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collapse of the Maliki government


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Alsumaria News / Baghdad

توقع نائب عن التحالف الكردستاني، الثلاثاء، انهيار الحكومة العراقية الحالية التي يرأسها نوري المالكي بسبب الخلافات بين الكتل السياسية ومطالباتها الأخيرة باستجواب قادتها على خلفيات أحداث أمنية، معتبرا أن تشكيل حكومة أغلبية سياسية واستحقاق انتخابي ومعارضة برلمانية هو الحل الأمثل في الوقت الحالي. Vice expect from the Kurdistan Alliance, on Tuesday, the collapse of the current Iraqi government headed by Nuri al-Maliki because of differences between the political blocs and their claims last question led to security incidents backgrounds, considering that the formation of a majority government, political and electoral entitlement and parliamentary opposition is the best solution at this time.

وقال النائب محمود عثمان في حديث لـ"السومرية نيوز"، إن "مطالبات الاستجوابات بين الكتل السياسية والاختلافات فيما بينها تظهر خطأ القول بان هذه الحكومة ستكون حكومة شراكة وطنية"، مشيرا إلى أن "الكتل السياسية قد دخلت الحكومة منذ البداية وهي مختلفة فيما بينها". And MP Mahmoud Othman said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "claims the interrogations between the political blocs and the differences between them appear wrong to say that this government will be a government of national partnership," noting that "the political blocs have entered the government since the beginning, which of them are different" .

وأضاف عثمان أن "الكتل السياسية تمتلك خلافات كثيرة، وكل كتلة تريد تسجيل النقاط على الآخرين"، لافتا إلى أن "المشهد السياسي في العراق يشير إلى أنه ازداد تعقيدا بشكل أكثر مما كان عليه". Osman added that "the political blocs have many differences, each block you want to score points over others," pointing out that "the political landscape in Iraq indicates that the complex has increased more than it was."

وكانت القائمة العراقية بزعامة رئيس الوزراء الأسبق إياد علاوي، طالبت بفتح تحقيق مع رئيس الوزراء الحالي نوري المالكي على خلفية حادثة اقتحام مجلس محافظة صلاح الدين شهر آذار الماضي، فيما واجهها أعضاء من ائتلاف دولة القانون الذي يتزعمه المالكي بمطالبتهم فتح ملفات العمليات العسكرية التي حدثت في الفلوجة أبان حكم علاوي عام 2004، في حين هدد القيادي في العراقية طارق الهاشمي بكشف ملفات "إبادة جماعية" في كافة المحافظات العراقية في حال زج اسم زعيمها إياد علاوي في أحداث الفلوجة. The Iraqi List led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, called for an investigation with the current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for an alleged incident to storm the Council of Salah ad Din province last March, while the experienced members of the coalition of state law, led by al-Maliki calling on them to open the files of military operations that occurred in Fallujah Allawi, during the rule of 2004, when he threatened the Iraqi leader Tariq al-Hashemi in the files reveal the "genocide" in all Iraqi provinces in the event of pushing the name of its leader, Iyad Allawi, the events in Fallujah.

واعتبر القيادي الكردي أنه "من الأفضل أن تكون هناك حكومة أغلبية واستحقاق انتخابي وأكثرية سياسية ومعارضة في البرلمان"، مؤكدا أن "عدم وجود المعارضة قد يكون سببا من الأسباب التي يمكن أن تعجل بانهيار الحكومة، لأنها غير مكتملة". He said the Kurdish leadership that "it is better to have a majority government and the election event and the majority of political opposition in parliament," asserting that "the absence of opposition may be the cause of the reasons that can accelerate the collapse of the government, because it is incomplete."

وأشار عثمان إلى أن "عدم الاتفاق على مجلس السياسات الإستراتيجية العليا واحتمالية تركه، والخلاف الكبير والمشاكل حول الوزارات الأمنية تمثل أسبابا أخرى قد تعجل بانهيار الحكومة"، معتبرا أنه "من الصعب استمرار الحكومة للنهاية في ظل عدم اكتمالها". Osman said that "the lack of agreement on the Supreme Council strategic policies and the possibility of leaving, and the great controversy and problems about the security ministries are other reasons that may accelerate the collapse of the government," adding that "it is difficult to continue the government to end in the absence of completeness."

