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Blockades and Sieges * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 6/13/2024 - Results


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June 13, 2024


Blockades and Sieges

Yesterday, I gave an overview of the watchman concept of intercessory prayer. In doing so, I shared where the concept began in Scripture, three different Hebrew words that are used to reference watchmen, and several definitions of these words. There is another facet to this type of prayer, however, that I now want us to consider.

In 1988, I had the thought, which I knew was from Holy Spirit, “Study the watchman concept.”


I already know about watchmen, was my immediate thought. I had studied the subject, taught on it, and was very familiar with the concept. Yet, I had the immediate and strong impression that I was missing something. There was more.


I obeyed Holy Spirit’s prompting and, indeed, there was more to the subject than I had seen. I discovered that the watchman concept is not just defensive, protective prayer; there is also an offensive or aggressive aspect to it. I found that the Hebrew words for watchmen are also translated “to lay siege,”(1) “spy,”(2) and “ambush”(3 ), in order to conquer cities or people (see Judges 1:24; 2 Samuel 11:16; Isaiah 1:8; Jeremiah 4:17; Psalm 56:6; 71:10). The reason these words are used in this manner is because all of the actions involve watching.


When I saw this, I heard Holy Spirit say the following:


“I am about to release revelation to the praying church that will enable them to deliver individuals, cities, regions, and nations for Me. New strategies and concepts will emerge, discernment of satan's strongholds will be given, and sieges will begin that will eventually break his hold over people and places.


“This will be a broad work, with strategies and actions coming from many different ministries. I will give part of a plan to one person or ministry, while simultaneously imparting another part to others. At times, they will not even realize they’re part of a larger scheme. But I will orchestrate the efforts in order to lay sieges in the spirit realm, cutting off satan's ‘supply lines’ - iniquities that give him access; I’ll close his entry points and remove that which has enabled him to hold places in captivity. Through the watchman anointing, My intercessors will discern from Me and lay a prayer siege to cities and nations.”


In 1988 there was very little known and spoken of regarding prayer walking, prayer journeys, spiritual mapping, identificational repentance, reconciliation ceremonies between races and people groups, territorial spirits, etc. I am sure understanding of them existed in a few people’s thinking, but most of the body of Christ had never heard of them. And I am relatively certain that some of these concepts did not exist at all. At the time, I knew of only a couple of ministries that existed primarily for prayer purposes, and it was hard to find books and teachings on intercession.


Since then, however, literally millions of believers around the world have come to understand and embrace these and other aspects of prayer, learning to pray more effectively. The learning curve in the recent prayer movement has shot up exponentially. Dozens of prayer ministries have been launched, thousands of prayer groups have formed, and millions of believers are praying effectively. Dr. C. Peter Wagner, one of the leaders and fathers of this movement in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, once happily stated, “The prayer movement around the world is out of control.”


Certainly, we have not yet “arrived” in our understanding of prayer - there is more to learn - but we are moving forward at a rapid pace. And the understanding we have gained, generating all of this activity is part of the watchman anointing God released to the church at the end of the 1980s.


Currently, one of our great challenges is remaining cognizant of the fact that prayer sieges for cities and nations can take years, even decades, to accomplish their purposes. Perseverance is required. We must remember that the prayers released are being used to dismantle centuries-old, sometimes millennia-old strongholds of darkness. Also millions of hearts and minds - traditions, cultural paradigms, religious beliefs, including doctrines in the church - must be changed. Revivals and outpourings do not occur simply because God “finally decides” to send them; they occur when the actions of people and conditions in a region allow it. And those conditions are created through prayer. God waited for the “fullness of time” to send Jesus. (Galatians 4:4)


I am sharing this teaching to encourage believers here and around the world that your prayers are accomplishing much. They are absolutely shaping history. Blockades (another meaning of natsar, one of the Hebrew words for watchman) have now been placed in the spiritual realm against satan’s activities. Sieges are in place and accomplishing their purposes. Even the coming shaking, the discipline that will be a part of America’s salvation, has been generated through our prayers. This is all working together to produce history’s greatest harvest.




Pray with me:


Father, millions of people around the world are praying, asking You for an outpouring of Holy Spirit that will save a billion or more people. Thank You for orchestrating this amazing growth and revelation. We are asking You today to encourage and strengthen this great army. Some are in difficult places and circumstances; many are persecuted for their faith. Give them tenacious hearts that refuse to quit until they see the fruit they desire. May they have a deep assurance from You that their prayers will produce eternal life for many, many people.


We also ask You to increase the understanding of believers around the world to even greater levels. We want to be the “people who are willing in the day of Your power” (Psalm 110). Enable us to pray more effectively, to operate in Christ’s authority at higher levels, and release Holy Spirit’s power with greater force. Give us even wiser, more effective strategies for our regions and nations. May the prayer sieges become even more powerful, shutting off every supply line of satan’s kingdom.


Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Builder of the overcoming church, King over the nations, accomplish Your great plan. The Father “so loved the world” that He sent You; You so loved the world that You came. Now, in Your great love, pour out the former and latter rains simultaneously! Reap! Gather! Save! We ask all this in Your great name, Yeshua.


Our decree:


We decree that heaven’s blockade is in place, and satan’s supply lines in regions and nations are being cut off. His rule over them is ending.


Today’s post was taken in part from my books Watchman Prayer and Intercessory Prayer.


Click on the link below to watch the full video.







  1. Spiros Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - New Amerian Standard, rev. ed. (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1990), p. 1752.

  2. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990) ref. no.  6822.

  3. Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, p. 1787.

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