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Maliki will speak on tv 8pm Iraqi time


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06/06/2011: History

Evaluate government performance will be broadcast on television directly

جريدة الصباح Morning newspaper

وجه رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي بعقد جلسات علنية يومية تنقل على الهواء مباشرة في الساعة الثامنة مساء، يعرض فيها الوزراء تقارير عن انجازاتهم والعقبات التي واجهت عملهم خلال المائة يوم، وخططهم المستقبلية. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to hold public hearings on the daily movement of the air at eight o'clock in the evening, the Minister presents report on their achievements and the obstacles encountered in their work during the Hundred Days, and future plans.

يأتي ذلك في وقت اشاد فيه نواب بهذه التجربة، وسط دعوات بتجديدها او الافادة منها، لاسيما انها عدت "بداية لتحقيق اصلاحات واسعة". This comes at a time when the Congress hailed the experiment, amid calls for revamp or to utilize them, especially since it promised to "start to realize reforms and extensive."

وقال بيان لرئاسة الوزراء امس: ان " توجيه المالكي هذا يأتي مع قرب انتهاء مدة المئة يوم التي حددها رئيس الوزراء لتقويم أداء الوزارات ومؤسسات الدولة المختلفة والحكومات المحلية، خصوصا الوزارات الخدمية والتي لها مساس كبير بمصالح وشؤون المواطنين". A statement from the prime minister yesterday: "The routing al-Maliki, this comes with the imminent expiration of the term percent on set by the Prime Minister to evaluate the performance of the ministries and different state institutions and local governments, especially the service ministries that have a great prejudice to the interests and affairs of the citizens."

واضاف البيان ان "رئيس الوزراء سيقوم بتقديم تقريره النهائي وعرضه على الشعب العراقي للمشاركة في التقويم، بعد انتهاء هذه الجلسات" The statement added that "The Prime Minister will submit his final report and presented to the Iraqi people to participate in the calendar, after the end of these meetings"

وكان امين عام مجلس الوزراء علي العلاق قد قال في تصريح خاص لمندوب"الصباح" طارق الاعرجي: ان "رئيس الوزراء ينوي ان يتولى الوزراء توضيح المنجزات والاعمال التي قامت بها الوزارات خلال المدة الماضية وتبث بشكل مباشر للمواطنين كي يكون هناك تصور عام وتبعات يمكن ان تقرأ. وسيكون الوزير عندما يعرف ان هذه الامور ستعرض وهي بتماس مع الجماهير، يفترض ان يكون موضوعيا في الطرح". The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords, said in a statement to delegates "morning," Tariq al-Araji: "The prime minister intends to take over the Minister clarify the achievements and actions undertaken by the ministries during the past period and transmitted directly to the citizens so that there is a general perception and the consequences can be read . and when will the minister knows that these things will be in contact with the masses, is supposed to be objective in the IPO. "

وأمهل رئيس الوزراء، في 27 من شباط الماضي، الوزارات وادارات المحافظات مائة يوم لتقويم عملها ومعرفة مدى نجاحها أو فشلها، مؤكدا ان الوزارات ستشهد تغييرات كبيرة وفق نتائج التقويم. It gave the Prime Minister, on 27 February last, the ministries and provincial administrations hundred days to evaluate their work and see how their success or failure, stressing that the ministries will see significant changes according to the results of the calendar.

وفي سياق متصل، اشاد وزير الدولة للشؤون الخارجية علي الصجري،"بالانجازات التي حققتها الوزارات خلال مهلة المئة يوم التي حددها المالكي"، فيما اجمع برلمانيون على ان مهلة المئة يوم التي تنتهي اليوم غير كافية لاحداث تغيرات جذرية في الوضع العام، لكنها كفيلة بتقويم اداء كل وزير. In a related context, he praised the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ali Alsjeri, "the achievements of the ministries within a percent on set by Maliki," while the whole parliamentarians that the deadline percent on that ends today is not sufficient to bring about radical changes in the general situation, but they are capable of evaluating the performance of each minister.

واكد النواب في تصريحات لـ"الصباح"، ان الوضع العام للبلاد يحتاج الى مدة اطول لتحقيق انجازات ملموسة. The deputies told the "morning", that the general situation of the country needs to be longer to achieve concrete achievements.

فقد قال النائب محمد الصيهود: ان "مشروع المئة يوم هو عكس ما يروج له من انه مشروع ارتبط بالحكومة ونهايتها، وانما هو مشروع طرحه رئيس الوزراء من اجل ان يتم تقويم عمل الوزراء، وان يقوم كل وزير منهم بتحمل مسؤولياته امام الحكومة والشعب". He said MP Mohammed Chihod: "The draft percent on is the opposite of what is promoted him from the It is a project associated with the government and an end, but it is a project put forward by the Prime Minister to be evaluating the work of ministers, and each Minister them to shoulder its responsibilities before the government and the people."