وتابع النائب الكردي المستقل أن الحكومة الحالية "ستواجه مشاكل كبيرة، من خلال انعكاس الخلافات الدائرة بين التحالف الوطني والعراقية، وفي نفس الوقت الخلاف بين حزب الدعوة والمجلس الأعلى الإسلامي والتيار الصدري من جهة ومشاكل القوى الكردية فيما بينها من جهة أخرى". He said Kurdish lawmaker Independent that the current government "will face significant problems, through the reflection of the differences in progress between the National Coalition and Iraqi forces, at the same time, the dispute between Dawa and ISCI and the Sadrists on the one hand and the problems of the Kurdish forces with each other on the other hand."

وكانت القائمة العراقية قد أكدت على لسان المتحدث باسمها حيدر الملا في حديث لـ"السومرية نيوز"، في وقت سابق استعدادها لفتح جميع الملفات الخاصة بالمسؤولين لمحاسبة المسيئين ومكافحة الفساد ومنها "أحداث الفلوجة"، فيما جددت مطالبتها بالتحقيق مع رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي على خلفية حادثة محافظة صلاح الدين بصفته القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وليس رئيساً للحكومة. The Iraqi List, has confirmed to the San spokesman Haidar al-Mulla said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", an earlier readiness to open all files of officials to hold accountable the perpetrators, and the fight against corruption, including "the events of Fallujah," while the renewed calls for investigation of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for an alleged incident Salah ad Din province in his capacity as commander in chief of the armed forces and not a head of government.

وشهدت محافظة صلاح الدين، في التاسع والعشرين من آذار الماضي، اقتحام أحد عشر مسلحا مقر المحافظة أثناء اجتماع لمجلسها واشتباكهم مع أفراد حماية المقر وإطلاق النار على من كان في داخله، كما فجروا خلال الاشتباك سيارة مفخخة تركوها أمام المقر لتتطور الأحداث بعدها، حيث فجر أربعة من المسلحين أنفسهم داخل المبنى. Saw the Salah ad Din province, in the twenty-ninth of last March, breaking into a tenth gunman county seat during a meeting of the council and clashed with members of the protection of the headquarters and shot from the inside, and blew up in the clash, a car bomb left in front of the headquarters of the evolving events later, where he blew four themselves from the militants inside the building.

وأدرج مجلس النواب العراقي في جدول أعماله بجلسته الـ51، التي عقدها ،يوم أمس الاثنين، موضوع التصويت على اعتبار أحداث مدينة الفلوجة إبادة جماعية، ولاقى الموضوع تأيدا من بعض الكتل السياسية لاسيما التحالف الوطني الذي أكد أنه سيؤيد المطالبة بالتحقيق مع إياد علاوي حول "جريمة" الفلوجة التي جرت خلال فترة توليه رئاسة الوزراء في حال طالبت العراقية بذلك، إلا أن الموضوع سرعان ما تم حذفه من جدول الأعمال بسب خلافات بين القائمة العراقية والتحالف الوطني بشأن الموضوع . And included the Iraqi Council of Representatives on its agenda in its session of 51, which held, on Monday, the subject of the vote to consider the events in Falluja, genocide, and was subject Toida from some of the political blocs, especially the National Alliance, who said he would support the claim investigation with Iyad Allawi, about the "crime" Fallujah that took place during his tenure as prime minister in the event demanded that the Iraqi, but that the subject was quickly deleted from the agenda because of disagreements between the Iraqi List and the National Coalition on the subject.

وكان النائب علي شلاه قال في حديث لـ "السومرية نيوز"، الجمعة الماضية، أن التحالف سيؤيد المطالبة بالتحقيق مع إياد علاوي حول "جريمة" الفلوجة التي جرت خلال فترة توليه رئاسة الوزراء في حال طالبت العراقية بذلك. The Attorney Falh Ali said in an interview for "Alsumaria News" last Friday, that the coalition would support the claim investigation with Iyad Allawi about the "crime" of Fallujah that took place during his tenure as prime minister in the Iraqi case demanded it.

