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Frank26 post 01/09/11


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Frank..........LIKE IT OR NOT...........IT'S COMING!


Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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مركز المساعدة

issuesEconomic reports

الثلاثاء 15/1/1432 هـ - الموافق 21/12/2010 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 17:46 (مكة المكرمة)، 14:46 (غرينتش)

Tuesday, 15/1/1432 AH - approved 21/12/2010 (updated) 17:46 pm (Makkah), 14:46 (GMT)

غلق مكاتب الاقتراع باستفتاء الجنوب

Economic issues

ما جدوى حذف أصفار من الدينار العراقي؟

What is the point to delete zeros from the Iraqi

كلفة حذف الأصفار

The cost of deletion of zeros

تداعيات حذف الأصفار

Consequences of deletion of zeros

سيشهد العام 2011 حذف ثلاثة أصفار من الفئات النقدية للعملة العراقية, وعليه فالدينار الجديد سيساوي ألف دينار قديم.

2011 will see the deletion of three zeros from denominations of Iraqi currency, and it will equal the new Vdinar thousand dinars offline.

يرى البعض أن هذه العملية ستعود بالعراق إلى الفترة الاقتصادية الزاهية وستعزز قيمة الدينار لدى صندوق النقد الدولي والمجتمع الدولي وستعالج المشكلات الاقتصادية وفي مقدمتها التضخم.

Some argue that this process will return Iraq to the economic period brightly and enhance the value of the dinar to the IMF and the international community and will deal with economic problems, particularly inflation.

ويرى آخرون في العملية خسارة لقيمة العملة تقدر بالثلث.

In the opinion of others in the process of the loss estimated at one third the value of the currency.

فبتقديرهم سيتضرر أصحاب المرتبات والأجور بسبب حصولهم على دخول قوتها الشرائية أقل من القيمة الاسمية للعملة.

Fbtkadirhm owners would be affected by the salary and wages because they have to enter their purchasing power is less than the nominal value of the currency.

ويعتقدون أن إلغاء الأصفار سيقود إلى "الوهم النقدي".

They believe that the abolition of zeros will lead to a "monetary illusion".

إن هذه المواقف تستند إلى أسس هشة وأحيانا غير منطقية.

These positions are based on fragile foundations, and sometimes illogical.

هنالك خلط واضح بين إلغاء الأصفار والتحسن الحقيقي لسعر الصرف، وخلط ثان بين هذا الإلغاء والتضخم، وخلط ثالث بين هذا الإلغاء وتخفيض قيمة العملة.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency.

فالموقف الأول مجرد أمنيات غير قابلة للتحقيق عن طريق حذف الأصفار.

The first position is just wishful thinking can not be achieved by deleting the zeros.

والموقف الثاني غامض، إذ كيف يقود حذف الأصفار إلى خسارة مالية وعلى أي أساس حددت بالثلث؟

The second situation ambiguous, how to delete zeros lead to financial loss and on what basis one third identified?

كما أن الحذف لن يعالج التضخم ولن يساهم في تفاقمه.

The deletion would not address the inflation will not contribute to the exacerbations.

ولا علاقة للوهم (والأصح التوهم) النقدي بموضوع البحث.

Nothing to do with the illusion (illusion, or rather) the subject of critical research.

يبدو أن البنك المركزي وبعض الأطراف الحكومية تميل إلى الاتجاه الأول، بعد أن تضيف إليه شعارات الإنجاز الوطني والإصلاح الاقتصادي والإلحاق بركب دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.

Seems that the central bank and some government parties tend to the first direction, after that add to the national emblems of achievement and economic reform and placement up with the GCC countries.



هنالك خلط واضح بين إلغاء الأصفار والتحسن الحقيقي لسعر الصرف، وخلط ثان بين هذا الإلغاء والتضخم، وخلط ثالث بين هذا الإلغاء وتخفيض قيمة العملة

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency



ظهور الأصفار وحذفها

Appearance of zeros and delete

في فترة الحصار الشامل والصارم ضد العراق للفترة بين 1990 و2003 ظهرت أزمة اقتصادية خانقة قوامها انهيار الصادرات النفطية وتردي الإنتاج الصناعي والزراعي وارتفاع البطالة والتضخم وعدم سداد الديون الخارجية وعجز مزمن في ميزانية الدولة.

In the comprehensive and rigorous blockade against Iraq for the period between 1990 and 2003 showed a severe economic crisis strength of the collapse of oil exports and the deterioration of industrial and agricultural production and rising unemployment, inflation and non-payment of external debt and chronic deficit in the state budget.

ومن البدهي أن يهبط سعر الصرف بشدة حتى وصلت القيمة التعادلية للدولار إلى 3000 دينار عام 1995.

It is intuitive that the exchange rate drops sharply, reaching par value of the dollar to 3000 dinars in 1995.

وبات من اللازم إصدار فئات نقدية جديدة وصلت قيمتها الاسمية إلى 250 دينارا لكنها لا تساوي من حيث قيمتها الحقيقية سوى 25 فلسا من عملة السبعينيات.

It has become necessary to issue new categories of cash, amounting to a nominal 250 dinars, but not equal in terms of real value only 25 fils coin from the seventies.

وهكذا ظهرت ثلاثة أرقام على العملة العراقية.

There were thus three numbers on the Iraqi currency.

واحتلت الولايات المتحدة العراق عام 2003 فسارعت إلى إلغاء واستبدال الفئات النقدية.

The United States occupied Iraq in 2003, rushed to the cancellation and replacement of denominations.

وبهدف تسهيل المبادلات التجارية الداخلية في الحياة اليومية أصبح من الضروري إضافة أرقام أخرى.

In order to facilitate internal trade in the daily life has become necessary to add other numbers.

وبات التعامل بعملة من سبع فئات: 50 و250 و500 و1000 و10000 و25000 دينار.

The deal is the currency of seven categories: 50 and 250 and 500 and 1000 and 10000 and 25000 dinars.

وعلى خلاف البلدان العربية لا توجد في العراق منذ حوالي 15 سنة نقود معدنية.

Unlike the Arab countries do not exist in Iraq since about 15 years old coins.

ولرفع سعر الصرف هنالك من الناحية المبدئية طريق طويل وشاق يفضي إلى نتائج اقتصادية إيجابية وطريق آخر سهل وسريع عديم الجدوى من الناحية الاقتصادية.

To raise the exchange rate there is, in principle, long and arduous road leading to positive economic results and the road to another quick and easy useless in economic terms.

يتمثل الطريق الأول بالمؤشرات النقدية والمالية والتجارية والسياسية.

The way the first indicators of monetary and financial, commercial and political.

وهي حجم الاحتياطيات النقدية وثقل الديون الخارجية ومركز الميزان التجاري وميزان المدفوعات والميزانية العامة ونسبة التضخم ومستوى الاستثمارات وحجم الإنتاج الزراعي والصناعي وتدخل السلطات النقدية والظروف الأمنية وأسعار صرف العملات الرئيسية.

Which is the size of cash reserves and the weight of external debt and the Centre for the trade balance and balance of payments and public budget, inflation rate and the level of investments and the size of agricultural and industrial production and the intervention of the monetary authorities and the security conditions and exchange rates of major currencies.

وعند مقارنة العام 2008 بالعام 1995 نجد تحسنا في أغلب هذه المؤشرات، فقد ارتفع سعر برميل النفط من 17 دولارا عام 1995 إلى 94 دولارا عام 2008.

When comparing the year 2008 year 1995 we find an improvement in most of these indicators, the price of a barrel of oil from $ 17 in 1995 to $ 94 in 2008.

وكان العراق خاضعا لحصار دولي من 1990 حتى 2003.

Iraq was under an international embargo from 1990 to 2003.

في حين ألغي هذا الحصار بعد الاحتلال.

While the blockade was abolished after the occupation.

وتمخض عن هذين العاملين ارتفاع العوائد النفطية من 370 مليون دولار عام 1995 إلى 63000 مليون دولار عام 2008.

The outcome of these two factors of high oil revenues of $ 370 million in 1995 to 63,000 million dollars in 2008.

وفي هذه الفترة انتقلت الاحتياطيات النقدية من الصفر تقريبا إلى 50 مليار دولار.

In this period, she moved the cash reserves of almost zero to $ 50 billion.

ولم يسبق للبلد تحقيق مثل هذا الحجم حتى قبل الحرب ضد إيران.

And never to the country to achieve such a size even before the war against Iran.

لذلك تحسن سعر الصرف من 3000 دينار للدولار عام 1995 إلى 1204 دنانير للدولار عام 2008 وإلى 1120 دينارا للدولار في نهاية العام 2010.

Therefore, improvement of the exchange rate from 3000 dinars to the dollar in 1995 to 1204 dinars to the dollar in 2008 to 1120 dinars to the dollar at the end of the year 2010.

