ronscarpa Posted August 9, 2024 Report Share Posted August 9, 2024 6 min read August 9, 2024 The Upcoming Healing Summit “One day Jesus was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting near who had come from every village of Galilee, Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing. And some men were carrying a man on a stretcher who was paralyzed, and they were trying to bring him in and set him down in front of Jesus. But when they did not find any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus. And seeing their faith, He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven you.’ The scribes and the Pharisees began thinking of the implications, saying, ‘Who is this man who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, except God alone?’ But Jesus, aware of their thoughts, responded and said to them, ‘Why are you thinking this way in your hearts? Which is easier, to say: “Your sins are forgiven you,” or to say, “Get up and walk”? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,’ He said to the man who was paralyzed, ‘I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher, and go home.’ And immediately he got up before them, and picked up what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God. And they were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God. They were also filled with fear, saying, ‘We have seen remarkable things today!’” (Luke 5:17-26 NASB) How can anyone not love this passage? The power of the Lord was present to heal. The Passion Translation says, “And the power of the Lord God surged through Him to instantly heal the sick.” There was a holy power surge occurring that day! Many prophetic leaders feel we are moving into a time of great signs and wonders throughout the earth. God’s healing power has never stopped flowing since the time of Christ, but history demonstrates that the release of “gifts of healing” and the “working of miracles” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) occurs more at some times than at others. My friend Greg Hood was given an important dream regarding healing and miracles back in 2021, which several other leaders and I have been praying into, waiting for the time of its fulfillment. We believe that time is upon us. There are many significant details in this amazing dream, far too many to include in this post. Here is a portion and summary of the dream: ”Several leaders with whom Greg and I associate, including my brother Tim, Clay Nash, and a prominent leader from another “stream” in the body of Christ, were in a boardroom waiting for an important meeting to begin. None of us knew what the upcoming meeting was about, only that we were instructed to attend. “The boardroom’s large glass doors opened, and Jesus entered with Gordon Lindsay, Charles Spurgeon, Kenneth Hagin, and my and Tim’s dad, Dean Sheets. Greg did not know my dad, not even his first name, but was given his name in the dream. These 4 men accompanying Jesus in the dream have all died and are in heaven. (In no way does this indicate that we are to try and communicate with the dead. Holy Spirit was simply using these men in a dream to symbolize some things.) Hagin, Lindsay, and my dad represented faith, healing, and miracles, having all been part of the healing movement of the 60s and 70s. Spurgeon, known as the “prince of preachers,” represented powerful, anointed preaching. “We all took seats around the table, the four men from the cloud of witnesses on one side, those of us alive today on the other, Jesus at the head. Kenneth Hagin said, ‘Let's start the transfer and merger. Is everyone ready?’ Those on our side of the table looked at one another as if to say, ‘What’s being transferred? What merger?’ “Gorden Lindsay smiled largely and said, ‘There is much that has been held back from your generation, but now it's time to release what we have, and what is yours, to you. It's your inheritance and your assignment!’ “Then, simultaneously, Gordon Lindsay and Kenneth Hagin slid papers across the table. Gordon Lindsay slid his papers to my friends and me, Kenneth Hagin slid his papers to the leader representing the other stream. Both papers were titled, ‘KINGDOM DECREE—TITLE DEED.’ “Written under this were several important phrases and passages of Scripture: Ekklesia mandate; Renewed foundation alignment; Reaping of nations; under this was Isaiah 9:1-7; Isaiah 22:22; Daniel 7:27; Revelation 11:15, and other verses; Harvest, signs, wonders, and miracles; under this was Mark 16:15-20, The Book of Acts, and other verses. “The documents had the signatures of many leaders from past movements, and we, to whom they were being given, had to sign them as well. In the dream, the former leaders present anointed us with oil and prayed for us. The documents were then sealed with Christ’s signet ring, after which He took them in His hands and breathed on them. They began to glow and were transformed into mantles for us to wear. Then Jesus said, ‘The clock has started. The angelic movement has begun; steward this well.’ “Christ and those from the cloud of witnesses vanished, and we were left alone.” End of dream. As I stated above, I, as well as others, believe it is time for the fulfillment of this dream; it is time for our generation to move into the next season of signs and wonders. This is why several leaders are jointly convening a Healing Summit at Tim’s church, The Oasis, on August 30, at 7:00 PM EST. (The event is already full; if you haven’t already registered, you’ll need to join us online.) This gathering is not only to ask for miracles of healing, but to ask for the inauguration of this new wave of signs and wonders in our generation. In no way is it to promote our ministries; we are asking for this outpouring to begin around the world. This is why we are encouraging churches, not only individuals, to gather and stream the event, joining us online. After we prophetically share what we feel God is saying, and then begin praying for people, we’re encouraging leaders and elders in the churches to do the same: pray for those present to receive healing. As of now, we have 260 host churches here in the U.S. and 9 from other nations participating. We believe miracles will occur throughout the earth! And gifts of the spirit will be released. Why should you join with us rather than just have your own service? We know that you do not need to join us to receive any anointing or to see miracles. However, we believe the agreement that takes place across our nation and nations will multiply power significantly. Consider joining us online either as a church, a small group, or individually. Pray with me: Father, I believe we are moving into another season of many miraculous healings. In this dream, You referred to it as our inheritance and our assignment. You also said this had been held back from our generation but it was time for the transfer and merger. This merging of the generations, our generation joining those who labored before us, will produce the synergy of the ages. Power will multiply as we together embrace this anointing of Christ and His assignment. We ask for gifts of healing and the working of miracles to be imparted throughout the entire world. We ask that these gifts flow not only through leaders and in churches, but through believers in general and in every setting. We ask for notable miracles, not only on August 30, but into the future. Heal the terminally ill. Give creative miracles to those who need them, including deliverances and emotional healings. Heal minds, break generational curses. The dream also said, “The clock has started. The angelic movement has begun. Steward this well.” We ask for Your wisdom and heart, enabling us to steward the movement well. Keep our hearts pure, wanting only to love people and glorify Jesus. And use this outpouring to bring millions of people to Christ. We ask for these things with Christ’s authority, because we do so in His name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the time has come for signs, wonders, and miracles. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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