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Wednesday Afternoon Opinions @ 4:45 PM MDT - 5/03/2023


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when.  They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... Especially if it comes from Bruce or Mark...:twothumbs: RON  

Pimpy  There's really not a whole lot going on in Iraq. We keep monitoring it. We're really just waiting for the budget to pass. Once it passes I'm curious to see what happens as far as their GDP is concerned and the growth economically...


Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They are saying within a few weeks the street rate will be the same as the official rate...Street rate already getting at like 1390 and the official is 1310. FRANK: Yes the CBI is shooting for 1310/1320 to be parallel with...Once they reach that next level you will see a drop even more, probably at 1100 or 1000.  Remember they told you very clearly, it's a gradual increase for the dinar and a gradual decrease for the American dollar to the point where it is no longer used in your country because you are about to have a new national currency with a new exchange rate and coins in order to be able to give change back.


MarkZ From Iraq: Article: “Iraqi dinar gains ground as US dollar exchange rate drops”  The dinar continues to gain strength and the dollar continues to lose strength in their local marketsNot according to what the news agencies are reporting. The USD is increasing.


Militia Man  [Financial Inclusion]  This is all about what Finance, Banking and Trade.  That's what they're telling us so ultimately the whole situation that we're up against in the next couple of days and this week has been and will be about training for the government officials, member countries...Institute for training and capacity building that's their goal...


And NOW for some Outrageous claims by :jester: Bruce...:bs:



 Bruce  This is this is probably the strongest Intel I think I've ever had in 12 years. So let's go for it. where do we stand with Iraq...They have a new rate, they have had a new rate. They've been doing exchanges inside Iraq for at least I think three weeks now. :trash: They are going to publish their new Iraqi dinar rate in their Gazette...They may have already done it on the online version...when they put that rate out for all to see, even us, United States...that means it's a go for Iraq...that rate  may show up on forex and they'll be trading on the Forex with their new international rate. :violin:.... :bs:




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