لكن هذا التحسن لا يوازي إطلاقا نتائج المؤشرات المذكورة نظرا لتدمير البنية التحتية وغياب السياسات الاقتصادية وتفشي الفساد المالي.

But this improvement is not equivalent to the results of the indicators mentioned at all due to the destruction of infrastructure and the absence of economic policies and rampant corruption.

فلا يزال سعر الصرف بعيدا جدا عن طموحات العراقيين.

Exchange rate is still very far from the aspirations of Iraqis.

لذلك اتجه التفكير إلى الطريق الآخر الأسهل والأسرع، وهو حذف ثلاثة أصفار من الدينار.

Hence, the idea to the other way is easier and faster, a deletion of three zeros from the dinar.

والورقة من فئة 5000 دينار مثلا ستستبدل منها ورقة أخرى قيمتها الاسمية 5 دنانير جديدة.

The paper is a class of 5000 dinars for example, which will be replaced by another paper, a nominal value of JD 5 new ones.

عندئذ ينتقل سعر الصرف بين ليلة وضحاها من 1120,00 دينارا للدولار إلى 1,12 دينار للدولار.

Then move the exchange rate between overnight from 1120.00 dinars to the dollar to 1.12 dinars to the dollar.

ويلاحظ أن عملية حذف الأصفار معروفة في عدة بلدان.

It is noted that the process of removing the zeros is known in several countries.

فالسودان حذف صفرين من عملته عام 2007.

Sudan delete two zeros from its currency in 2007.

وألغت بوليفيا ثلاثة أصفار من عملتها عام 2008.

Bolivia and canceled three zeros off its currency in 2008.

وأزالت رومانيا أربعة أصفار من عملتها عام 2005.

Romania and removed four zeros from the currency in 2005.

وقامت تركيا بشطب ستة أصفار من عملتها عام 2005.

Turkey and the removal of six zeroes from its currency in 2005.

العوامل النفسية

Psychological factors

إن أسباب حذف الأصفار تكاد تنحصر بالجانب النفسي المتمثل بالرغبة في عملة ذات سعر صرف مرتفع.

The reasons for the deletion of zeros is almost confined to the psychological aspect of the desirability of a currency with an exchange rate is high.

وهذا الارتفاع يدخل الفرحة إلى قلب العراقي.

This enters the height of joy to the heart of Iraq.

فرحة عودة الدينار إلى ماضيه الزاهر.

The joy of the return of the dinar to the prosperous past.

لكن هذه الفرحة لا تخفي قناعته بأن عملية شطب الأصفار لن تعالج الأزمة الاقتصادية التي يعاني منها خاصة هبوط مستوى المعيشة والبطالة وتردي الخدمات الأمنية والصحية والتعليمية وخدمات الطاقة.

But this joy does not conceal his conviction that the process of removing zeros would not address the economic crisis suffered by the private landing the standard of living, unemployment and the deterioration of the security services and health, education and energy services.

وبالفعل لن يتغير الوضع الاقتصادي عندما يكون سعر صرف الدينار 0,8 دولار (بحذف ثلاثة أصفار) ولن يتغير حتى وإن أصبح الدينار العراقي يعادل 8 دولارات.

Indeed, the economic situation will not change when the dinar exchange rate of $ 0.8 (deleting three zeros) will not change even if the Iraqi dinar was equivalent to $ 8.

لأن هذه القيم التعادلية لم تنجم عن معطيات اقتصادية كما كان حال السبعينيات بل عن مجرد قرار رسمي.

Because these values did not result from the offsetting economic data, as was the case for the seventies, but merely a formal decision.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن البنك المركزي تخلى من الناحية العملية عن نظام الصرف الثابت ليتبنى التعويم.

It should be noted that the central bank abandoned the practice for a fixed exchange rate system to adopt the floatation.

لم يعد البنك يتدخل في أسعار الصرف التي أصبحت خاضعة للسوق، لذلك لا حكمة من التشبث بتعادل الدينار الواحد بدولار واحد أو أي سعر آخر.

Bank no longer intervene in the exchange rates became subject to the market, so do not cling to draw from the wisdom of the dinar per one dollar or any other price.



لا حكمة من التشبث بتعادل الدينار الواحد بدولار واحد أو أي سعر آخر

Not the wisdom of sticking to draw dinar per one dollar or any other price



يجب العمل على إقناع العراقيين بأن قوة العملة تتأتى من قوة الاقتصاد لا من عدد وحدات النقد الأجنبي المعادل لها.

Must work to convince the Iraqis that the currency's strength derived from the strength of the economy is not the number of units of foreign currency equivalents.

في اليابان هناك أوراق نقدية من فئة عشرة آلاف ين أي حوالي مائة دولار.

In Japan, there are banknotes of a ten thousand yen, or about one hundred dollars.

ولا يجد اليابانيون فائدة من حذف صفرين من عملتهم حتى يصل سعر صرف الين إلى دولار.

Can not find the Japanese utility to delete the two zeros from their currency until it reaches the exchange rate of yen to dollars.

كلفة حذف الأصفار

The cost of deletion of zeros

حتى العام 1990 كان الدينار العراقي يطبع في بريطانيا.

Until the year 1990, the Iraqi dinar printed in Britain.

وفي فترة الحصار بين منتصف العام 1990 والثلث الأول من العام 2003 طبع الدينار داخل العراق من قبل دار النهرين للطباعة التي أنشئت عام 1979 والتابعة للبنك المركزي العراقي.

In the mid-year siege between 1990 and the first third of the 2003 printing of the dinar in Iraq by the rivers of the printing house, which was established in 1979 and of the Central Bank of Iraq.

وبعد الاحتلال عادت الطباعة مرة أخرى إلى بريطانيا تتولاها شركة ديلارو.

After the occupation back to print again to Britain assumed Delaro company.

لا توجد بيانات رسمية عن كلفة الأوراق النقدية العراقية.

There are no official data on the cost of Iraqi banknotes.

ولكن من المعلوم أن المعدل العام لكلفة الورقة النقدية في بريطانيا 7 سنتات أميركية.

But it is known that the overall rate for the cost of paper cash in Britain 7 U.S. cents.

يكفي إذن معرفة عدد الأوراق المتداولة لإعطاء فكرة عن الكلفة الإجمالية.

Enough then to know the number of traded securities to give an idea of the total cost.

ولم نجد مصدرا رسميا بهذا الخصوص بل تصريحا أدلى به مسؤول في البنك المركزي العراقي قال فيه إن هذا العدد يزيد على أربعة تريليونات ورقة.

We did not find an official source in this regard, but a statement made by an official in the Iraqi Central Bank which he said that this number more than four trillion paper.

بتقديرنا حدث خطأ ما في هذا التصريح أو في نقله.

We appreciate there was an error in this statement or to move.

ويبدو أن الرقم الصحيح هو أربعة مليارات ورقة.

It seems that the correct number is four billion paper.

وبالتالي تصبح كلفة طباعتها 289 مليون دولار.

And thus become the cost of printing $ 289 million.

وهذا المبلغ طائل مقارنة بالحالة المالية لملايين العراقيين ويمثل استيراد أكثر من 300 ألف طن من الرز.

This amount is useless compared to the financial situation of millions of Iraqis and an import more than 300 thousand tons of rice.

قد يكون من المناسب إجراء استفتاء شعبي لمعرفة ما إذا كان العراقيون يفضلون إنفاق هذا المبلغ لحذف ثلاثة أصفار من الدينار أم رصده لتحسين الحصة التموينية.

May be appropriate to hold a referendum to see whether the Iraqis would prefer to spend this amount to delete the three zeroes from the dinar or monitored to improve the ration.

ولهذا الاستفتاء أهمية سياسية أيضا، لأنه سيظهر في نفس الوقت موافقة العراقيين أو رفضهم إدخال اللغة الكردية إلى عملتهم.

The political importance of this referendum as well, he would appear at the same time the approval or refusal to enter the Iraqi Kurdish language to their currency.

أضف إلى ذلك مبلغا آخر لسك القطع المعدنية ناهيك عن الأموال اللازمة لمواجهة تبعات حذف الأصفار كاستبدال الطوابع البريدية والمالية.

Add to that the amount of last Stamping metal parts not to mention the funds needed to cope with the consequences of deletion of zeros as a replacement postage stamps and finance.

ولما كان المقابل الاقتصادي لاستبدال الدينار يقترب من الصفر تصبح العملية خسارة مالية فادحة، خاصة أن ميزانية الدولة باتت تعاني من عجز.

As the economic return for the replacement of the dinar is close to zero the process becomes heavy financial loss, especially now that the state budget deficit.

