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Frank’s Thursday Night Intel Call - 6/23/2011


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6-23-11 Frank’s Thursday Night Intel

By DebTarHeelGirl

New people have gotten involved with this blessing at the last minute – welcome

Thursday of last week – I gave a broker advertisement for Dinar – I am just make the calls to this broker to help you get dinars at a low price.

My broker for the dinars said for me today at 2pm to stop selling dinar orders for him via your phone calls due to the lower denoms possibly being out in Iraq now. We have stopped as of 2pm today.

Great evidence that this RV will happen very, very soon – when the blessing happens it will skyrocket – gold should go down and the $$ go up cause the blessing is coming…

Kuwait Kurds are in Control – pay attention to Kuwait – they need to be satisfied – they were raped in front of the world – Kuwait needed to be satisfied – they were treated with respect and dignity and quick answers and the Emir came over in Jan and Feb and March our PM went to see him – last year the asked for – the Iraq Dinar was printed in 2004 but Kurds made it clear we want our bodies back – the crates filled with those bodies Saddam gassed and buried in the sand - no penny higher than our currency when you come out – the currency has the Kurd language now on the new lower denoms… the new currency is now from the Kurds – many phases that we feel are a delay of this blessing – no there have been phases to get this done. A new currency had to be printed. They demanded this new currency and its done as of a few months ago and Shabibi will take this to the laws to use this currency and have a rate with it.

When gas went to a dollar a gallon folks went crazy – then the 80’s it raised again and then 90’s we got use to $2-$3 rate - NO president ever released the oil reserves yet – all of a sudden Obama released 60 million barrels of oil today – see below the article

The U.S. Department of Energy said it will release 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic National Reserve to alleviate Libyan oil supply disruptions, in the midst of already-plummeting oil prices.

The U.S. release is part of a 60 million barrel increase in supply announced Thursday by the International Energy Agency, which includes the U.S. as one of its 28 member nations, "in response to the ongoing disruption of oil supplies from Libya."

The U.S. Energy Department said the reserve is at the "historically high level" of 727 million barrels.

"We are taking this action in response to the ongoing loss of crude oil due to supply disruptions in Libya and other countries and their impact on the global economic recovery," said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. "As we move forward, we will continue to monitor the situation and stand ready to take additional steps if necessary."

Meanwhile, Libya is still locked in civil war, as rebels aided by NATO airstrikes try to unseat Mohammar Gadhafi.

Oil prices fell more than 4.5% Thursday, as investors signaled disappointment over a bummer of a speech by Fed chief Ben Bernanke.

Oil prices plunged $4.71 to $90.89 per barrel. Prices edged down about 1.5% in Wednesday's session following Bernanke's speech.

Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke issued a gloomy forecast of the economy on Tuesday, triggering a stock decline of 0.7% on Wall Street.

"Bernanke's statement about the 'slowing pace of recovery' was the key to this down move," said Dan Dicker, former oil trader and author of "Oil's Endless Bid: Taming the Unreliable Price of Oil to Secure Our Economy."

In particular, he highlighted the stagnant job market and the potential impact of the Greek fiscal crisis. He projected that unemployment would "come down very painfully and slowly."

Dicker said that oil prices were also "under pressure from growth slowdowns."

Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service, said the increasing value of the U.S. dollar is also "putting downward pressure on oil."

He also said, "The oil futures markets is dominated by the huge institutional money managers who move tens of millions of dollars moment by moment in and out of positions in crude. Since about 3 p.m. yesterday [Wednesday] afternoon, they have been liquidating their long positions."

