inheritance Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 Good evening Family,I had fun with the word Re-denomination yesterday. So let me have a little more fun with it today. Everyone likes to say RV Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
inheritance Posted February 25, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 As confirmed that the next two weeks will witness the completion of all transactions paid beneficiaries stalled for lack of personal files and personal forms, the annual statement. وقال مدير دائرة الرعاية الاجتماعية عصام عبد اللطيف في تصريح خص به “ الصباح” انه تم اعداد خطة متكاملة لانهاء التعامل وبشكل نهائي مع المكاتب البريدية انجاز جميع معاملات المستفيدين المتوقفة رواتبهم لاسباب تتعلق بنقص في الاضابير الشخصية او فقدانها واستمارات البيان السنوي او قطعت عنهم الاعانة، مبينا أن التخصيصات المالية للدائرة لهذا العام بلغت 850 مليار دينار وهي لاتسمح برفع سقف الاعانة الحالي او شمول فئات جديدة. The director of the Social Welfare Department Issam Abdel Latif said in a statement singled out the "morning" had been prepared a comprehensive plan to end the deal once and for post offices with the completion of all transactions paid beneficiaries stalled for lack of personal files or personal loss and the annual statement forms or cut off from the subsidy, indicating that the financial allocations to the Department this year reached 850 billion dinars, which does not allow raising the ceiling of the current subsidy or the inclusion of new categories. واشار مدير الدائرة الى انه تم ترحيل جميع اضابير النساء المسجلات ضمن قاعدة بيانات الدائرة واللاتي كن يستلمن الرواتب والاعانات ضمن برنامج شبكة الحماية والرعاية الاجتماعية والتي تجاوز عددهن 200 الف مشمولة الى دائرة الرعاية الاجتماعية للمرأة. The director, had been deported all the files of women registered in the database, the Service and who were Estelmn wages and subsidies within the network protection and social welfare, which exceeded 200 thousand number of women covered by the Social Welfare Department for Women. على صعيد منفصل اكد وزير العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية من خلال اعتماد نظام البطاقة الذكية في توزيع رواتب واعانات شبكة الحماية الاجتماعية من خلال فروع مصارف الرافدين في بغداد والمحافظات، والذي سيسهم في القضاء على الفساد بشكل كامل و يحقق عدم استغلال وابتزاز المستفيدين من قبل تلك المكاتب اذ تم اصدارها في سبع محافظات وخلال الشهرين المقبلين سيتم تغطية المشمولين في عموم البلاد ماعدا اقليم كردستان، مشيرا الى انه تم اصدار مايقارب من 268 الف بطاقة ذكية في بغداد والمحافظات ولجميع الفئات منذ تطبيق نظام البطاقة الذكية مطلع العام الماضي ولغاية نهاية شهر كانون الثاني الماضي. Separately, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, through the adoption of smart card system in the distribution of salaries and benefits of social protection network of branches of banks in Iraq in Baghdad and the provinces, which would contribute to the eradication of corruption and achieve full non-exploitation and blackmail by the beneficiaries of those offices, as was issued in seven provinces and the next two months will be included in the coverage throughout the country except the province of Kurdistan, adding that he was issued Maigarb of 268 A smart card in Baghdad and the provinces and for all groups since the introduction of smart card system early last year to the end of January. واضاف عبد اللطيف أن الاسبوعين المقبلين سيشهدان محمود الشيخ راضي ضرورة تضافر الجهود لانجاح عمل سكرتارية رسم سياسة حماية الطفولة في البلاد والتي شكلتها الوزارة مؤخرا بالتعاون مع الجانب الدنماركي. Abdul Latif said that the next two weeks will witness Mahmoud al-Sheikh Radhi need for concerted efforts for the success of the work of the Secretariat for a policy of child protection in the country, which recently formed by the Ministry in collaboration with the Danish side. وقال مصدر مسؤول في الوزارة بتصريح صحفي ان وفدا برئاسة السفير الدنماركي تباحث مع وزير العمل لاعداد وصياغة سياسة حماية الطفولة في العراق بشكل يسهم بمعالجة المشكلات والارتقاء بمستوى الطفولة نحو الافضل، موضحا بأنه تم ابرام اتفاق مع الجانب الدنماركي يتضمن اعداد برنامج تدريبي داخل وخارج البلاد لاعضاء السكرتارية بالشكل الذي يسهم في انجاح المهمة الموكلة بهم . An official source at the ministry press statement that a delegation headed by the ambassador discussed with the Minister of Labor to prepare and formulate the policy of protecting childhood in Iraq contributes to addressing the underlying problems and raise the level of childhood for the better, explaining that it was the conclusion of an agreement with the Danish side that would establish a training program inside and outside the country to members of the secretarial manner that contributes to the success of the mission entrusted to them.I saw an article today that said “Iraq’s first sovereign vote since the invasion”. The article was talking about March 7th but this one line caused my brain to review the words more carefully. It says that it’s their first vote………….well that’s not true. But it does say ……….it’s their first vote being sovereign……..well that’s true! That’s intel Family. How about the article from today that said they now have concluded the signing of ten foreign oil company contracts to enhance oil production in Iraq. IMO……..articles are becoming more and more obvious. Tell me Iraq……..what do you plan to do with all those billion dollars of revenue? Do