the past. It needs to be of a specific brand in order to be effective.

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  3. Pattyangel is a kind of right by saying "I pray for what GOD wants, not what I want." My question is whom are you praying to as there are many "Gods" within the universe, often referred to as beings/enrgies who have more understanding of the universe and everything else than I have. I read once in the biography of Paul Twitchel that "God really does not care what happens on this level as IT knows that eventually we will return to the Source"

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  4. At the conclusion of the first  video it reads: God help us! One can only help oneself by getting rid of FEAR as this is the feeding  energy the Satanists thrive on. There is one LAW that is greater than anything else and that is the LAW of LOVE. By having LOVE in your heart, unconditional LOVE, any negative energy addressed to you can not harm you and is returned to the sender. May The Blessings Be 

  5. Interesting reading where one is in their research for an improvement in their physical wellbeing.I started this journey nearly 30 years ago, studied naturopathy for 3 years, osteopathy for a couple, had my own health centre for over 10 years practising as a remedial body therapist with a variety of modalities. My wake up call as to the reality of what is really going  on within the so called "health" industry came when I met the late Prof. Dr Sir John Whitman-Ray, the founder of Body Electronics, the science of cell regeneration, in 1995. I had the pleasure of being closely associated with him during the mid- to late 90's for a number of years, when I organised International Health Seminars and practised as an Iridologist. Over the years I have had a great deal of experience with a great number supplements, some of which we must have on a daily basis just  in order to survive. To really go into this would be taking at least a few weekends of seminar time, to be able to convey the message of what is happening within us and what we can do to attempt to change this. Even with all the knowledge I gained over the years, living a much healthier life style than the average individual, I was quite taken aback when 3 years ago I decided to have a computerised check up. 2 1/2 years later I went back with the same life style experience and to my dismay it had got worse. the reason I went to see this medical doctor again was because I had come across a food product I wished to test over a period of time and this is what I have done over the last 7 months, with a check up every 3 months. When I went for the 6th monthly test, mid-March of this year I finally had personal proof that what I was using finally worked to rebuild the body without having to go through the rigours of multitude of sessions of sustained accupressure point holding, which is not only very time consuming but can also be very painful as one works with the controlled release of the Kundalini Forces, which can also be dangerous if one does not know what is going on. As an example I can share with you that in Oct. '95 I broke 3 ribs, a week after this accident, I was in the fortunate position to be able to go to a seminar 600 kms from where I was living, where Dr John was and received 3 sessions of these accupuncture holding point techniques over a period of a day and a half. After the 3rd session Dr John put all his weight of 120kg on my ribcage and I had no  more pain. Until that time I still had a nagging doubt in the back of my mind of: does this really work? Like with all personal experiences the ones that really count are your own, for better or worse.  

    I am in the process of updating my personal experiences with this particular food product and if you like I can let you all who are interested in this particular topic and are willing to take responsibility for your own wellbeing, know what I have experienced.

    What started this off was that I was going to share with you that there is only one perfect oil, with the ideal balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6, which is Hemp Oil. If you get hold of Udo Erasmus's book "Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill" you can read up on all the available oils and their influence on your body. However by taking the best oils such as hemp and coconut, does not mean that you are going to get the full benefit of these as the catabolic process in our body far outweighs the anabolic process. There are a number of other important factors to consider. But that is another story. This will do for now. By the way I am not taking away or invalidating your own research and experience. My experiences have led me on a different path than yours and this is how we can share and compare and understand more about how we work, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They all work very closely together, whether we like it or not. So be it.

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  6. With a kind of amusement I am reading the chemtrails posts. A long time ago I learned that "There are none as blind as those who can't see". Just like a high school teacher is not going to teach his or her knowledge to a primary school teacher, the professor at a university is not going to lecture on advanced theories to high school students, the goverments of the countries are not going to tell their citizens what they are doing unless this particular student has the initiative to start looking for answers that the ordinairy citizens or "sheeple" never will ask because they can not understaand that are others who do not think like them and have other intentions than they themselves have. Fro those in the know, know that the attempt to control us through the media is not a falacy, it is a truth that many now accept. There are more and more investigative journalists who are uncovering what is going on behind the scenes and letiing us know through various magazines, videos and other means. One of those that comes to mind is who despite great opposition from those in the know and those who do not want to know, for the last 20 years plus has been telling the inquisitive open minded what is going on behind the scenes. It takes courage and common sense to investigate these matters for oneself and it may take many years for one to accept things the way they are and not the way we think they are. I recently read a book on the Roswell Conspiracy by Phil Corso, a retired US army employee, who was involved in the suppression of the findings of this incident and how they confused and hid the evidence through a web of manipulations within the Government Departmentsso that no one would be able to find out what really was going on. And this is only one of the ways the we are being hoodwinked continuously by those who consider themselves to be superior to us the people. Some 15 years ago I studied under the late Professor Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray, who with his co teacher, Dr Douglas Morrison, Phd, Dr in naturopathy, who taught that "Unless one investigates completely what is happeining in a particular field and one understands what happpens in that field, one remains in ignorance of that subject. This could be enough for many to put in the "to difficult basket" and not even start to look into this particular matter in this case the chemtrails. Do not go by what every one tells you, do your own research and then often times beyond that, to find out for yourself what the case may be. It is encouraging to see that there are individuals like myself who have a more profound understanding of what goes on behind the scenes in this world of ours. Fortunately there is a general awakening where individuals are starting to open up to other possibilities and that all we have learned in the past is not set in concrete as it may appear to us. One of the most of the challenging aspects of ourselves is to be able to accept changes and through that that change within us. It may be a suggestion to look at it all with a fearless detachment rather than the willingness to perish for your current belief only later to find out it was not what you thought it was.