وفي حالة الإصرار على هذا الاستبدال لسبب أو لآخر يتعين الأخذ بنظر الاعتبار الملاحظات التالية:

In the case of insistence on this replacement for one reason or another should be taking into account the following observations:

تطوير الطباعة المحلية: إن عملية حذف الأصفار خسارة ليست مالية فقط بل اقتصادية أيضا بسبب طبع العملة خارج العراق، أي لا تساهم هذه العملية في تشغيل العراقيين، ولا تقود إلى زيادة القيمة المضافة للصناعات التحويلية.

Development of local printing: The process of deleting the zeros of the loss is not only financial but also economic because of printing currency out of Iraq, which does not contribute to this process in the operation of the Iraqis, do not lead to increased value added of manufacturing industries.

وعلى هذا الأساس لا بد من تأهيل دار النهرين للطباعة التي تعرضت بعد الاحتلال أجهزتها للسرقة ووثائقها للحرق.

On this basis, it must be the rehabilitation of the Dar Al-Nahrain printing came after the occupation by the organs of the theft and burning of documents.

وهذه المؤسسة تطبع حاليا شيكات البنوك وجوازات السفر وبطاقات الأحوال المدنية.

This institution is currently printed checks and bank cards, passports and civil status.

ولها تجربة في الطبعة رقم 13 للدينار العراقي خلال فترة الحصار.

And have experience in the edition No. 13 of the Iraqi dinar during the siege.

ولا بد من دعمها للقيام بوظائفها النقدية.

It must be supported to carry out functions of cash.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن بلدانا عربية كالمغرب ومصر تطبع عملاتها وفق مواصفات عالية.

It should be noted that Arab countries like Morocco and Egypt are printing their currencies according to high standards.

التوعية: تشجيع استخدام الشيكات المصرفية وتقديم إرشادات إعلامية بضرورة المحافظة على سلامة الأوراق النقدية وإدخال الأجهزة الإلكترونية العاملة بالبطاقات الائتمانية للسحب والإيداع.

Awareness: promote the use of bank checks and provide guidance information need to maintain the integrity of the banknotes and the introduction of electronic devices operating credit card to withdraw and deposit.

دراسة الجدوى : من صور إهدار المال العام طبع أو سك فئات نقدية ثم يتبين أنها غير متداولة، الأمر الذي يستوجب سحبها من السوق.

Feasibility Study: Photos of wasting public money printing or minting categories of cash and then found to be in circulation, which requires withdrawal from the market.

وهذا ما حدث فعلا عام 2004 عندما طرحت قطع معدنية بقيمة 25 و50 و100 دينار ثم سحبت عام 2008.

This is what actually happened in 2004 when he raised $ 25 coins, 50 and 100 dinars, and then withdrew in 2008.



تدل تجارب الدول على أن إزالة الأصفار من العملة لا تقود إلى معالجة التضخم

The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to tackle inflation



تداعيات حذف الأصفار

Consequences of deletion of zeros

تقليص الكتلة النقدية: سيقود حذف ثلاثة أصفار إلى تقليص الكتلة النقدية (بمفهومها الضيق) من 24,2 تريليون دينار إلى 24,2 مليار دينار.

Reduce the cash block: delete three zeros will lead to reducing the cash block (narrow sense) from 24.2 trillion dinars to 24.2 billion dinars.

وسينعكس ذلك مباشرة على القيم الاسمية للمرتبات والأسهم والسندات والأسعار.

This translates directly to the nominal values for the salaries and stock and bond prices.

الشعور بالفقر : يقود حذف الأصفار إلى شعور المرء بالفقر، فمن كانت لديه عشرة ملايين دينار بات لا يملك سوى عشرة آلاف منها.

Sense of poverty: delete the leading zeros to the feeling of poverty, it had a ten million dinars is now not only has ten thousand of them.

قد يفضي هذا الشعور إلى تقليص الاستهلاك، الأمر الذي ينعكس سلبا على الوضع الاقتصادي الكلي للبلد.

This feeling may lead to reduced consumption, which reflected negatively on the macroeconomic situation of the country.

ولكن لا يجوز المبالغة في هذا التأثير، فقد اعتاد العراقيون أساسا على حذف ثلاثة أصفار في تعاملهم اليومي.

But may not be exaggerating this effect, the Iraqis used primarily to delete the three zeroes in their dealings daily.

كما أن الشعور بالفقر إن وجد ينحصر بفترة زمنية قصيرة.

The sense of poverty, if any, is limited to a short period of time.

التضخم : تدل تجارب الدول على أن إزالة الأصفار من العملة لا تقود إلى معالجة التضخم، ففي زيمبابوي تم حذف ثلاثة أصفار من دولار زيمبابوي (اسم العملة المحلية) عام 2006.

Inflation: The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to a deal with inflation in Zimbabwe has been deleted three zeros from the Zimbabwe dollars (the name of the local currency) in 2006.

ولم يهبط مؤشر التضخم بل باتت الأسعار ترتفع بنسبة 250% بالساعة (أكثر من مليونين بالمائة في السنة) حتى بلغ سعر رغيف الخبز مليون دولار.

Inflation index did not fall, but prices are rising by 250% per hour (more than two percent per year) until the price of a loaf of bread million.

علما بأن هذا الارتفاع لا علاقة له بحذف الأصفار بل بمعطيات اقتصادية تتعلق بالعرض والطلب.

Note that this rise is not related to the deletion of zeros, but with data relating to economic supply and demand.

ارتفعت الأسعار فكثرت مرة أخرى أصفار العملة وبلغت القيم الاسمية للأوراق النقدية بالتريليونات.

Prices rose again Vkthert zeros currency amounted to nominal values of banknotes trillions.

وفي العام 2008 أقدمت السلطات على حذف عشرة أصفار من دولار زيمبابوي.

In 2008 the authorities have deleted ten zeros from the Zimbabwe dollar.

ولم يصل الأمر إلى هذا الحد في العراق بفعل إيرادات النفط، لكن طبيعة المشكلة واحدة، وهي أن حذف الأصفار لا يعالج التضخم لأنها ليست سببا بل نتيجة له.

Did not reach this limit to be in Iraq by oil revenues, but the nature of the problem and one which is that the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation because it is not a cause but a result of it.

وحتى إذا افترضنا جدلا أن شطب الأصفار يخفف من حدة التضخم فلم يعد لهذا الحذف فائدة، لأن بيانات البنك المركزي العراقي تشير إلى أن نسبة التضخم أصبحت 3% فقط.

Even if we assume that the deletion of zeros reduces the severity of inflation is no longer useful for this deletion, because the Iraqi Central Bank data indicate that the rate of inflation has become only 3%.

وإذا كان حذف الأصفار لا يعالج التضخم فإنه لا يساهم في ارتفاعه.

If the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation it does not contribute to the rise.

إن إزالة ثلاثة أصفار تفترض تقسيم القيمة الاسمية للنقود الجديدة على 1000 وفي نفس الوقت تقسم على هذا الرقم المرتبات والأجور والدخول الأخرى والقيم الاسمية للأسهم والسندات وكذلك أسعار السلع والخدمات.

The removal of three zeros assume the division of the nominal value of the new money by 1000 and at the same time be divided by this figure salaries, wages and other income and nominal values of shares and bonds as well as the prices of goods and services.

وقد ترتفع أسعار بعض السلع أو الخدمات عند الانتقال إلى العملة الجديدة، فيتولد شعور شعبي بأن هذه العملة أدت إلى ذلك.

The rise in the prices of some goods or services when you move to the new currency, generating a popular feeling that the currency has led to it.

في حين يتعين البحث في العرض والطلب لتفسير هذا الارتفاع.

While research must be in supply and demand to explain this rise.

ولم ترتفع أسعار العقارات في أوروبا بسبب التعامل باليورو بل بسبب تزايد الطلب على العقارات في الفترة التي ظهر فيها اليورو.

Did not increase real estate prices in Europe because of the euro, but because of the increasing demand for real estate in the period in which the back of the euro.

التوهم النقدي: وهو معروف في النظرية الاقتصادية منذ الثلاثينيات من القرن المنصرم.

Monetary illusion: it is known in economic theory since the thirties of the last century.

إنه يصيب الأفراد الذين يشعرون بتحسن حالتهم المالية لمجرد ارتفاع مرتباتهم أو أجورهم كأن تزداد هذه الدخول بنسبة 10% فيزداد استهلاكهم.

It affects individuals who feel better financial situation is just to high salaries or wages if these incomes increase by 10% consumption rises.

ولكنهم سيكتشفون أن ارتفاع دخولهم كان اسميا فقط، إذ إن نسبة التضخم (12% مثلا) أدت إلى هبوط دخولهم الحقيقية.

But they will discover that the rise in incomes was only nominal, as the inflation rate (12% for example) led to a decline in real incomes.

عندئذ سيقلصون استهلاكهم لإعادة تكوين مدخراتهم.

You will limit their consumption to rebuild their savings.

