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Posts posted by whbiv

  1. As a GWOT Marine, I find that statement PATENTLY absurd. I think anyone who ever believed this war was about oil has *insert various 4-letter expletive*-for-brains. Your statement does not pass even the most BASIC of economic smell-tests.

    Your premise is that America wanted oil, saw a ton of it over in Iraq, and decided that it wanted it so badly that it was willing to go to war for it... oil and nothing else-- your words not mine. By your logic, America and her manipulators saw it as a less costly option to let slip the dogs of war, support that war through billions of dollars busting up the old regime, and then spending billions more rebuilding the busted up infrastructure, and then lose out on billions more in war reparation payments that were owed to our nation and our allies from the Ba'ath regime by writing off that debt as a gesture of good-will and effort to unburden the developing nation's economy. All total you're telling everyone here that this war was waged, at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars and toxic political fallout from our young warriors returning dead or maimed from the battlefield, so that "it can be about oil." As you, or anyone else with an IQ above room temperature can plainly see, "that oil" that "that war is about" is just now starting to flow out of Iraq, and we and our allies have gone to painful lengths to ensure that while private industry can broker oil-industry contracts within that nation, Iraq as a sovereign nation maintains control of its minerals extraction laws-- Lukoil striking one of the first agreements for modern 3D seismic testing (I happen to work in the energy industry). Call me crazy, but if the U.S. was in it for the oil, why in the hell would our nation hand over full control to the minerals-rights lawmaking process to a foreign government!? I'm just curious, were you born with such inabilities for logical thought, or did you have to work at it?

    Pretty obvious logic dictates that if America's true motives WERE oil, when we are sitting on staggering quantities of it within our boarders and close to our shores, the powers that be would have opted for the FAR less costly option and used political forces to allow oil to flow from the sandbox to our tankers, all the while allowing the Ba'ath regime and its hothead dictator to take a cut. In other words, anyone with two bits of sense can see that all that oil that "this war is about" could have been had for the cost of a long distance phone call and a little dirty back-room dealing (something our nation has no shortage of politicians willing to engage in). America then would continue to get war reparations in the form of a hard asset (oil), completely avoids the toxic political fallout of having our finest coming home in bags like several of my dearest friends on this earth have, completely avoids the BILLIONS of dollars needed to finance a war and the rebuilding process in the first place, and could gain the advantage of keeping domestic energy prices low and voters unlike yourself happy at not having to spend a lot when filling up the tank, all the while keeping a stable (evil, but stable and useful for your stated purpose of being all about the oil) regime in place to ensure that we continue to have access to that oil.

    I hope that this allows you to begin to come to terms with the absurdity of your theory.

    They invaded for oil and another stronghold in the region. Money and power is why they wanted to go there. Of course they didn't anticipate the repricussions of the insurgency. They didn't plan past the invasion. They didn't expect to be there this long and they didn't plan on so many casualties. Remember Bush on the aircraft carrier "Mission Accomplished". What was that 6 years ago?

    • Downvote 1
  2. Hey guys don't get all flustered. I'm sure Iraq will not dump on us because there are Govenments over there holding dinar also along with huge companies that are investing in Iraq. It's not just us as individuals in this investment and I really don't think Iraq would want to start out by sticking that many and doing damage to their ability to build trust world wide. Another item that has not been discussed much is the inside possibility they will keep the 1k and 5k notes anyway. The original information I got months ago was the 25k and the 10k were the two main concerns pretaining to the RV situation. It would only make since they would keep the 1k for sure and possibly the 5k for larger business transactions or they would still be toting bags of dinar like now and thats one of the things they want to eliminate. We don't know for sure how this will play out but I really feel from what I know that WE WILL COME OUT OK. Hang in there and hope for the best as we ARE NOT OUT of the picture at this point.

    Sorry, a bit off topic, but i asked this question before and got no response.

    Does anyone know where to get 1k notes? Wanted to use these for gifts and charities.

  3. I posted this in the question forum, where I know it should be. However, this rumor forum gets a lot more reads, so I'm posting here too.

    Ali is offering a lock-in rate, or you can wait and get the rate at the time you show up at his office. My gut says let it float.

    Do you think it will go up or down post RV?

    What would cause the rate to go down after announcement?

    What are you planning to do?

    Any thoughts are appreciated

    Your friendly neighborhood peace warrior,


    Read more:

  4. Ali is offering a lock-in rate, or you can wait and get the rate at the time you show up at his office. My gut says let it float.

    Do you think it will go up or down post RV?

    What would cause the rate to go down after announcement?

    What are you planning to do?

    Any thoughts are appreciated

    Your friendly neighborhood peace warrior,


  5. Mods. I am done sharing info I find with Dinarvets. I have spent alot of time researching and looking for articles i.e. news, rumors, etc. I'm sick and tired of the scumbags on here that accuse people of being "pumpers" for sharing information. I am done with my research and sharing info with this site. I have only the best intentions with sharing info with people here and I am through. I'd like to "pump" some of these people where the sun don't shine. I'm done.