من جانبه، اكد النائب عن التحالف الكردستاني شريف سليمان انه "على الرغم من قصر المدة، الا ان هنالك بعض التطور في المجال الخدمي"، معلنا ان رئيس الوزراء سيسعى الى احداث تغييرات ملموسة واصلاحات واجراءات كتخفيض اسعار الوقود وعقد الاتفاقيات وترشيق الحكومة"، فيما قالت النائبة عن القائمة العراقية ازهار الشيخلي: "يمكن اعتبار المهلة قاعدة لانطلاقة صحيحة او وضع خطة معينة او ستراتيجية والبدء بتنفيذها". For his part, MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Sheriff Soliman said, "Despite the short duration, but there is some evolution in the service sector", declaring that the prime minister would seek to bring significant changes and reforms and measures such as reducing fuel prices and the holding of conventions and feminine government, "in what she said MP for the Iraqi List, Flowers Sheikhly: "can be considered as time base for the start of incorrect or develop a specific plan or strategy and begin implementation."

في تلك الاثناء، استبعد مصدر في مكتب القائد العام للقوات المسلحة فرض حظر للتجوال يوم الجمعة المقبل. In the meantime, ruled out a source in the Office of the Adjutant General of the armed forces to impose a curfew on Friday.

وقال المصدر لـ"الصباح": "لا نية لفرض حظر للتجوال. الامور تسير بشكل جيد وهناك سيطرة على الاوضاع". The source said the "morning": "no intention to impose a curfew. Things are going well and there is no control on the situation."

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Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to hold public hearings on the daily movement of the air at eight o'clock in the evening, the Minister presents report on their achievements and the obstacles encountered in their work during the Hundred Days, and future plans.

This comes at a time when the Congress hailed the experiment, amid calls for revamp or to utilize them, especially since it promised to "start to realize reforms and extensive."

A statement from the prime minister yesterday: "The routing al-Maliki, this comes with the imminent expiration of the term percent on set by the Prime Minister to evaluate the performance of the ministries and different state institutions and local governments, especially the service ministries that have a great prejudice to the interests and affairs of the citizens."

The statement added that "The Prime Minister will submit his final report and presented to the Iraqi people to participate in the calendar, after the end of these meetings"The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords, said in a statement to delegates "morning," Tariq al-Araji: "The prime minister intends to take over the Minister clarify the achievements and actions undertaken by the ministries during the past period and transmitted directly to the citizens so that there is a general perception and the consequences can be read . and when will the minister knows that these things will be in contact with the masses, is supposed to be objective in the IPO.

"It gave the Prime Minister, on 27 February last, the ministries and provincial administrations hundred days to evaluate their work and see how their success or failure, stressing that the ministries will see significant changes according to the results of the calendar..

In a related context, he praised the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ali Alsjeri, "the achievements of the ministries within a percent on set by Maliki," while the whole parliamentarians that the deadline percent on that ends today is not sufficient to bring about radical changes in the general situation, but they are capable of evaluating the performance of each minister.

He said MP Mohammed Chihod: "The draft percent on is the opposite of what is promoted him from the It is a project associated with the government and an end, but it is a project put forward by the Prime Minister to be evaluating the work of ministers, and each Minister them to shoulder its responsibilities before the government and the people."

For his part, MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Sheriff Soliman said, "Despite the short duration, but there is some evolution in the service sector", declaring that the prime minister would seek to bring significant changes and reforms and measures such as reducing fuel prices and the holding of conventions and feminine government, "in what she said MP for the Iraqi List, Flowers Sheikhly: "can be considered as time base for the start of incorrect or develop a specific plan or strategy and begin implementation."

In the meantime, ruled out a source in the Office of the Adjutant General of the armed forces to impose a curfew on Friday.

The source said the "morning": "no intention to impose a curfew. Things are going well and there is no control on the situation."

I took out the Arabic for easier reading. Thanks!

If he's speaking tonight, that's in about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

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Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to hold public hearings on the daily movement of the air at eight o'clock in the evening, the Minister presents report on their achievements and the obstacles encountered in their work during the Hundred Days, and future plans.

This comes at a time when the Congress hailed the experiment, amid calls for revamp or to utilize them, especially since it promised to "start to realize reforms and extensive."

