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FRANK: Tuesday Night Intel Call


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From CNN. The Clown News Network. Broadcasting On A CB Radio From Shabbi's Attic. -

June 22nd, 2011 09:15 am By DebTarHeelGirl June 30th is the day of Independence of Iraq from the British colonies – that falls on a Thursday this month. Shabibi = Cherry on top he is looking for a Holiday – July 1st is a Friday and it’s the beginning of the USA independence day and our holiday weekend and that’s 5 days he has a holiday with for him to turn around and announce the RV so time to process will be good,.

Marcus says in his opinion – they have had to trade and contracts have come in by delegations to set up the infrastructure- Delta has said the $.86 to $1.30 – you may not realize and say May 1st Iraq has been out of Chapter 7 and all has been behind closed doors, the RV really did happened and would what Delta had said is true BUT they are waiting till June 30th to announce this as there is final detail things to do and be correct for July 1st and when they open the doors to the country they will be nice and happy…

With Shabibi saying yesterday on TV June 30th the currency would be reinstated – that is a Friday and he will say it late in the day and that would mean we had to wait for 4 days from OUR holiday to cash out – so they announce this for Thursday the 29th and Friday on their day of prayer the country would hear this independence with a new currency and value added would mean all would hear at the same time and they would celebrate together.

Maliki kept this from happening by NOT announcing the GOI that has been operating for so long already and now this is the time for the RV TO happen…

The main Author of the Plan is **** Cheney – It was his career in the oil industry that has the wisdom to do this – he is an expert, then the Bush’s put this plan into action…

Maliki’s meeting of independent bodies

Tuesday 21 حزيران 2011 16:02 GMT

To meet with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki heads of independent bodies focused on talking about corruption and ways to fight it as He made it clear that the campaign launched by Iraq against corruption has not seen like the rest of the world, stressing the success of the campaign to reduce levels of corruption in it. the Prime Minister / Nuri al-Maliki: MACON country can be mounted where crackdown on corruption, such as Iraq and the good thing of course is to show fear society has become a pariah is the supplements and an accountant all standards for that campaign succeeded when Holnaha to popular demand governmental request a procedural requirement. and between al-Maliki at the meeting continued two days ago that the numbers that refer to files stakeholders Kalnsahh and financial control over corruption cases do not represent the true number of cases or defendants in these issues. the Prime Minister / Nuri al-Maliki: We and necessary citizen to know that these figures that declare not indicate that corruption is real and it is a concern may prove to have been not proven, although No. 77 Director-General may be 10 general managers, each one has 10 cases or otherwise. Notes attendees about the corruption and ways to combat it took the space wider than the time the meeting and despite the confirmation of the heads of independent bodies rise in the number of complaints received by their organization on corruption, they argue that the problem of discrimination between cases malicious lawsuits The real remains the most prominent obstacles to fighting corruption within state institutions. Secretary of the DC / Sabir al-Issawi: Tens of thousands of complaints, particularly the Internet up Annie Avatar My question is the subject of one if the complaint was true of how we protect brought this complaint .. If the malicious and ill citizens how to protect the dignity of the employee and punish the abused and exploited the conditions written on the employee .. Algesh also seen comments about the work of the rest of the bodies that have reviewed the submitted within a percent on most notably the issue of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency, which the central bank said it will not affect all the conditions on the Iraqi economy or the exchange rate of the dinar. General Manager of the Central Bank / Shabibi: any process of change suggested becomes omitted Chi in a week or 10 days until you get used to people on every change in any doubt, but in fact is a calculation to facilitate the issue of circulation of cash, one of the foundations of monetary reform, and many passed out. session saw presentations by the heads of independent bodies which had not been completed for the rest of the bodies Offers defer to a future session complemented the presentations according to the schedule specified in the Council of Ministers for this purpose.

Shabibi is E F HUTTON

Iraq TV says – no comments from Shabibi but the CBI news came out – the concept of VERY SOON was found across many people on Iraq TV today it’s a pattern says Frank and they are using it from their boss Shabibi

Forex is entering Iraq – but Forex has no rate for the dinar yet – until they official get it

World Banks are the ones that work with Forex to allow this combination to come to light and enter the market

They said to day that ALL IS IN ORDER – could mean the GOI, banking systems, the ISX, the forex – and by the 30th all proceedings has to be done to satisfy the UNSC.