    Easy Ed. I appreciate your rumors and research. You posted what honey said and that is not your responsibility. Prayin4peace must not be prayin too hard, cuz his response was unjustified and unnecessary. Remember this has to do with his issues, not yours. It is not up to you to make others happy, that is their work in life. Please stay on board.

    Your friendly neighborhood peace warrior,


  6. This article doesn't seem so bad to me. If they wanna cut back on bombings and such, revalue the currency so people are making a decent wage and won't be recruited. After RV people produce things for real money and this would in turn cut back the imports. Am I wrong?

    Oh yeah do we have a date on that article?

  7. Been thinking about cashing in when this ride ends (hopefully soon). I'm sure people have thought of this but I have not seen mention. I have 20% set aside for gifts and charities. My thought was to give Dinars not dollars, and therefore I wouldn't pay taxes on the cash in, and the charities obviously wouldn't pay taxes also.

    One accountant says I could write off the appreciated value and one says I write off what I paid for it. Searching for more accountants in town who might have an idea. Do any of you have thoughts on this?

    Second, I heard Ali in a chat saying we could cash in for smaller denoms upon RV. I called the office today and they said that was not possible. I would like to trade in my 25,000 notes for 1000 notes so I can spread the wealth as I see fit. Anyone know where to get smaller denominations upon trade in, or will I have to make a trip to Dubai?

    In Love and Light,


  8. A little more from Honeypaws. Anyone seen stuff from him/her b4?

    [Amber] 9:45 PM [Honeypaws] Major currency traders all over the

    world, U.S. and Europe are well aware that the RV will take

    place and are ready. They have been waiting for the change over

    and taking wire transfers for the last 2 or three days for

    reserves as they were dumping their inventory of the large

    notes. Then, at a specific time, the currency will sell at the

    new rate and the 25,000 dinar will no longer be available for

    sale. 9:45 PM [Honeypaws] I will put together another short note

    of interest a little later… but this is the news we are most

    wanting to hear and that others are also reporting. Still it is

    good to hear again and again until we see it, right? Woof!!

  9. :D

    Thank you for a great post. You will no doubt appreciate this link. :D

    Thanks for the post and the link. I truly believe in the Law of Attraction. Here's a little story.

    Few years ago I got turned onto Abraham Hicks and "The Secret". So i tried an experiment. I turned a $2 bill into $20,000 with a sharpy and i meditated on it every morning. At the time, I was trying to sell a 67 Caddilac that I had and restored for 10 years. The thing was pimp. The car was appraised at $13,000 (I had stumbled upon it in CA for $1,400-there' a manifestation story with that too). However, at the time gas was way up and no one wanted a gas guzzling old Caddilac. Over time, i dropped the price to $6,500. One weekend there was a car show in town, and I parked it on the street for sale. After work, I was sitting in a bar and got a call from the police. A drunk driver smashed the sh*t outta my car and they found him hiding in some bushes down the road after he ran into another car. I was shocked and dismayed but at the same time knew I was insured. Within a couple of weeks, my insurance mailed me a check for $13,000. While I was waiting for my check, I got $8,000 from a small real estate deal. I got $1,000 more than I was asking for.

    A little while later, I decided to up the ante. I had another $2, and wanted to turn it into $200,000. However, I made a mistake and put one too many zeroes on it. I thought I had messed up, hell $2 million, where am I gonna get $2 million? I've had that $2 million bill on my altar for several years. This past spring my friend turned me onto the dinar. I did not hesitate to buy some, not even considering my manifestation experiment. Since the government has taken so long, I have a good little nest egg, sitting on my altar with the $2 million bill sitting on top of it, and now my mistake seems like a blessing.

    Manifestation apparently takes time.You ask and you will receive, but only on God's time schedule. I made that bill several years ago, but now I can see it coming to fruition. Patience is a life lesson for all of us, and I think this ride is teaching us very deeply. Blessing to all of us.

    In Love and Light,


    • Upvote 1
  10. Too cryptic (not a criticism ... I recognize the inside info reference ... just not sure that Bane will with 66 posts) ... does anyone have the URL for the (supposed) brother's description of their relationship. That should help.



    Here is the link of chat w TKs brother

  11. Great post. Honestly I feel in both governments and both countries that it isn't necessarily political. It is simply an unconscious world that has allowed our ego's to run the show in our brains and sadly even our hearts. Materialism, insecurity, anger, and ignorance are what humans feed off of to make their decision these days. We react to our wants and needs instead of just working on being content, present, and finding solutions through give and take. It has to be all for me and none for you these days. So nobody wins.