Story posted 2011.06.23 at 10:26 AM EDT


© 2004-2011 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Why would our President release this oil now – its only 90 a barrel now – its dropping. We have begged him for a LONG time to sign it – he signed it today – we want this oil in our infrastructure – the stock market went ballistic today – they know what is about to happen – you know this blessing is coming – are you really prepared? Are you ready…. So the President finally signed something and he releases the oil as we are about to use very quickly as he will be able to replace that oil at the same time next month

On Tuesday June 21, 2011, 10:25 am EDT

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Bank of America Corp. said on Tuesday that it will nearly double the size of its staff of financial advisers serving its "preferred customers," those with investable assets of $50,000 to $250,000........ ... l?x=0&.v=1

& ... -plus.html )

Source: Bank of America. Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management (MLGWM) represents multiple business areas within Bank of America's wealth and investment management division including Merrill Lynch Wealth Management (North America and International), Merrill Lynch Trust Company, and Private Banking & Investment Group. As of March 31, 2011, MLGWM entities had approximately $1.5 trillion in client balances. Client Balances consists of the following assets of clients held in their MLGWM accounts: assets under management (AUM) of MLGWM entities, client brokerage assets, assets in custody of MLGWM entities, loan balances and deposits of MLGWM clients held at Bank of America, N.A. and affiliated banks. This reflects a change in calculation methodology effective March 31, 2011.

MANY Banks are increasing their agents- were doubled also – FOR US to take care of OUR TAXES

Lower denoms are using 1,5,10, 20 and 50s – they add their own black market value to it – now the CBI is about to add a TRUE value to it and raising the value up.

1am this morning, the CBI has decided to execute the plan and will do this to adding value to the IQD – it started today telling the people increase the value of their national currency and introduce the lower denoms up to 100 dinar – they are finished lifting the zeros…

Same article below came out in August – the PAST TENSE has already started this

Industrial Bank to reduce loans to promote new projects, industry, and employment

Posted: June 23, 2011 by THE CURRENCY NEWSHOUND - Just Hopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics

Tags: Baghdad, Director-general, Iraq, List of banks in Iraq, Loan, middle east, Ministry of Industry (Iraq), Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs 0

Industrial Bank reduces interest loans to industrialists by 50%

Started the Industrial Bank developed a comprehensive plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries.

The Director General of Industrial Bank and Agency Mohamed Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Kader said the board of directors develop a plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the relevant industry, which includes facilitate the process of granting loans to industrialists as well as to fund projects for the purpose of building factories, buying machinery and raw materials with advanced features to facilitate the functioning of the wheel of industry in Iraq.

He said Abdul Wahab said the industrialists Almtlkin in their industrial and Tlkahm in repayment of loans that were taken from the bank during the last period we will schedule a payment to be from three to seven years in addition to reducing the interest on the amounts in their possession by 50%, where it is re-cost loan to the bank and all of these plans is to develop the wheel of development in Iraq and create jobs for unemployed young Iraqis registered in the records of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Indicating that the loans were recently approved and is estimated at 15 million dinars for the construction of factories for industrialists young and those who do not have the ability to build factories working on the development of industry in Iraq, as well as loans to be granted for the purchase of cars productivity of the industry has the ability to take loans to build factories and also for a car production and that the bank is ready to grant loans together.

He explained that the Board of Directors of the Bank to provide a study of the central bank to reduce interest rates that are taken for the loans granted to industrialists, this also will contribute to the development of the economy in Iraq.

He drew attention to the meetings will continue with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries for the development of the industry in both Iraq and its potential as well as available to the Council of Ministers – Department of Economic and contributing actively to the development of the economic process in Iraq.

At Least 25 of these employees coming to the infrastructure companies has to be Iraq Citizens

Industrial Bank to reduce loans to promote new projects, industry, and employment

Posted: June 23, 2011 by THE CURRENCY NEWSHOUND - Just Hopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics

Tags: Baghdad, Director-general, Iraq, List of banks in Iraq, Loan, middle east, Ministry of Industry (Iraq), Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs


Industrial Bank reduces interest loans to industrialists by 50%

Started the Industrial Bank developed a comprehensive plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries.

The Director General of Industrial Bank and Agency Mohamed Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Kader said the board of directors develop a plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the relevant industry, which includes facilitate the process of granting loans to industrialists as well as to fund projects for the purpose of building factories, buying machinery and raw materials with advanced features to facilitate the functioning of the wheel of industry in Iraq.

