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Iraqi Planning: Budget 2011 gave priority to projects to provide electric power

Chief V

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Iraqi Planning: Budget 2011 gave priority to projects to provide electric power

18/11/2010 16:54

بغداد/18تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر(آكانيوز)- أكدت وزارة التخطيط والتعاون الانمائي، الخميسن أن موازنة عام 2011 أعطت أولوية لمشاريع توفير الكهرباء. Baghdad / November 18 (Rn) - The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Alkhamisn that the budget of 2011 gave priority to projects to provide electricity.

وقال الوزير المنتهية ولايته علي بابان لوكالة كردستان للانباء (آكانيوز) إن "موازنة عام 2011 ركزت بشكل اساسي على المشاريع الخدمية خاصة مشاريع توفير الطاقة الكهربائية في البلاد". The minister said the outgoing Ali Baban, a Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the budget in 2011 focused mainly on service projects especially projects to supply electricity in the country."

وأوضح أن "موازنة عام 2011 بشكلها الحالي تحاول معالجة الخلل في تنفيذ المشاريع الخدمية التي تنفذها الوزارة الحكومية وفيها الكثير من المرونة ". He explained that "the budget in 2011 in its current form is trying to address the imbalance in the implementation of service projects carried out by the government ministry and a lot of flexibility."

ويعاني العراق من نقص كبير في توفير الطاقة الكهربائية برزت بشكل واضح في الصيف الماضي الذي خرج فيه المواطنون بمظاهرات غاضبة تندد بالأداء الحكومي في توفير الكهرباء الامر الذي تسبب باستقالة وزير الكهرباء آنذاك كريم وحيد واناطة أدارة الوزارة إلى وزير النفط حسين الشهرستاني. Iraq has suffered from a significant lack in the provision of electric power figured prominently in last summer, which came out in which citizens staged an angry condemning the government performance in the provision of electricity which caused the resignation of the Minister of Electricity at the time Karim Wahid and entrust management of the Ministry to Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani.

ولم يناقش إلى الان مجلس رئاسة الوزراء موازنة عام 2011 لأسباب يصفها بالفنية. Did not discuss the now Minister of the Presidency of the budget in 2011 for the reasons described professional.

وتحذر وزارة التخطيط من مغبة تأخير إقرار موازنة عام 2011 كون ذلك يضع العراق على محك اقتصادي خطير. And warns the Ministry of Planning of the consequences of delay in approving the budget in 2011 that this puts Iraq on the test of a serious economic.

وكانت وزارة المالية العراقية قد أعلنت الشهر الماضي الانتهاء من وضع مشروع موازنة العراق لعام 2011، وتخصص الموازنة الجديدة حصة كبيرة للاستثمار، ولدعم إستراتيجية الحكومة للتنمية التي ستستمر لأربع سنواتٍ مقبلة. The Iraqi Finance Ministry announced last month that the finalization of the draft budget for Iraq in 2011, and the new budget allocates a large share of investment, and to support the government's development strategy that will continue for the next four years.

وتبلغ الموازنة المبدئية للعراق في عام 2011 نحو 86 مليار و400 مليون دولار بافتراض سعر النفط 70 دولاراً للبرميل الواحد، أي بزيادة تصل إلى 14 مليار دولار عن الميزانية الماضية. The initial budget for Iraq in 2011 about 86 billion and $ 400 million, assuming the price of oil is $ 70 per barrel, an increase of up to 14 billion dollars in the last budget.

وبحسب قانون إدارة المالية، رقم 95 لسنة 2004، ينبغي على الحكومة إعداد ميزانية العام التالي، في شهر أيلول/سبتمبر من كل سنة، تمهيدا لمناقشتها في مجلس النواب من أجل إقرارها. According to the Financial Administration Act, No. 95 of 2004, the government should prepare a budget for the following year, in September of each year, in preparation for discussion at the House of Representatives for approval.

ويرى الكثيرون أن تأخر إقرار الموازنة سيضع البلاد في خضم أزمة أخرى، ستنعكس سلبا على المشاريع الخدمية والاستثمارية في البلاد. Many feel that the delay in adoption of the budget would put the country in the midst of another crisis, will reflect negatively on service projects and investment in the country.

وعادة ما تشهد إعداد الموازنات المالية للبلاد وإقرارها تأخيرا من قبل الحكومة ومجلس النواب بسبب كثرة الاعتراضات والانتقادات على بعض فقراتها أبرزها أوجه الصرف والتخصيصات المالية لبعض المؤسسات الحكومية والرئاسات الثلاث. And usually sees the preparation of budgets, the country's financial and approval delays by the government and the House of Representatives because of the many objections and criticism of certain paragraphs highlighted aspects of exchange and the financial allocations for some government institutions and the three presidencies.

وكان مجلس النواب السابق قد أقر في كانون الثاني/يناير الماضي ميزانية عام 2010 التي بلغت 72 مليار و400 مليون دولار بعجز قدره 19 مليار و600 مليون دولار مع افتراض سعر برميل النفط عند 62 دولارا و50 سنتا. The House had previously acknowledged last January that the 2010 budget at 72 billion and $ 400 million deficit of $ 19 billion and $ 600 million, assuming the price of a barrel of oil at 62 dollars and 50 cents.

من جعفر الونان، تح: محمد الفيلي Allonan of Jafar, the Open: Mohammad Faili

Not sure if this is in relation to General Electric, but don't promote other sites has posted that he has it on good authority that GE has gotten paid by Iraq. Saw it on google after someone mentioned it to me, this was all I could find in relation to electricity.


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I hope you are well and your ending comment is indeed the case! General Electric and Siemans were paid the $50 million from interest in 2010 --- but the monies were being appropriated from the 2011 budget.

Thanks again for the post and good luck over there my friend.



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I hope you are well and your ending comment is indeed the case! General Electric and Siemans were paid the $50 million from interest in 2010 --- but the monies were being appropriated from the 2011 budget.

Thanks again for the post and good luck over there my friend.



Thanks Scooter, I was hoping that that information was correct, Sonny1 had mentioned that GE was involved in this and waiting for their share, so hopefully this is the good news we've been waiting for and the RV/RI will follow suit.

I am home and have been since July 2nd, thank you for the well wishes. I'm done with the Middle East and once this is over the only need for me to go back is to see Iraq in it's full splendor after full reconstruction and rebuilding. I know for a fact it will be amazing as it sounds they wish to surpass if not rival Dubai.


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Thanks Scooter, I was hoping that that information was correct, Sonny1 had mentioned that GE was involved in this and waiting for their share, so hopefully this is the good news we've been waiting for and the RV/RI will follow suit.

I am home and have been since July 2nd, thank you for the well wishes. I'm done with the Middle East and once this is over the only need for me to go back is to see Iraq in it's full splendor after full reconstruction and rebuilding. I know for a fact it will be amazing as it sounds they wish to surpass if not rival Dubai.


Thanks Chief. I too am looking forward to visiting in a few years. I think you are 100% correct...they will be a crowning jewel in the ME. Thanks in no small part to people like yourself and the rest of the military forces that have given so much of their lives.

Thanks again!


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