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This Latest Just In...CBI Article: LD Are Out.


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Luigi says...

Let's hope this article is truth.

Happy Easter...Dinarians. Go RV.



1 April 2018  KTFA...

BelfastGurl:  Thank you Delta for sharing the LD article. It's such a God thing you found it before they took it down. (IMO) We are on such an exciting journey and it is getting better every day! 
Freemanna:  Maybe the CBI puts the article up so the mosques can all pull from one source as they educate and then its removed?
How many times have we heard, “If it’s in print, then .....”(It’s Already Happened)
Doing the Happy Hallelujah Dance!
Thank you Delta, Walkingstick & Frank!
Dreamer13:  The article that Delta posted ,that the cbi put up and then took down, could be educating Citizens,or could it be that they are showing those who are watching they are using Dr. Shab's plan and to show the LL what is coming at lightening speed?
Don961:  An oldie but goody from Abadi's Adviser , The Appearance Mr. Saleh .... in his days as Deputy Governor of the CBI ... 5 years ago .... under Dr. Shabibi ... shortly before Abadi took office ... think his/these ideas/plans have changed ? ... or were they delayed due to extenuating circumstances ? ... perhaps they've even evolved and improved ... imo 
Frank26:  EXACTLY !!! 


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here's another article related to the above....




3/31/2018  KTFA:

Jody’sAngel:  Come on CBI tell us more......we need 2nd Article complete....
Connie:  Holy Smokes, Delta!!  Awesome news!!  "And the beat goes on...."Pretty soon...."Celebrate Good Times.. Come On"!!! 
Lender:  I HOPE that means what I think it means....
Frank26:  OH NO YOUUUUUUUU DID' ENT ................. WOW !!!    CBI .............. DELTA AND I SAY................ PULL THE DOG ON TRIGGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greenclan:  DELTA.........thank you............IF that came out today.   THEY HAVE COMPLETED EVERYTHING.......RATE SHOWN SUNDAY and BUDGET SHOWN MONDAY......>>WOWWWWWWW    imo
Jdufal1:  Does that just mean they're 2% compliant per IMF 
DELTA: YEP.......PAST TENSE ....SUCCEEDED.......(wink-Big Grin)

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Here is the article delta was talking about that was on the cbi but got removed

تفاصيل و معالم كافة فئات العملة العراقية الجديدة بعد حذف الأصفار
Details and features of all categories of the new Iraqi currency after the deletion of zeros
قرر البنك المركزي اعتماد بعض المعالم والصور المقرر وضعها على العملة الجديد بعد حذف الاصفار.. وحصلت وكالة / دنانير/ على نسخة من كتاب البنك المركزي الذي تضمن المعالم الحضارية والتاريخية والصور المقرر وضعها على العملة ذات المدلولات القريبة إلى ذهنية الجمهور العراقي وثقافته..
وحسب الكتاب : تضمنت العملة الورقية جملة من المعالم والصور اهمها ، وضع صورة لجسر الائمة وما يحمله من دلاله عالية القيمة اذا يصل هذا الجسر بين جانبي نهر دجلة وعلى طرفيه مراقدي الامامين موسى الكاظم(ع) وابو حنيفة النعمان(رض) .. واوضح كتاب البنك المعنون الى المديرية العامة للاصدار والخزائن : ان هذه الصورة خصصت لأعلى فئة من العملة الجديدة وهي فئة (200) دينار مئتي دينار وعلى ظهر هذه الورقة وضعت صورة المدرسة المستنصرية في بغداد..

واضاف البنك المركزي : وضعت على وجه فئة (100) دينار مائة دينار ،صور لمنطقة الزوية في بغداد وهي من المناطق العريقة التي انشيء فيها الجسر المعلق وهو احد انجازات الدولة العراقية .. ويعتبر العراق احد الدول الرائدة في انشاء هذا النوع من الجسور ويظهر في الصورة مبنى البنك المركزي العراقي ،اضافة الى مبنى جامعة بغداد وهي اعرق مؤسسة علمية في العراق في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين ، فيما وضعت على ظهر الورقة صورة (الزقورة) وهي احدى معالم العمران العراقي في فجر التاريخ..