He said Abdul Wahab said the industrialists Almtlkin in their industrial and Tlkahm in repayment of loans that were taken from the bank during the last period we will schedule a payment to be from three to seven years in addition to reducing the interest on the amounts in their possession by 50%, where it is re-cost loan to the bank and all of these plans is to develop the wheel of development in Iraq and create jobs for unemployed young Iraqis registered in the records of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Indicating that the loans were recently approved and is estimated at 15 million dinars for the construction of factories for industrialists young and those who do not have the ability to build factories working on the development of industry in Iraq, as well as loans to be granted for the purchase of cars productivity of the industry has the ability to take loans to build factories and also for a car production and that the bank is ready to grant loans together.

He explained that the Board of Directors of the Bank to provide a study of the central bank to reduce interest rates that are taken for the loans granted to industrialists, this also will contribute to the development of the economy in Iraq.

He drew attention to the meetings will continue with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries for the development of the industry in both Iraq and its potential as well as available to the Council of Ministers – Department of Economic and contributing actively to the development of the economic process in Iraq.

The loans has to be backed by money – High interest rates have to be reduced cause the currency

Nadia came on the call to tell a story born in Baghdad – Caldeon people is her heritage – she is Christian Caldeon – gave her testimony. Most recently there are 1000s of people who have come to know Jesus right there in Iraq – she continued with the word of the love of God in the Iraqi people there now in Iraq.

WOW WOW WOW says Delta and now Delta interprets in Arabic the following article – unbelievable –Monday Shabibi said 7-10 days lots are unfolding now in front of our eyes. - the article that came out today and I read it and posted on forum to show that the CBI introduced the new currency lower denoms up to 100. They will have a 1,5, 10,20, 50, 100 dinar = then they said that on wed the CBI decided to fix the structure of the Iraq Currency and they started executing this plan of this currency and it will be along term kind of plan and it indicates the two denoms will co-exist. The bank says that they will revalue the national currency – this is their announcement of the RI-RV –

TODAY on TV today they showed the Iraq people introducing the lower denoms up to 100 notes and in 48-72 hours we should have the pictures of the lower denoms in use by the 28th

We are looking for Sun – Mon – Tuesday for the RI- RV – Shabibi will be back in Iraq on Saturday – do not think the processing of parliament articles are current - they are recycling old articles so be extremely careful – do not need parliaments approval just only to cancel a currency of the CBI after the revalue - they have a strategy of pulling of the larger denoms.

Delta states on Frank’s call = By July 1st Iraq has to be ready to conduct business – by June 28th they have to have the rate increased and introduce the new lower denoms or they will never go international with their currency which has to be done by July 1st – it could have happened today – but Delta was told and it was confirmed that Shabibi has to be in Iraq to have this happen, We are looking on Sunday to see the lower denoms and the revalue take place – it will be hand in hand coming out together – no later than Tuesday everything has been done – this is what I have been told here in Iraq today. They introduced the new lower denoms Wed-Thurs but for the official start of lower denoms use will come this early Sun or Mon and no later than Tuesday with a rate increase no matter what. Be ready as Shabibi did say on the 20th of June that in 7-10 days they will have this done.

Frank states all the articles we study coming out now are showing PAST TENSE - that this is done – they are showing their “hands’ now to us – we are about to partake of this blessing anytime.

Delta stated today on Iraq TV they mentioned and confirmed the DFI accounts today that they do have control of the money – its now complete.

If this is our last conference call I just want to say I so appreciate all of you and I do thank you and feel you are a family.

Everyone is saying their goodbyes on Frank's call as though this is the last major conference call - WOO HOO!

Frank will have a Monday call if this RV does happen so it will help those who need guidance.

When RV takes place look for fireworks on front page – also the rate will be in RED. Mass email will be sent out to all who have been on any of our sites when the blessing occurs.