واتهم زعيم القائمة العراقية إياد علاوي في حديث سابق لـ"السومرية نيوز"، يوم أمس، المطالبين باستجوابه على خلفية أحداث الفلوجة بارتكاب "جرائم جماعية في جميع أنحاء العراق" و"تعذيب المعتقلين بالسجون"، واعتبر أن تلك المطالبات إنما يمثل "استهدافا" للقائمة العراقية، مؤكدا في الوقت نفسه استعداده للخضوع للاستجواب مع جميع من كان في موقع المسؤولية. He accused the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi, in an interview earlier "Alsumaria News" Yesterday, claimants questioned against the background of the events of Fallujah, of committing "mass murder in all parts of Iraq" and "torture of detainees in prisons," and added that those claims but a "targeted" to the list Iraq, stressing at the same time, his willingness to undergo interrogation with all those who were in a position of responsibility.

ووقعت معركة الفلوجة الأولى في نيسان من عام 2004، خلال ترأس زعيم القائمة العراقية إياد علاوي للحكومة العراقية آنذاك، على إثر قيام مسلحين بقتل أربعة من أفراد القوات الأمريكية العاملين ضمن شركة بلاك ووتر الأمريكية في مدينة الفلوجة، وتم التمثيل بجثثهم في الشوارع وتعليقها فيما بعد على جسر في أطراف المدينة ويطل على نهر الفرات، وانتهت المعركة بانسحاب القوات الأمريكية ووقع خلالها 450 قتيل وجريح من الطرفين، وتم على إثرها تشكيل لواء الفلوجة المكون من 3000 عنصر يقومون بحماية المدينة على أن تختفي الظواهر المسلحة من المدينة، ومنع دخول القوات الأمريكية إلى الفلوجة بموجب الاتفاق الذي نص أيضا على تعويض ذوي الضحايا وأصحاب المباني المدمرة. There were the battle of Fallujah the first in April of 2004, during the head leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi of the Iraqi government then, following the establishment of gunmen killed four members of the U.S. forces working within the Blackwater of America in the city of Fallujah, was dismembering their bodies in the streets and comment later on bridge on the outskirts of the city and overlooking the River Euphrates, and the battle ended in the withdrawal of U.S. forces was signed in which 450 people dead and wounded from both sides, were evacuated to form a brigade consisting of 3000 element were protecting the city to disappear phenomena of armed city, and prevent the entry of American troops in the Fallujah under the agreement also provided to compensate families of the victims and owners of the destroyed buildings.

فيما وقعت معركة الفلوجة الثانية في النصف الثاني من شهر رمضان من عام 2004، حيث ضاعفت القوات الأمريكية تعزيزاتها سبع مرات عن المعـركة الأولى، وبلغت أعداد جنودها أكثر من 15 ألف جندي، مقابل حوالي 1000 مقاتل كانوا متحصنين داخل المدينة، وانتهت المعركة بخسارة المسلحين وسيطرت القوات الأمريكية على الفلوجة، وفرض حصار عليها والعمل بنظام باجات لدخول الأهالي، وأسفرت عن اعتقال أكثر من 1000 شخص مابين مسلح ومشتبه به، وتدمير أكثر من 4000 منزل و2000 محل تجاري، و300 معمل أهلي وحكومي، وبلغ عدد القتلى والجرحى من أهالي المدينة 5200 شخص. With signed second battle of Fallujah in the second half of the month of Ramadan in 2004, doubling the American forces reinforcements seven times the first battle, and reached the number of soldiers more than 15 thousand soldiers, compared to about 1000 fighters were holed up inside the city, and the battle ended in a loss of armed forces took America on Fallujah, and lay siege upon and the introduction of badges to enter the parents, and resulted in the arrest of more than 1000 people between the armed suspect, and the destruction of more than 4000 houses and 2000, a shop, and 300 plant my family and government, and the number of dead and wounded from the city's residents, 5200 people.