A statement from the prime minister yesterday: "The routing al-Maliki, this comes with the imminent expiration of the term percent on set by the Prime Minister to evaluate the performance of the ministries and different state institutions and local governments, especially the service ministries that have a great prejudice to the interests and affairs of the citizens."

The statement added that "The Prime Minister will submit his final report and presented to the Iraqi people to participate in the calendar, after the end of these meetings"The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords, said in a statement to delegates "morning," Tariq al-Araji: "The prime minister intends to take over the Minister clarify the achievements and actions undertaken by the ministries during the past period and transmitted directly to the citizens so that there is a general perception and the consequences can be read . and when will the minister knows that these things will be in contact with the masses, is supposed to be objective in the IPO.

"It gave the Prime Minister, on 27 February last, the ministries and provincial administrations hundred days to evaluate their work and see how their success or failure, stressing that the ministries will see significant changes according to the results of the calendar..

In a related context, he praised the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ali Alsjeri, "the achievements of the ministries within a percent on set by Maliki," while the whole parliamentarians that the deadline percent on that ends today is not sufficient to bring about radical changes in the general situation, but they are capable of evaluating the performance of each minister.

He said MP Mohammed Chihod: "The draft percent on is the opposite of what is promoted him from the It is a project associated with the government and an end, but it is a project put forward by the Prime Minister to be evaluating the work of ministers, and each Minister them to shoulder its responsibilities before the government and the people."

For his part, MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Sheriff Soliman said, "Despite the short duration, but there is some evolution in the service sector", declaring that the prime minister would seek to bring significant changes and reforms and measures such as reducing fuel prices and the holding of conventions and feminine government, "in what she said MP for the Iraqi List, Flowers Sheikhly: "can be considered as time base for the start of incorrect or develop a specific plan or strategy and begin implementation."

In the meantime, ruled out a source in the Office of the Adjutant General of the armed forces to impose a curfew on Friday.

The source said the "morning": "no intention to impose a curfew. Things are going well and there is no control on the situation."

I took out the Arabic for easier reading. Thanks!

If he's speaking tonight, that's in about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Thank you Zab much easier read! :)

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This states he said something Monday evening, and says 1 hour ago on the site....

Iraq PM backs off firings on 100-day deadline

By Mohamad Ali Harissi (AFP) – 1 hour ago

BAGHDAD — A 100-day deadline set by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki amid nationwide protests expires on Tuesday, though the premier has pulled back from a threat of major changes if ministers did not shape up.

Though signs of progress are visible, from road construction projects to sewage system upgrades, little in the way of landmark laws have been passed, key issues remain unresolved and protests have already been called for Friday.

Maliki had set the timetable on February 27, noting that reviews would be carried out based on ministerial performance over the ensuing 100 days and warning that "changes will be made" based on those assessments.

But the day before the deadline was set to expire, he signaled no top politicians would be dismissed for poor performance, insisting his remarks had been misunderstood.

"There are those who want to confuse the concept of this initiative," Maliki said in comments broadcast on Iraqiya state television Monday evening.

"We think that they want to push people to force ministers to be accountable for a few things that naturally should take more time."

Maliki issued the 100-day warning amid widespread protests across Iraq over poor basic services, high unemployment and rampant corruption, in some of the biggest rallies since the fall of dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003.

At the time, it was seen as an effort to force ministers to make progress, after Iraq had already languished without a new government for more than nine months following March 2010 elections.

But on Monday evening, Maliki said ministries were "accomplishing what they can accomplish".

"The 100-day project created new initiatives to address short-term issues," he added, noting that meetings would be held from Tuesday, broadcast live on television, where ministers would explain what they had accomplished, what they would accomplish and what obstacles remained.

"(Each) minister has a four-year plan and (they will explain) what is the track that we want to follow in the next 100 days," Maliki said.

Protests have already been planned for Friday, with a group set up on social networking website Facebook called "Great Iraqi Revolution" drawing 35,000 members and urging supporters to take to the streets.

Other similar groups drew thousands of users, though it was impossible to verify how many were inside Iraq.

In response to the February rallies, the government re-routed $900 million originally earmarked for the purchase of F-16 fighter planes to food for the poor and started projects such as the roadworks and sewage repairs that showed visible change.

It also reserved $400 million to distribute generator fuel so Iraqis will be able to power air conditioners over the brutally hot summer.

Ministers are hoping that will head off demonstrations such as those that erupted from June to August last year across south Iraq.

But key questions have not been addressed.

These include the future status of the 45,000 US troops left in Iraq, the disputed oil-rich province of Kirkuk, and efforts to diversify Iraq's economy away from crude oil, which accounts for two-thirds of revenues but just one percent of jobs.

Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved.

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