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  7. Why don't you, for those who are not familiar with the background of our global poloticians, go to and do some extensive research so that you may accept a lot more of what the press does not tell you. I can tell you that it is not for the fainthearted and for those that have a closed mind. Even with my acceptance of many things over the last thirty years have difficulty in accepting some of the realities that are taking place without public knowledge and one will have to look outside the controlled press releases and the garbage that is put in front of us on a daily basis. His latest book "The Lion sleeps no more" lets us know that we the people are waking up to the controll mechanisms by the various powers to be. Personally I have progressed to read the "Children of the Matrix", of whhich i am two thirds of the way through and that has taken me two and a half months so far as I have to digest an enormous amount of stuff that is not within my nature to accept. Years of reading on these topics have culminated to this point and once again please consider if you have the courage to face up to new concepts that are not part of your belief systems at this moment in time.

  8. For those who have not read "Your Bodies Many Cries for Water" by Dr F Batmanghalidge (I hope I did spell his name correctly) anything other than water will dehydrate your body. Personally I do not drink anything else but water as it is the easiest way for the body to convert to what is called the interstitual fluid. It has been known that the juice of half or a whole lemon will support the kidneys of its toxins when it is taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

  9. Yes, But I think you missed the point of this article..... Republicans will never let obama tax corps or raise taxes. We know this to be true because of the debt ceiling debate that went to the 12th hour. So it is all overblown conjecture to appease party lines. Yes, they may tax the foriegn currency holders more, and that we will have to accept. Hopefully, it will be fair. We will not know that until it happens.

    But let me ask you this....... is it fair that not every person knows about this investment? Thats a pretty liberal view to have. Your saying that we must all be equal as investors? that we must all take dinar investment courses, so we all make, lose, or have to pay in the same amount? no no no.:blink:

    If you do not try to protect your assests...... you get what you deserve. I mean, why dont you just give it all to Obama then just to help out his spending habits? Dont get me wrong, I want to be in control of my own finances to give it out to whom I see fit when I see fit. Not to that joker;)

    So true D, the SHARKS are CIRCLING and they will have a FEEDING FRENZIE.

  10. Call me crazy, but I think everything he said is absolutely credible. Conpiracy bs aside, the elite has been running the world since before the 1700's from Europe on into the establishing of the US. This makes more sense than any of the rumors I've heard thus far. You have to be naive to believe that WE the People are running this country.... I just don't like he "small window of time" he mentioned. :(

    I also had a call to add some insight to this subject.

    It appears to me that there a large number of individuals who have not taken their time to investigate what is really going on behind the "accepted belief systems' that have been imposed upon us through manipulation of well thought ways of confusing the human mind and non released information considered by certain individuals to be not important to the multitudes, because of their limited capacity of understanding and not being part of this particular way of attempting to control the mass mind. I learned a long time ago that: "FOR THINGS TO CHANGE, I MUST CHANGE FIRST." Too many individuals speak their mind without proper investigation of information that has been offered and therefore remain in ignorance of what is really happening. It takes courage to face up to a different reality and accept that all is not what it appears to be from one's limited point of view. Broaden your horizons and start looking at situations from different angles and various possibilities. One of the most difficult things for us human beings is to change, for it takes us out of our comfort zones and we feel like we are in situations that are totally foreign to us and we do not know how to handle this situation.

    You only have to read the comments of many of what their intentions are once the RV happens. This may give you an indication of where one is at at this moment in time.

    For those who are familiar with Robert Kyosaki's work will know what I am referring to.

    Please remember that we are all different, have different opinions, have different interests, have been educated or "brainwashed" in some instances differently and thus can mostly only look at the world's rapidly developing changes from our own perspectives. The reaction or non reaction to this post will be interesting. Whatever it is it will be received with LOVE as this creates no resitance and any negative intentions will be returned to the sender, just like the mirror effect. Yours duly, elcarim

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