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Central Bank to raise his voice against efforts to dominate


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البنك المركزي يرفع صوته ضد مساعي الهيمنة Central Bank to raise his voice against efforts to dominate

بتاريخ : الثلاثاء 13-09-2011 11:01 صباحا On: Tuesday 09/13/2011 11:01

 بغداد/ المدى  Baghdad / term

في خطوة تكشف تخوفا من إخضاع البنك المركزي إلى الحكومة، اتهم البنك، أمس الاثنين، جهات نافذة في السلطة التنفيذية بعرقلة فكرة الإصلاح النقدي في العراق، فيما أكدت اللجنة المالية في مجلس النواب أن الحكومة تعمل جاهدة لإخضاع الهيئات والمؤسسات المستقلة كافة لسيطرتها. Reveal, in a move for fear of subjecting the central bank to the government, accused the bank, on Monday, the window views in the executive branch to block the idea of ​​monetary reform in Iraq, while confirming the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that the government is working hard to subdue the bodies and independent institutions of all control.

وقال البنك المركزي في بيان أمس وتلقت "المدى" نسخة منه، إن "بعض الموظفين الحكوميين يشنّون هجوما إعلاميا غير مسبوق على البنك، معتبرين أن ثمة أعمالا خارجة عن القانون تشوب فكرة الإصلاح النقدي الذي يقوم به البنك المركزي". The central bank said in a statement yesterday and received a "long" version of it, that "some government officials are waging an unprecedented media attack on the bank, considering that there is work outside the law mar the idea of ​​monetary reform carried out by the Central Bank".

وأضاف البيان أن "البنك سبق أن تلقى خطابا رسميا من لجنة الشؤون الاقتصادية في مجلس الوزراء في العام 2007 مناشدا فيه البنك دراسة مشروع إصلاح نظام العملة العراقية عن طريق إعادة هيكلتها وحذف ثلاثة أصفار منها". The statement added that "the Bank has already received an official letter from the Committee on Economic Affairs in the cabinet in 2007 when the bank is appealing to study the draft of the Iraqi currency reform by restructuring and deleting three zeros from them."

ولفت البيان إلى أن ذلك الخطاب كان هدفه "تسهيل التداول النقدي وتخفيض كلف المعاملات النقدية في إطار إستراتيجية إصلاحية لنظام الإدارة النقدية في البلاد وعلى غرار ما قامت به غالبية بلدان العالم لاسيما تلك التي غادرت الاضطرابات والتدهور الاقتصادي والتي تسعى إلى إعادة بنائها النقدي". The statement noted that this speech was designed to "facilitate the cash trading and reduce the cost of cash transactions in the context of a reform strategy for the system of monetary management in the country, like what was done by the majority of the countries of the world, particularly those that left the turmoil and economic decline, which seeks to rebuild the cash."

وكان مستشار رئيس الوزراء للشؤون الاقتصادية اعتبر في الخامس والعشرين من شهر أب الماضي، أن رفع الأصفار عن العملة تعد اكبر عملية فساد في العراق لو تمت خلال هذه الفترة، وتندرج تحت مسمى العبث الاقتصادي، محذرا من "مافيات عملة" تستعد لتزوير ترليونات الدنانير العراقية لاستبدالها في ضوء التغييرات المرتقبة. He was Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs said in a twenty-fifth of August, that lifting the zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the name of tampering with the economic, warning of "mafias currency" is preparing to rig the trillion Iraqi dinars to replace in the light of the planned changes.

وأشار البيان إلى أن "البنك يجد أن هذه التصرفات غير المسؤولة في إطلاق التهم الواهية وبدوافع غير معروفة الاتجاه تتنافى وقواعد السلوك التي ينبغي أن يلتزم بها موظفي الدولة في تناولهم قضايا البلاد المختلفة ولاسيما الحساسة منها". The statement noted that "the Bank finds that such irresponsible acts in the launch of the charges baseless and motivated by an unknown direction contrary to the rules of behavior that should be adhered to by state officials in tackling the issues of different countries, especially sensitive of them."

