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Iraq To Complete Requirements To Enter The WTO.


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here's an article from Dinarland...

Iraq's requirements to enter into WTO.

Treat as a rumor.  Not verified.  Your opine.




ARTICLE: Government Movement To Complete The Requirements For Accession To The WTO.

On Wednesday, It was revealed, the Minister of Commerce detailed it's plan to complete the requirements for Iraq's accession of the WTO.

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here's another article related to thew above...starving Iraqis take to the streets in protests...


Frank26  via  Boots on the Ground  via Firefly:

ARTICLE:  Protesters outside of CBI demanding the Dollar go down & strengthens against the Dinar.  Protesters grow from 20 to over 100 & now security forces are called up & are standing-by.  The CBI Governor knows he can be fired at any moment.

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4 hours ago, Luigi1 said:


here's an article from Dinarland...

Iraq's requirements to enter into WTO.

Treat as a rumor.  Not verified.  Your opine.




ARTICLE: Government Movement To Complete The Requirements For Accession To The WTO.

On Wednesday, It was revealed, the Minister of Commerce detailed it's plan to complete the requirements for Iraq's accession of the WTO.

If my memory serves me correct Iraq CANNOT become part of the WTO with their currency currently at 1/10 of a penny! It’s been awhile and hopefully not guru nonsense but I am pretty sure their currency must be international and I could of swore it had to be on par with the US dollar so around $1.00 range? I am trying to remember this from many many years ago when this came up though!

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48 minutes ago, Dinarrock said:

If my memory serves me correct Iraq CANNOT become part of the WTO with their currency currently at 1/10 of a penny! It’s been awhile and hopefully not guru nonsense but I am pretty sure their currency must be international and I could of swore it had to be on par with the US dollar so around $1.00 range? I am trying to remember this from many many years ago when this came up though!


You are correct.  The problem is Iraq can't advance while still on a program rate.

Also keep in mind the SK Won is roughly about the same ER.

The only difference is SK is not on a program rate.

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12 hours ago, Luigi1 said:

here's another article related to thew above...starving Iraqis take to the streets in protests...


Frank26  via  Boots on the Ground  via Firefly:

ARTICLE:  Protesters outside of CBI demanding the Dollar go down & strengthens against the Dinar.  Protesters grow from 20 to over 100 & now security forces are called up & are standing-by.  The CBI Governor knows he can be fired at any moment.

There are no protesters outside the CBI! Period! The Iraqi’s are using our US dollar’s just like we do here in the states and Mexico! The CBI Governor knows he will not be fired under any circumstances! We are still in our window of opportunity, as  the 1st week has come and gone. I might remind everyone that Thursday’s in Iraq, is like our Friday. I’m sure everyone remembers they work on a Sunday to Thursday week. Friday and Saturday are dead days there! I’m going to keep an open mind as to the going ons there, in Iraq,  These poo-roo gurus are completely full of $h!+ ! This is just my opinion but I really think these people (poo-roo’s), get off on stirring people up and playing games with peoples minds and emotions! They are evil sadistic people! Keep grounded and hope for the best as we move through this 1st quarter! JMHO! 🤠

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37 minutes ago, Artitech said:

There are no protesters outside the CBI! Period! The Iraqi’s are using our US dollar’s just like we do here in the states and Mexico! The CBI Governor knows he will not be fired under any circumstances! We are still in our window of opportunity, as  the 1st week has come and gone. I might remind everyone that Thursday’s in Iraq, is like our Friday. I’m sure everyone remembers they work on a Sunday to Thursday week. Friday and Saturday are dead days there! I’m going to keep an open mind as to the going ons there, in Iraq,  These poo-roo gurus are completely full of $h!+ ! This is just my opinion but I really think these people (poo-roo’s), get off on stirring people up and playing games with peoples minds and emotions! They are evil sadistic people! Keep grounded and hope for the best as we move through this 1st quarter! JMHO! 🤠

Artitech is absolutely correct. Years ago my Iraqi friends said they would use Dinar to play for small items and USD to pay for expensive items. They don’t care about weather the IQD has the same purchasing power as the dollar, they just use the dollar..

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2 hours ago, WheresmyRV? said:

Isn't Vietnam a member of the WTO and yet they have a low valued currency?

This is exactly what I was going to bring up when I read the headline.  But haven't we 'been told' that Vietnam is an 'observing' member?  But of course, people will just start making it better by saying, 'well, Vietnam isn't an oil rich country' 'vietnam doesn't have all the natural resources as iraq does'.....yada yada yada.  Anything to keep this hope alive I guess?

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52 minutes ago, rvmydinar said:

Are you really really 100% sure if Iraq get off of the program rate , Iraq can rv the IQD??


The program rate was installed to prevent Sadam Hussein from cashing in on the war.

It has outlived it's usefulness & yes, it's time to get off the program rate. 

The program rate will hold back the foreign investors from coming in.  IHHO.

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19 hours ago, Luigi1 said:


The program rate was installed to prevent Sadam Hussein from cashing in on the war.

It has outlived it's usefulness & yes, it's time to get off the program rate. 

The program rate will hold back the foreign investors from coming in.  IHHO.

Again , we can only hope.

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4 hours ago, WheresmyRV? said:

Kinda makes ya wonder who is holding them at the program rate?  Is it the CBI or is it the UN, World Bank, Rothchilds and or the UST. 


I believe it's the UST holding up the show. 

Not because the US is anti RV-RI but rather to hold accountability over Iraq corruption, money laundering & to prevent Iran stealing it's wealth.  IMHO.

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We are being told that there is one trillion IQD out there. This does not reflect the virtual number of notes printed in Switzerland and paid for by the US . If this number is the value of outstanding IQD , the value would be $100,000,000 ,000 USD.  Relatively speaking , this is not a huge amount , and there are some individuals holding that amount of money , Musk , Bezos , Gates , Buffet  among others  have that kind of money.. The outstanding IQD  does not appear to me to be a serious  impediment stalling the ri/rv.  When the US Treasury releases the gold heisted out of Iraq , minus the cost of the war borne by the US  and back into Iraq , we will see the IQD explode . 

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5 minutes ago, dinarham said:

We are being told that there is one trillion IQD out there. This does not reflect the virtual number of notes printed in Switzerland and paid for by the US . If this number is the value of outstanding IQD , the value would be $100,000,000 ,000 USD.  Relatively speaking , this is not a huge amount , and there are some individuals holding that amount of money , Musk , Bezos , Gates , Buffet  among others  have that kind of money.. The outstanding IQD  does not appear to me to be a serious  impediment stalling the ri/rv.  When the US Treasury releases the gold heisted out of Iraq , minus the cost of the war borne by the US  and back into Iraq , we will see the IQD explode . 


There was over 70 Trillion IQD out there at one time.

That would be over 70 quadrillion IQD at RV 1 to 1.

Iraq can't even afford to come out at .10 cents.

Iraq can handle a RV at .01 cent...that's still a 10X profit.

This is why there can't be a RV at this time, either until the note count is reduced to a manageable level or settle for a lower RV rate. 

Do the math.  IMHO.

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34 minutes ago, dinarham said:

The number of IQD notes , or IQD value ? Luigi , are you turning into the anti - guru ?


I have no stinking Gurus...I dont' have to show you any stinking Gurus...I don't need any stinking Gurus...


Who needs the Gurus?

We are our own Gurus.

We know just as much, if not more.

'Intel are us'

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