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How to Impact the World * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 9/23/2024 - Be Ready


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September 23, 2024


As believers, we know that God desires to use us as His representatives, being conduits of His power and love. As we go about our daily lives, we should always be aware of this. Today, our friend Gina Gholston shares about this concept, challenging us to represent Christ each day. She mentions the Healing Summit at The Oasis in Middletown, Ohio, several weeks back. 


We have decided to do another one in a few weeks, on October 25. Many testimonies of healing have come in, both from individuals present there in Middletown, and as importantly, from churches that joined with us online that night. It must be emphasized that our purpose is not to build the ministries of those participating in these healing services. It is to come into agreement with heaven’s plan, unlocking a new wave of signs and wonders in the earth that will not only bless the hurting, but will point millions of people to Jesus. 


Although we have received many wonderful testimonies of healing, we know the level of power and anointing must increase. We believe the previous meeting was a wonderful beginning, but we also believe a much deeper well of miracles is to be opened. And we are intent on seeing this. Churches will join in again, agreeing for this. You can register to attend starting today, and I’m sure it will fill up quickly. All details can be found at


Here is what Gina says about the coming surge of God’s power. Her title is:


How to Impact the World


A few weeks ago, Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio, hosted the Healing Summit. People from every state and even different nations came together in faith to experience the healing power of Jesus, and that’s exactly what transpired. Testimonies have been flowing in from thousands who experienced healing, deliverance, and salvation.


Recently, the Lord showed me that the Healing Summit was more than a healing service. The Healing Summit wasn’t just about Oasis Church. He said to me, “It was the launch of a movement.” I believe it is not a “new thing,” but the restoration of Christ’s desire for His church. He is restoring His Ekklesia, His governing body, to fully operate in His power and authority. 


There is an awakening of our spiritual inheritance that has begun to stir in the hearts of God’s people. Many are recognizing the power deficit we have tolerated in past years, and are now determined to regain what has been lost. We will no longer be content to just hear stories and testimonies of what God did in past generations. We know He is not done and are pressing in to experience a touch from Him ourselves, and shine with His glory and power. There was a wave of healing power that was released at the Healing Summit, and what was launched that night will continue to grow with an even greater intensity. I believe God is launching another great move of His Spirit.


As members of Christ’s body, we must be aware of all God has made available to us. We must be diligent to know the Scriptures and remain steadfast in our focus and obedience to Him. We must represent Christ and exhibit a true reflection of His likeness to the world. 


Some would argue that healing, miracles, and the gifts of Holy Spirit are not operational today. They say we no longer need a demonstration of the power of God, but nothing could be further from the truth. We need the Word of God being taught accompanied with the power and conviction of Holy Spirit if we are to see America saved and our world changed. God’s healing and miracle gifts spark an awakening and awareness of Jesus that can come no other way. By seeing, many will believe!

Not one Christian would be a believer today if it were not for the power of Holy Spirit. Our very salvation stems from the power and ability God demonstrated in raising Jesus from the dead. The Holy Bible we preach from and use as the foundation of our beliefs is filled with the records of miracles, signs, and wonders  that occurred through people being used and anointed by Holy Spirit. Evidence of the reality of Jesus has provoked change and turned the hearts of great skeptics all throughout history.


Imagine the Bible with no demonstration of God’s glory—no record of the wonder-working power of God, no record of the Red Sea parted, of David killing the giant, or of Daniel being delivered in the lions’ den. Imagine having no record of Jesus opening blind eyes or Lazarus being raised from the dead. And most importantly, of Jesus Himself dying on the Cross and on the third day, being raised from the dead. Without the demonstrations of the glory of God, there is no awareness of God, and no hope! But the Bible IS filled with these examples because Jehovah is the God of power and might, and has given us His Spirit who enables us to release His power in and through our lives. Jesus gave that power to His Ekklesia with the promise that those who believe in Him would do the works He did, and even greater (John 14:12). This power and gifts of Holy Spirit weren’t given as a momentary gift or just for those in the early church. Read the book of Acts. There you will see many examples of God’s power which was for then, and for now.


A lack of knowledge of that power and its availability to the church - the Ekklesia - has caused many to be lulled to sleep by the sounds of a godless culture. Be aware: a movement has begun. There is a company of enlightened heirs who desire to be conduits of Holy Spirit. Awareness of our spiritual inheritance IS being awakened, and there is a reigniting of an uncompromised pursuit of its full activation. We are tired of living in unnecessary spiritual poverty. We desire to deepen our resolve and avail ourselves completely to the Lord to see His power fully released, flowing with an even greater intensity. With honor and in the fear of the Lord, we are determined to receive all that Holy Spirit has made available, and we will experience the fullness of God’s desires. We will see the billion-soul harvest come in. We will see bodies healed, minds delivered, and lives transformed by the love and power of God. We will experience and operate in His supernatural wisdom and imparted authority. We will see America saved! This is our time to carry the mantle, and we will allow the power and reality of Jesus to flow out from us, impacting the world. 


Pray with me:


Father, when we accept Jesus as Savior, we become Your heirs! We have an inheritance that is rich and powerful. Provoke within us a deeper revelation of who You are and who we are in You, so we may be conduits of Your power. Stretch forth Your hand through us, Jesus, with miracles, signs, and wonders, providing an undeniable evidence of Your love and power. We ask that Holy Spirit would come upon the unbeliever with fervency and clarity so they can see and encounter You. We cry out, “Show us Your glory, Lord!” Spearhead another sweeping move of Your Spirit throughout our nation and the nations of the world. Reap the harvest You desire, we pray. In the name of Jesus, Amen!




Our decree:


We declare that God’s redemptive movement has begun. We will be conduits of His desires and plans.


Click on the link below to watch the full video.




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