وشدد البنك على انه "سيحتفظ بحقه القانوني في الدفاع عن كيانه، وتحميل تلك الجهات مسؤولية تعريض مصالح البلاد المالية إلى خطر المساس اللامسؤول"، مبينا أن "تلك التصرفات يراد منها تعريض المركزين القانوني والدولي للبنك المركزي إلى مخاطر معنوية أمام الرأي العام بمختلف أشكاله". He stressed the bank that "will retain the right to legal defense of his being, and download those authorities responsible for endangering the interests of the country's financial risk of prejudice to the irresponsible," noting that "these actions are meant to expose the centers of legal and international central bank to the risk of moral hazard to the public in various forms."

من جانبه، حذر عضو اللجنة المالية في مجلس النواب، إبراهيم المطلك، من سياسة تتبعها الحكومة لوضع الهيئات المستقلة كافة تحت سيطرتها والهيمنة على قرارها، وقال "إن هذا الأمر يتعارض مع الدستور وبالتالي فأن اللجنة المالية والبرلمان سيعملان جهادان على عدم الوصول إلى الخط الأحمر، أي خضوع البنك إلى السلطة التنفيذية". For his part, warned against a member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, Ibrahim al-Mutlaq, of the policy pursued by the Government for the development of independent bodies all under their control and hegemony over its decision, and said, "This is inconsistent with the Constitution and therefore, the Finance Committee and the Parliament will work Jhadan the lack of access to the Red Line, any bank subject to the executive branch. "

وأشاد المطلك في اتصال هاتفي مع "المدى" أمس، بسياسة البنك المركزي لأنه يعمل مع الحكومة على نسق واحد في سبيل الإصلاح النقدي في العراق، إلا انه قال "من خلال لقاءاتنا المتكررة مع الخبراء في البنك لم يشتك تدخل الأطراف الحكومية في عمله ولا اعرف سر هذا البيان". He praised al-Mutlaq in a telephone conversation with the "long" Yesterday, the policy of the Central Bank because it works with the government along the lines of one for the monetary reform in Iraq, he said, "Through our meetings repeated with experts in the bank did not complain about the intervention of government parties in the work I do not know the secret this statement. "

إلا أن النائب عن دولة القانون عبد السلام المالكي، تساءل عن السبب من وراء توقيت البيان، وقال "لماذا لم يطرح التدخل الحكومي في وقت سابق حين تم استدعاء محافظ البنك المركزي إلى البرلمان"، موضحا في تصريح لـ"المدى" أمس أن هنالك جهات في بعض الهيئات لديها أجندة تحاول بين الحين والآخر إثارة المشاكل ضد الحكومة وعلى البرلمان قراءة بيان البنك جيدا ومن ثم الدعوة للقاء عاجل بين اللجنة المالية والبنك، مطالبا الحكومة بالتدخل لحماية البنك المركزي". However, the MP for the rule of law Abdul Salam al-Maliki, asked about the reason behind the timing of the statement and said, "Why did not ask for government intervention in the earlier time was called the Governor of the Central Bank to Parliament," saying in a statement the "long" yesterday that there are points in Some agencies have an agenda trying from time to time to stir up trouble against the government and Parliament to read a good bank statement and then call for an urgent meeting between the Finance Committee and the Bank, called on the government to intervene to protect the central bank. "

أما بخصوص رفع الاصفار قال المالكي، "نحتاج إلى دراسة إستراتيجية وخطط لتنفيذ هذا المشروع وليس من الصحيح أن يطبق في فترة قصيرة حتى لا يحدث غسيل للأموال من بعض الفاسدين". As for the lifting of the zeroes Maliki said, "We need to study the strategy and plans for the implementation of this project and is not true that is applied in a short period so as not to laundering of funds from some of the corrupt."