وجاء في كتاب البنك المركزي : وضعت على وجه الورقة من فئة (50) دينار (خمسون دينار ) صورة الملك كوديا احد اشهر ملوك سلالة لكش الثانية (الملك الثاني عشر ) وهو اله النماء والخصب ، اما ظهر الورقة فقد تضمنت صورة لحصن الاخيضر وهو حصن اثري يعود تاريخ بناءه للحقبة العباسية ومن الحصون الدفاعية الفريدة في منطقة مقفرة كالتي شيد فيها ويقع هذا الحصن الى الجنوب الغربي من مدينة كربلاء..

وذكر البنك المركزي : ان في وجه الورقة النقدية من فئة (25)دينار (خمسة وعشرون دينار) وضعت ، صورة الملك حمورابي وهو يتسلم الشريعة .. ويعد هذا الملك الاب الروحي للتشريع الانساني اذ في عهده كتبت القواعد المنظمة للحياة والمعاملات في مسلته المشهورة اما ظهر الورقة فقد تضمنت صورة لفلاحة من كوردستان العراق تساهم مع الرجال في اعداد الحقل للزراعة..

وتابع البنك المركزي : وضع على وجه الورقة النقدية من فئة (10) دينار (عشرة دنانير) ، صورة الدينار العربي الاسلامي ويمثل هذا الدينار الذي سك في عهد الدولة الاموية بداية تداول النقود في الدولة الاسلامية التي تضرب داخل الدولة واحد معالم الدولة وسيادتها واستقلالها الاقتصادي ، اما ظهر الورقة فقد وضعت عليه صورة المنارة الحدباء في الموصل وهي احدى المعالم العمرانية المتميزة في عراقنا العزيز..

اما فئة (5)دينار (خمسة دنانير) فقد وضع على وجه ورقتها صورة شلال كلي علي بيك في كوردستان العراق ،وهي اشارة الى اهتمام الدولة بالمياه ومنابعها اضافة الى الاهتمام بالسياحة والبيئة اما ظهر الورقة فقد وضعت عليه صورة لنخيل العراق وهي علامة وخاصية لكل ارض السواد من جنوب العراق الى شماله ولتخليد (عمتنا النخلة ) ، كما قال المصطفى (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وقال البنك المركزي في كتابة : إنسجاما مع افضل التطبيقات والتجارب العالمية ،قرر إيقاف المعالم الاساسية للاوراق النقدية من فئات(25000،10000،5000)دينار للمتدولة حاليا كما هي في السلسة الجديدة(25،10،5)دينار ليتسنى للجمهور الألف معها كما انطبعت في ذاكرته.

واشار البنك الى انه حرص على اختيار تصاميم للعملات المعدنية تتسم بعمومية وشمولية الدلالة ،ولها تأثير إيجابي في كل أبناء الشعب العراقي ، حيث وضع على اوجه العملات المعدنية خارطة العراق ويبرز فيها نهري دجلة والفرات،ويتوسط الخارطة مساحة دائرية لتثبيت فئة العملة المعدينة ،اما الجانب الآخر من العملات المعدنية فقد تضمنت :

اولا فئة (2)دينار ،صورة لـ(دير مار متي) ،وهو موقع تاريخي وروحي يقع في شمال العراق،ويتخذه العراقيون من مختلف طوائفهم وأديانهم مزاراً للتبرك والسياحة.

فيما تضمنت فئة (1)دينار صورة مستوحات من واقعة تهجير الكورد الفيليين اعدت تصميمه وزارة الثقافة.

