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After a long wait, the Ministry of Finance finally publishes the instructions for implementing the budget


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20 years of this foolishness and we're supposed to buy into this as if was '05 ? 

Their larcenous ways have been on display for a very long time. The Good Guys you could stash into a VW Beetle, the Bad Guys? Well how many passenger  buses does Iraq have first off: we'll begin there and see if Iran has a few buses to spare in case the number count goes sky high.



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The first  2023/07/31


 Baghdad: Haider Al-Athari 


Almost 50 days after approving the country’s budget for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, most government departments are still awaiting implementation instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance in light of a wide debate about the reasons for the delay. into force, but the departments are not able to act on its provisions, except after approving the implementation instructions by the Ministry of Finance.


Representative Mustafa Al-Karawi suggested, in an interview with Al-Sabah, that the current week would be a date for launching the budget implementation instructions by the Ministry of Finance, indicating that the articles Contested by the government, it will not affect the budget, but rather it was limited to some paragraphs that do not affect the entirety.


In turn, economist Nabil Al-Tamimi said in an interview with "Al-Sabah": The delay in issuing instructions for the current year's budget indicates the existence of a government failure represented by the Ministry of Finance.


Al-Tamimi criticized the delay in issuing these instructions, although they do not need major updates and changes, expressing his surprise that the Ministry of Finance did not benefit from the time during the preparation and discussion of the budget by Parliament.


Finance Minister Taif Sami had reported earlier that the ministry had intensified its efforts to expedite the issuance of procedures for reviewing the instructions for implementing the federal general budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 No. 13 of 2023, which was recently approved by Parliament.

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Criticism of the Ministry of Finance for the delay in issuing budget instructions

Baghdad - Nas  

Nearly 50 days after approving the country's budget for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, most government departments are still awaiting implementation instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance, in light of widespread controversy over the reasons for the delay.  


Despite the fact that the budget was published in the Al-Waqa’i newspaper after its approval and then its recent correction and entry into force, the departments are not able to act on its provisions, except after approval of the implementation instructions by the Ministry of Finance.  


Representative Mustafa Al-Karawi suggested that this week be a date for launching the instructions for implementing the budget by the Ministry of Finance, indicating that the articles challenged by the government will not affect the budget, but were limited to some paragraphs that do not affect the whole.  


For his part, economist Nabil Al-Tamimi said that the delay in issuing instructions for the current year's budget indicates the existence of government failure represented by the Ministry of Finance.  


Al-Tamimi criticized the delay in issuing these instructions, although they do not need major updates and changes, expressing his surprise that the Ministry of Finance did not benefit from the time during the preparation and discussion of the budget by Parliament.  


Finance Minister Taif Sami had reported earlier that the ministry had intensified its efforts to expedite the issuance of procedures for reviewing the instructions for implementing the federal general budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 No. 13 of 2023, which was recently approved by Parliament.  


"The Official Gazette"  

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The first  2023/08/01


 Baghdad: Shaima Rasheed

The Parliamentary Finance Committee called on the Ministries of Finance and Planning to issue instructions for budget items and release them without invoking some of the contested items, which are few and not major.

Committee member Mustafa Al-Karawi said, in an interview with “Al-Sabah”: “The delay in issuing budget instructions is incorrect, given that there is no real and legal justification for disabling the main expenditures related to employee compensation or the investment budget. It includes simple classes of society.

Al-Karawi added, "The Ministries of Finance and Planning are very late in issuing budget instructions after more than a month has passed since their issuance in the Official Gazette, and therefore the government must issue instructions as quickly as possible in order to proceed with the implementation of the budget items," calling for "leaving the arguments of the contested articles as they are Few and not major, and the government can proceed with the rest of the items clearly.”

He continued, "Until now, there is no real and realistic justification for delaying these instructions, and the government will be pressured to issue them by the Finance Committee."

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Parliamentary Finance: The delay in implementing the budget is worrying and unprecedented
{Local: Al Furat News} A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Faisal Al-Naili, said today, Tuesday, that the delay in issuing budget instructions is a matter of concern, and we hoped that these instructions would be issued if the budget was approved on June 12.

Al-Naeli said in a statement to {Euphrates News}, that "the Ministry of Finance has perceptions of all paragraphs of the budget, and that the rest of them are amendments or additions added by the House of Representatives, and that they are not difficult or complex materials that need approvals."


He added that the delay is accounted for by the Ministry of Finance, especially since previous years did not delay these instructions by more than 10 days after their approval.

