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1 hour ago, MyLadiesDaddy said:

Gonna be a very interesting week coming up for Silver and Gold. 




This won't turn into anything.

Just a show of force. 


It has  been allowed to happen. Who waits for an imminent attack to happen  unless  one knows they can minimalize it ?


It keeps everything from escalating  and allows Iran to saxe face. 

Monetarily  cheaper  and effective.

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So..... today I had a big revelation. I've been touting silver and gold for over 4 years. However, I was lead to believe that Precious metals had zero counter party risk. Especially when you hold it personally. 

This is NOT entirely true!!!!

When you purchase a PM you pay a hefty premium. That premium is based on the spot price. 


BUT when you attempt to sale PMs you are not going to receive the spot price. You're going to receive the "BID" price. Which is ALWAYS 30 cents below the spot price. Which essentially negates the so called spot price as irrelevant to the buyer. Because you will never pay it or sell at it. 


You may be wondering then, where is the counter party risk? Well it's hiding in the complete and immoral manipulation of the financial institutions. 

The dealers know that there are 6 of the largest financial institutions in America who are NEVER going to allow PMs ,especially silver, to rise above certain levels. 

Thus, it's next to impossible for the average investor to make a decent profit. If any profit at all. 


Therefore, the counter party risk is hidden in the quiet manipulation and the dealers pricing. 


Having said that you must be willing to hold your metals for the long haul. Or else you're just blowing currency. 

And there's always the small possibility that something will break and the BANKSTERS loose control. At which time Both Silver and Gold would reveal their true price discovery. 


Just for inflation from Silvers all time high of $50 dollars in 1980 the price would be north of $200 an ounce. 

So what could cause the BANKSTERS to lose control? WW3, an all out revolution,......



Of course that's not gonna happen because most people have been brainwashed to be sheep. 


So remember, if you want to buy PMs do so with extreme caution. 


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