ومنذ بضعة أشهر كثر الحديث في العراق عن ظهور التوهم النقدي في حالة حذف الأصفار من الدينار.

A few months ago a lot of talk in Iraq, the emergence of money illusion in the case of deletion of zeros from the dinar.

والواقع أنه لا صلة للتوهم النقدي بمفهومه الوارد أعلاه بإزالة الأصفار، لأنه يستوجب ارتفاع المرتبات بنسبة تقل عن نسبة التضخم.

In fact, it just is not relevant to monetary sense of the above remove the zeros, because it requires higher salaries by less than the rate of inflation.

وعندما لا توجد علاقة بين الدخل الاسمي والتضخم لا يصح الحديث عن التوهم النقدي.

When there is no relationship between nominal income and inflation is not correct to talk about the illusion of money.

إن حذف الأصفار قد يؤدي إلى عكس ذلك وفق عامل الشعور بالفقر.

The omission of zeros may lead to the opposite according to the worker a sense of poverty.

أي إلى هبوط الاستهلاك في المرحلة الأولى ثم إلى عودة الاستهلاك إلى وضعه العادي في المرحلة التالية.

To any decline in consumption in the first stage and then consumption to return to normal status in the next phase.

وفي جميع الحالات تبقى العوامل النفسية ثانوية ومحدودة بفترة زمنية قصيرة ولا تنطبق على جميع الأفراد بنفس الحدة.

In all cases, the psychological factors remain high and limited to a short time does not apply to all individuals with the same intensity.

إدخال اللغة الكردية: استبدال العملة العراقية فرصة لإدخال اللغة الكردية إلى جانب اللغتين العربية والإنكليزية.

The introduction of the Kurdish language: the replacement of the Iraqi currency a chance to enter the Kurdish language as well as Arabic and English.

سيكون الدينار العراقي العملة العربية الوحيدة المدونة بثلاث لغات.

Iraqi dinar currency will be the only Arab blog in three languages.

وسيستند ذلك إلى الفقرة الثانية من المادة الرابعة من الدستور التي تقضي بأن مبدأ المساواة يحتم إدخال اللغة الكردية إلى الأوراق النقدية وجوازات السفر والطوابع.

Will be based on to the second paragraph of Article IV of the Constitution which provides that the principle of equality requires the introduction of the Kurdish language to banknotes, passports and stamps.

وهذا النص منقول حرفيا عن المادة التاسعة من قانون إدارة الدولة للعام 2004.

This text is literally Moved on Article IX of the State Administration Law for the year 2004.

ولا يوجد نص مماثل له في جميع الدساتير العراقية السابقة.

There is no similar provision in all his previous Iraqi constitutions.

ترى هل يقتصر مبدأ المساواة على الأوراق النقدية دون القطع المعدنية أم أن الدستور لم يوفق في اختيار المصطلح المناسب.

Is the principle of equality is limited to banknotes or coins without that the Constitution did not succeed in selecting the appropriate term.

وإذا كان مبدأ المساواة يحتم إدخال الكردية إلى الأوراق النقدية فلماذا لا يحتم أيضا إقحام التركية والفارسية والسريانية والمندائية والإيزيدية والشبكية.

If the principle of equality requires the introduction of banknotes to the Kurdish why not also imperative to involve Turkish, Persian, Syriac, Mandaean and Yazidi and retina.

ولماذا لا يعترض المسيحيون على اسم العملة مثلما اشترطت حركة جنوب السودان في بنود اتفاق السلام الموقع مع الحكومة تبديل اسم الدينار إلى جنيه، وهذا ما تم فعلا عام 2007.

Why do not Christians object to the name of the currency movement, as stipulated in the southern Sudan peace deal signed with the government switched the name of the dinar to one pound, and this is what was actually in 2007.

العراق بلد عربي مسلم لا يحتمل هذه الفوضى.

Iraq's Arab Muslim country is not likely this mess.

إن اللغة الكردية غير منتشرة على الصعيدين العالمي والعربي، بل إنها غير مفهومة لدى أكثر من 85% من الشعب العراقي.

The Kurdish language is not widespread at both the global and the Arab world, but it is understood by more than 85% of the Iraqi people.



حذف الأصفار لا يختلف كثيرا عن تعديل حجم الأوراق النقدية أو تغيير ألوانها أو إضافة رسم جديد لها أو إزالة صورة منها

Delete the zeros is not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of



أمام حتمية إدخال اللغة الكردية إلى أول إصدار للعملة بعد نفاذ الدستور الجديد لا بد من الاستفادة من تجارب العملات الأخرى.

To the inevitability of the introduction of the Kurdish language to the first version of the coin after the entry into force of the new constitution must be to benefit from the experiences of other currencies.

على سبيل المثال اليورو عملة أقوام عديدة في أوروبا، ولكن لا توجد فيه أي لغة بل رموز وأرقام وصور فقط.

For example, many folks euro currency in Europe, but where there are no any language but symbols, numbers, and photos only.

والخلاصة أن حذف الأصفار لا يختلف كثيرا عن تعديل حجم الأوراق النقدية أو تغيير ألوانها أو إضافة رسم جديد لها أو إزالة صورة منها.

The conclusion that the deletion of zeros, not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of them.

جميع هذه العمليات لا تؤدي إلى تردي الوضع الاقتصادي أو إلى تحسنه.

All of these operations do not lead to a worsening of the economic situation or to improve.

فالاستبدال من ورقة نقدية من فئة 1000 دينار ورقة أخرى من فئة دينار واحد كالاستبدال من علبة حلوى وزنها 1000 غرام علبة أخرى من نفس الحلوى وزنها كيلوغرام واحد.

Replacing the paper reviews a class of 1000 dinars, and another sheet of class one dinar Kalastbdal from your candy weighing 1000 grams and another box of candy and the same weight of one kilogram.

Indications of rising inflation index, Iraq

دعوة لحذف الأصفار من الدينار العراقي

Call to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar

إستراتيجية لرفع قيمة الدينار العراقي

Strategy to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar









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DELTA............. I THINK WE DID IT.......TY SIR.




Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

[same article cleaned up a bit]

In AllNewsSpaceKnowledgeEconomics and BusinessStudiesFreedoms and rights

Press Release issuesEconomic reports

Tuesday, 15/1/1432 AH - approved 21/12/2010 (updated) 17:46 pm (Makkah), 14:46 (GMT)

Economic issues

What is the point to delete zeros from the Iraqi

The cost of deletion of zeros

Consequences of deletion of zeros

2011 will see the deletion of three zeros from denominations of Iraqi currency, and it will equal the new Vdinar thousand dinars offline.

Some argue that this process will return Iraq to the economic period brightly and enhance the value of the dinar to the IMF and the international community and will deal with economic problems, particularly inflation.

In the opinion of others in the process of the loss estimated at one third the value of the currency.

Fbtkadirhm owners would be affected by the salary and wages because they have to enter their purchasing power is less than the nominal value of the currency.

They believe that the abolition of zeros will lead to a "monetary illusion".

These positions are based on fragile foundations, and sometimes illogical.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency.

The first position is just wishful thinking can not be achieved by deleting the zeros.

The second situation ambiguous, how to delete zeros lead to financial loss and on what basis one third identified? The deletion would not address the inflation will not contribute to the exacerbations.

Nothing to do with the illusion (illusion, or rather) the subject of critical research.

Seems that the central bank and some government parties tend to the first direction, after that add to the national emblems of achievement and economic reform and placement up with the GCC countries.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency

Appearance of zeros and delete

In the comprehensive and rigorous blockade against Iraq for the period between 1990 and 2003 showed a severe economic crisis strength of the collapse of oil exports and the deterioration of industrial and agricultural production and rising unemployment, inflation and non-payment of external debt and chronic deficit in the state budget. It is intuitive that the exchange rate drops sharply, reaching par value of the dollar to 3000 dinars in 1995. It has become necessary to issue new categories of cash, amounting to a nominal 250 dinars, but not equal in terms of real value only 25 fils coin from the seventies.

There were thus three numbers on the Iraqi currency. The United States occupied Iraq in 2003, rushed to the cancellation and replacement of denominations. In order to facilitate internal trade in the daily life has become necessary to add other numbers. The deal is the currency of seven categories: 50 and 250 and 500 and 1000 and 10000 and 25000 dinars. Unlike the Arab countries do not exist in Iraq since about 15 years old coins. To raise the exchange rate there is, in principle, long and arduous road leading to positive economic results and the road to another quick and easy useless in economic terms.

The way the first indicators of monetary and financial, commercial and political. Which is the size of cash reserves and the weight of external debt and the Centre for the trade balance and balance of payments and public budget, inflation rate and the level of investments and the size of agricultural and industrial production and the intervention of the monetary authorities and the security conditions and exchange rates of major currencies. When comparing the year 2008 year 1995 we find an improvement in most of these indicators, the price of a barrel of oil from $ 17 in 1995 to $ 94 in 2008. Iraq was under an international embargo from 1990 to 2003.