It is noteworthy that, after nearly 51 days of approving Iraq's budget for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, most government departments are still awaiting implementation instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance in light of widespread controversy over the reasons for the delay.


Despite the fact that the budget was published in the Official Gazette after its approval, and then it was recently corrected and entered into force, the departments are not able to act on its provisions, except after approval of the implementation instructions by the Ministry of Finance.

Finance Minister Taif Sami had reported earlier that the ministry had intensified its efforts to expedite the issuance of procedures for reviewing the instructions for implementing the federal general budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 No. 13 of 2023, which was recently approved by Parliament.

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Parliamentary Finance: Routine procedures for two ministries contributed to delaying the implementation of the budget

2023-08-01 07:42

Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Yahya Al-Muhammadi revealed today, Tuesday, the existence of administrative and routine procedures from the Ministries of Finance and Planning that contributed to an "unintentional" delay in implementing the budget law, calling on the two ministries to expedite the completion of their work in this regard.


Al-Mohammadi told Shafaq News agency, "An unintentional delay in completing the instructions of the budget law by the Ministries of Finance and Planning contributed to the delay in implementing the budget law in ministries and state institutions."


Al-Muhammadi added, "We asked the Parliamentary Finance Committee from the two ministries to expedite the publication of the budget instructions," noting that "administrative and routine procedures delayed the implementation of the budget law, and there is no intention in that."


And the deputy added, "The Ministry of Finance will, in the coming days, publish the instructions of the budget law and send them to the ministries and state institutions."

And the Iraqi parliament voted, at dawn today, Monday, June 12, on the federal budget law for the years 2023, 2024, 2025, after discussions that lasted for five days.


The value of the current year budget is 197 trillion and 828 billion Iraqi dinars (about 152.2 billion dollars), with a total deficit of 63 trillion dinars (48.3 billion dollars), while the items of the 2023 and 2024 budgets have not been published.


On June 21, 2023, the President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, approved the Federal Public Finance Law.


Last July, the Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) issued a state order regarding some articles of the country's tripartite financial budget law.


The state order included suspending the implementation of the following articles (Article 28 / Fourth: A - B), (57 / First - C), (65 / Second), (70 / Second), (71) and (75) of Law No. ( 13) for the year 2023 (the federal general budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023 – 2024 – 2025) until a decision is made on the constitutional case filed before this court to challenge its constitutionality, registered in the number (153 / federal / 2023).


Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani had requested the issuance of a state order against Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi regarding the above articles, according to the statement issued by the Federal Court.


Sabhan Al-Mulla Jiyad, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, suggested last June that the government would challenge some of the budget articles.

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The Federal Council sets a date for considering the appeal against the articles of the Budget Law

policy |Today, 14:55 |



Baghdad today - Baghdad 

Today, Wednesday (August 2, 2023), the Federal Supreme Court set the date for considering the appeal against the articles of the Budget Law submitted by a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Raed Al-Maliki. 


And the court's media stated in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "the Federal Supreme Court has set a date for considering the appeal against the articles of the Budget Law submitted by a member of the Legal Committee, Raed Al-Maliki, in Case No. 154 of 2023."


He explained that it “set 7/8/2023 as a date for hearing the case,” noting that the case “is for the ruling to cancel Articles (2) first F14 e) and (2/second F5) and (15) and (40) first, second, third and fourth) and (42), (43), (46), (55), and (56) of the Federal General Budget Law No. (13) of 2023. 

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Parliamentary Finance announces the publication of budget implementation instructions in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqa'a at the beginning of the week

Baghdad /NinaA member of the Finance Committee, MP Mueen Al-Kazemi, announced that the publication of instructions for implementing the budget in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqa'a at the beginning of the week. MP Al-Kazemi said in a press statement: "The tripartite budget entered into force on Thursday, and that next Sunday or Monday will be published in the official newspaper (Al-Waqa'a) as a maximum."

He confirmed that the Ministry of Finance sent financial allocations to all ministries.
He pointed out that the new recruits from higher degrees, the first and the free lecturers will receive their dues retroactively from the date of commencement during the eighth month./ End 7
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3 hours ago, 6ly410 said:

Parliamentary Finance announces the publication of budget implementation instructions in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqa'a at the beginning of the week

Baghdad /NinaA member of the Finance Committee, MP Mueen Al-Kazemi, announced that the publication of instructions for implementing the budget in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqa'a at the beginning of the week. MP Al-Kazemi said in a press statement: "The tripartite budget entered into force on Thursday, and that next Sunday or Monday will be published in the official newspaper (Al-Waqa'a) as a maximum."