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Central Bank to raise his voice against efforts to dominate Central Bank to raise his voice against efforts to dominate

On: Tuesday 09/13/2011 11:01 On: Tuesday 09/13/2011 11:01

 Baghdad / term  Baghdad / term

Reveal, in a move for fear of subjecting the central bank to the government, accused the bank, on Monday, the window views in the executive branch to block the idea of ​​monetary reform in Iraq, while confirming the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that the government is working hard to subdue the bodies and independent institutions of all control. Reveal, in a move for fear of subjecting the central bank to the government, accused the bank, on Monday, the window views in the executive branch to block the idea of ​​monetary reform in Iraq, while confirming the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that the government is working hard to subdue the bodies and independent institutions of all control.

The central bank said in a statement yesterday and received a "long" version of it, that "some government officials are waging an unprecedented media attack on the bank, considering that there is work outside the law mar the idea of ​​monetary reform carried out by the Central Bank". The central bank said in a statement yesterday and received a "long" version of it, that "some government officials are waging an unprecedented media attack on the bank, considering that there is work outside the law mar the idea of ​​monetary reform carried out by the Central Bank ".

The statement added that "the Bank has already received an official letter from the Committee on Economic Affairs in the cabinet in 2007 when the bank is appealing to study the draft of the Iraqi currency reform by restructuring and deleting three zeros from them." The statement added that "the Bank has already received an official letter from the Committee on Economic Affairs in the cabinet in 2007 when the bank is appealing to study the draft of the Iraqi currency reform by restructuring and deleting three zeros from them."

The statement noted that this speech was designed to "facilitate the cash trading and reduce the cost of cash transactions in the context of a reform strategy for the system of monetary management in the country, like what was done by the majority of the countries of the world, particularly those that left the turmoil and economic decline, which seeks to rebuild the cash." The statement noted that this speech was designed to "facilitate the cash trading and reduce the cost of cash transactions in the context of a reform strategy for the system of monetary management in the country, like what was done by the majority of the countries of the world, particularly those that left the turmoil and economic decline, which seeks to rebuild the cash. "

He was Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs said in a twenty-fifth of August, that lifting the zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the name of tampering with the economic, warning of "mafias currency" is preparing to rig the trillion Iraqi dinars to replace in the light of the planned changes. He was Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs said in a twenty-fifth of August, that lifting the zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the name of tampering with the economic, warning of "mafias currency" is preparing to rig the trillion Iraqi dinars to replace in the light of the planned changes.

The statement noted that "the Bank finds that such irresponsible acts in the launch of the charges baseless and motivated by an unknown direction contrary to the rules of behavior that should be adhered to by state officials in tackling the issues of different countries, especially sensitive of them." The statement noted that "the Bank finds that such irresponsible acts in the launch of the charges baseless and motivated by an unknown direction contrary to the rules of behavior that should be adhered to by state officials in tackling the issues of different countries, especially sensitive of them. "

He stressed the bank that "will retain the right to legal defense of his being, and download those authorities responsible for endangering the interests of the country's financial risk of prejudice to the irresponsible," noting that "these actions are meant to expose the centers of legal and international central bank to the risk of moral hazard to the public in various forms." He stressed the bank that "will retain the right to legal defense of his being, and download those authorities responsible for endangering the interests of the country's financial risk of prejudice to the irresponsible," noting that "these actions are meant to expose the centers of legal and international central bank to the risk of moral hazard to the public in various forms. "

For his part, warned against a member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, Ibrahim al-Mutlaq, of the policy pursued by the Government for the development of independent bodies all under their control and hegemony over its decision, and said, "This is inconsistent with the Constitution and therefore, the Finance Committee and the Parliament will work Jhadan the lack of access to the Red Line, any bank subject to the executive branch. " For his part, warned against a member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, Ibrahim al-Mutlaq, of the policy pursued by the Government for the development of independent bodies all under their control and hegemony over its decision, and said, " This is inconsistent with the Constitution and therefore, the Finance Committee and the Parliament will work Jhadan the lack of access to the Red Line, any bank subject to the executive branch. "

He praised al-Mutlaq in a telephone conversation with the "long" Yesterday, the policy of the Central Bank because it works with the government along the lines of one for the monetary reform in Iraq, he said, "Through our meetings repeated with experts in the bank did not complain about the intervention of government parties in the work I do not know the secret this statement. " He praised al-Mutlaq in a telephone conversation with the "long" Yesterday, the policy of the Central Bank because it works with the government along the lines of one for the monetary reform in Iraq, he said, "Through our meetings repeated with experts in the bank did not complain about the intervention of government parties in the work I do not know the secret this statement. "

