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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Let's all thank Tony


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I think we should stop wasting everyones time with these types of pointless posts.... I wish people would stop opening up threads for every random thing that pops in their head

I wish you would quit waisting "our time" commenting on these posts. Posts like these really lighten up the long dark ride. You don't need to read them.

Edited by gregp
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People who don’t fall for the rehashed Guru lies are not negative people they just aren’t stupid

Read more:

Wanna bet?

90% of the peeps here and on the internet ARE stupid. They are cowards, and liars, and most are lonely people that have no life.

They suffer from mental issues, and the only way they can feel good about themselves is to go on the internet and pretend to be something

they are not.

IMO, 80% of the peeps on the net are Democrats who have bought into the lies sold them for a welfare check, and actually too dumb to

even know there dumb. So they will get irate now and give negs.

The rest are Republicans who, while they can understand the constitution and know wright and wrong, can't see past there own daily trials

of making a living to support their families and the welfare dems to see that we really are just slaves to the bankers of the world.

This reminds me of a quote in one of the Star Wars movies, "The ability to speak does not necessarily denote intelligence".

If this offends you I make no apology, for the act of your being offended shows your stupidity. An intelligent person would know

there is a problem and quietly fix it.

By now the, "stupid", people are thinking; yea and you think your so smart. But you are really so arrogant.

Well I feel smarter than most, but I know I'm not anywhere near where I want to be.

And that is what separates the smart ones and the stupid ones. The desire to learn. Without this you are STUPID.



Who are you talking to?

The person you have quoted doesn't seem to tie in with what you're saying.

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I wasn't directly talking to anyone. I was only giving my personal opinion on the

subject of stupidity. Imo, most people, myself included at times, are stupid. Or at least we can have

our moments. Let me give you an ex. How smart is it to fly to a third world country

with several hundred people that you don't know carrying hundreds of millions of

dollars in currency based on one mans promise of security?

Before you bash me, I am a VIP and an OSI member. I do plan on cashing in at a foreign

location, but you can bet you butt no one will know anything about where and when.

"Stupid is as stupid does". So again if we were so intelligent how is it that we, as a nation,

have allowed the crazies to run the show? I could go on and on with classic examples of

American stupidity, but I think you get the point.


if I lived as a poor person in said third world country and saw hundreds of peeps coming to

my country to cash out millions of dollars worth of currency, you better know that I could get

hundreds of my friends together and pay your party a call. It wont matter that the security are trained

mercenaries, or that they protect visiting dignitaries, as said dignitaries aren't carrying millions

of dollars. What is an army against hundreds of desperate, armed people?

I have been in third world nations in my life, ie. Philippine islands, Thailand, Kenya, Singapore, and more,

and I know how those people think. IMO, to do this is not only, stupid, but reckless endangerment.


so in your opion B. singapore, thailand, Kenya and the philipines are all third word contries. Opinon is usually based on fact and solid understanding of plans and procedures in place. 2010 list of all the catagories for third world countries.

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At 5:00 pm i sent my boss a nasty e-mail tellng to go uck himself this morning i had get to work six hours early to hack in to his computer and erase my own e-mail , its not the first time either , hes starting to think im a great employe because i come in early , oh wel at least i still have a job . dont loose the faith go rv

Haha!! Thanks I needed that! :lol::lol::lol:

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this is all a bunch of BS the same ppl sit on here day in and day out and talk about the some ol S*%&

please ppl figure it out there have been many reports on the dinar and all lead to the same conclusion.. this is the biggest on line scam ever!!!!!!!

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this is all a bunch of BS the same ppl sit on here day in and day out and talk about the some ol S*%&

please ppl figure it out there have been many reports on the dinar and all lead to the same conclusion.. this is the biggest on line scam ever!!!!!!!

Very bad day, I see... Sorry about that.

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this is all a bunch of BS the same ppl sit on here day in and day out and talk about the some ol S*%&

please ppl figure it out there have been many reports on the dinar and all lead to the same conclusion.. this is the biggest on line scam ever!!!!!!!

Then why after 30 months, 55 posts and a -8 rating, are you still here?

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this is all a bunch of BS the same ppl sit on here day in and day out and talk about the some ol S*%&

please ppl figure it out there have been many reports on the dinar and all lead to the same conclusion.. this is the biggest on line scam ever!!!!!!!

What's wrong 'Oscar' ?

Did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the Garbage Can today ? :lol:

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