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6-23-11 Frank’s Thursday Night Intel Call

By DebTarHeelGirl

New people have gotten involved with this blessing at the last minute – welcome

Thursday of last week – I gave a broker advertisement for Dinar – I am just make the calls to this broker to help you get dinars at a low price.

My broker for the dinars said for me today at 2pm to stop selling dinar orders for him via your phone calls due to the lower denoms possibly being out in Iraq now. We have stopped as of 2pm today.

Great evidence that this RV will happen very, very soon – when the blessing happens it will skyrocket – gold should go down and the $$ go up cause the blessing is coming…

Kuwait Kurds are in Control – pay attention to Kuwait – they need to be satisfied – they were raped in front of the world – Kuwait needed to be satisfied – they were treated with respect and dignity and quick answers and the Emir came over in Jan and Feb and March our PM went to see him – last year the asked for – the Iraq Dinar was printed in 2004 but Kurds made it clear we want our bodies back – the crates filled with those bodies Saddam gassed and buried in the sand - no penny higher than our currency when you come out – the currency has the Kurd language now on the new lower denoms… the new currency is now from the Kurds – many phases that we feel are a delay of this blessing – no there have been phases to get this done. A new currency had to be printed. They demanded this new currency and its done as of a few months ago and Shabibi will take this to the laws to use this currency and have a rate with it.

When gas went to a dollar a gallon folks went crazy – then the 80’s it raised again and then 90’s we got use to $2-$3 rate - NO president ever released the oil reserves yet – all fo a sudden Obama released 60 million barrels of oil today – see below the article

The U.S. Department of Energy said it will release 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic National Reserve to alleviate Libyan oil supply disruptions, in the midst of already-plummeting oil prices.

The U.S. release is part of a 60 million barrel increase in supply announced Thursday by the International Energy Agency, which includes the U.S. as one of its 28 member nations, "in response to the ongoing disruption of oil supplies from Libya."

The U.S. Energy Department said the reserve is at the "historically high level" of 727 million barrels.

"We are taking this action in response to the ongoing loss of crude oil due to supply disruptions in Libya and other countries and their impact on the global economic recovery," said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. "As we move forward, we will continue to monitor the situation and stand ready to take additional steps if necessary."

Meanwhile, Libya is still locked in civil war, as rebels aided by NATO airstrikes try to unseat Mohammar Gadhafi.

Oil prices fell more than 4.5% Thursday, as investors signaled disappointment over a bummer of a speech by Fed chief Ben Bernanke.

Oil prices plunged $4.71 to $90.89 per barrel. Prices edged down about 1.5% in Wednesday's session following Bernanke's speech.

Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke issued a gloomy forecast of the economy on Tuesday, triggering a stock decline of 0.7% on Wall Street.

"Bernanke's statement about the 'slowing pace of recovery' was the key to this down move," said Dan Dicker, former oil trader and author of "Oil's Endless Bid: Taming the Unreliable Price of Oil to Secure Our Economy."

In particular, he highlighted the stagnant job market and the potential impact of the Greek fiscal crisis. He projected that unemployment would "come down very painfully and slowly."

Dicker said that oil prices were also "under pressure from growth slowdowns."

Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service, said the increasing value of the U.S. dollar is also "putting downward pressure on oil."

He also said, "The oil futures markets is dominated by the huge institutional money managers who move tens of millions of dollars moment by moment in and out of positions in crude. Since about 3 p.m. yesterday [Wednesday] afternoon, they have been liquidating their long positions."