While the blockade was abolished after the occupation. The outcome of these two factors of high oil revenues of $ 370 million in 1995 to 63,000 million dollars in 2008. In this period, she moved the cash reserves of almost zero to $ 50 billion. And never to the country to achieve such a size even before the war against Iran. Therefore, improvement of the exchange rate from 3000 dinars to the dollar in 1995 to 1204 dinars to the dollar in 2008 to 1120 dinars to the dollar at the end of the year 2010.

But this improvement is not equivalent to the results of the indicators mentioned at all due to the destruction of infrastructure and the absence of economic policies and rampant corruption.

Exchange rate is still very far from the aspirations of Iraqis. Hence, the idea to the other way is easier and faster, a deletion of three zeros from the dinar. The paper is a class of 5000 dinars for example, which will be replaced by another paper, a nominal value of JD 5 new ones. Then move the exchange rate between overnight from 1120.00 dinars to the dollar to 1.12 dinars to the dollar.

It is noted that the process of removing the zeros is known in several countries. Sudan delete two zeros from its currency in 2007. Bolivia and canceled three zeros off its currency in 2008. Romania and removed four zeros from the currency in 2005. Turkey and the removal of six zeroes from its currency in 2005.

Psychological factors

The reasons for the deletion of zeros is almost confined to the psychological aspect of the desirability of a currency with an exchange rate is high. This enters the height of joy to the heart of Iraq. The joy of the return of the dinar to the prosperous past. But this joy does not conceal his conviction that the process of removing zeros would not address the economic crisis suffered by the private landing the standard of living, unemployment and the deterioration of the security services and health, education and energy services. Indeed, the economic situation will not change when the dinar exchange rate of $ 0.8 (deleting three zeros) will not change even if the Iraqi dinar was equivalent to $ 8.

Because these values did not result from the offsetting economic data, as was the case for the seventies, but merely a formal decision. It should be noted that the central bank abandoned the practice for a fixed exchange rate system to adopt the floatation. Bank no longer intervene in the exchange rates became subject to the market, so do not cling to draw from the wisdom of the dinar per one dollar or any other price. Not the wisdom of sticking to draw dinar per one dollar or any other price

Must work to convince the Iraqis that the currency's strength derived from the strength of the economy is not the number of units of foreign currency equivalents. In Japan, there are banknotes of a ten thousand yen, or about one hundred dollars. Can not find the Japanese utility to delete the two zeros from their currency until it reaches the exchange rate of yen to dollars.

The cost of deletion of zeros

Until the year 1990, the Iraqi dinar printed in Britain.

In the mid-year siege between 1990 and the first third of the 2003 printing of the dinar in Iraq by the rivers of the printing house, which was established in 1979 and of the Central Bank of Iraq.

After the occupation back to print again to Britain assumed Delaro company.

There are no official data on the cost of Iraqi banknotes.

But it is known that the overall rate for the cost of paper cash in Britain 7 U.S. cents.

Enough then to know the number of traded securities to give an idea of the total cost.

We did not find an official source in this regard, but a statement made by an official in the Iraqi Central Bank which he said that this number more than four trillion paper.

We appreciate there was an error in this statement or to move.

It seems that the correct number is four billion paper.

And thus become the cost of printing $ 289 million.

This amount is useless compared to the financial situation of millions of Iraqis and an import more than 300 thousand tons of rice.

May be appropriate to hold a referendum to see whether the Iraqis would prefer to spend this amount to delete the three zeroes from the dinar or monitored to improve the ration.

The political importance of this referendum as well, he would appear at the same time the approval or refusal to enter the Iraqi Kurdish language to their currency. Add to that the amount of last Stamping metal parts not to mention the funds needed to cope with the consequences of deletion of zeros as a replacement postage stamps and finance.

As the economic return for the replacement of the dinar is close to zero the process becomes heavy financial loss, especially now that the state budget deficit. In the case of insistence on this replacement for one reason or another should be taking into account the following observations:

Development of local printing: The process of deleting the zeros of the loss is not only financial but also economic because of printing currency out of Iraq, which does not contribute to this process in the operation of the Iraqis, do not lead to increased value added of manufacturing industries.

On this basis, it must be the rehabilitation of the Dar Al-Nahrain printing came after the occupation by the organs of the theft and burning of documents. This institution is currently printed checks and bank cards, passports and civil status. And have experience in the edition No. 13 of the Iraqi dinar during the siege.

It must be supported to carry out functions of cash. It should be noted that Arab countries like Morocco and Egypt are printing their currencies according to high standards.

Awareness: promote the use of bank checks and provide guidance information need to maintain the integrity of the banknotes and the introduction of electronic devices operating credit card to withdraw and deposit.

Feasibility Study: Photos of wasting public money printing or minting categories of cash and then found to be in circulation, which requires withdrawal from the market. This is what actually happened in 2004 when he raised $ 25 coins, 50 and 100 dinars, and then withdrew in 2008. The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to tackle inflation

Consequences of deletion of zeros

Reduce the cash block: delete three zeros will lead to reducing the cash block (narrow sense) from 24.2 trillion dinars to 24.2 billion dinars. This translates directly to the nominal values for the salaries and stock and bond prices.

Sense of poverty: delete the leading zeros to the feeling of poverty, it had a ten million dinars is now not only has ten thousand of them. This feeling may lead to reduced consumption, which reflected negatively on the macroeconomic situation of the country.

But may not be exaggerating this effect, the Iraqis used primarily to delete the three zeroes in their dealings daily. The sense of poverty, if any, is limited to a short period of time.

Inflation: The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to a deal with inflation in Zimbabwe has been deleted three zeros from the Zimbabwe dollars (the name of the local currency) in 2006. Inflation index did not fall, but prices are rising by 250% per hour (more than two percent per year) until the price of a loaf of bread million.

Note that this rise is not related to the deletion of zeros, but with data relating to economic supply and demand. Prices rose again Vkthert zeros currency amounted to nominal values of banknotes trillions. In 2008 the authorities have deleted ten zeros from the Zimbabwe dollar.

Did not reach this limit to be in Iraq by oil revenues, but the nature of the problem and one which is that the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation because it is not a cause but a result of it. Even if we assume that the deletion of zeros reduces the severity of inflation is no longer useful for this deletion, because the Iraqi Central Bank data indicate that the rate of inflation has become only 3%. If the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation it does not contribute to the rise.

The removal of three zeros assume the division of the nominal value of the new money by 1000 and at the same time be divided by this figure salaries, wages and other income and nominal values of shares and bonds as well as the prices of goods and services. The rise in the prices of some goods or services when you move to the new currency, generating a popular feeling that the currency has led to it. While research must be in supply and demand to explain this rise. Did not increase real estate prices in Europe because of the euro, but because of the increasing demand for real estate in the period in which the back of the euro.

Monetary illusion: it is known in economic theory since the thirties of the last century. It affects individuals who feel better financial situation is just to high salaries or wages if these incomes increase by 10% consumption rises. But they will discover that the rise in incomes was only nominal, as the inflation rate (12% for example) led to a decline in real incomes.

You will limit their consumption to rebuild their savings. A few months ago a lot of talk in Iraq, the emergence of money illusion in the case of deletion of zeros from the dinar. In fact, it just is not relevant to monetary sense of the above remove the zeros, because it requires higher salaries by less than the rate of inflation. When there is no relationship between nominal income and inflation is not correct to talk about the illusion of money. The omission of zeros may lead to the opposite according to the worker a sense of poverty.

To any decline in consumption in the first stage and then consumption to return to normal status in the next phase. In all cases, the psychological factors remain high and limited to a short time does not apply to all individuals with the same intensity.

The introduction of the Kurdish language: the replacement of the Iraqi currency a chance to enter the Kurdish language as well as Arabic and English. Iraqi dinar currency will be the only Arab blog in three languages. Will be based on to the second paragraph of Article IV of the Constitution which provides that the principle of equality requires the introduction of the Kurdish language to banknotes, passports and stamps.

This text is literally Moved on Article IX of the State Administration Law for the year 2004. There is no similar provision in all his previous Iraqi constitutions. Is the principle of equality is limited to banknotes or coins without that the Constitution did not succeed in selecting the appropriate term. If the principle of equality requires the introduction of banknotes to the Kurdish why not also imperative to involve Turkish, Persian, Syriac, Mandaean and Yazidi and retina.

Why do not Christians object to the name of the currency movement, as stipulated in the southern Sudan peace deal signed with the government switched the name of the dinar to one pound, and this is what was actually in 2007. Iraq's Arab Muslim country is not likely this mess.