وقد وضع على فئة (500)فلس صورة لسد حديثة على نهر الفرات ،وكان القصد منه إبراز أهمية المياه ووسائل خزنها وتنظيمها في العراق ،

وعلى فئة (250)فلس وضع صور لسد الكوت على نهر دجلة ،لذات القصد ،

كما وضع على فئة (100)فلس ،صورة لأسد بابل رمز القوة والعنفوان للأمة العراقية.

ووضع على فئة (50)فلس صورة للنخيل،رمز بلاد الرافدين.

وعلى فئة (25)فلس وضعت صورة لبوابة عشتار تخليداً لعظماء العراقيين.

000041medium_gifDELTA The Central Bank decided to adopt some of the features and images to be placed on the new currency after the deletion of zeroes .. The agency received a copy of a copy of the book of the Central Bank, which included cultural and historical landmarks and images to be placed on the currency of the implications of the near to the mind of the Iraqi public and culture.

According to the book: The paper currency included a number of monuments and pictures, the most important of which is a picture of the bridge of the imams and the significance it carries of high value if the bridge reaches between the two sides of the Tigris River and on both sides the observers of Imam Musa al-Kadhim and Abu Hanifa al-Nu'man. Entitled: General Directorate of Issuance and Safes: This picture was allocated to the highest category of the new currency, the category (200) dinars, two hundred dinars and on the back of this paper put the picture of the Mustansiriya school in Baghdad .

The Central Bank: put on the face of the category (100) dinars, one hundred dinars, pictures of the area of Zawiya in Baghdad, one of the ancient areas where the bridge was built suspending one of the achievements of the Iraqi state .. Iraq is one of the leading countries in the establishment of this type of bridges and appears in the picture The building of the Central Bank of Iraq, in addition to the building of the University of Baghdad, which is the oldest scientific institution in Iraq in the second half of the twentieth century, while on the back of the paper picture (Zaqora), one of the features of Iraqi architecture at the dawn of history

According to the Central Bank's book, 50 dinars (50 dinars) were placed on the face of the paper. The picture of King Kudia was one of the most famous kings of the second line of Kish (the twelfth king), the god of growth and fertility. The history of its construction dates back to the Abbasid period and the unique defensive fortresses in a desolate area such as the one constructed there. This fort is located to the southwest of Karbala.

The central bank said that in the face of the banknote of the category of 25 dinars (25 dinars), the picture of King Hammurabi was adopted and he received the law. This king is the spiritual father of human legislation. In his reign he wrote the rules governing life and transactions in his famous prayer, The paper included a picture of agriculture from Kurdistan, Iraq, contributing with men in preparing the field for agriculture ..

The dinar, which was minted in the era of the Umayyad state, began the circulation of money in the Islamic state that strikes within the state and one of the features of the state and its sovereignty and economic independence, As for the back of the paper, it has been shown the image of the humpback lighthouse in Mosul, which is one of the distinguished urban landmarks in our dear Iraq.

In the category of (5) dinars (five dinars) has placed on the face of her paper a picture of a total waterfall on the Iraqi Kurdistan, a reference to the interest of the state water and its sources in addition to interest in tourism and the environment either the back of the paper has been placed a picture of Nakheel Iraq is a sign and property for each land The central bank said in writing: In line with the best applications and global experiences, decided to stop the basic features of banknotes of the categories (25000,10000,5000) dinars Currently in circulation in the new series (25.10.5) dinars for the public A thousand with it as it was imprinted in his memory.

The Bank pointed out that it is keen to choose designs for coins that are general and comprehensive and have a positive impact on all the Iraqi people. The coins are shown on the map of Iraq and highlight the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The map shows circular space to stabilize the coin coin category. Of the coins included:

First, a category (2) dinars, a picture of Deir Matar, a historical and spiritual site located in northern Iraq. The Iraqis of all sects and religions take a place of tourism and tourism.

While the category (1) dinars picture taken from the fact that the displacement of the Faily Kurds was designed by the Ministry of Culture.

