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Friday Afternoon Opinions @ 4:35 PM CDT - 11/08/2024


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON



Clare  Article: "Iraq increases its gold holdings and ranks third in the Arab world" Quote: "Iraq increased its gold holdings to 152.6 tons, after it had held 152.5 tons, which represents 11.5% of its remaining reserves."


MarkZ  Isn’t that interesting: Sudani was overheard saying they planned to have the revaluation completed, everything done by Victory Day; which is December 10th. This is from a number of folks in parliamentary finance who heard the comment. This means they have to go soon if it’s to be “completed by Dec. 10th.


Militia Man   Article: "Iraq intends to increase the International Monetary Fund by equivalent of 1.45 trillion dinar." They paid off their debt, inflation is down, interest rates have dropped, foreign currency reserves have increase, 152.6 tons of gold. Does that sound like a country that's still going to stay at 1310 with their exchange rate?


Samson  Article: "Al-Hakim to UN Representative: Iraq is experiencing unprecedented stability"


Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They were praising Sudani on the television on what he has our last two years.  We all were going crazy because it's fantastic stuff everything that he has done...Remember what Shabibi said back in the day when he was alive, in order for the rate change Iraq must have both stability and security! FRANK: These are the tell-tale signs.  This is the evidence that you seek...


Mnt Goat   My contact told me not to expect any move forward with the Project to Delete the Zeros until this new Trump administration signals, they will “fully” support it and the “process” and move to the end of the process, which is, as we all know, the reinstatement.  Remember we don’t go to the bank until the reinstatement back on FOREX occurs, the end of the process. 



:tiphat:EVERYONE - Have a great Veterans' Day Weekend - Blessings - RON 

Edited by ronscarpa
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Added @ 6:10 PM CDT:



Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Alaq is on television calling for the price of oil in the budget to be adjusted to $40.  It's currently at $70. The only reason we see this happening is Alaq knows there is going to be a rate change. FRANK: That's right, because of a new exchange rate that is coming and because of the oil that will be used in 2025 with the new exchange rate.




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