The Kurdish language is not widespread at both the global and the Arab world, but it is understood by more than 85% of the Iraqi people. Delete the zeros is not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of

To the inevitability of the introduction of the Kurdish language to the first version of the coin after the entry into force of the new constitution must be to benefit from the experiences of other currencies.

For example, many folks euro currency in Europe, but where there are no any language but symbols, numbers, and photos only. The conclusion that the deletion of zeros, not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of them. All of these operations do not lead to a worsening of the economic situation or to improve. Replacing the paper reviews a class of 1000 dinars, and another sheet of class one dinar Kalastbdal from your candy weighing 1000 grams and another box of candy and the same weight of one kilogram.


"Revalue, it will..."

[same article cleaned up a bit]

In AllNewsSpaceKnowledgeEconomics and BusinessStudiesFreedoms and rights

Press Release issuesEconomic reports

Tuesday, 15/1/1432 AH - approved 21/12/2010 (updated) 17:46 pm (Makkah), 14:46 (GMT)

Economic issues

What is the point to delete zeros from the Iraqi

The cost of deletion of zeros

Consequences of deletion of zeros

2011 will see the deletion of three zeros from denominations of Iraqi currency, and it will equal the new Vdinar thousand dinars offline.

Some argue that this process will return Iraq to the economic period brightly and enhance the value of the dinar to the IMF and the international community and will deal with economic problems, particularly inflation.

In the opinion of others in the process of the loss estimated at one third the value of the currency.

Fbtkadirhm owners would be affected by the salary and wages because they have to enter their purchasing power is less than the nominal value of the currency.

They believe that the abolition of zeros will lead to a "monetary illusion".

These positions are based on fragile foundations, and sometimes illogical.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency.

The first position is just wishful thinking can not be achieved by deleting the zeros.

The second situation ambiguous, how to delete zeros lead to financial loss and on what basis one third identified? The deletion would not address the inflation will not contribute to the exacerbations.

Nothing to do with the illusion (illusion, or rather) the subject of critical research.

Seems that the central bank and some government parties tend to the first direction, after that add to the national emblems of achievement and economic reform and placement up with the GCC countries.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency

Appearance of zeros and delete

In the comprehensive and rigorous blockade against Iraq for the period between 1990 and 2003 showed a severe economic crisis strength of the collapse of oil exports and the deterioration of industrial and agricultural production and rising unemployment, inflation and non-payment of external debt and chronic deficit in the state budget. It is intuitive that the exchange rate drops sharply, reaching par value of the dollar to 3000 dinars in 1995. It has become necessary to issue new categories of cash, amounting to a nominal 250 dinars, but not equal in terms of real value only 25 fils coin from the seventies.

There were thus three numbers on the Iraqi currency. The United States occupied Iraq in 2003, rushed to the cancellation and replacement of denominations. In order to facilitate internal trade in the daily life has become necessary to add other numbers. The deal is the currency of seven categories: 50 and 250 and 500 and 1000 and 10000 and 25000 dinars. Unlike the Arab countries do not exist in Iraq since about 15 years old coins. To raise the exchange rate there is, in principle, long and arduous road leading to positive economic results and the road to another quick and easy useless in economic terms.

The way the first indicators of monetary and financial, commercial and political. Which is the size of cash reserves and the weight of external debt and the Centre for the trade balance and balance of payments and public budget, inflation rate and the level of investments and the size of agricultural and industrial production and the intervention of the monetary authorities and the security conditions and exchange rates of major currencies. When comparing the year 2008 year 1995 we find an improvement in most of these indicators, the price of a barrel of oil from $ 17 in 1995 to $ 94 in 2008. Iraq was under an international embargo from 1990 to 2003.

While the blockade was abolished after the occupation. The outcome of these two factors of high oil revenues of $ 370 million in 1995 to 63,000 million dollars in 2008. In this period, she moved the cash reserves of almost zero to $ 50 billion. And never to the country to achieve such a size even before the war against Iran. Therefore, improvement of the exchange rate from 3000 dinars to the dollar in 1995 to 1204 dinars to the dollar in 2008 to 1120 dinars to the dollar at the end of the year 2010.

But this improvement is not equivalent to the results of the indicators mentioned at all due to the destruction of infrastructure and the absence of economic policies and rampant corruption.

Exchange rate is still very far from the aspirations of Iraqis. Hence, the idea to the other way is easier and faster, a deletion of three zeros from the dinar. The paper is a class of 5000 dinars for example, which will be replaced by another paper, a nominal value of JD 5 new ones. Then move the exchange rate between overnight from 1120.00 dinars to the dollar to 1.12 dinars to the dollar.

It is noted that the process of removing the zeros is known in several countries. Sudan delete two zeros from its currency in 2007. Bolivia and canceled three zeros off its currency in 2008. Romania and removed four zeros from the currency in 2005. Turkey and the removal of six zeroes from its currency in 2005.

Psychological factors

The reasons for the deletion of zeros is almost confined to the psychological aspect of the desirability of a currency with an exchange rate is high. This enters the height of joy to the heart of Iraq. The joy of the return of the dinar to the prosperous past. But this joy does not conceal his conviction that the process of removing zeros would not address the economic crisis suffered by the private landing the standard of living, unemployment and the deterioration of the security services and health, education and energy services. Indeed, the economic situation will not change when the dinar exchange rate of $ 0.8 (deleting three zeros) will not change even if the Iraqi dinar was equivalent to $ 8.

Because these values did not result from the offsetting economic data, as was the case for the seventies, but merely a formal decision. It should be noted that the central bank abandoned the practice for a fixed exchange rate system to adopt the floatation. Bank no longer intervene in the exchange rates became subject to the market, so do not cling to draw from the wisdom of the dinar per one dollar or any other price. Not the wisdom of sticking to draw dinar per one dollar or any other price

Must work to convince the Iraqis that the currency's strength derived from the strength of the economy is not the number of units of foreign currency equivalents. In Japan, there are banknotes of a ten thousand yen, or about one hundred dollars. Can not find the Japanese utility to delete the two zeros from their currency until it reaches the exchange rate of yen to dollars.

The cost of deletion of zeros

Until the year 1990, the Iraqi dinar printed in Britain.

In the mid-year siege between 1990 and the first third of the 2003 printing of the dinar in Iraq by the rivers of the printing house, which was established in 1979 and of the Central Bank of Iraq.

After the occupation back to print again to Britain assumed Delaro company.

There are no official data on the cost of Iraqi banknotes.

But it is known that the overall rate for the cost of paper cash in Britain 7 U.S. cents.

Enough then to know the number of traded securities to give an idea of the total cost.

We did not find an official source in this regard, but a statement made by an official in the Iraqi Central Bank which he said that this number more than four trillion paper.

We appreciate there was an error in this statement or to move.

It seems that the correct number is four billion paper.

And thus become the cost of printing $ 289 million.

This amount is useless compared to the financial situation of millions of Iraqis and an import more than 300 thousand tons of rice.

May be appropriate to hold a referendum to see whether the Iraqis would prefer to spend this amount to delete the three zeroes from the dinar or monitored to improve the ration.

The political importance of this referendum as well, he would appear at the same time the approval or refusal to enter the Iraqi Kurdish language to their currency. Add to that the amount of last Stamping metal parts not to mention the funds needed to cope with the consequences of deletion of zeros as a replacement postage stamps and finance.

As the economic return for the replacement of the dinar is close to zero the process becomes heavy financial loss, especially now that the state budget deficit. In the case of insistence on this replacement for one reason or another should be taking into account the following observations:

Development of local printing: The process of deleting the zeros of the loss is not only financial but also economic because of printing currency out of Iraq, which does not contribute to this process in the operation of the Iraqis, do not lead to increased value added of manufacturing industries.

On this basis, it must be the rehabilitation of the Dar Al-Nahrain printing came after the occupation by the organs of the theft and burning of documents. This institution is currently printed checks and bank cards, passports and civil status. And have experience in the edition No. 13 of the Iraqi dinar during the siege.

It must be supported to carry out functions of cash. It should be noted that Arab countries like Morocco and Egypt are printing their currencies according to high standards.

Awareness: promote the use of bank checks and provide guidance information need to maintain the integrity of the banknotes and the introduction of electronic devices operating credit card to withdraw and deposit.

Feasibility Study: Photos of wasting public money printing or minting categories of cash and then found to be in circulation, which requires withdrawal from the market. This is what actually happened in 2004 when he raised $ 25 coins, 50 and 100 dinars, and then withdrew in 2008. The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to tackle inflation

Consequences of deletion of zeros

Reduce the cash block: delete three zeros will lead to reducing the cash block (narrow sense) from 24.2 trillion dinars to 24.2 billion dinars. This translates directly to the nominal values for the salaries and stock and bond prices.

Sense of poverty: delete the leading zeros to the feeling of poverty, it had a ten million dinars is now not only has ten thousand of them. This feeling may lead to reduced consumption, which reflected negatively on the macroeconomic situation of the country.