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This article when taken out of context is very disturbing but then again the translation IMO is fair at best. It really seems like petty political infighting.

It reads as a "he said, he said" between the blocs. It's alarming because it references some horrific events during the war as well as recently but I honestly don't see the diffrence between what they are doing and what the Republicans and Democrats do in the US every day. The source material is much more disturbing because of who they are and where they are coming from, but the general principles behind it are the same.

I also laughed out loud when I read........"the subject was quickly deleted from the agenda because of disagreements between the Iraqi List and the National Coalition on the subject."

Gee, I wonder why they can't get anything done?!?!

Thanks for the post.


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I like what Easy Rider had to say, but something else came to mind. We're talking about a people who has lived under dictatorship rule for God knows how long. They, including Maliki, have no earthly idea how to get along or how to run a government where everyone votes, agrees, disagrees, has someone to veto, and move on in the day.

I am like everyone else, I am tired of all the waiting, smoke, mirrors, and all of it, but if you really look, at the end of the day....they don't know their butts from a hole in the ground. Especially Maliki. Help isn't the word for what that country needs. Sigh.


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I like what Easy Rider had to say, but something else came to mind. We're talking about a people who has lived under dictatorship rule for God knows how long. They, including Maliki, have no earthly idea how to get along or how to run a government where everyone votes, agrees, disagrees, has someone to veto, and move on in the day.

I am like everyone else, I am tired of all the waiting, smoke, mirrors, and all of it, but if you really look, at the end of the day....they don't know their butts from a hole in the ground. Especially Maliki. Help isn't the word for what that country needs. Sigh.


Fortunately I have searched the other news outlets the GOI's website and the office of the Prime minister as well as Iraq News and found nothing about this article or any speculation that the Government has fallen or received a vote of no confidence from the Iraqi people. Now I'm not saying at this point the article above is not true but what I am saying is I see nothing definitive that the prescribed event has taken place. For all our sakes we had better hope that this is just a PISS poor translated article that has no bearing on the GOI specifically. If the government did actually fall we are all screwed big time, I tend to believe the later that this was just a Piss poor translation and that we will find ourselves all in the clear by tomorrow I hope. So for now take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard and go crack a cold Brewski to calm your nerves. JMO. Peace. blink.gif

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Fortunately I have searched the other news outlets the GOI's website and the office of the Prime minister as well as Iraq News and found nothing about this article or any speculation that the Government has fallen or received a vote of no confidence from the Iraqi people. Now I'm not saying at this point the article above is not true but what I am saying is I see nothing definitive that the prescribed event has taken place. For all our sakes we had better hope that this is just a PISS poor translated article that has no bearing on the GOI specifically. If the government did actually fall we are all screwed big time, I tend to believe the later that this was just a Piss poor translation and that we will find ourselves all in the clear by tomorrow I hope. So for now take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard and go crack a cold Brewski to calm your nerves. JMO. Peace. blink.gif

Have at least a couple for me.

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I do remember when this incident in Fallujah happened. As I remember, there was 3 or more american troop's mutilated bodies hanging from that bridge they are talking about.

I don't like Maliki at all and figure he is just going to be trouble for the Iraqis in the future, but to replace him now may extend our wait for the RV. What can ya do? In for a dime, in for a dollar.

Edited by tommyboy
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I could misunderstand what is being said here, but it seems that they are being told to "S#*T OR GET OFF THE POT"...if not, we will put someone in place that can make some rapid responses (progress) that will bring our financial situation back online!! Iraq is too rich in natural resources for their people to be living in poverty! JMO!!!! :blink:

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I just can't believe that their government hasn't approved a budget or taken the steps to lower unemployment and secure the financial future of their people. At least that can't happen here in the US. Oh, wait a minute......

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I wanna say something I usually dont add to peoples posts either good or bad. Mostly just a ty for post to be polite. BanG made a statement though, about this hopfully being a piss poor translate. I thought i should help out with it. I am not let me repeat NOT agreeing with this post because just as BanG stated I also tried finding more on this and havent seen anything like it. I went on the site and read the original text (for those of you who dont know I am Yemeni of decent I read write and speak arabic). Ima say this the article as I read it is a bit off but that usually is the case with anything i seem to read about Iraq. Im going to try to give brief highlights from it.