He confirmed that the Ministry of Finance sent financial allocations to all ministries.
He pointed out that the new recruits from higher degrees, the first and the free lecturers will receive their dues retroactively from the date of commencement during the eighth month./ End 7

This could be it. 

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Parliamentary Finance Committee: The budget will be implemented during the current week


10:47 - 2023-08-05


Today, Saturday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the federal budget law will enter into force during the current week, pointing out that the budget instructions will be circulated to all ministries.

Committee member Thamer Dhiban Al-Hamdani said in a press statement, "The general federal budget for the first time is sent to the State Shura Council in order to scrutinize its items," pointing out that "the budget will be implemented during the current week."

He added, "The budget instructions will be circulated to all ministries, agencies and governorates, and the government will proceed to achieve its items according to a service and economic vision."

He pointed out that "the regulatory authorities will start monitoring the mechanism for disbursing funds and projects according to a plan that had been prepared in advance to avoid wasting money."

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The first  2023/08/06


 Baghdad: Muhannad Abdel Wahhab 


The Ministry of Planning stated that the budget mechanisms will be issued this week, and that many lagging projects will see the light at the end of this year and the beginning of the next. And the Undersecretary of the Minister of Planning for Technical Affairs, Maher Johan, said, in an interview with "Al-Sabah", that "the budget did not linger and was not disrupted, but after the approval of the budget law In its final form and the corrections made to it by the House of Representatives and the government, we met during the past two weeks with officials of the ministries and governorates and developed quick plans to serve the implementation of projects.” The budget law, by finding a legal basis for issuing instructions that will be published in the Iraqi Gazette and issued at the end of this week as a maximum.


Johan pointed out that "the government program stresses the implementation of service projects that are quick to complete as soon as possible, so the largest part of the budget will be for the completion of strategic projects related to infrastructure, such as sanitation, health, education, and electricity projects," stressing that "these projects are not few." And if they are completed, they will achieve a qualitative leap in the service reality, and quite a few of these projects will see the light at the end of this year, but in the next year, work will continue to complete the lagging projects.


 Edited by: Wael Al-Malook

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Planning: Budget instructions issued this week and many projects will see the light of day
{Economic: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Planning announced that the mechanisms of the financial budget will be issued this week, and many lagging projects will see the light at the end of this year and the beginning of next year.

And the Undersecretary for Technical Affairs, Maher Johan, stated, in a press statement, that "the budget did not linger and was not disrupted, but after the approval of the budget law in its final form and the corrections that were made to it by the House of Representatives and the government, we met during the past two weeks officials of the ministries and governorates and developed quick plans to serve the implementation projects".

He explained, "We cannot finance projects in an advance manner, and we must finance according to what has been ratified and approved in the budget law, by finding a legal basis for issuing instructions that will be published in the Iraqi Gazette and issued at the end of this week as a maximum."

Johan pointed out that "the government program stresses the implementation of service projects that are quick to complete as soon as possible, so the bulk of the budget will be for the completion of strategic projects related to infrastructure, such as sanitation, health, education, and electricity projects," stressing that "these projects are not few."


And if they are completed, they will achieve a qualitative leap in the service reality, and quite a few of these projects will see the light at the end of this year, but in the next year, work will continue to complete the lagging projects.

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The Minister of Labor confirms: This week is the date to start implementing the instructions of the financial budget

2023-08-06 08:37

Shafaq News/ The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Ahmed Al-Asadi announced, on Sunday, that the current week will witness the ministries receiving instructions for implementing the federal budget for the year 2023.


Al-Asadi told Shafaq News agency reporter, on the sidelines of a press conference to announce the "Iraq Charitable Lotto" project, "The delay in issuing instructions for implementing the general budget law was caused by sending the instructions to the State Council, and in turn, the Council completed its audit last week and sent it to the Ministry of Finance."


He added, "The Ministry of Finance will, during this week, send budget instructions to ministries and state departments."


And last Tuesday, the first of August, the State Council announced in a brief statement received by Shafaq News agency; The process of auditing the instructions for implementing the Budget Law for the years 2023-2024-2025 No. 13 of 2023 took place in the presence of the Minister of Finance, the Ministry of Planning, and the relevant authorities, for the purpose of facilitating the procedures for implementing the aforementioned law.


On Monday (June 12), the Iraqi parliament voted on the federal budget law for the years 2023-2024-2025, after discussions that lasted for five days.


The value of the current year budget is 197 trillion and 828 billion Iraqi dinars (about 152.2 billion dollars), with a total deficit of 63 trillion dinars (48.3 billion dollars), while the items of the 2023 and 2024 budgets have not been published.

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