However, the MP for the rule of law Abdul Salam al-Maliki, asked about the reason behind the timing of the statement and said, "Why did not ask for government intervention in the earlier time was called the Governor of the Central Bank to Parliament," saying in a statement the "long" yesterday that there are points in Some agencies have an agenda trying from time to time to stir up trouble against the government and the parliament read out a statement the bank well and then call for an urgent meeting between the Finance Committee and the Bank, called on the government to intervene to protect the central bank ". However, the MP for the rule of law Abdul Salam al-Maliki , asked about the reason behind the timing of the statement and said, "Why did not ask for government intervention in the earlier time was called the Governor of the Central Bank to Parliament," saying in a statement the "long" yesterday that there are points in Some agencies have an agenda trying from time to time to stir up trouble against the government and Parliament to read a good bank statement and then call for an urgent meeting between the Finance Committee and the Bank, called on the government to intervene to protect the central bank. "

As for the lifting of the zeroes Maliki said, "We need to study the strategy and plans for the implementation of this project and is not true that is applied in a short period so as not to laundering of funds from some of the corrupt." As for the lifting of the zeroes Maliki said, "We need to study the strategy and plans for the implementation of this project and is not true that is applied in a short period so as not to laundering of funds from some of the corrupt."

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Maliki is stopping something from happening. Maybe it's in our best interest.

We don't know exactly what the CBI intends to do. It is possible that Maliki is stopping a lop. Maybe the sleazy politicians are saving us this time.

I think he is calling the bank out as corrupt. Saying they are RVing so counterfitters can cash in.

Maliki is stopping something from happening. Maybe it's in our best interest.

We don't know exactly what the CBI intends to do. It is possible that Maliki is stopping a lop. Maybe the sleazy politicians are saving us this time.

I think he is calling the bank out as corrupt. Saying they are RVing so counterfitters can cash in. They have no gurantees that the bank is not working to do this for someone else who holds lots of dinars. ?? hmmm

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billions of dinars have been stolen by who knows who .. alkieda ? ... who knows .. but a couple different occasions i read about 4 billion being stolen

7 billion being stolen would you like some alkieda member becoming a billionare off this rv ...then we would have another osama bin ladin on our hands ........

i dont know what the hold up is ..but im sure its important ..

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I think it is the politicians that have a lot of dinars, and they don't want to change anything, until it RV's!! I'm okay with it! Leave everything the way it is, and just RV!! I am sure the politicians would be okay with that!!!

Go RV!!! :)

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I think it is the politicians that have a lot of dinars, and they don't want to change anything, until it RV's!! I'm okay with it! Leave everything the way it is, and just RV!! I am sure the politicians would be okay with that!!!

Go RV!!! :)

That's very possible. Everyone fawning over Shabibi, when in fact he might be planning to lop the currency. You have to be cautious when choosing someone to rally behind.

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maliki's statements are more smoke to stall the rv. my guess is that he is heavily invested in USD and the Rv would not be good for him.

All his statements about "mafia" and counterfeting, and laundering and studies and commitees and all the rest are simply scare/stall tactics because he wants to control the CBI and shabibi isn't going to let that happen. he is not saving our ass believe me. he is IN THE WAY and it won't be out of the way until they vote the erbil in and go around him. that's when we are going to see the rv. if you remember earlier in the year he tried to get the Federal Court to pull the CBI under the executive branch and was blown out for that. So what does he do next? he discredits the president of The Iraq Trade Bank and takes it over so he can have an institution to conduct "international monetary transactions" otherwise known as money laundering. he accuses others of the very things he is doing to throw them off the scent of his (and his sons!) own ambitions and illegal activities

he does these kinds of things to stall and confuse the issues so he can continue to remain in power, hoping everyone will just get tired of his antics and just go away so he can be king. but it ain't gonna happen. he is not, nor has he ever acted in the interests on the iraqi people. quite the contrary. he wants the poor and ignorant masses with nothing so they cannot mount an insurrection against him. why would he want wealthy, intelligent citizens? why? that would be the worst possible circumstance for him. because, then they would figure it all out and be able to fund a revolt. maliki isn't going to let that happen if he can. the only hope they have is the "arab spring" and the desire for democracy that seems to be gaining ground among the parliament, barzani, allawi and the other blocs. i hope they bust his sorry ass out of the way and get on with healing their people and country... JMO

go rv!