Story posted 2011.06.23 at 10:26 AM EDT


© 2004-2011 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Why would our President release this oil now – its only 90 a barrel now – its dropping. We have begged him for a LONG time to sign it – he signed it today – we want this oil in our infrastructure – the stock market went ballistic today – they know what is about to happen – you know this blessing is coming – are you really prepared? Are you ready…. So the President finally signed something and he releases the oil as we are about to use very quickly as he will be able to replace that oil at the same time next month

On Tuesday June 21, 2011, 10:25 am EDT

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Bank of America Corp. said on Tuesday that it will nearly double the size of its staff of financial advisers serving its "preferred customers," those with investable assets of $50,000 to $250,000........ ... l?x=0&.v=1

& ... -plus.html )

Source: Bank of America. Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management (MLGWM) represents multiple business areas within Bank of America's wealth and investment management division including Merrill Lynch Wealth Management (North America and International), Merrill Lynch Trust Company, and Private Banking & Investment Group. As of March 31, 2011, MLGWM entities had approximately $1.5 trillion in client balances. Client Balances consists of the following assets of clients held in their MLGWM accounts: assets under management (AUM) of MLGWM entities, client brokerage assets, assets in custody of MLGWM entities, loan balances and deposits of MLGWM clients held at Bank of America, N.A. and affiliated banks. This reflects a change in calculation methodology effective March 31, 2011.

MANY Banks are increasing their agents- were doubled also – FOR US to take care of OUR TAXES

Lower denoms are using 1,5,10, 20 and 50s – they add their own black market value to it – now the CBI is about to add a TRUE value to it and raising the value up.

1am this morning, the CBI has decided to execute the plan and will do this to adding value to the IQD – it started today telling the people increase the value of their national currency and introduce the lower denoms up to 100 dinar – they are finished lifting the zeros…

Same article below came out in August – the PAST TENSE has already started this

Industrial Bank to reduce loans to promote new projects, industry, and employment

Posted: June 23, 2011 by THE CURRENCY NEWSHOUND - Just Hopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics

Tags: Baghdad, Director-general, Iraq, List of banks in Iraq, Loan, middle east, Ministry of Industry (Iraq), Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs 0

Industrial Bank reduces interest loans to industrialists by 50%

Started the Industrial Bank developed a comprehensive plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries.

The Director General of Industrial Bank and Agency Mohamed Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Kader said the board of directors develop a plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the relevant industry, which includes facilitate the process of granting loans to industrialists as well as to fund projects for the purpose of building factories, buying machinery and raw materials with advanced features to facilitate the functioning of the wheel of industry in Iraq.

He said Abdul Wahab said the industrialists Almtlkin in their industrial and Tlkahm in repayment of loans that were taken from the bank during the last period we will schedule a payment to be from three to seven years in addition to reducing the interest on the amounts in their possession by 50%, where it is re-cost loan to the bank and all of these plans is to develop the wheel of development in Iraq and create jobs for unemployed young Iraqis registered in the records of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Indicating that the loans were recently approved and is estimated at 15 million dinars for the construction of factories for industrialists young and those who do not have the ability to build factories working on the development of industry in Iraq, as well as loans to be granted for the purchase of cars productivity of the industry has the ability to take loans to build factories and also for a car production and that the bank is ready to grant loans together.

He explained that the Board of Directors of the Bank to provide a study of the central bank to reduce interest rates that are taken for the loans granted to industrialists, this also will contribute to the development of the economy in Iraq.

He drew attention to the meetings will continue with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries for the development of the industry in both Iraq and its potential as well as available to the Council of Ministers – Department of Economic and contributing actively to the development of the economic process in Iraq.

At Least 25 of these employees coming to the infrastructure companies has to be Iraq Citizens

Industrial Bank to reduce loans to promote new projects, industry, and employment

Posted: June 23, 2011 by THE CURRENCY NEWSHOUND - Just Hopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics

Tags: Baghdad, Director-general, Iraq, List of banks in Iraq, Loan, middle east, Ministry of Industry (Iraq), Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs


Industrial Bank reduces interest loans to industrialists by 50%

Started the Industrial Bank developed a comprehensive plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries.

The Director General of Industrial Bank and Agency Mohamed Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Kader said the board of directors develop a plan to promote the reality of industrial in Iraq in cooperation with the relevant industry, which includes facilitate the process of granting loans to industrialists as well as to fund projects for the purpose of building factories, buying machinery and raw materials with advanced features to facilitate the functioning of the wheel of industry in Iraq.

