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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Saturday Midnight Opinions MDT - 4/02/2022


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Remember, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... :twothumbs:RON 



*** MilitiaMan  Article: "Parliamentary proposal to speed up the approval of the budget"  I am liking this one. It is implying there is urgency and a need to see the budget through. The political stalemate is not helping anyone or anything. There has been passed precedent for the budget to be sorted now and that later if need be the budget can be amended. There should be no big problem. So, lets see if there is a budget submitted prior too the 04/06/2022 time frame for the Presidency. Sure will be in interesting time for all to come together.


*** Pimpy  Things that influence the exchange rate of the currency, whether or not you have a stable government is one of them.  As you can clearly see they can't even get one established.  That's not good at all.  You're not going to see any type of exchange rate change happen until the government is put into place, they start doing their job, they start increasing the private sector getting people back to work...all these things play a factor in the exchange rate process and value - Not just 'oh they got a lot of oil.'  It doesn't work that way...




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