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Posts posted by OILandDINAR

  1. buy from me on ebay. dinarsanantonio. i got mine from Ali. i am selling 1 mil. ive already posted on here, took the bashing, and then successfully sold a million. check my ebay reputation. ive only sold that one time but it proves im not a scammer. just going broke. lol.

  2. These rumors lose credibility when they say banks were told to have extra cash on hand. They don't want to give you any cash immediately. They can make quite a bit holding on to your money by making you order any amount of cash and delaying it reaching you for a few days. It's just silly to think EVERY major bank would be asked to do that.

    • Upvote 1
  3. if the rv doesnt happen with the 2011 budget...i think we will be left standing with our you-know-what in our hands......if you dont know what....we will be left sucking hind you-know-what......if you still dont know what.....we will be left with millions of dinars worth 1170 dinars per one dollar....

    • Upvote 1
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  4. Hey friends...You're friendly transplanted to Arkansas, Texan here.

    I have been around this investment over 4 years...have never made a projection on a date or rate (officially anyway :). I have a degree in Marketing and have served with some of the largest sports and broadcast groups in the country as a senior executive. (YES...I worked with and for the Texas Rangers and Dallas Stars in Southwest Sports Group years ago!) :) My family and I have been called into the ministry and now serve in the beautiful Ozarks in North Central Arkansas. Our church has doubled in the last year and is doing great!

    I want us as a group here to bring some clarity. I have been around this investment and on DV exclusively since coming into this investment. We have a good bunch here! :rolleyes:

    I think we need to set some expectations for some folks... realistically. Based on what we have seen over the last 8 months in the Iraqi political climate do we really believe this is going to RV this year? Next year?

    "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." SOOOOO...with everyone understanding that we are trying to be as REAL as we can...and factoring in all available opinions and thoughts let's throw it out there.

    Again...not trying to be goofy...and yes I know we are only talking projections. BUT...let's all lay aside what we HOPE will happen and talk about what we REALLY THINK will happen with this investment regarding the RV short term and long term.


    Thanks for all the hard work done by our resident experts around here. :D

    What do i really think? I think Texas loses to A&M 37-20 come Thanksgiving!!!! Okay really though... I think as much as we all believe it can be triggered without the GOI in place, thats not going to since everyone thinks it will happen immediately after a pm is named and since iraq procrastinates with the best of timeline...just 2 weeks to 1 month after the GOI is in place....

  5. Like I said on two other posts, I am still here and I am waiting for further verification of news that was related to me last Tuesday. DD will confirm that I told him that I had news last Tuesday but I have not shared it with anyone as of yet....not even DD.

    Dr. J

    I was JUST thinking about this yesterday. I'm glad someone dug it out.

    I know sonny1 said there was no way its happening this weekend because Ali would have been told to stop selling, but whats to say he doesn't get a call sometime between now and the 17th.

    Is there a specific time period prior to an RV that he will be told to stop selling? I don't want to sound too optomistic about this weekend because I'm afraid I will read this in 6 months hoping the RV will happen "anyday now" and want to punch myself in the face, but with that program being run for the Iraqi people, SOMETHING is bound to be happening. Good, bad or indifferent, we will find out soon enough. Let us know when you get that confirmation Dr J!

  6. 1. Try not to Faint

    2. Get up off the ground

    3. Change my underwear

    4. Tell my wife

    5. Catch my wife before she hits the ground, wake her and start makin babies

    6. Call BoA and WF to see if they can compete with cash in spreads

    7. Go straight to bank if they can compete and if not head to the specific city I need to to cash in with dealer

    8. Look at my account needing two commas and cry a little

    9. Probably get sold some stuff by my bank within days in regards to asset protection

    10. Pay debts

    11. Take wife to Italy

    12. House, cars, clothes

    13. Apply for wealth management position somewhere

    14. Pass my series 7

    15. Work as a weatlh manager for myself and my friends and family that own dinars.

    16. Fund and invest in Oil & Gas wells as a great money making/tax saving hobby

  7. Funnier still, when I read "The Ultimate Secret" I thought about womens underwear...

    that is REALLLLY funny...thank you for posting...i too am now thinking of womens underwear

    BoA is ready and set to go.

    Everything is planned and worked out at the very top and the info will be sent to all of the local branches as soon as the rate changes.

    A complete plan is in place with easy instructions for all branches.

    On site verification and instant credit to your account.

    I cannot provide proof of this and would not if i could.

    We are in better shape and more prepared than most know.

    No BS.

    Best of luck to all.


    Got Faith?

    That sounds good to me. BoA is in my office building. The question is....will they be able to compete in terms of the spread come cash in?

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