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Saturday Morning Opinions @ 9:50 AM MDT - 11/09/2024


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON



Frank26  IMO, Iraq will, "IS" a currency hub.


MarkZ  Article: Sudani issues 6 directives to increase financial inclusion and raise its indicators in all governates” These include increasing number of banking branches, modern technologies, banking services, etc. They have modernized their banking system for the rise in value of their currency. This is all part of their white papers and economic reforms. One of their goals is to raise the purchasing power of the dinar for all Iraq. That means a revaluation (RV) or Re-instatement.



Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani held a telephone call with President Trump and Mr Trump said I'm going to help end the conflict in that whole region that you got there and they agreed to meet in the near future. FRANK: Yeah, they'll meet before he becomes president in January.  Mark my words, the whole world is calling Sudani because of your monetary reform success and now the whole world is calling my President Trump because they know they will now be successful with him.  Sudani only talks to people that want to be successful with him.




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Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani held a telephone call with President Trump and Mr Trump said I'm going to help end the conflict in that whole region that you got there and they agreed to meet in the near future. FRANK: Yeah, they'll meet before he becomes president in January.  Mark my words, the whole world is calling Sudani because of your monetary reform success and now the whole world is calling my President Trump because they know they will now be successful with him.  Sudani only talks to people that want to be successful with him.:tiphat:



Not disagreeing...

Just curious why Trump didn't get it done in his 1st term. 

Iraq had prosperity & stability, then.   Go Rv.

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"Not disagreeing...

Just curious why Trump didn't get it done in his 1st term. 

Iraq had prosperity & stability, then."

Thinking Trump too busy fighting the back stabbers & legal issues - this time around the people have spoken & if dems want any future best listen up & learn to work - really work - no more pork. See Schumer not likely to obtain Senate majority leader - he's pined for that job for long time. 👍🙏

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6 hours ago, Luigi1 said:

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani held a telephone call with President Trump and Mr Trump said I'm going to help end the conflict in that whole region that you got there and they agreed to meet in the near future. FRANK: Yeah, they'll meet before he becomes president in January.  Mark my words, the whole world is calling Sudani because of your monetary reform success and now the whole world is calling my President Trump because they know they will now be successful with him.  Sudani only talks to people that want to be successful with him.:tiphat:



Not disagreeing...

Just curious why Trump didn't get it done in his 1st term. 

Iraq had prosperity & stability, then.   Go Rv.

One option, and I don't know this to be true, but just thinking out loud. In 2016 he didn't have a congress majority, Maybe he was avoiding the dems being able to take credit at any level? not sure but it sounds like something he would do if he is in fact in control of the RV at any level.

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19 minutes ago, kelsguy1113 said:

One option, and I don't know this to be true, but just thinking out loud. In 2016 he didn't have a congress majority, Maybe he was avoiding the dems being able to take credit at any level? not sure but it sounds like something he would do if he is in fact in control of the RV at any level.

Iirc GOP had majorities in both senate and congress when DJT won in 2016, then lost the house majority in 2018


EDIT - Wikipedia says dems gained house in 2018...

Edited by NMP2017
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Donald has openly admitted he had no idea what he was doing the first time around and relied on many( who turned out to be snakes) for guidance. So if you are sitting in the oval office and somebody you trust ( who possibly had their fingers in the Iraqi pie) Why would they ever say yes the rv of the dinar would be a good thing? NOW, it is a very different playing field. He said him self now he knows who to trust and understands better about working in Washington DC. They won't be able to blind side him this time. I feel really hopeful the dinar will skyrocket soon. 

I saw a report today about how he is already taking action and he is still president elected. If he has been in the background all along I would like to see any of the Democrats try to stop him. His team would take an even bigger dump on the Democrats than the huge dump they took on them on November 5th. I am not saying they dems won't weep and winge and try all sorts of thing between now and inauguration day but at the same time I think they now are acutely aware of the limits of their power .

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5 hours ago, rvmydinar said:

Under trump during his second term? That would still be a million dollar question.:confused2: sorry I don't try to let everybody down. 

Here's to hopium 🍾🍷🥂🍻🍺🍸🍹 drink of choice. 😂🤣😅🤣😂

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