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Let the Fire Burn * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 7/11/2024


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July 11, 2024


The Lord gave Gina Gholston two dreams that have to do with God relighting the fire of His presence in the church, preparing us for what He is about to do. As always, you’ll find Gina’s dreams.


Let the Fire Burn


Recently, the Lord reminded me of a dream I had in 2022, which I feel is important to revisit. I will only share a few highlights from the dream:


I was sitting next to a campfire with another minister. While stirring the embers around the edge of the fire with a long stick, he began to prophesy. “There’s a redemptive sound coming that will provoke a redemptive movement. Referring to this movement, he said, “It’s NOT a light thing! It’s weighty, and it will come forcefully. Hell has tried to stop it, but they won’t! They can’t!”



He then lifted a large rock above his head and dropped it into the middle of the fire, causing embers and sparks to fly out in every direction. Very emphatically, he said, “That is what the redemptive movement will be like once the sound is released. It will come hard and fast, and it will cause a response. There will be an instant breaking loose - a redemption. The Lord is going to redeem the Church, and He is going to redeem the nation!”




Among other things, the word redeem can mean, “to renew; to bring back to a former or original state.” I feel this dream describes what we are now beginning to experience. The “Rock,” Christ Jesus, is coming to reclaim what belongs to Him - His Church, and the nations His Father gave Him as an inheritance. The nations may rage, and there are those who plot vain things, but He Who sits in the heavens is releasing the “sound” of His laughter (Psalm 2). Jesus, our Rock and Redeemer, has come to produce a movement that will change everything!


Christ built the Church to be a strong representation of Himself, against which the gates of hell could not prevail. He made us to be a glorious Church, filled with and operating in the power of His Spirit. We are called to carry His fire and be clothed with His glory, to reveal His awesome might! Now, He’s bringing the Church back into alignment with His original intentions, renewing us to be those fiery “embers.” He will work through us to initiate revival, impacting America and the nations with His power and the reality of who He is!




I had another fascinating dream that speaks to this. It was long and detailed, so I will only share the ending: I was with a group of people that was being shown how the plan of God had moved through the generations. Each generation had assignments for their time, enabling the movement to continue into the future. Throughout the dream a lady accompanied us, explaining the details we were seeing.


At the end of the dream, the wind suddenly began to blow. Our guide became very excited and exclaimed, “The wind is blowing again! Hold out the embers you carry! Let them be reignited in the wind!”


The wind intensified. As could only happen in a dream, each of us reached inside ourselves and pulled out an ember. As we held our embers out in front of us, the wind began to reignite them. Each ember quickly became a blazing fire, hot in our hands, but still we held it! We were determined not to allow the flame to fall to the ground and be extinguished, knowing they were necessary for our generation’s part of the plan.


Then, seamstresses with measuring tapes began measuring each of us. I asked our guide the purpose of this and she replied, “You’re each being fitted for the garments you will wear in the coming days.” Then she said, “And your time…starts…NOW!”


It is time for our generation to fulfill our assignment on God’s great timeline. He is restoring and reigniting us to be the Church Jesus intends us to be, unlocking our purpose for this time.


The Lord once said to me, “I am awakening that which is in My Church! There are seeds of purpose I have placed in them that are necessary for this moment, but those seeds have been overshadowed by their emotions. It’s time for the seeds to mature and produce the fruit of My intended purposes!


There’s an unlocking anointing being released from the Light of My Glory! My Light will penetrate and remove the shadow being cast by those emotions, and this anointing will unlock My seeds of purpose! The unlocking of the seeds will relieve the pressure surrounding their minds. They will take deep breaths in My presence, feel My life and vitality rush into them, empowering them to run with the purpose I am unlocking!


We must receive this anointing. It will free us from confinements, allowing us to humbly and confidently walk with God in the fullness of His intentions for our lives. We each have an important purpose for the overall function of Christ’s Body. There are no big or little parts - every part matters to God! We don’t have to fully understand all of His plans, but we must do our part.


We are in a defining moment, a turning point, and God is calling the Ekklesia to deeper revelations and experiences with Him. This will equip us to be carriers of His fire and glory.


The wind is blowing again. Hold out your ember! The Lord has come to reignite in us what is necessary for this time. Allow His fire to burn, no matter the cost, so that with undeniable signs, wonders, and miracles He makes Himself known. The “redemptive movement” has begun; and though hell opposes it, this movement cannot be stopped!


Pray with me:


Father, though it may seem to some that there is no hope for the redemption of our nation, You still reign, and Your plan of the ages has not diminished. You have said that America shall be saved, and You have not altered Your intentions. Release the redemptive sound that will stir and awaken the Church, bringing us back into alignment with Your original plans. As You remove the shadow of “confining emotions,” we will be free to run with Your purposes. We step into the wind of Your Spirit, and by faith, hold out our embers to be reignited. Shine with the light of Your transforming glory, and impact our nation with the reality of Jesus! 


We continue to pray protection over our families and leaders. Protect Trump, Biden and their families from harm. Protect those in Congress, and the Supreme Court Justices. Thwart every plan to harm them. Expose terrorist cells in our nation and thwart their plans, as well. We ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Our decree:


The redemptive movement has begun, and hell cannot stop it!




Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston and portions were taken from her book Carry On. You can find out more about her at
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Reminded of the preserved record found at Matthew 13:36—Then after dismissing the crowds, he went into the house. His disciples came to him and said: “Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.” 37 In response he said: “The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man; 38 the field is the world. As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom, but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, 42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where they’re weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. 43 At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let the one who has ears listen.


Who will be collected out from the Kingdom, and how do they cause stumbling and do lawlessness? (Matt. 13:41) The weedlike clergy of Christendom have misled millions for centuries. They have done this by means of God-dishonoring teachings, “things that cause stumbling,” such as the doctrine of eternal punishment in hellfire and the confusing and mysterious Trinity. Many religious leaders have set a bad example for their flocks by their adulterous friendship with this world and in some cases by their flagrant immoral conduct. (Jas. 4:4) Additionally, Christendom has become increasingly tolerant of immorality among its members. (Read Jude 4.) Despite all of this, they continue to maintain an outward show of piety and godliness. The sons of the Kingdom are to be separated from such weedlike influences and corrupt teachings that cause stumbling..

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