But may not be exaggerating this effect, the Iraqis used primarily to delete the three zeroes in their dealings daily. The sense of poverty, if any, is limited to a short period of time.

Inflation: The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to a deal with inflation in Zimbabwe has been deleted three zeros from the Zimbabwe dollars (the name of the local currency) in 2006. Inflation index did not fall, but prices are rising by 250% per hour (more than two percent per year) until the price of a loaf of bread million.

Note that this rise is not related to the deletion of zeros, but with data relating to economic supply and demand. Prices rose again Vkthert zeros currency amounted to nominal values of banknotes trillions. In 2008 the authorities have deleted ten zeros from the Zimbabwe dollar.

Did not reach this limit to be in Iraq by oil revenues, but the nature of the problem and one which is that the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation because it is not a cause but a result of it. Even if we assume that the deletion of zeros reduces the severity of inflation is no longer useful for this deletion, because the Iraqi Central Bank data indicate that the rate of inflation has become only 3%. If the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation it does not contribute to the rise.

The removal of three zeros assume the division of the nominal value of the new money by 1000 and at the same time be divided by this figure salaries, wages and other income and nominal values of shares and bonds as well as the prices of goods and services. The rise in the prices of some goods or services when you move to the new currency, generating a popular feeling that the currency has led to it. While research must be in supply and demand to explain this rise. Did not increase real estate prices in Europe because of the euro, but because of the increasing demand for real estate in the period in which the back of the euro.

Monetary illusion: it is known in economic theory since the thirties of the last century. It affects individuals who feel better financial situation is just to high salaries or wages if these incomes increase by 10% consumption rises. But they will discover that the rise in incomes was only nominal, as the inflation rate (12% for example) led to a decline in real incomes.

You will limit their consumption to rebuild their savings. A few months ago a lot of talk in Iraq, the emergence of money illusion in the case of deletion of zeros from the dinar. In fact, it just is not relevant to monetary sense of the above remove the zeros, because it requires higher salaries by less than the rate of inflation. When there is no relationship between nominal income and inflation is not correct to talk about the illusion of money. The omission of zeros may lead to the opposite according to the worker a sense of poverty.

To any decline in consumption in the first stage and then consumption to return to normal status in the next phase. In all cases, the psychological factors remain high and limited to a short time does not apply to all individuals with the same intensity.

The introduction of the Kurdish language: the replacement of the Iraqi currency a chance to enter the Kurdish language as well as Arabic and English. Iraqi dinar currency will be the only Arab blog in three languages. Will be based on to the second paragraph of Article IV of the Constitution which provides that the principle of equality requires the introduction of the Kurdish language to banknotes, passports and stamps.

This text is literally Moved on Article IX of the State Administration Law for the year 2004. There is no similar provision in all his previous Iraqi constitutions. Is the principle of equality is limited to banknotes or coins without that the Constitution did not succeed in selecting the appropriate term. If the principle of equality requires the introduction of banknotes to the Kurdish why not also imperative to involve Turkish, Persian, Syriac, Mandaean and Yazidi and retina.

Why do not Christians object to the name of the currency movement, as stipulated in the southern Sudan peace deal signed with the government switched the name of the dinar to one pound, and this is what was actually in 2007. Iraq's Arab Muslim country is not likely this mess.

The Kurdish language is not widespread at both the global and the Arab world, but it is understood by more than 85% of the Iraqi people. Delete the zeros is not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of

To the inevitability of the introduction of the Kurdish language to the first version of the coin after the entry into force of the new constitution must be to benefit from the experiences of other currencies.

For example, many folks euro currency in Europe, but where there are no any language but symbols, numbers, and photos only. The conclusion that the deletion of zeros, not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of them. All of these operations do not lead to a worsening of the economic situation or to improve. Replacing the paper reviews a class of 1000 dinars, and another sheet of class one dinar Kalastbdal from your candy weighing 1000 grams and another box of candy and the same weight of one kilogram.


"Revalue, it will..."

[same article cleaned up a bit]

In AllNewsSpaceKnowledgeEconomics and BusinessStudiesFreedoms and rights

Press Release issuesEconomic reports

Tuesday, 15/1/1432 AH - approved 21/12/2010 (updated) 17:46 pm (Makkah), 14:46 (GMT)

Economic issues

What is the point to delete zeros from the Iraqi

The cost of deletion of zeros

Consequences of deletion of zeros

2011 will see the deletion of three zeros from denominations of Iraqi currency, and it will equal the new Vdinar thousand dinars offline.

Some argue that this process will return Iraq to the economic period brightly and enhance the value of the dinar to the IMF and the international community and will deal with economic problems, particularly inflation.

In the opinion of others in the process of the loss estimated at one third the value of the currency.

Fbtkadirhm owners would be affected by the salary and wages because they have to enter their purchasing power is less than the nominal value of the currency.

They believe that the abolition of zeros will lead to a "monetary illusion".

These positions are based on fragile foundations, and sometimes illogical.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency.

The first position is just wishful thinking can not be achieved by deleting the zeros.

The second situation ambiguous, how to delete zeros lead to financial loss and on what basis one third identified? The deletion would not address the inflation will not contribute to the exacerbations.

Nothing to do with the illusion (illusion, or rather) the subject of critical research.

Seems that the central bank and some government parties tend to the first direction, after that add to the national emblems of achievement and economic reform and placement up with the GCC countries.

There is a clear mix between the abolition of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing between the second such cancellation and inflation, and mixing between the third such cancellation and the devaluation of the currency

Appearance of zeros and delete

In the comprehensive and rigorous blockade against Iraq for the period between 1990 and 2003 showed a severe economic crisis strength of the collapse of oil exports and the deterioration of industrial and agricultural production and rising unemployment, inflation and non-payment of external debt and chronic deficit in the state budget. It is intuitive that the exchange rate drops sharply, reaching par value of the dollar to 3000 dinars in 1995. It has become necessary to issue new categories of cash, amounting to a nominal 250 dinars, but not equal in terms of real value only 25 fils coin from the seventies.

There were thus three numbers on the Iraqi currency. The United States occupied Iraq in 2003, rushed to the cancellation and replacement of denominations. In order to facilitate internal trade in the daily life has become necessary to add other numbers. The deal is the currency of seven categories: 50 and 250 and 500 and 1000 and 10000 and 25000 dinars. Unlike the Arab countries do not exist in Iraq since about 15 years old coins. To raise the exchange rate there is, in principle, long and arduous road leading to positive economic results and the road to another quick and easy useless in economic terms.

The way the first indicators of monetary and financial, commercial and political. Which is the size of cash reserves and the weight of external debt and the Centre for the trade balance and balance of payments and public budget, inflation rate and the level of investments and the size of agricultural and industrial production and the intervention of the monetary authorities and the security conditions and exchange rates of major currencies. When comparing the year 2008 year 1995 we find an improvement in most of these indicators, the price of a barrel of oil from $ 17 in 1995 to $ 94 in 2008. Iraq was under an international embargo from 1990 to 2003.

While the blockade was abolished after the occupation. The outcome of these two factors of high oil revenues of $ 370 million in 1995 to 63,000 million dollars in 2008. In this period, she moved the cash reserves of almost zero to $ 50 billion. And never to the country to achieve such a size even before the war against Iran. Therefore, improvement of the exchange rate from 3000 dinars to the dollar in 1995 to 1204 dinars to the dollar in 2008 to 1120 dinars to the dollar at the end of the year 2010.

But this improvement is not equivalent to the results of the indicators mentioned at all due to the destruction of infrastructure and the absence of economic policies and rampant corruption.

Exchange rate is still very far from the aspirations of Iraqis. Hence, the idea to the other way is easier and faster, a deletion of three zeros from the dinar. The paper is a class of 5000 dinars for example, which will be replaced by another paper, a nominal value of JD 5 new ones. Then move the exchange rate between overnight from 1120.00 dinars to the dollar to 1.12 dinars to the dollar.

It is noted that the process of removing the zeros is known in several countries. Sudan delete two zeros from its currency in 2007. Bolivia and canceled three zeros off its currency in 2008. Romania and removed four zeros from the currency in 2005. Turkey and the removal of six zeroes from its currency in 2005.

Psychological factors

The reasons for the deletion of zeros is almost confined to the psychological aspect of the desirability of a currency with an exchange rate is high. This enters the height of joy to the heart of Iraq. The joy of the return of the dinar to the prosperous past. But this joy does not conceal his conviction that the process of removing zeros would not address the economic crisis suffered by the private landing the standard of living, unemployment and the deterioration of the security services and health, education and energy services. Indeed, the economic situation will not change when the dinar exchange rate of $ 0.8 (deleting three zeros) will not change even if the Iraqi dinar was equivalent to $ 8.

