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Sources: The government is spending billions of dollars on furniture رديء


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Sources: The government is spending billions of dollars on furniture رديء

23/06/2011 ad-1: 16 | readers number: 44

Baghdad -- The Iraqi future

Government officials said government spending billions of dollars a year in the purchase of office furniture رديء, at a time when it lacks the التقييس quality control laboratories and the wood to determine its quality before entering the country. Some government sources indicate a preference for most relevant official committees on buying office furniture bad species of the price, suggesting to the financial corruption.

On his part, said an informed source in one of the ministries that the furniture, which was purchased for the office of the minister at a value of 200 million dinars in spite of the absence of high quality.

He was head of the Central Agency for للتقييس quality control Saad Abdel-Wahab has been recognized not to possess the private foundation established to examine imported wood laboratories equipped with the necessary equipment, adding that most of the imported is not to ensure quality before entering Iraq. He said Abdul Wahab, the absence of the standards expected of an imported timber in Iraq.

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