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URGENT RREPORT: Calls For Iraq’s Accession To “BRICS”


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Here's an URGENT article of Dinarian interests...

Calls For Iraq’s Accession To “BRICS”

Parliament called on the government to submit a request to join the international BRICS group.

Treat as a rumor.  Not verified.  Your opine.


Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner:   Calls For Iraq’s Accession To “BRICS”

ARTICLE:  Al-Moussawi, a representative of the Sadiqoon Parliamentary Bloc, called on the government to SUBMIT a request to join the international BRICS group.  


Al-Moussawi said in a statement, “Part of the importance of the BRICS group is its possession of oil, wheat & widely used minerals such as iron, or rare metals used in technological industries.”  


She added, “Iraq’s accession to the BRICS group, similar to the accession of Arab & regional countries, comes due to its utmost importance for the Iraqi economy in getting rid of the dominance of the USD & liberating the country from Washington’s financial & trade restrictions.”  


She pointed out that “the BRICS group has become one of the most important economic Blocs in the world, due to the growth figures achieved by the countries of this Bloc over the years, which has made it the focus of attention of many other countries.”


It is noteworthy that the BRICS group & the countries currently under its banner, which are Russia, China, India, Brazil & South Africa, present themselves as an economic Bloc that seeks to break the dominance of the West over the global economy & many economists expect that it will be a symbol of the fastest growing economies in the world in the near future.  


BRICS is a global economic Bloc whose idea of establishment began in September 2006, when the 1st meeting of the foreign ministers of Brazil, Russia, India & China was held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.  This group has become one of the most important economic Blocs in the world, due to the growth figures it is achieving.   


The countries of this bloc over the years, as they aim to become a global economic power capable of competing with the Group of Seven “G7” (G7), which accounts for about 60% of global wealth.


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Here's another article related to the above...



Breitling:    The Need To Asset Back Iraqi Banks.

ARTICLE:  Warka Bank…what’s happening is the CBI has told Warka you guys need to come up with $500 million in assets…or 50 billion in Dinar.   Otherwise you’re going to get liquidated or merged with another bank…Your Dinar is covered.   It’s insured.   It has nothing to do with anything.   That’s what’s going on with Warka.


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Here's another article related to the above...CBI to exert tighter control on availability of the USD...



From Other Sources:   Economic Proposals To Reduce The Differences Between The Official & Parallel Dollar Price.   

ARTICLE: The researcher in economic affairs, Muhammad Al-Saadi, explained how to reduce the differences between the official Dollar ER & the one sold in the parallel market through government procedures & decisions.

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, that “there is a commission that exchange companies receive when buying and selling Dollars & it is assumed that there will be a commitment to the specified commission according to the CBI policies.”  


He added, “The competent authorities can reduce the demand for the Dollar by reducing money transfers & pushing for imports through documentary credits, so that the process of obtaining the Dollar at the official price takes place smoothly, away from any complications that push the merchant to resort to the black market.”  


And he indicated that “there are many options available to the government in order to reduce the withdrawal of the Dollar from the markets, especially the parallel one, impose control & monitor any cases of manipulation or speculation & support the Dinar in the local markets, as well as providing more facilities for merchants to push them towards registering on the electronic platform in order to obtain Dollars in order to import their goods. 



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Here's another article related to the above...the IQD is international...nations are buying Iraqi oil & paying in IQD...CBI cannot hide the true ER or have two different ER if it is international...IMHO...



WalkingStick:    CBI Is Hiding The true ER.

ARTICLE:  The ER numbers on the CBI website are not solid.   They’re optics at this time because the CBI does not have to show TRUE ER numbers until they go international.   Therefor 1132 is real, not 1320.   The official rate is 1132…


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