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Text Messge to Bang


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I have only one way to make contact with my brothers in arms, it is via email. I have sent them an email asking why the urgent text? Do they have reason to think that this was a legit issue and why the sudden rate belief. Aside from that I'm in limbo waiting to hear back. I do not believe that this was a "Joke" as we are beyond that kind of behavior and they have an interest in this just as I do. So I await to hear back from them. Peace.

BanG in my book you are a stand up guy...fwiw I also sent an email to my own "Boots" contact and have not heard back chances are something caused your text to be sent and is probably why we cannot reach our respective contacts.. anyway thanks for the update... :tiphat:

hope we will ALL hear good news soon ! GO RV !!

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I have only one way to make contact with my brothers in arms, it is via email. I have sent them an email asking why the urgent text? Do they have reason to think that this was a legit issue and why the sudden rate belief. Aside from that I'm in limbo waiting to hear back. I do not believe that this was a "Joke" as we are beyond that kind of behavior and they have an interest in this just as I do. So I await to hear back from them. Peace.

Thanks. Appreciated.


Don't worry about it -- we believe you were passing on what you were given, and we appreciate it! Whether or not it was accurate, THANK YOU for sharing it! You are a trusted contributor here, so don't let anyone get you down... And there are LOTS of people in line to eat crow before you get any!

So true.......

My wife and I love BanG! You should consider changing your name to "toBanG" just a thought?!?! Then everyone could love "toBanG" like we do! B)B)

You're not turning into a Possum, are you?

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Thank you for the response! That clears up alot in my mind; knowing that they would not intentionally try to confuse you or spread misinformation.

To me anyway, I think this is positive news and I hope you hear from them soon as to why they feel this way!

Much appreciated!

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[banG] OK here is just what came in to me via text mesg, You all know me so here goes. 12:52 PM [banG] I have 3 friends in US Army civil affairs in green zone Iraq. One writes the following 12:54 PM [banG] "Looking 4 RV announcement today rate is said to be 3.10 we are still watching" End Msg

Bang- you rock! :D

Go rv..............

BANG BANG pull the trigger

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I have only one way to make contact with my brothers in arms, it is via email. I have sent them an email asking why the urgent text? Do they have reason to think that this was a legit issue and why the sudden rate belief. Aside from that I'm in limbo waiting to hear back. I do not believe that this was a "Joke" as we are beyond that kind of behavior and they have an interest in this just as I do. So I await to hear back from them. Peace.

Some may wonder why this rumor is getting so much positive attention. Simple, BanG is a respected individual that many look up to. This is the first rumor I've ever seen BanG give out to my knowledge.

This type of rumor is also coming from an area where people would likely be more informed (Those on the ground and or in the green zone).

With that said, this rumor should be taken a little more seriously as the potential it backs. :)

I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the text message. It appears roughly 24-hours has surpassed and it intrigues me to wonder if anyone has heard from their boots on the ground. Because, if I sent that type of text message to a friend in the home-states, I am sure they would rather be excited and waiting to hear updates. I wonder if they are monitoring that sort of activity to prevent leaks... Man... Imagine knowing, yet having no ability to spread the word.... haha

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did I read this wrong: Bang Got a txt? But the only way to communicate back to them was with E-Mail.

This is just a Question: Is it not possible to Txt back to said Originator from Bang?

Im Stumped, so please clarify if possible. unsure.gif

The text received could be in-deed the e-mail.

However, the e-mail content was short so it was referred to as text.

We can't look too much into it unless BanG clarifies it was one way or another.

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Some may wonder why this rumor is getting so much positive attention. Simple, BanG is a respected individual that many look up to. This is the first rumor I've ever seen BanG give out to my knowledge.

This type of rumor is also coming from an area where people would likely be more informed (Those on the ground and or in the green zone).

With that said, this rumor should be taken a little more seriously as the potential it backs. smile.gif

I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the text message. It appears roughly 24-hours has surpassed and it intrigues me to wonder if anyone has heard from their boots on the ground. Because, if I sent that type of text message to a friend in the home-states, I am sure they would rather be excited and waiting to hear updates. I wonder if they are monitoring that sort of activity to prevent leaks... Man... Imagine knowing, yet having no ability to spread the word.... haha

Ahhhh Schhhhh$t,

If I knew the rate to be 3+?!?! Hell........ In 24 hrs I could have swam the Atlantic, Via Back-stroke> Biked to Chicago on a tricycle and ran to San Francisco in Combat Boots!!!!!!...............tongue.gif

OR NOT...........

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Ahhhh Schhhhh$t,

If I knew the rate to be 3+?!?! Hell........ In 24 hrs I could have swam the Atlantic, Via Back-stroke> Biked to Chicago on a tricycle and ran to San Francisco in Combat Boots!!!!!!...............tongue.gif

OR NOT...........

Swam the Atlantic huh? I think those pesky sharks would smell "dinar" and be thinking.. 'Mmmm dinnar.. TIme to eat, Nom Nom Nom Nom...."

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With that said, this rumor should be taken a little more seriously as the potential it backs. :)

For anybody who hasn't been around long, I think what Darin is saying is that this rumor should be treated like any other rumor. It is nice for entertainment but does not warrant any action on your part.

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Clarification of Text communications. I cannot text my buddy's on the ground as the phone is a US Government issue Satellite phone thus it allows them to communicate one way. I have to reply to them on their personal email accounts and when they check their mail is when I usually get some sort of feedback. I hope this clears up the communications questions you all have and to date I'm still awaiting a reply to my email I sent them this morning. Thank you all for the positive feedback and support as I said previously I do not think I would have been so kind to me if the shoe was reversed lol. I will keep you all posted as information comes in to me. Peace.

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Clarification of Text communications. I cannot text my buddy's on the ground as the phone is a US Government issue Satellite phone thus it allows them to communicate one way. I have to reply to them on their personal email accounts and when they check their mail is when I usually get some sort of feedback. I hope this clears up the communications questions you all have and to date I'm still awaiting a reply to my email I sent them this morning. Thank you all for the positive feedback and support as I said previously I do not think I would have been so kind to me if the shoe was reversed lol. I will keep you all posted as information comes in to me. Peace.

Thank you for letting us know the fine details on this one. Appreciated.

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Several people have made posts to me stating "Stay Safe BanG" and "Stay Safe over there BanG" For the record I'm stateside and now medically retired from the military and not on active duty any longer. As I said Im a retired disabled Veteran and like most of you waiting on the infamous RV to happen. Thanks for your kind and well wishes on my behalf and to those who are serving currently a BIG thank you to them. I just wanted to clear that up for you all. Peace.

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