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maliki's statements are more smoke to stall the rv. my guess is that he is heavily invested in USD and the Rv would not be good for him.

All his statements about "mafia" and counterfeting, and laundering and studies and commitees and all the rest are simply scare/stall tactics because he wants to control the CBI and shabibi isn't going to let that happen. he is not saving our ass believe me. he is IN THE WAY and it won't be out of the way until they vote the erbil in and go around him. that's when we are going to see the rv. if you remember earlier in the year he tried to get the Federal Court to pull the CBI under the executive branch and was blown out for that. So what does he do next? he discredits the president of The Iraq Trade Bank and takes it over so he can have an institution to conduct "international monetary transactions" otherwise known as money laundering. he accuses others of the very things he is doing to throw them off the scent of his (and his sons!) own ambitions and illegal activities

he does these kinds of things to stall and confuse the issues so he can continue to remain in power, hoping everyone will just get tired of his antics and just go away so he can be king. but it ain't gonna happen. he is not, nor has he ever acted in the interests on the iraqi people. quite the contrary. he wants the poor and ignorant masses with nothing so they cannot mount an insurrection against him. why would he want wealthy, intelligent citizens? why? that would be the worst possible circumstance for him. because, then they would figure it all out and be able to fund a revolt. maliki isn't going to let that happen if he can. the only hope they have is the "arab spring" and the desire for democracy that seems to be gaining ground among the parliament, barzani, allawi and the other blocs. i hope they bust his sorry ass out of the way and get on with healing their people and country... JMO

go rv!

I like it! Good spin on the issue!

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maliki's statements are more smoke to stall the rv. my guess is that he is heavily invested in USD and the Rv would not be good for him.

All his statements about "mafia" and counterfeting, and laundering and studies and commitees and all the rest are simply scare/stall tactics because he wants to control the CBI and shabibi isn't going to let that happen. he is not saving our ass believe me. he is IN THE WAY and it won't be out of the way until they vote the erbil in and go around him. that's when we are going to see the rv. if you remember earlier in the year he tried to get the Federal Court to pull the CBI under the executive branch and was blown out for that. So what does he do next? he discredits the president of The Iraq Trade Bank and takes it over so he can have an institution to conduct "international monetary transactions" otherwise known as money laundering. he accuses others of the very things he is doing to throw them off the scent of his (and his sons!) own ambitions and illegal activities

he does these kinds of things to stall and confuse the issues so he can continue to remain in power, hoping everyone will just get tired of his antics and just go away so he can be king. but it ain't gonna happen. he is not, nor has he ever acted in the interests on the iraqi people. quite the contrary. he wants the poor and ignorant masses with nothing so they cannot mount an insurrection against him. why would he want wealthy, intelligent citizens? why? that would be the worst possible circumstance for him. because, then they would figure it all out and be able to fund a revolt. maliki isn't going to let that happen if he can. the only hope they have is the "arab spring" and the desire for democracy that seems to be gaining ground among the parliament, barzani, allawi and the other blocs. i hope they bust his sorry ass out of the way and get on with healing their people and country... JMO

go rv!

I don't think anyone would argue that Maliki isn't enjoying his near can only hope the US won't allow another dictator to emerge. While we may not be able to interfere openly, I'm sure we could hire our own lunatic to bomb Maliki straight past his 72 virgins to whatever version of "hell" Muslims believe in.

I should add that while I believe Maliki is bad for Iraq, I don't necessarily believe his removal means RV.

Edited by MrFnHappy
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