18 billion was missing? – now they never lost it = The financial minster comes out of TV today and says that billions are missing from the DFI account? Prove him wrong he says all DFI money is matched…

They also said that banking systems are going international to conduct business world wide

He said they would introduce the dinar with a gradual increase – Frank says that Shabibi is just saying that the 70s and 80s and if it comes out at a low amount expect 2 RV’s in that year – maybe it will be $1.30 and if it does it won’t take till 2013 to be $3+ but it will be $3+ by the end of 2011… Two peaks for oil – one has come but now oil is receding and its possible they are recoiling and market is doing good it could be favorable and Greece is in trouble and OPEC says they do not have oil but we know different – we only care about Iraqs oil – this will sky rocket by the end of this year for sure..

Moon was reappointed 1 day before the UNSC meeting – it was full packed to the rim on the subjects of Iraq – Chapter 7 etc.

Caller – Olga Maria – saying Iraq can’t go to $3.00 or it could go down – is this true? Frank says no. If it comes out at $1.30 it should double before end of the year…

Once the RV happens we have pushed the first domino

Banks telling us what they see on their computer – Puerto Rico banks told us this and we see it and hear it all the time with banks and the $5.25 is not the concept and nobody cashing out any where is not possible until my own personal friend called me to say he did get $5.25 – caller asks if this is credible why would it not be rapid news – Frank says its illogical and if it was the real rate people would be crazy and go there to cash out.

Area code 480- Rick – lower denoms – can you get pictures of the lower denoms – Frank has them and he has 4-5 pictures now and we described them – I will not release them because it is smart – these lower denoms when M last month went to each cities and he gave Majors instructions and then we heard the lower Denoms were being shown to the citizens – there is no rate yet released to cash them out – they are being educated about these denoms = caller asks do you feel that we will be able to trade our 3 zeros for lower denoms? Frank says yes but why as the conversions will become electronic money – no time limit on the 3 zeros as the LOI requested no time limit and Shabibi made it clear both currencies will be coincide together at the same time….

Area code 908 – another Frank – deadline or time limit? Once the rate is released it’s a one way street – they are committed – the rate itself is not going to be locked into a time frame nor are the 3 zeros locked into a time frame – because its going to come out a manage float it will explode…IF the rate does come out at $1.30 – China and others will cause this rate to double by year end.

Frank says what happens IF again IF after July 4th and we still don’t have the rate released – what does that mean to us? As much as they promised in the past it was only Maliki’s fault of not releasing the GOI – and now he announced by June 30th he will raise the rate on the currency – therefore if it does not happen DO NOT measure anything in Iraq with the watch they go by no measurement – we are wired with inpatientness – they are wired with getting things done on their own pace – when they collect all this 3 zeros back – they will be filthy rich…


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hmm so pretty good info... I hope all you that say frank is a pumper and likens him to the Okie types (although no one really comes close to Okie) should see that he does not make any erroneous RV claims but only speculates optimal times which is all we can really ask for... Keepem coming.

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Iraq 3 October (Independence from United Kingdom 1932)

Iraqis are dancing in the streets this week, and otherwise openly celebrating June 30th , the long-awaited arrival of the mandated deadline for U.S. withdrawal from the cities and towns of Iraq.

As of June 30, 2009, the 130,000 U.S. troops remaining in Iraq are confined to U.S. military bases, and may only join operations in support of Iraqi troops, and when expressly invited to do so.

Bad Intelligence, bad Intelligence.


January01 New Year's Day

January06 Army Day

February15 Mouloud (Birth of the Prophet Muhammad)

April09 Baghdad Liberation Day

April17 FAO Day

May01 Labour Day

July14 Republic Day

August08 Ceasefire Day (End of Iran-Iraq War)

August30 Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)

October03 Iraqi Independence Day (National Day)

November06 Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)

November26 Islamic New Year

December05 Ashura


January01 New Year's Day

January06 Army Day

February04 Mouloud (Birth of the Prophet Muhammad)

April09 Baghdad Liberation Day

April17 FAO Day

May01 Labour Day

July14 Republic Day

August08 Ceasefire Day (End of Iran-Iraq War)

August19 Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)

October03 Iraqi Independence Day (National Day)

October26 Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)

November15 Islamic New Year

November24 Ashura

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