Because these values did not result from the offsetting economic data, as was the case for the seventies, but merely a formal decision. It should be noted that the central bank abandoned the practice for a fixed exchange rate system to adopt the floatation. Bank no longer intervene in the exchange rates became subject to the market, so do not cling to draw from the wisdom of the dinar per one dollar or any other price. Not the wisdom of sticking to draw dinar per one dollar or any other price

Must work to convince the Iraqis that the currency's strength derived from the strength of the economy is not the number of units of foreign currency equivalents. In Japan, there are banknotes of a ten thousand yen, or about one hundred dollars. Can not find the Japanese utility to delete the two zeros from their currency until it reaches the exchange rate of yen to dollars.

The cost of deletion of zeros

Until the year 1990, the Iraqi dinar printed in Britain.

In the mid-year siege between 1990 and the first third of the 2003 printing of the dinar in Iraq by the rivers of the printing house, which was established in 1979 and of the Central Bank of Iraq.

After the occupation back to print again to Britain assumed Delaro company.

There are no official data on the cost of Iraqi banknotes.

But it is known that the overall rate for the cost of paper cash in Britain 7 U.S. cents.

Enough then to know the number of traded securities to give an idea of the total cost.

We did not find an official source in this regard, but a statement made by an official in the Iraqi Central Bank which he said that this number more than four trillion paper.

We appreciate there was an error in this statement or to move.

It seems that the correct number is four billion paper.

And thus become the cost of printing $ 289 million.

This amount is useless compared to the financial situation of millions of Iraqis and an import more than 300 thousand tons of rice.

May be appropriate to hold a referendum to see whether the Iraqis would prefer to spend this amount to delete the three zeroes from the dinar or monitored to improve the ration.

The political importance of this referendum as well, he would appear at the same time the approval or refusal to enter the Iraqi Kurdish language to their currency. Add to that the amount of last Stamping metal parts not to mention the funds needed to cope with the consequences of deletion of zeros as a replacement postage stamps and finance.

As the economic return for the replacement of the dinar is close to zero the process becomes heavy financial loss, especially now that the state budget deficit. In the case of insistence on this replacement for one reason or another should be taking into account the following observations:

Development of local printing: The process of deleting the zeros of the loss is not only financial but also economic because of printing currency out of Iraq, which does not contribute to this process in the operation of the Iraqis, do not lead to increased value added of manufacturing industries.

On this basis, it must be the rehabilitation of the Dar Al-Nahrain printing came after the occupation by the organs of the theft and burning of documents. This institution is currently printed checks and bank cards, passports and civil status. And have experience in the edition No. 13 of the Iraqi dinar during the siege.

It must be supported to carry out functions of cash. It should be noted that Arab countries like Morocco and Egypt are printing their currencies according to high standards.

Awareness: promote the use of bank checks and provide guidance information need to maintain the integrity of the banknotes and the introduction of electronic devices operating credit card to withdraw and deposit.

Feasibility Study: Photos of wasting public money printing or minting categories of cash and then found to be in circulation, which requires withdrawal from the market. This is what actually happened in 2004 when he raised $ 25 coins, 50 and 100 dinars, and then withdrew in 2008. The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to tackle inflation

Consequences of deletion of zeros

Reduce the cash block: delete three zeros will lead to reducing the cash block (narrow sense) from 24.2 trillion dinars to 24.2 billion dinars. This translates directly to the nominal values for the salaries and stock and bond prices.

Sense of poverty: delete the leading zeros to the feeling of poverty, it had a ten million dinars is now not only has ten thousand of them. This feeling may lead to reduced consumption, which reflected negatively on the macroeconomic situation of the country.

But may not be exaggerating this effect, the Iraqis used primarily to delete the three zeroes in their dealings daily. The sense of poverty, if any, is limited to a short period of time.

Inflation: The experiences of States to remove the zeros from the currency does not lead to a deal with inflation in Zimbabwe has been deleted three zeros from the Zimbabwe dollars (the name of the local currency) in 2006. Inflation index did not fall, but prices are rising by 250% per hour (more than two percent per year) until the price of a loaf of bread million.

Note that this rise is not related to the deletion of zeros, but with data relating to economic supply and demand. Prices rose again Vkthert zeros currency amounted to nominal values of banknotes trillions. In 2008 the authorities have deleted ten zeros from the Zimbabwe dollar.

Did not reach this limit to be in Iraq by oil revenues, but the nature of the problem and one which is that the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation because it is not a cause but a result of it. Even if we assume that the deletion of zeros reduces the severity of inflation is no longer useful for this deletion, because the Iraqi Central Bank data indicate that the rate of inflation has become only 3%. If the deletion of zeros does not address the inflation it does not contribute to the rise.

The removal of three zeros assume the division of the nominal value of the new money by 1000 and at the same time be divided by this figure salaries, wages and other income and nominal values of shares and bonds as well as the prices of goods and services. The rise in the prices of some goods or services when you move to the new currency, generating a popular feeling that the currency has led to it. While research must be in supply and demand to explain this rise. Did not increase real estate prices in Europe because of the euro, but because of the increasing demand for real estate in the period in which the back of the euro.

Monetary illusion: it is known in economic theory since the thirties of the last century. It affects individuals who feel better financial situation is just to high salaries or wages if these incomes increase by 10% consumption rises. But they will discover that the rise in incomes was only nominal, as the inflation rate (12% for example) led to a decline in real incomes.

You will limit their consumption to rebuild their savings. A few months ago a lot of talk in Iraq, the emergence of money illusion in the case of deletion of zeros from the dinar. In fact, it just is not relevant to monetary sense of the above remove the zeros, because it requires higher salaries by less than the rate of inflation. When there is no relationship between nominal income and inflation is not correct to talk about the illusion of money. The omission of zeros may lead to the opposite according to the worker a sense of poverty.

To any decline in consumption in the first stage and then consumption to return to normal status in the next phase. In all cases, the psychological factors remain high and limited to a short time does not apply to all individuals with the same intensity.

The introduction of the Kurdish language: the replacement of the Iraqi currency a chance to enter the Kurdish language as well as Arabic and English. Iraqi dinar currency will be the only Arab blog in three languages. Will be based on to the second paragraph of Article IV of the Constitution which provides that the principle of equality requires the introduction of the Kurdish language to banknotes, passports and stamps.

This text is literally Moved on Article IX of the State Administration Law for the year 2004. There is no similar provision in all his previous Iraqi constitutions. Is the principle of equality is limited to banknotes or coins without that the Constitution did not succeed in selecting the appropriate term. If the principle of equality requires the introduction of banknotes to the Kurdish why not also imperative to involve Turkish, Persian, Syriac, Mandaean and Yazidi and retina.

Why do not Christians object to the name of the currency movement, as stipulated in the southern Sudan peace deal signed with the government switched the name of the dinar to one pound, and this is what was actually in 2007. Iraq's Arab Muslim country is not likely this mess.

The Kurdish language is not widespread at both the global and the Arab world, but it is understood by more than 85% of the Iraqi people. Delete the zeros is not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of

To the inevitability of the introduction of the Kurdish language to the first version of the coin after the entry into force of the new constitution must be to benefit from the experiences of other currencies.

For example, many folks euro currency in Europe, but where there are no any language but symbols, numbers, and photos only. The conclusion that the deletion of zeros, not much different from adjusting the volume of banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of them. All of these operations do not lead to a worsening of the economic situation or to improve. Replacing the paper reviews a class of 1000 dinars, and another sheet of class one dinar Kalastbdal from your candy weighing 1000 grams and another box of candy and the same weight of one kilogram.


"Revalue, it will..."

Sorry guy's I dont have one that works. It seems he saved it before the link stopped working. So what you see is what you get. :lol:

Edited by inheritance
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HomePostsNewsTidbitsRumorsMembersSitesCash-InHow-toAbout * Frank26 Post: KTF Missions 1/09/11 (Delta & Team Report)

January 9th, 2011 08:54 pm · Posted in CHATS / POSTS











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HomePostsNewsTidbitsRumorsMembersSitesCash-InHow-toAbout * Frank26 Post: KTF Missions 1/09/11 (Delta & Team Report)

January 9th, 2011 08:54 pm · Posted in CHATS / POSTS











When they say lift or "raise" zeros, why don't they say remove??? AND are they talking about "removing zeros from the actual bills (pretend they don't exist anymore) or the 3 zeros in the exchange rate and go from .00086 to .86?????? ANYONE???

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I sure hope this is our form of date 1/11/11 (January 11 2011) instead of theirs 1/11/11 (November 1 2011)

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I sure hope this is our form of date 1/11/11 (January 11 2011) instead of theirs 1/11/11 (November 1 2011)

I highly doubt they're waiting until November 2011 to finalize their budget for the entire year. You may as well not have one at all if that were the case.

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