He said Abdul Wahab said the industrialists Almtlkin in their industrial and Tlkahm in repayment of loans that were taken from the bank during the last period we will schedule a payment to be from three to seven years in addition to reducing the interest on the amounts in their possession by 50%, where it is re-cost loan to the bank and all of these plans is to develop the wheel of development in Iraq and create jobs for unemployed young Iraqis registered in the records of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Indicating that the loans were recently approved and is estimated at 15 million dinars for the construction of factories for industrialists young and those who do not have the ability to build factories working on the development of industry in Iraq, as well as loans to be granted for the purchase of cars productivity of the industry has the ability to take loans to build factories and also for a car production and that the bank is ready to grant loans together.

He explained that the Board of Directors of the Bank to provide a study of the central bank to reduce interest rates that are taken for the loans granted to industrialists, this also will contribute to the development of the economy in Iraq.

He drew attention to the meetings will continue with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the Federation of Iraqi Industries for the development of the industry in both Iraq and its potential as well as available to the Council of Ministers – Department of Economic and contributing actively to the development of the economic process in Iraq.

The loans has to be backed by money – High interest rates have to be reduced cause the currency

Nadia came on the call to tell a story born in Baghdad – Caldeon people is her heritage – she is Christian Caldeon – gave her testimony. Most recently there are 1000s of people who have come to know Jesus right there in Iraq – she continued with the word of the love of God in the Iraqi people there now in Iraq.

WOW WOW WOW says Delta and now Delta interprets in Arabic the following article – unbelievable –Monday Shabibi said 7-10 days lots are unfolding now in front of our eyes. - the article that came out today and I read it and posted on forum to show that the CBI introduced the new currency lower denoms up to 100. They will have a 1,5, 10,20, 50, 100 dinar = then they said that on wed the CBI decided to fix the structure of the Iraq Currency and they started executing this plan of this currency and it will be along term kind of plan and it indicates the two denoms will co-exist. The bank says that they will revalue the national currency – this is their announcement of the RI-RV –

TODAY on TV today they showed the Iraq people introducing the lower denoms up to 100 notes and in 48-72 hours we should have the pictures of the lower denoms in use by the 28th

We are looking for Sun – Mon – Tuesday for the RI- RV – Shabibi will be back in Iraq on Saturday – do not think the processing of parliament articles are current - they are recycling old articles so be extremely careful – do not need parliaments approval just only to cancel a currency of the CBI after the revalue - they have a strategy of pulling of the larger denoms.

Delta states on Frank’s call = By July 1st Iraq has to be ready to conduct business – by June 28th they have to have the rate increased and introduce the new lower denoms or they will never go international with their currency which has to be done by July 1st – it could have happened today – but Delta was told and it was confirmed that Shabibi has to be in Iraq to have this happen, We are looking on Sunday to see the lower denoms and the revalue take place – it will be hand in hand coming out together – no later than Tuesday everything has been done – this is what I have been told here in Iraq today. They introduced the new lower denoms Wed-Thurs but for the official start of lower denoms use will come this early Sun or Mon and no later than Tuesday with a rate increase no matter what. Be ready as Shabibi did say on the 20th of June that in 7-10 days they will have this done.

Frank states all the articles we study coming out now are showing PAST TENSE - that this is done – they are showing their “hands’ now to us – we are about to partake of this blessing anytime.

Delta stated today on Iraq TV they mentioned and confirmed the DFI accounts today that they do have control of the money – its now complete.

If this is our last conference call I just want to say I so appreciate all of you and I do thank you and feel you are a family.

Everyone is saying their goodbyes on Frank's call as though this is the last major conference call - WOO HOO!

Frank will have a Monday call if this RV does happen so it will help those who need guidance.

When RV takes place look for fireworks on front page – also the rate will be in RED. Mass email will be sent out to all who have been on any of our sites when the blessing occurs.


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