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he never said it would RV on Thursday when just we would get a email when it did RV

some people think what they want to hear and don't really listen :unsure:

If you're referring to my post I didn't say Adam said it would RV on Thursday. I said Viper51 said it would probably be on a Thursday.

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Adam is saying that he believes it will be soon (high alert) but not today. He believes that when it happens, the announcement will come first thing in the morning Baghdad time which would be around 12 AM eastern time. Not necessarily tomorrow but someday soon. Add that to what Scooter has said (maybe by the 15th) and what Viper has said (probably on a Thursday) and I think the 14th would be the most likely date. No predictions of course.

Calm, rational excitement? I like it. :D I think you're close to the mark there amigo.

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Same old, same old.

Note to Fummins from Sglass~ -- what site do you think you are on? This is DV!!! B)

I call foul!!!

Sunglass, you know you're not supposed to edit people's posts to put your comments in there. Type out your own post. Remember, we went over this situation 6 months ago. Look up the thread in the mod section.

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