    The world fights over who's God is more right. Well the truth is the one God is on all of our sides. He is not picking just one side. I don't think he even gets that concept. It is our staunch beliefs in our way or the highway that makes the world so combative and defiant. OUR... meaning as us... the human beings that is. We are all guilty. We need to all show a little more compassion for each other. A little more compromise goes a long long way. The venom talk in all aspects of our lives only makes us more unconscious and continues to shape the dark world we feel around us. It didn't used to be this way. Bigger and more weren't always better. The truth is...We can't make anyone else change. We can't talk them down from their positions or views or argue to force change. It has to happen in you. You have to want to make the change in you first. Maybe some day we can all awaken from our slumber and enjoy what blessings come of it.

    Very insighful. I always like your take on things.

  12. LOL that was a good were joking of course.

    Blame it on is like pulling out the race card with hussein obama....

    I like number 10...LOL...and the democratic congress and senate and hussein did not even read the health care bill, but passed it anyway..why you ask? To burden the tax payers with more tax to give more welfare handouts to illegals and the slobs that do not want to work or better themselves...

    #2 we got hussien because the idiots in the N.E. voted for the democrat with an "R" behind his name i.e. your hero hussein promised the poor and the ignorant a full take of gas, pay for their houses, and spread the wealth from the rich ex. steal from the rich to give to the poor slobs that suck the nation dry like leeches..

    I Already said I don't support O, and I'm not blaming Bush. The point I'm trying to make is, take your list and put any presidents name in there and you can make the same points. Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, they are all working for the same evil, power hungry, greedy bastards that wish to control all of us.

    I like number 10...LOL...and the democratic congress and senate and hussein did not even read the health care bill, but passed it anyway..why you ask? To burden the tax payers with more tax to give more welfare handouts to illegals and the slobs that do not want to work or better themselves...

    My point exactly, all the presidents do the same shite. Why was The Patriot Act so big and rushed thru with such urgency. To take away our rights, control the masses, destroying the Constitution, all under the guise of "safety".

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    Ben Franklin

  13. When logic, reason, common sense and and all other programs FAIL...Blame BUSH!!

    A 1/2 wrong (Bush) doesn't justify a dozen wrongs (Obama)!!!

    Quit making excuses for Obs(b)ama's socialist ideology and goal of the destruction of America!

    You aren't listening. Read my earlier post on this thread. Heck, read the first line of the post you quoted. They are all wrong. They are all pawns. We really need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and WAKE UP!

  14. 1. The Obama presidency is out of touch with the American people

    2. Most Americans don’t have confidence in the president’s leadership

    3. Obama fails to inspire

    4. The United States is drowning in debt

    5. Obama’s Big Government message is falling flat

    6. Obama’s support for socialised health care is a huge political mistake

    7. Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive

    8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration

    9. President Obama is muddled and confused on national security

    10. Obama doesn’t believe in American greatness

    Just to be clear, I don't support Obama or his policies. Just try to make a point.

    1. The Bush presidency was out of touch with the American people

    2. Most Americans did not have confidence in the Bush's leadership and that's how we got Obama

    3. Bush failed to inspire, so then Obama inspired the people to vote for him and now we are in the same boat which is sinking even more rapidly.

    4. The United States is drowning in debt, due to Bush's economic policies.

    5. Bush’s Small Government message was a lie.

    6. Bush's invasion of Iraq because they had WMDs (remember why we invaded?) was a huge political mistake

    7. Bush’s handling of Katrina was weak-kneed and indecisive

    8. US foreign policy was an embarrassing mess under the Bush administration

    9. President Bush was muddled and confused on national security, allowing warrantless wiretapping, torture, and detaining of American Citizens without due process.

    10. Bush threw the Constitution out the window when he signed The Patriot Act. The 342 page document was rushed through Congress & the Senate, and no one read the entire thing.

    11. Bush doesn’t believe in American greatness, just pretends he does.

    Read more:

  15. An apparent Obama backer! You are the only small minded thing on here. Get over your little god as we will not sit back and let him or you destroy this country or convert us to muslims. If you don't like the topics here GO AWAY!

    This left/right paradigm is exactly what "they" want. It keeps us arguing amongst ourselves, ignoring the man behind the curtain. The state of our beloved country is not Obama'a fault, it is not Bush's fault. All the presidents since the last assassinated one, have been puppets of the super wealthy (multibillionaire) bankers. They have had a plan since before the 30's. It is time for us to take this nation back!

    In Love & Light,


    • Upvote 1
  16. 13 is an actually a good and lucky number for the United States, the first 13 colonies, 13 stars on the original flag, The Great Seal of the United States have 13 Olive Leaves, 13 Olives, 13 Arrows and 13 Stars. The pyramid on the One Dollar bill have 13 levels. There are 13 guns for the Gun Salute for the U.S of A military branches. Finally there were 12 disciples plus Christ makes 13. So this Friday the 13th is a great possibility for an RI...which is REINSTATEMENT (13 letters) of the Iraqi Dinar.

    13 full moons in a year...

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