It was placed on the category (500) fils picture of a modern dam on the Euphrates River, and was intended to highlight the importance of water and storage and organization in Iraq,

In the category of (250) fils put pictures of the dam on the Tigris River, for the same purpose,

He also placed on the category of 100 fils, a picture of the Lion of Babylon symbol of strength and violence of the Iraqi nation.

And placed on the category (50) fils image of palm, the symbol of Mesopotamia.

In the category of (25) fils and put a picture of the Ishtar gate to commemorate the great Iraqis

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What if the Foxx got it from Delta? The original article is from 2012. I posted it already somewhere on this forum I think in the news section and Delta said he saw it right before the CBI took it down yesterday soooo unless it was a recent article from the CBI with proof I am still sceptical. I'm hoping for good news soon though. :)

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Just now, Rmc10 said:

What if the Foxx got it from Delta? The original article is from 2012. I posted it already somewhere on this forum I think in the news section and Delta said he saw it right before the CBI took it down yesterday soooo unless it was a recent article from the CBI with proof I am still sceptical. I'm hoping for good news soon though. :)

He claims to have seen it from the cbi - I have spoken to him quite a lot and he is an alright good person. I will confirm in a couple of days when I have the time 

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12 minutes ago, Rmc10 said:

What if the Foxx got it from Delta? The original article is from 2012. I posted it already somewhere on this forum I think in the news section and Delta said he saw it right before the CBI took it down yesterday soooo unless it was a recent article from the CBI with proof I am still sceptical. I'm hoping for good news soon though. :)

Rmc.  I remember this or similar from several years ago that even had pics of the notes. I at one time asked Master Yota if he could find it, but he didn't reply. I'm afraid you're right. This is old.

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8 minutes ago, Integrativedoc said:

Rmc.  I remember this or similar from several years ago that even had pics of the notes.


Doc, I agree. This was posted several years ago. It's basically a description of new LD designs, nothing more. It's nothing new. The design and printing of currency, especially IQD with extreme security features, doesn't happen overnight. The Kurds were even consulted, as I recall, so new bills would include their language and possibly English. Which makes sense if these bills are used for out of country payments. When I see a photo from Iraq of citizen holding up LD, then I will get excited. But....they seem to be moving ahead. All good.


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1 hour ago, King Bean said:


Doc, I agree. This was posted several years ago. It's basically a description of new LD designs, nothing more. It's nothing new. The design and printing of currency, especially IQD with extreme security features, doesn't happen overnight. The Kurds were even consulted, as I recall, so new bills would include their language and possibly English. Which makes sense if these bills are used for out of country payments. When I see a photo from Iraq of citizen holding up LD, then I will get excited. But....they seem to be moving ahead. All good.


They sure are making progress. i just wish we could tell how much is still in circulation in order to estimate what their currency could support.

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55 minutes ago, WolfRanch said:

Am curious, does anyone know when the Iraqi Gazette is published?  And maybe if they publish everyday or just a few days a week?  Thanx much.  



Normally, Wednesdays & Saturdays are publication days.

If the Gazette comes out on Monday, it will be a rare special edition.

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This may be the Iraqi Gazette we are looking for:


Here is a blurb to suggest it is the one we are looking for (may or may not be the case):


Here is a link to their facebook:

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13 minutes ago, Synopsis said:

This may be the Iraqi Gazette we are looking for:


Here is a blurb to suggest it is the one we are looking for (may or may not be the case):


Here is a link to their facebook:

Thank you syn

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The Iraq News Gazette link I posted the fourth post above appears to be a day late. The newest articles in the bulk of the page is April 1. So, we may have to wait until tomorrow to see any news about the 2018 Budget in the Gazette - if this is the actual Gazette the official budget needs to be published officially.


In The Mean Time...................................


Go Moola Nova (YEAH, BABY!!!)!!!


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