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Killing America * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 8/16/2024


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August 19, 2024


Today’s post is taken from Gene and Teri Bailey’s new book, Killing America, Turning the Tide on the Tsunami of Darkness. Rarely do I simply read a portion of a book on the GH15 posts. This one is an exception, because it conveys my heart. It is extremely rare to find a book that lays out the true condition of America, WITHOUT leaving the reader feeling defeated and hopeless. But if you watch Flashpoint Live, you know the Baileys believe America can and will be saved! And this book makes that case! Get it. Read it. And give a copy to a friend. 


Here is a portion of the opening chapter; tomorrow, I will share a portion regarding how we stop the killing. From the book:


Killing America


Our blessed America, the land of the free and home of the brave, the place of dreams and opportunities, of baseball, Chevrolet, and apple pie - the country we love - is being killed. When we say “killed,” we mean those behind this dark agenda will stop at nothing less than the absolute demise of America as we know it. This one nation, under God, raised up by God, founded on Judeo-Christian values as a bastion of light and a defender of the weak, is being murdered in cold blood…


America is not being assassinated with a quick bullet to the head, or even being overtaken suddenly by foreign militaries. Bombs aren’t being dropped, and missiles aren’t flying - not yet, anyway. Instead, it seems our country is suffering a slow, painful death by poisoning. What makes it even more deplorable is the ones who appear to be administering the toxic doses are from within our own ranks.


Over the years, it seems we’ve allowed subversion from the American ideal set by our founding fathers. For decades, we’ve ignorantly and numbly watched the gradual execution while occupied on our rabbit-eared TVs with fuzzy screens, which transitioned into Technicolor on our RCA TVs, and advanced on to high-definition, flat screens and smartphones. All the while we were eating our popcorn and cheering our favorite sports teams.


Sure, from time to time, we would get concerned, and have moments of uneasiness, but then we’d go back to being distracted and pacified by our toys and comforts. All the while, our freedoms were being stripped away, ever so subtly, as lethal ideologies were slowly injected into our culture.


Germaine Copeland, bestselling author of the Prayers That Avail Much book series with more than seven million copies sold, told us, “Over 50 years ago, I heard a former Communist youth leader outline the plan to take over our nation. She said they were already in important positions in the media, universities, government, etc. I may have been the only one who walked out that day believing her. Everyone I talked with, or attempted to tell, said it will never happen in America.”


Eventually, the deadly venom started taking its toll, to the point where it appears our Lady Liberty is now gasping from its cumulative effects. The closer she is to death, the weaker she becomes, and the more accelerated the damage. The forces against her saw an opportunity to finish her off and sent a tsunami of darkness to drown her in depravity. It’s a double whammy - a poisoning by deadly ideology, so far from the strength of our original biblical Judeo-Christian values, and drowning by a tsunami of its dark outgrowth.


This is where we find ourselves, in what appears to be the last stages: shallow breathing and possible signs of a death rattle is near. Meanwhile, the tide of darkness seems to be rising.


Make no mistake. The forces of darkness are not out to merely change America and make her over by implementing their own progressive agenda. They want America as we know it, destroyed, including your freedoms, so something entirely new and extremely dark can be ushered in.


Total control appears to be the goal. Logical dialogue is not in the playbook, so First Amendment rights seem to be heavily targeted. The old adage: "I respect your views and you respect mine," is not part of the agenda. "I allow you to be your own person, but I don't agree with you," is apparently not acceptable, either.


The key here is that often disagreement is labeled “hate speech.” It seems if we don’t affirm and celebrate others’ ungodliness, we’re guilty of hate speech. Labeling our freedoms as “hate speech” provides the moral license to marginalize and then tyrannize. Because we can’t be shut down with a logical argument, we will be shut down by belittling or laughing at us. Or, we may be screamed over so we can’t be heard, maybe even shoved, punched in the face, or knocked to the floor. Property is sometimes destroyed, and cities burned.


If we’re fortunate, we won’t be beaten, hospitalized, or possibly arrested. Yes, arrested, because the whole time, during the ordeal, there is an insistence that we need to be kind. We are blamed as the ones actually provoking the violence and bullying them because of our disagreement with their ideologies.


You and I are, in essence, being fed to the lions while our antagonists sit in the Colosseum cheering. In Roman times, thousands packed an arena to laugh and cheer while Christians were ripped apart and eaten by lions. The general public had been desensitized while Christians were dehumanized and deemed a threat to a pagan society. Humans are capable of doing horrible things. Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) says: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”


Today, if you are a patriot, a conservative, or want to see America turn back to her original foundation of Judeo-Christian values, you find yourself in the minority. If you love this country, you are considered by many a racist, bigot or even a hater worthy of being fed to the lions.


America is a God-given nation and her documents of freedom are based on biblical values. What we are affirming is America is a space for freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and to pursue life, liberty and happiness. It was founded on godly principles (that we will look at throughout this book).


Imagine where we will be in five years if we don’t make our voices heard and fight back.


They are killing America.


That is the bad news. The good news is, there is still hope. America is not dead yet!(1)




Pray with me:  


Father, we are like the Psalmist David, who in the midst of great adversity, declared his faith that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). The following verse tells us to “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Because our trust is in You and Your obvious will, we will not faint or grow weary in our prayers and efforts to see America saved. We have put our hand to the plow and will not turn back.


Many times throughout history, it looked as though it was over for Israel. But You had other plans, and demonstrated through them that Your mercies endure forever. You also proved that You can resurrect nations. We believe wholeheartedly that America shall be saved.


I ask You to release great favor on this book. Though it clearly reveals satan’s plans and diagnoses America’s condition, it just as clearly imparts faith and understanding of how we will change things. Thank you for Gene and Terri Bailey's faith and wisdom. Thank you for the voice You have given them. And thank you for their warrior hearts. 


And finally, I ask You to strengthen the prayer army across this nation and strengthen those on the front lines of seeing government, education, media, and every other segment of our culture restored. As they fight spiritually and labor for the turnaround of America, infuse Your wisdom, revelation, and strength into them. 

We ask all of this in Christ’s name. Amen. 

Our decree:


We decree that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 


Today’s post was taken from Gene and Terri Bailey’s book Killing America and used with permission. You can find the book and more about them at


Click on the link below to watch the full video.






  1. Gene and Terri Bailey, Killing America, (Shippensburg, PA: Harrison House Publishers), pp. 25, 28-3.

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