you think keeping them locked up under CH7 is a wise decision? LOL. Neither do I. It’s very apparent that your currency is about to stand on a solid foundation.Biden is going over there AGAIN to help them with their elections………….. Sure…………whatever! No comment.As I have been telling you Mohammed’s birthday is on the 28th. But I did not tell you that there is a full moon on that day too. Will they open the banks on the 28th………Sunday? IMO……..even if they don’t open them they should at least make the announcement in honor of Mohammed. This nation always looks for ways of praising their religion. Astronomical events are important days for them to give praise to their beliefs. It is from this region that the 3 wise men followed a star to find our Savior……baby Jesus. It is my hopes that they make an announcement between now and the 28th because if they wait until the 1st all the preparation that we have witnessed in the last two weeks……..could be for not. I suppose they could do it Monday on the 1st at 7am just before they start their sessions at 8:30 am. Let’s see what happens. I am on many conference calls at night and I tried my best to find the time to call Ali with your questions. I apologize that I failed last night but will try again tonight. I did ask him yesterday to consider opening the Toledo, Ohio office ………now. I did not want to wait any where up to a week before having our office functional. I told Ali that some will go to banks and bypass his offices if we take too long to get them open. He said ……..not all banks will be ready in the beginning. They too will require time to get things in order before they can exchange customers. After I hung up with him his words rang in my head. No wonder we see so many banks that are ignorant and tell us that this will never happen……..some even go as far as to say it’s a scam. Yet there are four major banks that seem to know what is going on. These four major banks will trickle down the info to the ignorant banks once the blessing comes. It will take those ignorant banks a few days………to be ready. I could go on and on Family but I have to get back to work. If you have not bought the Frank26 Audio please consider it…….. as a portion goes to KTFM funds. There is a permanent link at the top of our pages if you wish to purchase it. For those of you that know me by copy and pasting at other forums……….this is my home……. .One final thing …… know those smart cards that the citizens will pick up at the post offices? Retirees or government workers ………..have you noticed that they are going to pay them for January and February ? What does that tell you? If I had the option of being paid for two months at a low rate verses waiting to be paid for those two months at a higher rate………which do you think I would take? I promise to shut up……..but just one more thing…….LOL. I loved how an article came out today saying that the UNSC’s resolutions will pave the way for Iraq to get out of CH7. That they have no more WMD ……..that they are not a threat to society any longer and have met all the requirements to satisfy KU. If we would have read this a year ago we would be picking up our eyeballs off the floor. As we read it today……..allow me to leave you with this thought from my heart: Family………life is an amazing journey. But the most incredible thing about it is that every next second can be a new …………….Beginning. Say your prayers Family for our investment and then ……………….give it a second. My Christian love and warm Alohas.KTF,Frank __________________Hebrews 11:1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 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ronscarpa Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 Thank You Frank & Inheritance - this is awesome news...!God Richly Bless Both of You,RON Check this link: [/] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ronscarpa Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010's the link above. Sorry, RON Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tabi Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 "A re-denomination (RD) is coming to the IQD Family and remember…………..this does not effect the IQD’s value…………. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO! You see …………..the RI comes first followed by the RD! One increases currency value and the other re-places the original large notes that need to be removed ………. With WORKABLE lower labeled currency."I wish more people would realize this simple example!...RI/RV comes first followed by RD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bruce Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 WRONG. RD first Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muydinar Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 RV first then RD. Actually at the same time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brokendiver5 Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 Good evening Family,I had fun with the word Re-denomination yesterday. So let me have a little more fun with it today. Everyone likes to say RV Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john1025 Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 rd/rv before the end of the year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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