Allawi called for an investagation on Malliki

Malliki called for investigation on older cases about what happened in Fallujah

Malliki opened files about Allawi ordering mass murders in Fallujah

Mahmoud Uthman says he believes the government it is still not fully completed, that it will cause for it to fall apart.

Uthman also states that the current government will see large problems because of the different groups(DAWA /ISCI/ SADRIST/ NATIONAL COL....ETC)

Iraqi List is prepared to open all files about the army. To find and judge all the corrupted people in the government. Also to open files on Malliki about what he did with Salah a deen province as chief commander of army not head of governement

In Salah a deen province...on the 29th of last march..11 armed people charged into the building of the representitives killing people in the council there, and 4 of them were strapped with bombs and blew up the place.

The Council of Representitives say they are in agreement of holding accountable the people are responsible for the Fallujah.

Ali Shela said in an interview with alsurmaira that the coalition hold Allawi on trial since he was the prime minister when the incident happened in Fallujah

Allawai said to the asumari news that The people who are trying to put him on trial are trying to bring shame his name and Iraq. He also said that he is willing to go on trial and that he will comply with all that is brought to him.

-------------------------This is the last 2 paragraphs and they are pretty close in translating. so i aint botherin with it--------------

There were the battle of Fallujah the first in April of 2004, during the head leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi of the Iraqi government then, following the establishment of gunmen killed four members of the U.S. forces working within the Blackwater of America in the city of Fallujah, was dismembering their bodies in the streets and comment later on bridge on the outskirts of the city and overlooking the River Euphrates, and the battle ended in the withdrawal of U.S. forces was signed in which 450 people dead and wounded from both sides, were evacuated to form a brigade consisting of 3000 element were protecting the city to disappear phenomena of armed city, and prevent the entry of American troops in the Fallujah under the agreement also provided to compensate families of the victims and owners of the destroyed buildings.

With signed second battle of Fallujah in the second half of the month of Ramadan in 2004, doubling the American forces reinforcements seven times the first battle, and reached the number of soldiers more than 15 thousand soldiers, compared to about 1000 fighters were holed up inside the city, and the battle ended in a loss of armed forces took America on Fallujah, and lay siege upon and the introduction of badges to enter the parents, and resulted in the arrest of more than 1000 people between the armed suspect, and the destruction of more than 4000 houses and 2000, a shop, and 300 plant my family and government, and the number of dead and wounded from the city's residents, 5200 people.


So for the record I aint see anywhere in there stating that the current government is collapsing FROM ANY VERIFIED SOURCE... just some guy on the news STATING HIS OPINION/BELIEF...I did what i could and i hope this helped.


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I like what Easy Rider had to say, but something else came to mind. We're talking about a people who has lived under dictatorship rule for God knows how long. They, including Maliki, have no earthly idea how to get along or how to run a government where everyone votes, agrees, disagrees, has someone to veto, and move on in the day.

I am like everyone else, I am tired of all the waiting, smoke, mirrors, and all of it, but if you really look, at the end of the day....they don't know their butts from a hole in the ground. Especially Maliki. Help isn't the word for what that country needs. Sigh.


Well put.

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Great Article and even better job at decifering the real from the feared out of it.

YOU PEOPLE are amazing. Seriously, it helps keep me in reality. That is so much better than the BS which plagues this site at times.

I feel closer and closer each day and minute. The pressure is on and the time is drawing near.

For the people of IRAQ and for us I pray for this to end sooner than later.


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I wanna say something I usually dont add to peoples posts either good or bad. Mostly just a ty for post to be polite. BanG made a statement though, about this hopfully being a piss poor translate. I thought i should help out with it. I am not let me repeat NOT agreeing with this post because just as BanG stated I also tried finding more on this and havent seen anything like it. I went on the site and read the original text (for those of you who dont know I am Yemeni of decent I read write and speak arabic). Ima say this the article as I read it is a bit off but that usually is the case with anything i seem to read about Iraq. Im going to try to give brief highlights from it.


Allawi called for an investagation on Malliki

Malliki called for investigation on older cases about what happened in Fallujah

Malliki opened files about Allawi ordering mass murders in Fallujah

Mahmoud Uthman says he believes the government it is still not fully completed, that it will cause for it to fall apart.

Uthman also states that the current government will see large problems because of the different groups(DAWA /ISCI/ SADRIST/ NATIONAL COL....ETC)

Iraqi List is prepared to open all files about the army. To find and judge all the corrupted people in the government. Also to open files on Malliki about what he did with Salah a deen province as chief commander of army not head of governement

In Salah a deen province...on the 29th of last march..11 armed people charged into the building of the representitives killing people in the council there, and 4 of them were strapped with bombs and blew up the place.

The Council of Representitives say they are in agreement of holding accountable the people are responsible for the Fallujah.

Ali Shela said in an interview with alsurmaira that the coalition hold Allawi on trial since he was the prime minister when the incident happened in Fallujah

Allawai said to the asumari news that The people who are trying to put him on trial are trying to bring shame his name and Iraq. He also said that he is willing to go on trial and that he will comply with all that is brought to him.

-------------------------This is the last 2 paragraphs and they are pretty close in translating. so i aint botherin with it--------------

There were the battle of Fallujah the first in April of 2004, during the head leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi of the Iraqi government then, following the establishment of gunmen killed four members of the U.S. forces working within the Blackwater of America in the city of Fallujah, was dismembering their bodies in the streets and comment later on bridge on the outskirts of the city and overlooking the River Euphrates, and the battle ended in the withdrawal of U.S. forces was signed in which 450 people dead and wounded from both sides, were evacuated to form a brigade consisting of 3000 element were protecting the city to disappear phenomena of armed city, and prevent the entry of American troops in the Fallujah under the agreement also provided to compensate families of the victims and owners of the destroyed buildings.

With signed second battle of Fallujah in the second half of the month of Ramadan in 2004, doubling the American forces reinforcements seven times the first battle, and reached the number of soldiers more than 15 thousand soldiers, compared to about 1000 fighters were holed up inside the city, and the battle ended in a loss of armed forces took America on Fallujah, and lay siege upon and the introduction of badges to enter the parents, and resulted in the arrest of more than 1000 people between the armed suspect, and the destruction of more than 4000 houses and 2000, a shop, and 300 plant my family and government, and the number of dead and wounded from the city's residents, 5200 people.


So for the record I aint see anywhere in there stating that the current government is collapsing FROM ANY VERIFIED SOURCE... just some guy on the news STATING HIS OPINION/BELIEF...I did what i could and i hope this helped.


i read somewhere though that the king wich means maliki will be replaced or assainated???

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Arabic is not an easy language to translate as there not an exact copy of letters to transfer. This does go both ways. Theres a letter in arabic I think almost everyone knows. That they hear arabians pronounce, It kinda sounds like trying to cough up phlem when you spit. At least thats what most people think. Yet if someone try and put it in the english language they spell it with KH. Or from english the letter P or V do not exist. So for example the word "shampoo" and "bibe" is pronounce "shambo" and "bibe". The reason i bring this up is statement you made:

" i read somewhere though that the king wich means maliki will be replaced or assainated???"

With what i have stated above in mind correct spelling is difficult, arabic words written in english will often be misspelled. Mainly, this is because the word will be written off how it sounds. Anyways, the closest i can get to the word king would 'Mellek'............the name 'Maliki' is NOT the same as king. I would like to stress that. These 2 words are very different sounding when pronounced.

For the end part of your statement if you read what i did translate there is reference that Mahmoud Othman at some point stated that because of the current governments (which is run by Maliki) incompleteness it was subject to fall/replaced. There was also reference to allegations that Allawi had given orders for a mass murder which may be where your getting the "assination" part. Or it maybe the part about what happened in the Salah a deen province where the armed gunmen broke in the building and killed people on the council.

In any case I hope this was helpful to everyone.


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